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 Task 1: The plans below show how the ground of a particular building has changed over time.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

 Task 2: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They
get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?

Task 1
The diagrams illustrate changes made to the ground floor of a building according to its function from 1958 until

Overall, this building has undergone three striking alternations, from a working office to an apartment, and then
serving as a flower shop until now. Despite noticeable modifications to the internal facilities, the only feature which
remains unchanged is the kitchen.

In 1958, the ground floor was constructed as a working place with the entrance at front. On the left of the office was
located the toilet, the separate rooms for the secretary and the assistant and the meeting room at the back while
there was a reception area, a spacious room for the managers and a kitchen on the right hand of the layout. In the
next 7 years, this office was converted into a housing area where two new bedrooms were built in place of the
reception and manager room. The meeting room was demolished to make way for the living room, and the bathroom
and shower were added replacing toilet and other office rooms.

Since 2001, this floor has functioned as a florist. Flowers are planted to the right of the entrance and in the middle to
the left of the building, between the play area at the front and the room for selling gift cards facing the kitchen.
Finally, a large office is erected right behind the flower bed, which used to be the two bedrooms
Task 2

In the digital era, there is a growing number of individuals consuming news via online platforms instead of reading
newspapers or watching TV. Although this means of accessing information about the world can offer availability and
instant updates to news consumers, I believe that this development can be seen as undesirable.

It is true that keeping up-to-date with global affairs has been made easier and faster than ever with the Internet.
News can be approached wherever and whenever possible via a wide range of platforms, ranging from social media
sites to online newspapers. Additionally, any events that are taking place locally or internationally are updated
spontaneously so people will not miss out on any vital news which might affect their life. The collapse of banks in the
USA or natural calamities in Turkey and Syria, for example, have been reported and updated at little or no time
compared to newspapers and TV broadcast which take prolonged procedures before reaching its audiences.

However, I would argue that there are more risks associated with mainly catching up with news through the Internet.
First, the information people obtain online could come from unreliable, unverified and fake news as it is not subject
to censorship of any authorities. There is a high chance that news readers are mislead by information and develop
misguided worldviews towards events in the society. Young generation, to be more specific, are immature and tend
to be easily manipulated so they are more likely to overreact following crowd behaviors. Another possible threat of
this is that accessing news via online platforms can lead people to be bombarded with too many commercials and
advertisements, which cause news readers unwanted distractions.

In conclusion, I argue that trend towards people’s turning to the Internet as their primary source of news is
considered to be negative as its potential threats facing the consumers

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