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1. Charge is the property of matter that produces and experiences electrical and
magnetic efects.

Charge is a n integral multiple of a basic unit of charge (electron) and charge is

always transferred as on integral multiple of charge of an electron i.e, Qtne
Here n integer and

e charge of electron
e1.610" coulombs(c)
The of electric current is defined of flow of charge
cross section of a conductor.
as rate through any
4. If a net charge passes through any cross-section of the conductor in time't|
then current ()

Current () Charg e()

Current is a scalar quantity
S.I Unit is Ampere (A)

. 1A15

5. Number of electrons constituting one coulomb of charge is


Electric potential v] at a point in an electric field is defined as the worik done (w
per unit positive test charge gl in bringing it from infinity to that point against
the electric field

Electric potential (v
charg eqg
S.I Unit is voltv
s.I Unit of work (wjJoule)
s.I Unit of charge (g-Coulomb (el

Potential difference between two points in an electric field is defined as the wori

done w per unit positive test charge ja) in moving it from one point to the other
against the electrie fiald.

. ForaEiven conductor at a given temperature the strength of electric current

through it is directly proportional to the potential difference applied across it

9. The resistance of a conductor is defined as the ratio of the potential difference v
across the conductor to the current Flowing through the conductor.

Resistance (P
Cirent ()
10. The resistance of a specimen is said to be one ohm if one volt potential difference
across it causes a current of one Ampere to flow through it

Ivot (v)
loh -
14 mpreAD

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