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American International University- Bangladesh

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Introduction to Electrical Circuits Lab

Spring 2022-2023
Section: U Group- 03

Study of Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

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Name ID Contribution

Date of submission: 18oct , 2023

Title of the Experiment: Study of Superposition Theorem.
The superposition theorem states that in a linear bilateral multi-source DC circuit, the current
through or voltage across any particular element may be determined by considering the
contribution of each source independently, with the remaining sources replaced with their
internal resistance. The contributions are then summed, paying attention to polarities, to find
the total value. Superposition cannot in general be applied to non-linear circuits or to
nonlinear functions such as power. The objective of this exercise is to investigate the
application of the superposition theorem to multiple DC source circuits in terms of both
voltage and current measurements and examine the power measurement.

Theory and Methodology:

The principle of superposition is applicable only for linear systems. The concept of
superposition can be explained mathematically by the following response and excitation
i1→ v1
i2 → v2
i1+ i2→v1 + v2
Then, the quantity to the left of the arrow indicates the excitation and to the right, the system
response. Thus, we can state that a device, if excited by a current i1 will produce a response
v1. Similarly, an excitation i2 will cause a response v2. Then if we use an excitation i1 + i1,
will find a response v1 + v2.
The principle of superposition has the ability to reduce a complicated problem to several
easier problems each containing only a single independent source.
Superposition theorem states that,
In any linear circuit containing multiple independent sources, the current or voltage at any
point in the network may be calculated as algebraic sum of the individual contributions of
each source acting alone.
When determining the contribution due to a particular independent source, we disable all the
remaining independent sources. That is, all the remaining voltage sources are made zero by
replacing them with short circuits, and all remaining current sources are made zero by
replacing them with open circuits. Also, it is important to note that if a dependent source is
present; it must remain active (unaltered) during the process of superposition.
Circuit Diagram:
R1=6.6 K Ω

E1=10 V R2=1 K Ω
R3=2.2 KΩ


Figure 1
R4 =1.48 K Ω
R1=0.9 K Ω A B

E1=10 V
R3=1.3 K Ω R2=3.7 K Ω
R5=2.2 K Ω


Figure 2
1. Resistors
2. Connecting wires
3. Trainer Board
4. AVO meter or Multi meter
5. DC source
Experimental Procedure:
1. The circuit of figure 1 was implemented.
2. The supply voltage E2 was removed by a short circuit, the node voltage V A was
measured and the polarity was noted.
3. Then the supply voltage E2 was reconnected.
4. After that supply voltage E1 was removed by short circuit, the node voltage V A was
measured and the polarity was noted.
5. Then the supply voltage E1 was reconnected, again the node voltage V A and the
polarity was measured
6. After that, table 1 was completed and the deviation between experimental and
theoretical values were checked.
7. The circuit of figure 2 was implemented.
8. The procedure steps 2 to 9 were repeated and the I R4 current and PR4 power across R4
resistor was measured and the direction of IR4 current flow was noted.
9. Table 2 and 3 was completed and also the deviation between experimental and
theoretical values were checked.


Table 1 (For figure 1)

Source V A Theory V A Experimental Deviation

E1 only 0.88 V 0.89 V 0.01 V

E2 only 9.339 V 9.4 V 0.061 V

E1 & E2 10.219 V 10.29 V 0.071 V

E1=10 V , E2=15V

R1=6.6 KΩ , R2=1 KΩ, R3=2.2 KΩ

For E1 only:

( ) {( ) }
−1 −1
1 1 1 1
RT = + + R 1= + + 6.6 KΩ=7.28 KΩ
R2 R 3 1 2.2

( )
E1 10
I= = mA=1.28 mA
R T 7.28

{ ( ) }V =0.88 V
1 1
V A =I R23= 7.28 × +
1 2.2

For E2 only:

( ) {( ) +1}KΩ=2.65 KΩ
−1 −1
1 1 1 1
RT = + + R 2= +
R1 R 3 6.6 2.2
( )
E2 15
I= = mA=5.66 mA
R T 2.65

{ ( ) }V =9.339 V
1 1
V A =I R13= 5.66 × +
6.6 2.2

For E1 & E2:

V A =( 0.88+9.339 ) V =10.219 V

Table 2 (For figure 2)

Source I R 4 Theory I R 4 Experimental Deviation

E1 only 1.59 mA 1.3 mA 0.29 mA

E2 only 1.5 mA 1 mA 0.5 mA

E1 & E2 0.09 mA 0.03 mA 0.21 mA

E1=10 V , E2=15V

R1=0.9 KΩ , R2=3.7 KΩ , R3=1.3 KΩ , R4 =1.8 KΩ, R5=2.2 KΩ

For E1 only:

(( ) {(( ) }
−1 −1
1 1 1 1
RT = + + R1= + +0.9 KΩ=1.8227 KΩ
) )
−1 −1
1 1 R3 1 1 1.3
+ + R4 + +1.8
R2 R5 3.7 2.2

( )
E1 10
I= = mA=5.486 mA
R T 1.8227

{ (( )}
1 1
V A =I R2345 = 5.286 × + V =5.062V
1 1 1.3
+ +1.8
3.7 2.2

( )
V A 5.062
I R3= = mA=3.89 mA
R3 1.3
I R 4=I −I R 3 =( 5.486−3.89 ) mA =1.592 mA

For E2 only:

(( ) {(( ) }
−1 −1
1 1 1 1
RT = + + R2= + +3.7 KΩ=4.83 KΩ
) )
−1 −1
1 1 R5 1 1 2.2
+ + R4 + + 1.8
R1 R3 0.9 1.3

( )
E1 15
I= = mA =3.10 mA
R T 4.83

{ (( )}
1 1
V B=I R1345 = 3.10 × + V =3.50 V
1 1 2.2
+ +1.8
0.9 1.3

( )
V B 3.50
I R5= = mA =1.6 mA
R5 2.2

I R 4=I −I R 3 =( 3.10−1.6 ) mA =1.5 mA

For E1 & E2:

I R 4=( 1.529−1.5 ) mA=0.029 mA

Question Answer:
1. Determine whether or not the theorem was accepted.
Answer: The theorem was accepted as the procedure was followed properly and the
voltage sources were shorted and finally the additional voltage was found out.
2. Discuss any mistakes you might have made while conducting the investigation.
Answer: There were some minor mistakes I might have made while conducting the
investigation. There might have some mechanical error, some calculational error, some
error with the resistance which are so minor that we can ignore them.

3. Describe ways the study could have been improved.

Answer: The study could have improved with using newer tools with no error in it and by
taking all the values with proper focus.
1. The trainer board and the multi meter was checked before the start of the experiment.
2. The resistors were placed properly according to the figure.
3. The value of the voltage was increased gradually as applying a large voltage can
damage the resistors.
4. Finally, all the data was placed in the data table. For the given equation, a result was

In this experiment the data were interpreted and determine to the extent to which the
experiment was successful in complying. The goal was initially set. The ways of the study
were improved, investigated and described by measuring, converting and calculating the
circuit of super position theorem.

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