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Nov 20th – Finalizing Writing & Uploading Content to My Website

This week I worked on starting to finalize my “About Dyslexia” and “Getting Assessed”
sections of my website. I edited and proofread the content for my “About Dyslexia”
section which includes subpages for; “About Dyslexia, “What to Look For”, “What Does
Dyslexia Feel Like”, and “Strengths”. I also edited and proofread the content for my
“Getting Assessed” section that includes subpages for; “Getting Assessed”, “Psych-Ed
Assessment” and “Finding a Psychologist”.

I took all my final content for these two sections and I put it into my website. These
sections are complete and ready to go. I’ve checked that all of these pages are
functioning and the links are working. If I have time at the end, when everything is
uploaded, I might go back and add some pictures or additional links.

I made individualized questionnaires for teachers that I wanted to get their insight and
perspective. I wrote one for a classroom teacher and one for a resource teacher. I’m
hoping to get information to add to my IEP, advocacy and working with teachers’ section
of my website.

I wrote emails to Ms. Niemi and Ms. Gunning to invite them to participate in my Capstone
project by sending them questionnaires that I wrote to ask them their opinions. I’ve now
confirmed the dates for out meetings and I will be interviewing them this week and
recording them to get their perspectives.

I’ve been working with my Time Schedule spreadsheet and I had to adjust my timing this
week because I had other classes that had deadlines that I had to meet for report card.
Having my Time Schedule spreadsheet benefited me so I could see what I fell behind on
and quickly adjust my time so that I could get back on track.
This week I plan to edit and finalize my interview videos, proof and edit the content for
my “Navigating the School System” and “Strategies for School Life” sections of my
website. I will also put the final content for these sections into the appropriate subpages
which include; Getting an IEP, Importance of a Caseworker, Working With Teachers,
Advocating for Yourself, Technology, Study-Writing Techniques, Mindfulness and

My plan is to have all of this complete by the end of this weekend so I can spend the
following week finalizing my Resource Section which is my last section.

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