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Q1: Which of the following is NOT supported by MySQL?

a Temporary (Hash) Tables

b None

c Regular Expression Matching

d None

e Stored Procedures

f Table Joining

Q2: Which of the following function returns a text in title case from a variable??

a toupper($var)

b None

c .ucword($var)

d None

e .upper($var)

f ucwords($var)

Q3: What does the unset() function do??

a None

b None

c None

d The unset() function is dedicated for variable management. It will make a variable

e The unset() function is not dedicated for variable management. It will make a
variable defined.

f None

Q4: What is the difference between WordPress Posts and Pages??

a None

b Pages are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and
Posts are static and are not listed by date.

c Posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and
Pages are static and are not listed by date.

d There is no difference between Posts and Pages.

e None

f None of the above.

Q5: How to list all pods that are either labelled with env=development or with

The correct Answer is: None

b $ kubectl get pods -l 'env in (production, development)'

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f $ kubectl get pods 'env in (production, development)'

Q6: What is the difference between the WordPress Address and Site Address settings
located in the General Settings area??

a The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress plugins, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

b None

c The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress files, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

d The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress meta tags , while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

e None
f None

Q7: Type Hinting was introduced in which version of PHP??

a None

b PHP 7

c PHP 4

d PHP 6

e PHP 5

f None

Q8: Which function is used to get the current time in mysql??

a Time()

b None

c getTime()

d None

e None

f NOW()

Q9: Can I generate DLL files from PHP scripts like i can in Perl ??

a None

b None

c None

d True

e None

f False

Q10: What is the option to create hard link for a directory??

a None of the above

b -l

c None

d -s

e None

f -f

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