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PROPOSITION: Questions can ask

1)How can physical schooling be relevant in a society which aims for equality, when 1 out of
every 5 children report being bullied?

2) How does physical schooling still stand relevant in 2022 when there non-physical forms of
schooling go beyond any barriers, be it remote learning or a flexible schedule, how does the
opposition justify physical schooling 's relevance when it clearly is inadequate today?

5) The Opposition talked about the advantages of physical schooling but 8how would the
opposition address the fact that in case of any unavoidable cause, if a student can’t make it
to an offline class they miss out on lessons and therefore, ultimately on
their syllabus targets as well, therefore disregarding the arguments thereby stated by the

3) The proposition said that school gives Children the Individual attention they need when 93
% high school students identified that at least 1 teacher has exploited them

4) the opposition mentioned how physical schooling helps children Learn and grow, but how
is that possible in an ENVIRONMENT WHERE children are forced to follow strict schedules
and are under constant pressure from their teachers and peer

OPPOSITION: Questions can ask
1) By justifying the irrelevance of physical schooling, the proposition is
disregarding the importance of physical education and in person social
interaction and that leads to obesity, autism and social disorders respectively.
The propositions comments on that would be.
2) With the sudden shift from physical schooling to non physical modes of
education, a rise of 9.2% was seen in the illiteracy rates in India within a year.
How would the proposition respond to such adverse statistics that only signify
the importance of physical schooling?

3) According to unicef More than 635 million children were affected due to the
closure of schools. Given the effects, how can Physical schooling not be
relevant In our lives?

4) The proposition used the word education repeatedly in their speech, given
how schooling and education are two distinct terms and cannot be used
interchangeably and the motion strictly uses the word schooling. How can the
proposition interchangeably use two words of entirely different meanings
a village kid who is aiming at a highest level. But how exactly can online
school help a village kid, where even internet connections don't work

6) The proposition mentioned the stockholm environment in physical schooling,

but isn't saying in front of a screen more suffocating for young robust children

REBUTTAL answer:
1)We have a social life outside of school, online schooling does not restrict physical
2) technology is not there to replace teachers but as mentioned in my argument it is there to
bring transformations by being the hands of great teachers

1)The same number of students are present in an online class too, It is easier to pay
attention to a physical form than a digital name

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