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The charts below show the performance of a bus company in terms of

punctuality, both actual and target (what actually happened compared to what
the company was trying to achieve), and the number of complaints and
The first chart illustrates the actual and target of buses from a particular bus
company that arrived at the destination on time between 1999 and 2003, while the
second one demonstrates how many complaints the passengers made during this
Overall, it can be seen that this company has failed to achieve their goal during the
period except in 2003, leading to the fall of their target. In addition, more
customers complained about their service over the years
In 1999, the company set goal to 86% buses to arrive on time, but they only
achieved less than 1% of their target. The aim was remained in 2000, yet the actual
was even worse with only more than 82% buses being punctual, which caused
them to reduce their goal to 85% in 2001. However, they still could not achieve
their target. Both of their actual and target remained in the next year before finally
reaching their goal in 2003 with the goal was less than 85%
Moving to the second chart, there were about 70 complaints in 1999, yet this figure
has dramatically risen to over 100 in the following year. The company then
received less complaints in 2001 than the previous year before starting a
continuous growth in the number of passengers’ complaints in the next two years,
with about 130 customers complained in 2003, which was surprising since the
company has achieved their target in this year

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