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The Discipline of Perception | Clarity Week 1: “What’s up to us, what’s not up to us”

Date: Jan 3rd, 2023 Today’s Topic: “Be Ruthless to The Things That
Don’t Matter”
Morning Reflection:

Quote from: Seneca

“How many have laid waste to your life when you weren’t aware of what you were losing, how much
you was wasted in pointless grief, foolish joy, greedy desire, and social amusements – how little of
your own was left to you. You will realize you are dying before your time!”

Question: “What can I say no to so I can say yes to something that matters?”
 First thing first, you need to have prioritizing about which one is more matter than others, then
you can have the control of choice. Start by doing your habit plan, then you will know which
one is on your prioritizing. After that, say no politely to the people ask or invite you to some
events. Yet, we still need socialization and human connection, we don't say no to everybody
and lock ourselves up in our own world. The key highlight is to know what our objective is and
our prioritizing.

The Discipline of Perception | Clarity Week 1: “What’s up to us, what’s not up to us”
Date: Jan 4th, 2023 Today’s Topic: “The Big Three”
Morning Reflection:

Quote from: Marcus Aurelius

“All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment;
action for the common good in the present moment;
and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.”

Three most essential parts from Stoic philosophy worth carrying with you everyday, into every
1. Control your perception.
2. Direct your actions properly.
3. Willingly accept what's outside your control.

Question: “Am I seeing clearly? Acting generously? Accepting what I can't change?”
 Sometimes my emotions or personal interests blurred my vision when I see things. Fear also
made me avoid something that I need to do. And personal biases usually stimulate me to make
assumptions that I want to hear and scenario that I want to see.
 I don't know either I have been acting generously or not. I don't know what the measurement
is of being generous or not. Because sometimes I share to others my own belongings yet often,
I still think and desire something for myself.
 For accepting what I can't change, I guess that I'm on the track right now. For most problems, I
usually reflect on the things that I could do differently instead of blaming the condition or
people. Yet, sometimes I think that have a bigger picture related to the external factors that
cause a problem also still matter, we still have choice to communicate and influence the
externals to pick our side.

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