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Jalan Hankam Raya No. 54, Jatirahayu, Pondok Melati, Kota Bekasi, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Kode Pos 17414,
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Visi UPPS: Emma Mewujudkan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan yang unggul dan berkarakter, menguasai technopreneurship dan teknologi informasi yang berdaya saing tinggi serta memiliki kemampuan akademik yang profesional dalam bidang
pendidikan di tingkat nasional tahun 2029”



Kode : PBI13211 Hari / Tanggal : Rabu / 1 November 2023

Mata Kuliah : Translation Waktu : 20.00 – 21.00
Dosen Pengampu : Dini Hidayati M.Pd Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Answer the following questions based on the material discussed in class

1. Equivalence: Explain the concept of linguistic equivalence in translation. How can a translator
ensure that the meaning and intent of the source text are preserved in the target language?
Provide examples to illustrate the challenges and strategies in achieving linguistic equivalence.
2. Accuracy: Explain the importance of accuracy in translation. How can minor inaccuracies or
mistakes in translation have a significant impact on the understanding of the text? Provides
real-world examples of mistranslations and their consequences.
3. Clarity: Why is clarity a crucial aspect of translation? Describe the role of a translator in making
the translated text clear and easily understandable to the target audience. Provides examples
of how a lack of clarity can hinder effective communication.
4. Naturalness: What does it mean for a translated text to sound natural in the target language?
How can a translator balance accuracy and naturalness in their translations? Give examples of
situations where naturalness is essential, such as in marketing or dialogue translation.
5. Cultural Sensitivity: How can cultural sensitivity be integrated into the translation process?
Discuss the potential cultural pitfalls that translators should be aware of and provide examples
of how cultural insensitivity in translation can lead to misunderstandings.

Visi PS:
Mewujudkan Program Studi yang unggul, berkarakter dan berdaya saing tinggi serta menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kemampuan akademik dan profesional dalam bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris di tingkat nasional tahun 2030.
Jalan Hankam Raya No. 54, Jatirahayu, Pondok Melati, Kota Bekasi, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Kode Pos 17414,
Telp. 021 8497 9181 Fax. 021 8497 0535 Website: Email:

Visi UPPS: Emma Mewujudkan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan yang unggul dan berkarakter, menguasai technopreneurship dan teknologi informasi yang berdaya saing tinggi serta memiliki kemampuan akademik yang profesional dalam bidang
pendidikan di tingkat nasional tahun 2029”


1. Linguistic equivalence is the quality of two sets of words spoken or written in different languages, but
which have the same meaning. Achieving linguistic equivalence does not necessarily require that a
translator carefully translate each individual word from the first language into the second. In fact, this
may change the meaning of the words. Different words may be chosen as long as the meaning of the
entire passage is unchanged. Sometimes, in order to maintain that meaning, the translator must be
aware of the linguistic customs or culture of the two languages, such as figurative language. In difficult
cases, two translators may have to work together.
2. a. A mistake in a user manual for automotive equipment may result in damage or injury and have legal
b. A product with a mistranslated label could result in misuse or requests for refunds.
c. HSBC’s now legendary 1999 “Assume nothing” slogan was mistranslated—in some languages–as
“Do nothing.” HSBC changed their “Do nothing” slogan to “The world’s private bank,” and the
subsequent rebranding efforts cost $10 million. The consequence is that the company has to spend
more money and time to fix the problem.

3. The role of the translator is to know the purpose and target audience of the text to be translated.
Examples of how a lack of clarity can hinder effective communication;
a. Lack of clarity: When messages are unclear or ambiguous, it can lead to misunderstandings and
b. Noise and distractions: External factors like background noise or internal distractions can make it
difficult to focus on and comprehend messages.
c. Language barriers: Differences in language or jargon can hinder effective communication.

4. Translation is called having highly natural quality if it makes sense and read naturally or written in
ordinary language, common grammar, proper idioms, and words.
Here are the examples:
“I’m not getting rid of Kingsley Shacklebolt, if that’s what you’re suggesting!” said the Prime Minister
hotly. The data above show that the translation uses ordinary language. It can be understood easily. It
also uses common grammar, correct use of capital letter and punctuation. The words used are not
awkward. This translation can be categorized as having high level of naturalness.

5. Cultural insensitivity occurs when algorithms, no matter how advanced, fail to recognize and respect
cultural nuances. As a result, occasional misinterpretations and unintentional perpetuation of
stereotypes can occur. It is crucial for us to be aware of these potential pitfalls and work towards
minimizing cultural insensitivity in AI-driven translations. By understanding and accounting for cultural
nuances, can ensure accurate and respectful translations that foster true cross-cultural understanding.

Visi PS:
Mewujudkan Program Studi yang unggul, berkarakter dan berdaya saing tinggi serta menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kemampuan akademik dan profesional dalam bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris di tingkat nasional tahun 2030.

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