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Tittle : Effectiveness of DeepL AI in Students Learning Process of

Writting and Language

Introduction :
DeepL is an automated translation service that uses artificial intelligence. It
utilizes artificial neural networks to provide more natural and accurate translations
of text between different languages. DeepL is well known for its ability to produce
more fluent and contextualized translations compared to some other automatic
translation solutions. The service can be used through the official website DeepL
or through its integration in several other apps and platforms.
DeepL focuses more on the writing and understanding aspects of language.
The training process involving English text data and translations helps the model to
better understand sentence structure, word meaning and context. Therefore, the
main skills trained by DeepL are more related to the ability to write and understand
texts in English.
Although not directly trained for reading or listening, the ability to
understand and respond to written text can provide benefits in the context of
understanding the content read or listened to by the user.
Contributor’s name : Mila Oktalia Singhan
Contributor’s current email :
Level : Teen / Student of Senior High School
Ages suitable for activity : 18 – 25 years old
Aims :
 Develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills for new
 Improves students' understanding of the subject matter.
 Provides instant feedback to students.
Class time : 60 minutes
Resources needed : Mobile Phone
Procedures :
 Pre-while Reflection Activity :
Before using the DeepL app, conduct a pre-reflection activity to help students
understand the purpose of using the app and motivate them. Discuss the following
questions :
1. What do you know about online language translation ?
2. Have you ever used a translation app before ? If so, what was your experience ?
3.What is your purpose for using DeepL today ?
4. How can this app help your learning process ?
Steps to Use the DeepL App :
1. Open the App:
Open the DeepL app on your device.
2. Select Language:
Specify the source language and target language. For example, Indonesian source
language and English target language.
3. Enter Text:
Type or copy the text you want to translate into the fields provided.
4. Wait for Processing:
Wait for the app to complete the translation process.
5. Check Translation:
Check the translation result and compare it with the original text. Is there any part
that is not clear?
 While-Reflection Activity :
As students use the app, ask them to record their experiences and reflections during
the process. Provide questions to guide reflection while using the app:
1. How did you feel while using the app DeepL?
2. Did the translation result match what you expected?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this app in your opinion?
4. How can this app help improve your translation skills ?

 Post- while Reflection Activity:

After using the app, conduct a post-use reflection activity to summarize students'
experience and understanding:
1. Discuss the students' translations as a class.
2. Ask general reflection questions, such as what students learned from this
3. Discuss how this application can be used wisely in a learning context.
4. Ask students to write down one new thing they learned or one question they still
have about using translation apps.
Example OF DeepL :

DeepL AI Version Student’s Version

💐 Teacher's day poem 💐

For my beloved teacher

I am glad you are my teacher; I en

every lesson you teach. As my
model, you inspire me to dream, w
and achieve. With your kindness,
capture my attention; Every day
plant the seeds of curiosity
motivation to know, grow and succ

You help me fulfill my potentia

thank you for all that you have don
admire you every day, and I just w
to say, As a teacher, you are num
one!  .

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