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The first,Family circumstances

In fact, children from difficult family situations are often more susceptible to peer pressure than children
from good living situations. Because living in a difficult family makes children limited in many aspects.
Meanwhile, children in puberty and teenagers often have the habit of comparing themselves to their peers.
Next, Parents' education
Parents' education is a factor that directly affects the formation of a child's personality. Parents who often
criticize will also create a lot of pressure on their children.
Many parents also have the habit of comparing their children with their peers.
An unhealthy parenting style can be a cause of peer pressure.
In particulary, The explosion of social networks
The advent of social media will make comparing yourself to others more frequent.
Nowadays, people have a habit of sharing their personal life on social networks. When we see friends
sharing great achievements such as buying a house, buying a car, going abroad to study, increasing salary,
etc., it is very difficult to avoid pressure.
Finally, it is impossible not to mention, Personality traits
Peer Pressure is more common in people with low self-esteem. Because of their lack of confidence, they
have no confidence in themselves. When starting a new plan or project, they always assume that they will
fail. In addition, low self-esteem will also form pressure before success from friends.
So now we turn to the next point with Tâm

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