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Speaking Part1 - Holidays


1. What do you do in your holidays?

I do several things. Sometimes I travel in order to broaden my horizons, to admire the beauty of
nature and to enjoy the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and
then, I just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays.

it broadens my horizons ‫افق دیدمو وسیع میکنه‬ get-together ‫دورهمی‬ every now and then ‫هرازگاهی‬

2. Who do you usually spend the holiday with?

It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer to hang out with my
friends here and there and have a chit-chat. On the other hand, If it’s New Year holiday, I just
want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambience.

depends on ... ‫بستگی داشتن به‬ hang out ‫اختالط کردن‬ cozy ‫دنج‬

have a chit-chat ‫گپ زدن‬ ambience ‫جو‬

3. Why are holidays important to you?

Well, the reason why holidays have always been important to me is that they provide relaxation
for me. I mean, A holiday is a perfect time for recharging my batteries after a year full of
challenges and obstacles, having some me time and planning for the upcoming year.

recharging my batteries ‫حالمو خوب کنم‬ obstacle ‫مانع‬ me time ‫زمانی برای خود‬
upcoming ‫پیش رو‬

By: Negin Amin Sabouri

Mobile: 09367892825
Instagram: IELTSsis
Speaking Part1 - Holidays

4. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
If I could, I would travel to Spain on Christmas vacation when the weather is neither too cold nor
too hot. There I can contemplate the picturesque scenery and enjoy socializing with people.

Neither... nor... ‫نه این نه اون‬ contemplate ‫ اندیشیدن‬، ‫فکر کردن‬ picturesque ‫زیبا‬

broaden: expand
I’d like to work abroad to broaden my horizons

get-together: a friendly informal meeting or party

a family get-together

every now and then: sometimes, but not often or regularly

I still see her every now and then.

depend on: rely on…

the island’s economy depends on tourism.

chit-chat: conversation
boring chit-chat

cozy: warm and comfy

a cozy family gathering

ambience: Atmosphere
pleasant/relaxing/friendly etc ambience
The restaurant’s new owners have created a welcoming ambience.

By: Negin Amin Sabouri

Mobile: 09367892825
Instagram: IELTSsis
Speaking Part1 - Holidays

recharging my batteries: to rest or relax

I’m going to spend a week in the jungle to recharge my batteries.

hang out: to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people
I don’t really know who she hangs out with.

me time: time when you can relax or do things that you enjoy doing, usually on your own Recognize that
your partner needs some me time.

obstacle: hurdle difficulty, hardship restriction

women still have to overcome many obstacles to gain equality.

upcoming: forthcoming
the upcoming elections

neither... nor used when mentioning two things that are not true or possible
the equipment is neither accurate nor safe.

contemplate: ponder, envisage, consider

Did you ever contemplate resigning?

picturesque: charming scenic

The countryside in this region is very picturesque.

By: Negin Amin Sabouri

Mobile: 09367892825
Instagram: IELTSsis

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