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Yet, many students did not like online education as we could not focus well on

our studies. People live in different conditions, some of us did not have personal
space for studying while others did not have time for education. Education is
indeed a privilege, but the online mode made it even worse. Moreover, I heard
that in some countries, students climbed on trees to have access to the Internet
and do their homework.

The COVID-19 crisis increased inequality across the world and had a negative
impact on the world economy. People in developing countries did not have
proper healthcare services and tools for online mode of working and studying.
Many people lost their jobs, being unable to sustain their families. Such
conditions raised crime rates, unemployment rates, and global hunger, putting
many countries in a hard socio-economic situation. Furthermore, the virus split
people into two categories of supporters of vaccination and those who are
against it. This division between people caused social disturbances that made
the healthcare crisis turn into an ideological fight.

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