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Name: NAHI

Last Name: Younes

Telephone: +212 772883746
CNE: R139411585
Address: AL BADER IMM 6 APP 14 Casablanca Sidi Bernoussi
Casablanca Le : 03/11/2021
Subject: Application for Master degree in Logistics Engineer
Dear Sir, Madam
I am very glad to be applying for the Master of Science program in Logistics Engineering offered
by Barcelona Executive Business School (BEBS), currently holder of a state engineer degree in
industrial engineering, option Logistics and production obtained at the National School of
Applied Sciences of El Jadida University Chouaib Doukkali. I am a very dedicated, disciplined
and intellectual person, which allowed me to graduate with honors requirement, never having to
repeat any of my courses, or retake the exams.
During my academic, I had the opportunity to benefit from a course based on industrial
engineering, including and enriching with subjects such as Supply Chain Manager, Logistic
Coordinator, Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance and Reliability Engineer which allowed me
to acquire the basic of this field of study.
Particularly interested in this program which would be an essential complement to my
knowledge, it would be a step towards becoming a better and more educated Logistic engineer. It
is a perfect addition to the knowledge I obtained in undergraduate school where I have acquired
strong principles in Management, Maintenance, Quality…
Having the capacity for work and the motivation necessary for success I ask for your kindness
with regard to my file for my admission to the master.
I am sending you my academic details in the CV attached with relevant documents in this letter. I
am hopeful that my experience and skill-set would prove to be apt for this course.
Thank you for going through my application.
Yours sincerely.
NAHI Younes

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