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ТЕМА УРОКУ:«My profession is my future»

розширити лексичний запас професійної лексики та активізувати її вживання
через різні види мовленнєвої діяльності: читання, аудіювання, говоріння та
письмо; вдосконалювати навички усного діалогічного мовлення.
розвивати комунікативні компетенції учнів, пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення,
уміння самостійно працювати.
виховувати культуру спілкування, прагнення до професійного зростання та
самовдосконалення, бажання отримувати нові знання та застосовувати їх у
практичній діяльності, сприяти зацікавленості до вивчення іноземної мови.
МЕТОД ПРОВЕДЕННЯ: словесний, наочний, практичний.

комп’ютер, проектор.
- текст для розвитку навичок читання «Myfuture profession» та тестові завдання
до нього;
- ілюстровані картки з лексикою «Будова автомобіля. Зовнішній вигляд»;
- відео для розвитку навичок аудіювання «Сhanging a tire» та завдання до

- відео«« Jobs people have» ;

- дидактичний матеріал для розвитку навичок письма;
- картки з фразами діалогу для розвитку навичок говоріння;
- слайд шоу «Марки автомобілів».

Хід уроку
I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання, організація учнів
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
T. Glad to see you in a good mood. Look at the screen, please. What is this song
about? (Видео « JOBS PEOPLE HAVE») What is this song about? Lets name some of
professions: architect, babysitter, milkman, builder, cook, cashier, designer, driver,
doctor, dentist, mechanic, nurse, singer, swimmer, teacher, vet, waiter, waitress,
baker, businessman, clown, dressmaker, farmer, firefighter, hairdresser, lawyer
musician, pilot, postman, scientist, secretary, writer.

How do you think what is the topic of our lesson ? Today we’ll continue to speak
about your future profession. But at first I want you think of a job and answer the

1. Do you work in an office?

2. Do you drive a car?
3. Do you wear a uniform?
4. Is your job normally done by women?
5. Is your job generally well-paid?
6. Is your job very stressful?
7. Do you have long holidays?
8. Is your job very dangerous?
9. Do you need to get up very early?
10. Do you work indoors or outdoors?
11. Do you do manual work?
12. Do you like talking to people?
13. Do you prefer to work alone?
In the course of our activities we will improve vocabulary skills, reading skills and
dialogic speech on "My profession is my future" develop the skills of listening. We
will also try working in a team, to compile and consolidate the obtained knowledge
and to increase interest to your chosen profession and to English language.

II. Основна частина уроку

1. Vocabulary Practice
T. I think it was very interesting to guess the job. Your future profession is a car-
repairer. . A skilled car-repairer must know the structure of a car. And now let’s
revise the names of the parts of a car. Look at the picture of a car and translate the
names of different parts. (Учні діляться на групи, кожна з яких працює з своїм
малюнком зовнішнього виду

автомобіля, складають словник професійної лексики)

T. Now I will describe the parts of car and you will name it .You may use
1. Keeps you cool in the car. AIR CONDITIONER
2. Where you will find the speedometer. DASHBOARD
3. Pull this to enter the car. DOOR HANDLE
4. Open this to fill up. FUEL CAP
5. Must be worn at all times. SEAT BELT
6. Use this to start your engine. IGNITION KEY
7. The car's number is found on the front and rear. LICENSE PLATE
8. You will find one of these in the boot. SPARE TYRE
9. Change this when speeding up or slowing down. GEAR
10. The front window is a WINDSCREEN
11. Safety device for front seat passengers. AIRBAG
12. Look what's behind you. REAR-VIEW MIRROR
13. When the car has stopped apply this. HANDBRAKE
14. This is found between the seats. ARMRES

2. Reading
Pre-reading activity
T.I want we’ll speak about your future profession and begin this part of our lesson
with some questions
Why do you like your future profession?
What is your future profession?
Why do you choose this profession?
Who helps you to choose your profession?
T. Now let’s read the text about your future profession and after that will be ready
to do a short test.
My future profession

I am a student of the Kamyanskiy trade lyceum. I am in the second year. My future

profession is a car-repairer. My future profession is interesting and important. It
demands high level of manual skill and a certain period of practical and theoretical
training. We are trained to be highly qualified car-repairers.
We must know the structure of a car and features of metals. A skilled car-repairer
like a doctor must define disrepairs and make first-aid repair and remove other
disrepairs with help of such tools as a drill, a file, a probe, a hammer and special
equipment. To repair a car he must perform such operations as measuring,
adjusting, soldering, riveting, milling, painting. Besides, it is necessary to follow
the rules of safety techniques to prevent accidents.
Once a week we have practical training in our workshop and at the end of our
study we have practice in the car-repair garage or at the maintenance shop.
Post-reading activity
T. Read the sentences and choose the right variant of the word
1. My future profession is
- a cook
- a builder
- a car-repairer
2. We must know the structure of
- a car
- furniture
- a stone
3. A skilled car-repairer defines
- an order
- disrepairs
- a disorder.
4. To repair a car a car-repairer uses
- a pen, an eraser, a pencil
- a plate, a fork, a knife
- a file, a drill, a hammer.
5. A car-repairer performs such operations as
- reading, writing and listening
- measuring, adjusting and painting
- papering, painting and plastering.
6. It is necessary to follow the rules of
- good manners
- safety techniques
- table behavior
T: You did your work well and now we are going to have a rest. Do you think you
know cars well? Try to match nameplates’ emblems to their names. (Викладач
використовує слайди з логотипами автомобілів)
T: I see you know the trade marks of automobiles perfectly. What mark of your
own car do you want to have in future? Do you know the most famous automobile
concerns? Anybody can drive a car? I see you can.
I think that every mechanic should know how to fix the car. Sooner or later, it's
bound to happen to most everyone. You're driving along with your mind and
suddenly your car pulls to one side and you hear that dreaded flapping sound of a
flat tire.Nowadays, many drivers have roadside assistance services that will come
fix your flats, but you must know how to change a flat yourself.

T: before listening let’s read some useful words from the blackboard. Read these
words, please.
Учні переглядають відео «Сhanging a tire» (
time_continue=46&v=woUdHiRWKMg&feature=emb_logo )виконують
завдання до нього.
1 Рarking your car in a safe and stable area( Place flares or reflective
triangles behind your vehicle for safety, if you're changing your tire on
the road.)
2 Make sure that car is in “park”
3 Remove your spare and the tools you'll need.
4 Break the lug loose
5 Move the jack under the car.
6 Raise the car until the flat tire is few inches off the ground.
7 Remove the wheel lugs
8 Remove the flat tire from the hub
9 Position the spare tire over the wheel studs
10 Snug the lugs with the tire iron
11 Lower the car
12 Tighten the lug
13 Drive as far as necessary to repair or replace a full-size tire
T: Working in the service station, the technicians will not only repair cars, but also
communicate with customers. I want try to do it in the lesson. I want you to make
up two groups. And imagine you are at a car workshop. You have two situations.
Your task is to make up a dialogue between a client and a car-repairer using such
words and word-combinations.
a) The first situation is to change the car tire.
- put on the wheel;
- take off the wheel;
- turn off nuts and screws;
- use a car lifter to lift the car;
- use tire mounting tools;
- inflate a tire;
- tighten all the screws and nuts
- check the tire pressure;
- change the tire.
b) The second situation is as a specialist tell a client the possible reason of disrepairs
- The brakes won’t start you need to change the tires
- The engine is knocking the shortage of brake liquid
- The battery overheats you need to charge the battery
- The car are bad add some petrol
- The radiator is out of order examine the battery
- The tires don’t work
T. Are any volunteers in your group? Act out the dialog in pairs.

T .Find the right word

1. Another word for 'car' is (wagon, cartoon, automobile)
2. A person who fixes a car is a (carman, mechanic, jockey)
3. At night, when you drive, you must switch on your (rearlight, lampers, lights)
4. When you make a turn, you must switch on your (turners, indications,
5. Car fuel is called 'gas' in America and (paper, oil, petrol) in England.
6. Your car starts by using electric power from the (battery, fuel tank, energizer)
7. When you drive, you hold the (steering wheel, steers, styrofoam)
8. When you add power to speed up, you change your (belt, gear, wheel)
9. A car that has no gears is called an (autobahn, automatic, autocrat)
10. The front and back parts of a car are the (bumps, bumpers, bumpies)

Summering T: Thank you everybody for good working at the lesson. And I think
you are ready to do your test at the next lesson. Your home task is to revise
vocabulary and be ready for the checking up tests.

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