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To: Packaging Design Team at Sensationnel Wigs

From: Robyn Essien
Date: 10/12/2023
Subject: Inclusion of Install Instructions in Wig Packaging
I would first like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to write official instructions for
your company. I have admired the quality of your products for a sizable amount of time and am
beyond grateful that you chose to work with me. I am writing this memo to propose the inclusion
of the instructions I wrote in the packaging of your wigs. By providing customers with clear and
easy-to-follow guidance, we can aim to enhance their overall experience and ensure that they can
enjoy the full potential of your products.

After sending out complimentary samples of our instructions with your wigs we have noticed the
following improvements:
Customer Satisfaction: Providing instructions demonstrates our commitment to customer
satisfaction, helping customers achieve the desired look and feel with their lace front wigs.
Reduced Returns: Clear instructions can minimize returns and inquiries related to wig
installation, as customers will have access to guidance from the moment they receive their wig.
Brand Loyalty: Customers appreciate brands that go the extra mile to assist them. Inclusion of
instructions can foster brand loyalty and positive reviews.
Improved Styling: Customers who follow the instructions are more likely to have successful
styling experiences, showcasing the high quality of our lace front wigs.

Usability Test Results

1: Uncertainty with cutting a "jagged line"
User A: "Jagged line" was interpreted differently, resulting in an uneven cut that did not match
the hairline.
User B: Expressed confusion about the desired jaggedness of the line, leading to an irregular cut.
User C: Followed the instruction but struggled to achieve a natural look.
2: Application of tacky glue
User A: Asked for clarification on the consistency of "tacky" glue and was uncertain about the
desired texture.
User B: Used too much glue initially, making it challenging to achieve the recommended
tackiness in 15 seconds.

3: Wig Alignment
User A: Struggled to align the wig's hairline with the edge of the wig cap.
User B: Needed assistance to ensure proper alignment.
User C: Mentioned that additional visual aids or references would be beneficial for wig

1: Elaborate on the "Jagged Line"
The instruction needs to provide more detailed guidance on creating a natural-looking hairline
2: Clarify Glue Consistency
Explain what "tacky" means in practical terms or provide a specific time range for achieving
tackiness based on the amount of glue used.
3: Enhance Wig Alignment Guidance
Include visual aids or step-by-step images for better understanding of how to align the wig's
We believe that this initiative aligns with our shared goal of delivering exceptional products and
services to our customers. Your support in implementing these instructions will contribute to a
positive and enjoyable experience for our valued clientele. Please feel free to contact me at to discuss this proposal further or to arrange a meeting to explore
collaboration on this project.

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