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Let’s Study


Key Words: Food Nutrition, Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory,

and Excretory System

Allah create objects in the earth in various kinds to fulfill the human
needs. But, not all objects are lawful for human, because every object
that can eat has effect to human body. That’s only for someone that want
to think about it. Because that in these material we will study about food
nutrition, digestive, circulatory, respiratory and excretion system.

Match the following statements of body system, with the type of blood
vessel, and the integrated of organ system (Choose more than one).
No. Statements Type of Integrated
Blood organ system
1. Oxygen is needed by our A Renalis a Digestive
body to produce energy. vein system
After it comes to the lungs it
will diffuse to cappilaries than
transfer to other type of
blood vessel. Then it transfers
to the heart before it
transfers to all body cells.
2. Human also get nutritions by B Pulmonary b Respiratory
consuming foods. At the Vein system
small intestine, the nutritions
are absorbed by the villi and
then transfer to all the body
organ and cells. One of the
organ is liver. In the liver the
the nutritions are detoxified
until it produces bile and
urea that will be get rid from
the body.
3. Red Blood cell has function C Hepatica c Reproductive
to transporting oxygen to the Vein system
human body tissues. The age
of red blood cell is only 120
days. After that it will transfer
to the liver to breakdown
become some substances
on of them is bilirubin which
give color to the urine and
4. To produce energy in the Cappilaries d Excretory
human body it needs oxygen - Artery system
and glucose as the materials.
Oxygen comes when you
inhale and glucose from your
consuming foods. Both of
them will transfer to all of the
cells then it will be happened
cellular respiration which can
produce energy.
e Circulatory
How Balanced diet?

Food is source of energy for human’s body. This is kinds of nutrients

which contain in the foods. There are seven different nutrients:
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fibre, and water.

Read the following statements!

1) Butter, cereals and potatoes have function to provide energy.
2) Vegetables have function to provide roughage to help to keep the
food moving through the gut.
3) Nuts have function to store energy in the body and insulate it against
the cold.
4) Meat content protein for growth and repair cell.
The statements that show the function of fat are … .
a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3
b. 1 and 3 d. 2 and 4

Read the following information!

Remember, if you don’t use up all the energy you take in you are in
danger of becoming overweight.
Based on the following information, how it can happen?

Review health problems are caused by being overweight?

Read the following text!

How Parts of The Digestive System?

Digestion is the process of breaking down with the help of enzymes,

large, complex and insoluble food molecules into smaller, simpler and
soluble molecules that can diffuse through the walls of the small intestine
and into the bloodstream.

Answer the following question!

1. Digestion is both chemical and mechanical. How the difference

between these methods of breaking down food?

2. Look at the following picture!

Read the following statements!
1) Produce amylase to digest carbohydrate become maltose.
2) Produce Hydrochloric Acid to kill germ.
3) Produce bile to digest fat.
4) Produce trypsin to digest protein become amino acid.
5) Produce lipase to digest fat become fatty acid and glycerol.
6) Squeezing and pushing food to stomach.
7) Happened chemical and mechanical digestive process.
The true statements about the function of digestive organ are … .
a. D-1, K-2, I-7, H-6 c. E-3, K-2, L-6, J-5
b. A-1, L-6, K-2, I-5 d. C-2, A-1, H-3, L-6

3. Read the following statements.

1) In the cells it will be main substance to produce energy.
2) The glucose will absorb by the wall of small intestine to the
3) Ptialin enzyme in the saliva is used to change carbohydrate
become maltose.
4) Rice consumes and chew in the mouth.
5) If there are more glucose in the body then it needs, so it will be
changed by the insuline hormone become glycogen and save in
the liver cell or in the muscle cell.
6) In the small intestine, maltose will breakdown become glucose.
7) Glycogen will breakdown become glucose again when our body
do strenous activity and it needs more glucose to produce energy.
8) It will transfer to the arteries and share to all of the cells.

Arrange the statements above about the way to process glucose in

our body.

A. 4, 3, 2, 8, 6, 1, 5, 7
B. 4, 3, 6, 2, 8, 1, 5, 7
C. 4, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 5, 7
D. 4, 6, 3, 8, 2, 5, 1, 7
How our Excretion System Produce Urin?

Urine contains water, urea and salts. Urea is produced in the liver
when excess amino acids are broken down. It is the main waste product
removed in the urine.

Match the step and the process name to make urine!

Then urine flows to the second
convoluted tubule (distal
convoluted tubule) and collecting
duct (tubule) is responsible for the
 Augmentation
selective reabsorption of water
and add substance that is doesn’t
needed by body.

The Bowman’s capsule (renal

capsule): surrounds a ball
of capillaries called the
glomerulus. The blood is put under
high pressure ultrafiltration of the
 Reabsorption
blood happens, in which
water, ions, glucose and other
small molecules pass into the
tubule (but not proteins or cells).

Urine enter to the first convoluted

tubule (proximal convoluted
tubule) is responsible for the
 Filtration
selective to take of glucose, water,
and amino acid that is needed by
Look at the following picture!

How to prevent disease according to the picture is ... .

a. Every human being has the ability to form kidney stones. Because
kidney stones are formed from mineral salts that we consume and
settle in the kidneys. The precipitate is formed when the urine forms a
saturated solution, which means the amount of solute is more than
the solvent. Therefore, to avoid saturated urine, we must drink lots of
water so that urine volume increases.
b. Kidney failure is a condition in which kidney function gradually
declines due to kidney damage. Kidneys filter blood and remove
substances that are not needed by the body through urine. Some
patients need to undergo dialysis (dialysis) to cleanse the kidneys of
metabolic waste substances in the blood when the kidneys are
unable to carry out their duties. Therefore, keep your kidneys healthy
by not holding back urine.
c. Nephritic syndrome is swelling or inflammation of the kidneys. This
condition can cause pelvic pain, more frequent and painful
urination, cloudy or reddish urine, back or stomach pain, and swelling
of the face and legs. If not treated promptly, nephritic syndrome can
lead to kidney failure.
d. Proper diagnosis and treatment will prevent damage to the urinary
system, so that the condition can be treated properly. This is
important to prevent further complications due to severe damage to
the urinary system.
Match the part based on the picture to coloumn A that show parts of
nephron with coloumn B that show the function of nephron part!

Part Coloumn A Coloumn B

Glomerulus Augmentation

Proximal Convoluted Tubule Filtration

Distal Convoluted Tubule Reabsorption

Read the following statements!

1) Salt concentration in the sweat is higher and urea concentration is
lower than urine.
2) Salt concentration in the sweat is lower and urea concentration is
higher than urine.
3) Salt and urea concentration in the sweat is higher than urine.
4) Salt and urea concentration in the sweat is lower than urine.
The true statements that showing the difference between
composition of sweat and urine is … .
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
Read the following statements!
1) Leading out of the bladder is a tube called the urethra. There is a
sphincter muscle at the top of the urethra, which is usually tightly
2) The urine from flows into the ureters. The ureters take it to the bladder.
The bladder stores urine. It has stretchy walls, so that it can hold quite
large quantities.
3) The urine from flows into the urethra. The urethra take it to the bladder.
The bladder stores urine. It has stretchy walls, so that it can hold quite
large quantities.
4) When the bladder is full, the sphincter muscles open, so that urine flows
along the urethra and out of the body.
5) When the bladder is full, the sphincter muscles construct, so that urine
flows along the urethra and out of the body.
6) Adult mammals can consciously control this sphincter muscles. In
young mammals, it opens automatically when the bladder gets full.
The true process of urine ways out from body is … .
a. 1, 2, 4, 6 c. 2, 1, 4, 6
b. 1, 3, 5, 6 d. 3, 1, 5, 6

Look at the following picture!

Give one circle to the true answer.

What are the contents of the labeled structure?
a. Part 1 contents deoxygenate blood / oxygenated blood / urine.
b. Part 2 contents deoxygenate blood / oxygenated blood / urine.
c. Part 3 contents deoxygenate blood / oxygenated blood / urine.
How the work of Skin and Liver in Excretory system?

The liver removes worn-out red blood cells and excess amino acids
from the blood and breaks them down. Iron compounds and bile are
produced from the breakdown of the hemoglobin of the red cells. The iron
is reused by the body. The bile is stored temporarily in the gallbladder. It
then passes into the small intestine where it aids in the breakdown of fats.
It is eventually eliminated from the body with the digestive wastes.

Excess amino acids entering the liver are broken down by a process
called deamination. This separates the nonamino portion of the molecule
from the amino group. The nonamino portion may be use in the synthesis
of carbohydrates or fats or further oxidized for energy. The amino group,
NH2, combines with a hydrogen atom to form ammonia, NH3. Then,
through a series of reactions called the ornithine cycle, the ammonia is
quickly converted to urea, NH2CONH2, which is less toxic to the cells than
ammonia. Urea is carried from the liver to the kidney by the blood and is
excreted from the body in the form of urine.
Answer the following question!
1. Look at the following picture.

One of the types of blood cell is red blood cell. The age of red blood
cells are 120 days. After that it will transport to the liver to breakdown.
Compare the condition at the picture above connected with the
breakdown of red blood cell.
A. A picture is a normal condition of the breakdown of red blood cell,
because the bilirubin as the result of the breakdown of RBC directly
can transfer to kidney and large intestine to give color to urine and
feces. But picture B is person with carotenoid. It showed by the
yellow color of skin and eyes. It is caused by too much of consuming
carrot so the skin look like yellowish color.
B. A picture is a normal condition of the breakdown of red blood cell,
because the bilirubin as the result of the breakdown of RBC directly
can transfer to kidney and large intestine to give color to urine and
feces. But picture B is person with Jaundice. It showed by the yellow
color of skin and eyes. It is caused by clogging in gall bladder so the
bilirubin can not holds up again in the gall bladder so it out the
blood vessel and follow the blood stream.
C. The disease in picture A is called Jaundice and it can prevent by
change to healthy life style, get hepatitis A and B immunization, stop
smoking and drinking alcohol and control the cholesterol. B is
normal condition.
D. A is normal condition. The disease in picture B is called Jaundice
and it can prevent by change to healthy life style, get hepatitis A
and B immunization, stop smoking and drinking alcohol and control
the cholesterol.

Sweat glands in the skin produce sweat. The water in sweat helps to keep
the body cool in hot conditions, and it contains salts and urea.
Answer the following question!
1. How are these wastes removed from the bloodstream until they reach
the surface of the skin?
2. How does the skin function in the regulation of body temperature?
How our Circulatory System work?

Observe the diagram that shows the human circulatory system!

Read the following statements!

1) Sistemic circulation is when the oxygenated blood flowing from Part X
to all part of body and back to right atrium.
2) Sistemic circulation is when the oxygenated blood flowing from Part Y
to all part of body and back to right atrium.
3) Pulmonary circulation is when the deoxygenated blood flowing from
Part X to lungs and back to left atrium.
4) Pulmonary circulation is when the deoxygenated blood flowing from
Part Y to lungs and back to left atrium.
The true process of blood circulation are … .
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

Match the following to the types of blood vessel!

Have thick muscular walls
When injured, the blood will spred  Artery
Have large internal lumen
Have valves to prevent blood flowing backwards
The place near with the surface of skin
Have high pressure of blood
 Vein
The direction of blood is to heart
Carry oxygenate bloods
Observe the component of blood.

Read the following statements!

1) This component is liquid. It is mostly water. It carries many different
substances dissolved in it. For example, sugar, carbondioxide,
2) The color of this component is red, because content red pigment that
called hemoglobin. When blood flows through the lungs, oxygen
diffuse in to it. The oxygen combines with haemoglobin becomes
oxyhaemoglobin. Thisis a very bright red. When the blood flows
through the body tissues, the oxygen separates from the haemoglobin
and diffuses out of the erythrocytes in to the tissues. It made in the
bone marrow.
3) This components are the larger than other components. They always
have a nucleus. It help to defend us against bacteria and viruses that
get into the body.
4) This components are little fragments of cells. If a blood vessel gets
damaged, the platelets help the blood to clot and seal the wound.
The true function of component blood cell is … .
a. Red blood cell – 2
b. White blood cell – 4
c. Platelet – 3
d. Plasma – 1
How the effect of exercise to our Circulatory Process?

Abraham trains to run a 1 km race. He measures his heart rate while

1. The tool measurement that is used by Abraham is ____
Give one circle to the answer
Stopwatch Force meter Ampermeter

2. Use the table of results to predict Abraham’s hearts rate after 2

Type your answer into the table.
draw a graph of his results shown below.

rate in
Time in
0 90

1 120

3 160

4 175

5 190

6 200

7 210

8 210
3. Plot Abraham’s heart rate at 2 minute on the graph in question b.
4. Why Abraham’s heart rate increases during exercise.

Look at the following graph!

Answer based on the following graph!

a. Count the average of heart rate in 50 minutes!

b. Why the heart rate decrease when the exercise stop?

Let’s Do It !

1. Following figure shows a cross section of an artery.

a. State which diagram shows an artery.

b. Describe how the structure of this artery adapts it for its function.

2. Following figure shows a longitudinal section of a diseased coronary


a. Describe the function of the coronary artery.

b. Identify substance X.
c. What effect does substance X have on the circulatory system?
d. State two possible lifestyle choices that could increase the rate of
formation of substance X in the coronary artery.
1) …………………………………………………………………..
2) …………………………………………………………………..
3. The reaction of aerobic respiration is:

a. Construct how the way to get all the materials and how the
process to excess the residue of the celluler respiration!
b. If someone get dehydration, how the way to regulate the water
in their body?
c. Construct the statement which said that “urine also contain of

4. Fill in the words from the word band in the sentences below.

a. The ____________________ breaks down the food we eat.

b. Digestions begins in the ____________________ when you chew
and swallow.
c. A watery liquid called ____________________ makes the food wet
and soft, and it has a chemical that helps digest the food.
d. The ____________________ connects the bottom of your throat to
your stomach.
e. The ____________________ is a long narrow tube that has spongy
walls that soak up nutrients from food.
f. The ____________________ is on the right side of the body near the
lowest rib. Its job is to clean the blood.
g. From the small intestine, leftover food gets pushed into the
h. From the large intestine, food that cannot be digested leaves
the body through the ____________________.
5. The diagram shows a sandwich.

The sandwich consists of layers of meat, lettuce and butter placed

between slices of bread.
a. Draw a line from each food item in the sandwich to the main
type of nutrient it contains.

b. The sandwich provides many of the ingredients of a balanced

diet. What is meant by the term balanced diet?

6. Look at the following picture!

Complete the table!
Number Name organ Function
4 Carries urine out from body


7. Look at the following blood cells picture!


Read the following statements.

1) Content haemoglobin. 4) Have nucleus.
2) The function is to kill germ. 5) Help blood clotting process.
3) Liquid part of blood. 6) The shape is amoeboid.

Write the answer with write the number!

a. Statements number that show A characteristics are
b. Statements that show B characteristics are

8. Read the following statements.

1) Content haemoglobin. 4) Have nucleus.
2) The function is to kill germ. 5) Help blood clotting process.
3) Liquid part of blood. 6) The shape is amoeboid.
Write the answer with write the number!
a. Statements that show leucocytes are _________________.
b. Statements that show erythrocytes are __________________.
c. Statements that show platelets are ___________________.
d. Statements that show plasma are __________________.
9. Look at the following picture!
Complete the diagram of blood clotting process!


10. Following table shows the effect of exercise on an athlete’s heart. The
volume of blood pumped by the left ventricle in one minute is called
the cardiac output.

a. Calculate the pulse rate of the athlete during exercise.


b. The increased cardiac output means that the blood is travelling

more quickly around the body. This carries more oxygen to the
exercising muscles. Describe other changes in the athlete’s body
that enable more oxygen to be taken in at the lungs.
11. Look at following diagram

The diagram shows part of the circulatory system

a. Name the types of blood vessel labelled X and Y in the diagram.
X : ___________________________________________________
Y : ___________________________________________________
b. Name the organ where gaseous exchange takes place.

12. Fatimah trains to run a 1 km race.

She measures her breathing rate while running.
Here are her results.
Time in minutes Breathing rate in breaths per minute
0 …
1 20
2 25
3 30
4 35
5 40
6 40
7 40
8 40

a. Use the table to predict Fatimah’s breathing rate at minutes.

b. Fatimah’s muscles were respiring aerobically.
Look at the word equation for aerobic respiration.
Glucose + substance A =carbon dioxide + substance B
What is the name of substance A?
What is the name of substance B?

13. Fig. 4.1 shows images of red blood cells from a human, A, and a bird,

a. State the function of red blood cells.

b. There is a nucleus present in each of the red blood cells of the
bird, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
Human red blood cells do not contain a nucleus.
State an advantage of this.

14. Red blood cells from humans are placed into four test-tubes. Each
test-tube contains a salt solution of a different concentration.
A sample is taken from each test-tube and viewed using a
The results are shown in the following picture.
The concentration of the salt solution in each test-tube increase
from A to D.
a. Describe the appearance of the red blood cells in test-tubes B
and D.
B ……………………………………………………………………….
D ………………………………………………………………………
b. Suggest why the red blood cells in test-tube A burst.
A plant cell is now put into test tube A.
Suggest why this plant cell does not burst.

15. Following table shows diagrams of some blood cells.

a. Complete the table.

b. Describe the function of structure X in the cell shown in Table.


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