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Tools Used Fur Pi./,/ic lk/,1fior1
nr11101111e1•nwnl .,1 ·"' ev,·111 or ,m y ,wws w o r! h y item by th{

:::,~:~o~ t;:
(,) Pr,•~~ 1-:<'le<t."_<', It is .ltl

(ii) l:;:~ n::~';;rdwmiw p;1ck ,1 g,· <> I promolion ,11 matcri.11 on rnmp;i nys
prod4cts .tnd servin.•s prov ided to the n11:mbcrs of lh c p rt·S',
(Iii) 8ro<l11u,cs . It is .i boo ldcl pllblis hcd by l!w org,,nis,, tion prov idiny, details ab(nu !hi,
company and its products
{n·) Nc«>slctters. It is a pt>riodi.: pub\icotion of .,vents v r ochi.,vc-rncnts during J Spt_'Cific
period of lim(•
(v) Amwn/ Report. A wmpreht>nsivl! rt>port which d1•scribt:s th~ o pe rations and fmanciJI
activities of tht> company throughout the prl!viou~ year.
(vi) Ct111ji.•rr11re.s ~mf Semimlr$. Conferences, seminars or workshops held to ~ha re la~
information about and its products.
{vir) Er!t'11/~. Ev,,nts lih- founders' Jay or sports day arC'organiSlc'd to build companyima~.

Q uestion Bonk

Obj ective Type Questions


1. Rama calls ht'r friend l~ita and requests her to sell one of her paintings to Rama's mot:h.-r. in th:S
transaction who is the marketer ?
(a) Rama (b) Rita (c) Both (if) None
2. When you go out for dinner in a restaurant, who will be considered as the mark<'ter !
(11) The restaurant owner (l>) You
(c) Both (d) No ne
3. Which concept of marketing emphasis on availability and affordab ili!y of the product ?
(a) Selling concept (b) Prod uctiun conci.>pt
(c) Product conrept (if) Marketing concept _f\,Jiu:t>
4. ll1e marketing conrept focuses on persuading and convincing customers to buy th•• P
(a) Selling concept (b) Production concept
(c) Product concept (d) Marketing concept
C>,a;,•~- : I : MA~~[ll\,G tt.AN.;G CME¼ ! 5 3j
11'<' :,iir•_ei in& [(11'\Ci:pt r,·"lvcd .1~ J re,;ult of ;.elf l"l'gulution ,ii socid! rc,pon~1~liti..s ha bu5i11t'S>

,'~ • ('()11<.'\'Jll (~ ) l'rodu.:1 <oncept

{ii conn-pl (d) .\ i,.meo/thl·ahove

i:I ~irk~tiJ\g Nnc,.•pt which aims to irio-cJs.- profi ts from ;-conomic., ot !;CJie
~ ~wk<tingccm<'l'Pt . (!>) Product cvnc.•pt
1'_ 5<--.:i<ta l mJrketmg ,'°n~l'p! (d) ProJ.uct,on cunc,•pt
, ; . n,neti<'O of markcllng mfornu; Jbout 111.'l'ds Jnd WML< ol c,msumr rs

Fl ~IJr>J.'l p\annIDS .
iilCu>to(ll('I support scrv,ccs
n,il ~• no! ""flement of marketing mi~
\>1rro..J uc! (h) PriC't'
,11'1.1<• (J)Adwrti~ing
~!J~nes and pastrit>s ~"' examples of
iilConwrurnceproducts (b)Shoppingpmducts
(<)Speciality products id) Durablr product<
lJ. w~m of ti,r following pro,fort.-- «in,;u m~ maximum time and effort to pmcl,asc ?
[l)Corw~nien~ products (b) Shopping products
(r\ Sptci.ilityprodu rts (IIAUlhf'abow
11, Components of a laptop are ,-~amp!es of
'111>.!tahle pC'Od uct, (b) Materials and parts
Ii ) IMt1ll,1~ons (d) Maintmance ~ndRepair
ll. LCD TV purchased io an,.~.,mp1'•of
(o!Com·<'N<'nn'products (b) Shoppingproduct;;
i') ,P,-:,.iality products (d) Durable products
U. T)'pl' of prlllluru which cannot bl: r,old with()llt technic,l koo1-1•li'dge
(•I Durable products (bl IJ,du11ria! proJu,ts
lrj Co,w,ru,,'ll~produCIS (J)Alltht,above
\t 'to!g•i.· i~ •
l•l ~rir nameofaproduct [b) BrJnd nameof a product
_ _(<I Brand muk of a pnxlnct (d') Noneol tru' •bu•~
\ :t''· 'Oura~l\', ' Pant-enc' l'IC. are different brands uf prod ucts manu/acturt·d by

• '<1P,:=:: ltd u::~~: ::: :rei c,,nsumer l'rodu<l> Ltd

(cmta.ining 20 small OO~l" of d,,>C<J!at,,s is an t"1mple ol

l'I T:::;:::g;::kapng ::: ~.:::•r;n~;,s:K

r Jj ·I suS,~fSS srJl) lf \
i r Tne p,od<"gins
~• I
,,f_ i'>re~d ymi
h se from., foe.ii bakery is an '-'Xampj,
pvrc a · (b) Sernn dMy pad,agint;' 01

· ,-.. 1 rrir:ial)::.::~:k.iging (d) i\"one of th'-' _abo_ve

1d r,~n,p<> _ _ u,;,ed 10 pn•,,.' rl l ,1 gift t<• your friend on h is birth dJy
J8. n,r /.,~el 0~p,K:::ing (b) Secondary packaging
~) ;;;:;r:tion packaging (d) N.,ne of the above
(J. mwl fo,:i!itates th<, dirt'Ct /ink bt> tl-\'l't' l1 the manufacl urer and th,, Cl.astomt ~
· r;;•i :,kn•J channel (h) One level chann,..I
(<J n,-,, J<,,·el ch~nncl (d) Mul ti-Jew ] channel

2(). f,fanufactuTI'r use, wholes.ilers ,111d ~-t.i ilcrs tu distribu te goods to the customers \\'hich (! r.-.
,,f distribution ;~ the m,m ufJcturer u ~mg ? ·•
(a)Zt>m l.-vt•! channel (b)Oneleve!channcl
(rJ Two level channel (d) .\.ful ti- level channel
21. Which of the following is no t part of indin-ct distribution chi'mncls
(ii) Zero level channt•l (b) One level channel
(c) l\110 !L•,•:I ch annel (d) M ul ti-level channe l
22. It is an im pt>l'>Onal and paid tool of promoti onal mix
(11) Publicity (b) Persona l .-.citing
(r) Advertising
{d)5.iles promo tion
23, 1-'u blici ty refers lo :
(Q) .'Jon paid form of impersonal communication
(b) Paid form of impersona l communica tion
(c) Non paid fonn of personal communication
(d) Paid form of persona l communication
24, 'Buy three get one fr-ee' is an example of
(n) Quantity gift {b) Discount
(r) Rebate (d) Product com binations
25. Buy 'LED TelE'vision and a DVD player' fur t62.500. This is an exarn pl<, of:
(n) Quantity gift (h) Discount
(c) Reba te
(d)ProJurl combinations
26. Shop for ~2. 500 and get a coupon worth n50 fr<'t' . This is Ml ex,imple of
(u) Lucky draw (b) Product combina tions
(,·) A~sign,'<l and assured gift (d) benefit
27. 'Sale upto 50%' is an example of which sale,,; promotion techniq ue ?
(n} Di 5CT1unts (b) Rebates
(d) None uf thi, ~bovc
28. Which of the toob of p ublic relations d<' scrib,-:,s th,.. financi,1 J ,k1ivities of the rnmpJny ?
(a)Press Re)ease (h)N,..wsLl"tter
(c) Annua l Rt·pum (rl) Press Kit
,c _________
IIU51l'. ES~ ~lUD1~ S


Short Answer Ty{IC Question ., (3 -4 marks each)

., _ ____
I. Explain the concert oi n,,ar kdin~ acn,rdirlg to tr.,,liti,m.,1 appru,~ch . t-1,,w is ii diff\'t\'nl from:.".,.
mc>dem appn.,ach?
2. Defin.- th" mna,pl of n, ;irkt•ling and l'X '.' 1a;11 in brit>f ,1 ny tl\ret" ff:';,turi"S uf m;,rkeling
3 ss the var ious pill.irs ni marketing

::::p: ;:~:~::e:"
-....t:'""E~pl,1m the following. (I) Creating" m;1 rkel .,ftl,ring (i1) hchani;e n:echanism.
:: ~::~:ti: ~1 !~,~;::tr , ~ : /:·n !irf~::~17 ;;.,~:::uf:: marke1~
7. E.>.chang,' is , essence of m:,rkl'l in ~. Sta te and e;,;plain th.- ..:onditions nere ssary tu complete ar,
e;,;chang,' proccss
s. Sellin g is considered to J->e ,m~ of the functions o f marl,.cting_. Do you agn>C ? -~x with n>_<l50n;
9. Diffr:rentiale market in~ .,nd ,-clling for th e iu ll owing basis (1) Process (11) Strnteg1r.s (iul fr.J
result( i,,) Obj<'<"li \"t"
JO. Explain in brief !he ,•arll,us rn,1 rket in& phi!o,;o ph ics ado pted by ,in o rgani 5ation.
11. Explain with r.-asons the e\"o lvem en t of ' prndu ct concept' oi ma rkl.'ti n g
12. lJiffercntiatL• between th e in\lu"~ng
(a) Selling con(cpt .ind markl.'t ing conIT}'t (/•) Pn;,,.i u ct ,u n con ce p t and pmduct ,:nnccpl
13. In toda y's time 111,,sl b usi ncsSl"S follo w th,: 'S(K1,:tal marketi n g con~·pt' . Explain what ha::;~
business to ,<h1ft fro m the profit objective to ..,,c1al we lfare r jective
How is s t~nd ,1rdi~11ion .,nd gr.:idin i; im portJnt fo r mJrkcting con s um e r products?
15. L1bc llin g is ,1 leg.ii re,1rnremen1 for rn an ut,, ctu re r. Do you thi nk a cuslo mn should buy a pro.Ju(!
without proper \;, belling ? Give rt'asons in suppv rt of your a nswer
16. How does markt:,tini; hdp a busi ne,ss u rgilnisation to grow ?
17. What role d oes marke ting pla y in the de,·d op m,•nt of ,1n economy '
18. Differentiate the following :
(r) Shoppi ng producls and spc..:i:i lity products
(ii) Durable prod u cts and non-durable produ cts
(iii) Cons un1c r products and indu strial products
19. fa pl,1m the terms (i) Br.1nd nam e (ii) Brand mark (iir) Trade mark
20. Why does a mMke tc r sell s produ <'ts under a brand name 7
' P,1 d :,1ging i~ ,in invis ible sn!es m.m' . Explain the statem e nt
22 · ,\ product may haw diffen>nt lewis of packagi rlg, Explain the ~ib'lli fi cance of e,1ch level of pad.:o~
B !~!~:~. two prod uct rdatcd fach>rs w h ich m u st lx- considered 1>·hile ch oosing the distfi\111t.c'I" I

!~· ~\:~Jam two n,:irh'I n;l,1ti'd f.lctoP.; which must be- consid ered " 'hile (Tioosing IN• di,tributioTl"
: p~ucts usually ho1ve shorter channels of di st ribution. Exp lain why
SS m bnef ,my thrt'\· facturs affect" .
27. E>.pla1 n tlw conc,:,p1 oi 'u!ility' a nd ' d e lll8 p~i-cin g of _a prod uct.
· m,1 nd 1n relallon to fixing p ri ces
Long ;!llswer Type Quest ions (5-6 marks}

!. m o,frrn app n.>Jch of 'ma rkt'tin g'. Stil t,.; <md .-~pl,1in Jny fOln fun ction,; perfo rmed by

, !. \\lhaf is mJrke ti~ g management ? l\'hat do,,,s a pr<x:ess of m.:irkcting managemen t m vol ve?
3. ~.~{:~7":.: 1
~<1nous markC'tfng phil ~uphies on the basis of (r) focus (11) ~!Orting pouit (iu) means

'~"' 1'Vhat is a marketing mix ? D iscuss in detail tho: imporlanre of various c lemen ts of marketing mix.
, r.--f:..plain the diffe rent types of prodult~ on the basis of time and effort spent to purchase th~-m
6. How is branding advan tagt"O us to (1) m..1rketers ;ind (ir) custumcr~ ?
7. Branding an d packaging are th e unique Wa\'.~ to Jifferenti<1te products of difier,:n l m,mu facturcr,;
,._,.(." What is a 'price mix' ? St.:it0 a nd expla i11 four focton; aCiecting J pricing decision
...ri,•ery urgani~ation h.1s specifi c L>bjcrtfres guiding the p ricin g of its prnducts, Di!><:uss obj<.'ctfre.;
go\'Cming pricing of a product
10. Decision regarding the n um b1.•r of intt'nnedi.1rit'S and tht- channel~ to be, used to distribute g.......:ts
is taken aher conside rin g various fi)ctOfS. Disrnss an y four such factors.
'-M':rs advertising a .-.ocial waste ? Give any four rt'aS(">nS in support of yo ur answt'r.
ll Compare the effectivcn('SS of advertising and personal selling
lJ. Sall'S promotion is a supp!t'ment to odvertisi ng and pl'rsunal _srllini-;._ Expla~ how doc'S s.l].-,;.
promotion makes advertis ing and personal selling morc- rffech vt' ? D1si:·u ss with l'xamples any
four tools used for sales promotion.
\\.'hat is the need of a 'public rdations' departm ent in an organi s,1 ti on ? 0-0 .ill trpes of bu;;.in,·s~
requir(' S('rvices of public relation department ?

Project/ Assign ments

1. Visit
in a team of four-five
wholesale rs distributors cir).
to different mar keting oqp11isations in your locality (ret.1il~rs,
wh at marke ting 11ctivi li t' s an..' undert;1kf'n by th1.•m. ~l:u fmd
any differ~ce in the .ictivitit!S in the organisations visited _by you ? \.\ hat c~m_nwn <1:h~111~ are
found in thc-se organisations ? Write a repo rt on your findmgs and prc,;ent It m the d116s.

2. Collect ten adn•rtisements appearing i1: n~::~~~:~· n:~a!::;:i:

; ~ : !: u~f ;c:~h:~e;

pr:u:: 1
~~omot iona l schemes abo~ t some ,.;u~s~m; rs
these p rod ucts written on thC' package uf the~
: n~u writ~ im~tnt ft!,~~:
°~~~:;~hcmc in your
notebook. Make a presentation in your clas.s .ibo u t the s.1 es pro m .

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