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„Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням” із професії секретар

керівника (організації, підприємства, установи). – Навчальний посібник з

англійської мови для викладачів та учнів професійно-технічних навчальних
закладів. – Ужгород, 2013. – С. 163.

У навчальному посібнику охоплені всі теми предмета „Іноземна мова за

професійним спрямуванням” із професії секретар керівника (організації,
підприємства, установи), розроблені за Типовою навчальною програмою
Державного стандарту професійно-технічної освіти.
Навчальна програма розрахована на 48 годин, із них 8 годин на
лабораторно-практичні роботи. В основу посібника покладено комунікативний
метод навчання, що забезпечує інтенсивне засвоєння теоретичного,
граматичного та практичного матеріалу.
Для викладачів та учнів навчальних закладів системи професійно-
технічної освіти.

Авторська група:

Рогач Н.В. – викладач англійської мови Вищого професійного училища

№ 3 м. Мукачево
Тацак Л.В. – викладач англійської мови Ужгородського професійного
Кикина М.О. – викладач англійської мови Вищого професійного
училища № 34 м. Виноградів
Немеш Г.В. – викладач англійської мови Тячівського професійного ліцею

Теличко Н.В. – кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської
філології та методики викладання іноземних мов Мукачівського державного
Софілканич Н.Ю. – викладач англійської мови Мукачівського аграрного

Відповідальний за випуск:
Демчишин Г.С. – методист навчально-методичного центру професійно-
технічної освіти у Закарпатській області
Посібник схвалено навчально-методичною радою навчально-методичного
центру професійно-технічної освіти у Закарпатській області (протокол № 3
від 27 вересня 2013 року)


Невпинний розвиток і зміцнення міжнародних зв’язків України із

зарубіжними країнами у різних сферах життя свідчать, що потребою та
необхідністю сьогодення є іноземні мови. Тому одним із пріоритетних
напрямків освіти є вивчення іноземної мови як навчального предмета, що
сприяє профілізації навчально-виховного процесу. Основною метою навчання
іноземній мові є формування в учнів, майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників,
комунікативної компетенції, оволодіння новітньою фаховою інформацією через
іноземні джерела.
Навчальний посібник „Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням”
призначений для викладачів та учнів професійно-технічних навчальних
закладів, які навчаються за професією секретар керівника (організації,
підприємства, установи).
Мета посібника – навчити основам ділового спілкування в усній та
письмовій формах у межах комунікативних сфер.
Посібник складається із чотирьох частин (тем відповідно до Типової
навчальної програми): „Ділова англійська мова”, „Ділове спілкування”, „Ділове
листування”, „Мовні штампи”, де представлено розробки уроків, лабораторно-
практичні роботи та завдання до них, тестові й проблемні завдання, тренувальні
вправи. Поряд із традиційними завданнями подаються й такі популярні серед
учнів форми навчання як інсценування діалогів, пов’язаних із майбутньою
професією, кросворди, вікторини, рольові ігри та інші матеріали, що дають
змогу зробити навчальний процес цікавим і творчим, створюють сприятливу
атмосферу іншомовного спілкування.
До кожної з вищеназваних тем підібрано тексти для читання, перекладу,
аудіювання, ведення бесід із ділової англійської мови, літератури та періодики,
подано зразки монологів та діалогів за ситуаціями, максимально наближеними
до життя, що спрямовані на перевірку рівня сформованості мовних навичок та
мовленнєвих умінь: правильне розуміння мовного матеріалу і мовленнєвої
ситуації, рівня сформованості мовленнєвої компетенції. Розроблено професійну
лексику, сталі вирази, мовні кліше, подано ключові та незнайомі слова,
необхідні для розуміння й перекладу відповідного тексту за професійним
спрямуванням. Запропоновано також мовні вправи з метою перевірки ступеня
розуміння незнайомого тексту та оперування лексичним і граматичним
матеріалом щодо ведення документації, сучасного діловодства та ділового

Тема 1. Ділова англійська мова.
1.1. Зустріч.
1.2. Привітання……………………………………………………………
1.3. Привітання і
1.4. Діловий
1.5. Поради щодо ділового
1.6. Хороші манери в
1.7. Секретарі.
1.8. Процес соціалізації на робочому
1.9. Лабораторно-практична робота №1. Знайомство і
1.10. Лабораторно-практична робота № 2. Знайомство і
і представлення……………………………………………………………..44
Тема 2. Ділове спілкування.
2.1. Ведення телефонної розмови………………………………………..46
2.2. Вислови та фрази телефонної розмови……………………………..49
2.3. Основні вимоги до ведення телефонної розмови………………….53
2.4. Призначення зустрічі………………………………………………..56
2.5. Замовлення……………………………………………………………59
2.6. Запит інформації. Привітання……………………………………….63
2.7. Обмін думками………………………………………………………..67
2.8. Лабораторно-практична робота №1. Телефонні розмови………….73
2.9. Лабораторно-практична робота № 2. Комп’ютери…………………74
Тема 3. Ділове листування.
3.1. Стилі листів……………………………………………………………77
3.2. Ознайомлення із структурою листа і оформлення конверту………79
3.3. Оформлення листа……………………………………………………81
3.4. Написання листів……………………………………………………...84
3.5. Види ділових листів.…………………………………………….........87
3.6. Лист-замовлення………………………………………………………89
3.7. Лист-запит і відповідь до нього……………………………………...92
3.8. Факсиміле (факс)……………………………………………………...95
3.9. Факсиміле (факс)……………………………………………………. 97
3.10. Золоті правила для написання листів………………………………100
3.11. Життєпис…………………………………………………………….102
3.12. Життєпис…………………………………………………………….105
3.13. Резюме……………………………………………………………….109
3.14. Електронний лист…………………………………………………..111
3.15. Електроннй лист…………………………………………………….113
3.16. Ділова кореспонденція в електронному листуванні……………..116
3.17. Електронний лист……………………………………………………120
3.18. Ділове і особисте листування електронною поштою……………..123
3.19. Лабораторно-практична робота № 1. Ділові листи……………….126
3.20. Лабораторно-практична робота № 2. Ділові листи……………….129
3.21. Лабораторно-практична робота № 3. Ділові листи……………..132
Тема 4. Мовні штампи.
4.1. Знайомство………………………………………………………….135
4.2. Оформлення різних замовлень……………………………………138
4.3. У готелі……………………………………………………………...140
4.4. У місті. ………………………………………………………………144
4.5. Паспортний контроль………………………………………………149
4.6. Митний контроль…………………………………………………...155
4.7. Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування………………..158
4.8. Лабораторно-практична робота. У готелі…………………………161
Список використаної літератури …………………………………………..163

Тема 1: Business English – Ділова англійська мова

Підтема: Meeting. Introduction – Зустріч. Знайомство

„What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” –
Robert Schuller

Warming-up activity. „Student’s Promise”.

I recognize that Ukraine’s future is dependent on my success in school.

I will attend school regularly.
I will keep regular study hours at home.
I will read each day at home.
I will never accept failure.
I will accept responsibility for my school challenges.
I will respect the rights and feelings of others at home, school and work.
I will develop positive qualities in myself that my friends will admire.
If I have difficulties, I will insist on help with my school work.
If I have difficulties I will always try harder.
I will ask my teacher for clear learning objectives.
I will practice good citizenship skills a home, school and work.
I will keep my parents informed daily about my school activities.
I will develop goals for school, home and work.
I will seek advice from my teachers, parents.
I will constantly practice the skills of a good student.

Do You Have These Problems?

 I don’t have any confidence speaking English.
 I don’t have any friends to speak English with.
 I am too nervous when speaking with native English speakers.
 I cannot speak quickly and easily in English. I think too much.
 I have trouble understanding what native English speakers say.
 I need to be fluent in English as soon as possible.
 I need to improve my pronunciation so people can understand me better.
 I need to understand natural English idioms and phrases better.
 I need a higher vocabulary. The words I know are too basic.

Meeting - Зустріч

How should you introduce yourself – Як ви повинні представляти себе

Informal - неформальна

Hi. I am… - Привіт, я…

Hello. My name is… - Привіт, мене звати…

Formal - ділова

Let me introduce myself. My name is… - Дозвольте відрекомендуватися. Мене звати …

Good morning/afternoon/evening. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is… -

Доброго ранку/дня/вечора. Дозвольте представитися. Мене звати…

How to introduce someone else – Як представляти кого-небудь

Informal - неформальна

This is my friend, Sue. – Це моя подруга Сью.

Formal - ділова

May I introduce my colleague, Sue Halen? – Чи можу я Вам представити мою колегу
Сью Гелен.

Allow me to introduce my colleague, Sue Halen. – Дозвольте мені представити мою

колегу Сью Гелен.

What to say after introduction - Що сказати після знайомства

Informal - неформальна

Hi Sue. Nice to meet you. - Привіт Сью. Рада з тобою познайомитися.

Nice to meet you too. - Рада познайомитися також.

Formal - ділова

How do you do, Ms Halen. – Як справи міс Гелен.

It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms Halen. – Приємно познайомитися з вами міс


Запам’ятайте фрази, що використовуються при знайомстві.

Я хочу познайомити вас ... I'd like you to meet

Mr/Mrs/Miss + прізвище

Я хотів би познайомити вас з... Allow me to introduce you


I'd like to introduce you to...

Я хочу представити вас...
I'd like you to meet...

I want you to meet...

Allow me to introduce (to you

I'd like to introduce (to you)...

May I introduce...?

I'd like you to meet..

The first time, it is common to greet the person with „How do you do?” the
correct response is „How do you do”. Here is a short introductory conversation:

При першій зустрічі ви вітаєтесь з людиною, вживаючи вітання
„How do you do?” Запам’ятайте, правильною відповіддю на привітання
буде „How do you do?”

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: How do you do?
Mary: How do you do.
Ken: Mary works for ...
Ви також можете вжити наступні фрази. – „It's a pleasure to meet you”.
або „Pleased to meet you”.
Розглянемо вживання фраз у наступних діалогах:

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Mary: How do you do.

Ken: Mary works for ...

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: How do you do?

Mary: Pleased to meet you.

Ken: Mary works for ...

In informal situations introductions are also made simply saying: „This is

(name)”. It is also common to just say „Hi” or „Hello” as a response in this
informal setting.

У неформальних ситуаціях ви можете звернутися, кажучи: „This is

(ім’я)” Відповіддю на привітання буде „Hi” або „Hello”

Наступні форми звертання є більш офіційними при знайомстві:

Дозвольте (з вами) May I introduce myself (to

познайомитися! you).

Дозвольте (з вами) Let me introduce myself (to

познайомитися you).
Allow me to introduce myself.

Дозвольте (з вами)
May I introduce myself? I'm
познайомитися. Я, Віктор
Viktor Petrenko, a manager of the
Петренко, менеджер компанії

Мене звати... My name is…

Replies – Реплiки

Дуже приємно з
Pleased to meet you.
вами познайомитися !

Мені дуже приємно

I'm very pleased to meet you.
з вами познайомитися!

Надзвичайно радий! Glad to meet you.

Я радий з вами
Nice to meet you.

Я щасливий з вами
I'm very pleased to meet you.

Я щасливий, що з
Delighted to meet you.
вами познайомився

Розглянемо вирази, які використовуються при знайомстві без


Я хочу з Вами (тобою) Hello, my names is Mrs. Jones (Peter

познайомитися. Evans, Jane)

Я хотів би з Вами (тобою) I’ve been looking forward to meeting

познайомитися. you. My name is...

Мені хочетьсяз Вами I am Jane Morrison/ I’ve always

познайомитися. wanted to meet you.

Мені хотілося з Вами I've been looking forward to meeting

познайомитися. you. My name is...

How should you introduce people in a group at an event

Як ви повинні представляти людей під час зустрічей

Most people will find themselves at some point introducing various individuals at an event,
especially when they are the ones who will be expected to know all parties. But what’s the order of
introductions? Simply remember to rules:

 Introduce lower ranking individuals to higher ranking individuals.

 Remember to include titles (e.g., Dr., Judge, etc.) and name prefix (e.g., Mr.,
Mrs. Ms.).

 При знайомстві через посередника дотримується принцип ділових

взаємовідносин, який вимагає, щоб чоловіка представляли жінці, молодшу жінку - жінці
старшого віку, молодого чоловіка – чоловікові страшого віку, співробітника -
керівникові. Як правило, посередник називає прізвище особи, котрій преставляють гостя,
відвідувача або ділового партнера, потім вже прізвище особи, яку представляють.

Познайомтесь Mr/Mrs/Miss + прізвище, may I introduce

Знайомтесь з ... Mr/Mrs/Miss + прізвище.

Запам’ятайте наступні форми звертання - Remember the following

Remember we
Write: Say:
Mr. Mister
Mrs. Missis
Miss. Miss
Ms. Mizz
Dr. Doctor

Розглянемо ситуації знайомства через посередника:
1. - Mr Morton, this is Miss Evans, our new typist.

- How do you do, (Miss Evans)?

- How do you do, Mr Morton?

2. - Mrs Jones, I'd like you to meet Mr Oleg Petrenko.

- How do you do, Mr Oleg Petrenko? Glad to meet you.

- How do you do, Mr Jones?

- Mrs Parker? I don't think you've met Mr (Vitaly) Larkin.

- How do you do, (Mr Larkin)? Nice to meet you.

- How do you do, (Mrs Parker)?

3. - Miss Delvin, meet Mr Yuri Petrenko.

- How do you do, MrPetrenko? How nice of you to come. 

- How do you do, Miss Delvin?
Use these role plays to practice introducing yourself.
Представте себе, використовуючи ці рольові ігри.
Study the verb "to be" with questions such as "Where are you from?, What's your name? Are
you Ukrainian? etc." to help continue the conversation with your partner. - Пригадайте
відмінювання дієслова "to be" в питальних реченнях.
Introduction - Знайомство
Dialogue 1
- Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name?
- Janet.
- Where are you from Janet?
- I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?
- I'm from Madrid.
- Are you American?
- Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?
- Yes I am.

Dialogue 2
- Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name?
- Janet.
- Where are you from Janet?
- I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?
- I'm from Madrid.
- Are you American?
- Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?
- Yes I am.

Dialogue 3
- Hello.
- Hello, Peter. How are you?
- Fine, thanks. How are you?
- I'm fine, thank you.
- Goodbye
- Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow!
- Bye bye, Peter. Have a nice evening.
- Thanks, you too!
- Thanks.
Personal Information - Особиста інформація
Dialogue 4
- What's your surname (family name)?
- What's your first name? -Fred
- Where are you from? -Atlanta, Georgia
- What's your job? -I'm a teacher.
- What's your address? -34 White Street
- What is your phone number? -308-6730
- How old are you? -24
- Are you married? -Yes, I am.
Key Vocabulary – Ключові слова
Surname, family name, first name - Прізвище, ім'я, по батькові
Where are you from? – Звідки ви?
What's your job? address? phone (telephone) number? – Яка ваша професія?
Яка ваша адреса? Який ваш номер телефону?
How old are you? – Скільки вам років?
Are you married? – Чи ви одружені?
Married, single, divorced, and separated – одружені, одинокий, розлучений.

Introducing - Представлення
I'm (Peter Walsh). Call me (Pete).  I’m Mark Walsh.] – Мене звати... .
Зателефонуйте мені.
I'm from (Canada/Toronto). – Я з Канади /Торонто.
This is ...He/she is my Personal Assistant.! [Call me Mark. ] – Це мій... . Він /Вона є
моїм особистим помічником.
Let me introduce you to Mr... – Дозвольте мені представити ... .
Make up dialogues, using these expressions.
Складіть діалог, використовуючи наступні вирази:
How was your trip? Did you have a good flight /trip?
Have you been here before? Is this your first visit to (Ukraine)?
How long are you staying in (Kyiv)?
Asking and giving information. Запит та отримання інформації.
Where are you from?
What do you do?
Whom do you work for?
How long have you been at the firm, organization?
How long have you worked for J company, enterprise? Enterprise?
Which department do you work in?
When was your company established?
Where is the office located? - Our office is in the center (suburbs, outskirts, western part) of
How big is the company? / How many employees does the company employ? -We have
Would you be interested in going to...?
Would you like to visit...?
I'd like to invite you to ... Is that a good idea?
Answer the questions about your present or future job: - Дайте відповідь
за зразком щодо вашої роботи.
Question Model

1. What do you do? – Чим ви I’m a legal expert. – Я експерт із

займаєтеся? правових питань.
2. Whom do you work for? – I work for insurance company “ASG
Де ви працюєте? Life”. – Я працюю в страховій
компанії “ASG life”.
3. Which department do you work I work in the Personnel Department. - Я
in? – У якому відділі ви працюєте? працюю у відділі кадрів.

4. How long have you worked I’ve worked there for there years/
there? - Як довго ви тут працюєте? since 2012. – Я працюю тут на
протязі 3 років, з 2012.
5. What exactly do you do? – Чим I’m in charge of solving problems. – Я
саме ви займаєтеся? Відповідаю за вирішення проблем.
I’m responsible for terms of
employment. – За термін
Ideal with contracts. – Я маю справу з
One of my tasks is to give advice. -
Одним з моїх обов’язків є надавати
6. Where is the company located? – The office is located in Boston. –
Де знаходиться компанія? Офіс знаходиться в Бостоні.

7. When was the company set up? – It was set up in 1999. – Вона була
Коли була заснована? заснована в 1999 р.

8. How big is the company? – Чи We Have 135 employees . – Вона має

велика ваша компанія? 135 співробітників.

Лексико-граматичні тести

1. Match the offer/suggestion to the answer – Підберіть відповіді на запитання.

Shall we open the window?
   a) Good idea. It's really stuffy in here.
   b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

2. Shall we have a 15 minute break?

   a) How about next Friday?
   b) Shall we keep working until the coffee comes?
   c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

3. Shall we say next Friday?

   a) Sorry, can't make Friday. How about Thursday?
   b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   c) I think it's about time you all came to my place.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

4. Where shall we meet?
   a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   c) How about next Friday?
   d) I think it's about time you all came to my place.

5. Who shall we send to Poland?

   a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   c) I think it's about time you all came to my place.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

6. What shall we do about their offer?

   a) I think we should leave that to one side for the time being.
   b) How abou tnext Friday?
   c) Sorry, can't make Friday. How about Thursday?
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

7. When shall we have the next meeting?

   a) How about next Friday?
   b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   c) I think it's about time you all came to my place.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

8. What shall we do about John?

   a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   c) I think it's about time you all came to my place.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

9. Shall we start?

   a) I think it would be better to wait until Lindsey is here.

   b) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   c) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

10. What shall we tell Rachel?

   a) I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.
   b) Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.
   c) I think it's about time you all came to my place.
   d) Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?

Introduce yourself to a partner and find out the names of the people in his
or her family – Представте себе партнерові, дізнайтесь його ім’я та імена
членів сім’ї.
Put these sentences from the introduction into the correct order –
Поставте речення в правильному порядку:

c. As you know we start our joint venture with our company. So it will be important for
you to see how our section functions.
a. Good morning. I’m Pascale Delacroix and I’m in charge op the planning department.
b. I’d like to give you some information about my department.
d. So, in my talk this morning, I’d like you cover three main points.
f. Next, I’ll tell you about the people in the department and their role.
c. Firstly, I’ll tell you about the people in the department and their roles.
g. And finally, I’ll talk about the procedures we use in our work.


Підтема: Greetings – Привітання

„Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important
than any other one thing” -- Abraham Lincoln

Warming-up activity. „Student’s Promise”.

Once you have been introduced to someone, the next time you see that person it is
important to greet them. We also greet people as we leave people. In English (as in all
languages), there are different ways to greet people in formal and informal situations.
Якщо ви вже познайомились,при наступній зустрічі ви повинні обов’язково
привітатися. В англійській мові люди по різному вітаються в формальних і неформальних
Formal Greetings: Arriving - Ділові привітання: Прибуття
Good Я вітаю вас від Allow me to welcome you/greet you on

morning імені... behalf of...

/afternoon I am happy to welcome/greet you on behalf

/evening. – of...

Доброго Радий зустрічі. Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you ранку
/дня /вечора. Почувайтесь, як Make yourself at home
Як справи ? 17 How do you do, Mr... ?
How are you? How are you getting on?
Hello (name), how are you? – Привіт, як справи?
Good day Sir / Madam (very formal) – Доброго дня, Пане /Пані.

Welcome! Welcome to (Kyiv).

Вітаю (Вас)!

Доброго ранку. Good morning /Good afternoon

Доброго дня. Доброго /Good evening!
Радий вас вітати! I'm happy to welcome you.

Greetings. Departing – Привітання. Від’їзд

Good morning /afternoon /evening. – Доброго ранку /дня /вечора.

It was a pleasure seeing you
Note: After 8 p.m. - Good night. – Після 8 години вечора – Доброї ночі.

Remember the following conversational formulas - Запам’ятайте

наступні розмовні формули:

Attracting attention Як привернути увагу

Excuse me.
Pardon me. Вибачте, прошу.
Asking the way Як спитати дорогу
Can /could you direct
me to... ? Чи можете Ви сказати мені
Can I could you tell me як пройти до...?
the way to...?
How do /can I get to...? Як мені дістатися...?
Does this street go to/ lead Чи ця вулиця приведе мене
to...? до...?
I am looking for... Я шукаю...
Is it a long way to the...? Чи далеко...?
Am I on the right way to Я на правильному шляху
the...? до...?
Is this right way to the...? Чи це вірна дорога до...?
Where is the nearest...? Де розташовано найближчий...?
Thanks and Replies to Як подякувати і відповісти на
Thank подяку?
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Дякую.
Thank you (very much). Дуже вдячний.
Don't mention it. Нема за що.
Directions Як пояснити дорогу
Go (walk) down Iup / Ідіть вниз /вгору /вздовж /
along / across / past / через /повз /прямо.
straight (on).
Turn to the right /left. Зверніть праворуч /ліворуч.

How to greet someone you know – Як вітатися з тим, кого ви вже

Informal – неформальна
Діалог 1 Діалог 2
Hello Sue. How do you? - Hello Sue. How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. And you? - Great, thanks. How about you?
Formal – ділова
Діалог 3
Good morning Ms Halen. How are you today?
I am very well, thank you. And you?
Діалог 4
Hello Ms Halen. It’s nice to see you again.
And you.
Communicative Tests - Комунікативні тести

Who would make these requests?

1. Could you tell me how much it costs?

   a) a boss to a secretary

   b) a customer to a sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) a policeman to a prisoner

2. Could you say that again please? I didn't understand.

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

3. Could you tell me if the price includes sales tax?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a hotel receptionist to a visitor
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

4. Could you fix us two black coffees please, Barbara?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

5. Could you please speak more slowly? I didn't understand.

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

6. Would you mind opening that suitcase?

   a) a customs officer
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

7. Would you mind telling me who your present supplier is?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) Salesperson to customer
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

8. Would you mind spelling your name please?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Somebody answer in gthephone
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) a customs officer

9. Could you tell me how to pronounce "specialisation"?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

10. Would you mind working late tonight?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

11. Could you tell me where Mr Brown's office is?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect

12. Could you tell me if you have any in stock?

   a) a boss to a secretary
   b) Customer to sales person
   c) a visitor to a company
   d) somebody whose English is not perfect


Підтема: Greeting and Introduction - Привітання і знайомство

„Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities.

They vary in their desires to reach their potential”. - John Maxwell.

Warming-up activity. „Student’s Promise.”

Remember following words and expressions - Запам’ятайте наступні

слова та вирази.

Vocabulary notes:
Introduction n Відрекомендування
acquaintance знайомство, знайомий
n stranger n незнайома, стороння людина
Staff n штат працівників, особовий склад,
Field n (тут) сфера діяльності
position n посада, місце
Team n Команда
responsibility відповідальність, обов'язок
n entertainment n прийом гостей, вечірка, розвага
enterprise n Підприємство
outskirts n Околиці
employee n Службовець
unemployed Безробітний
employ v наймати на роботу
greet v вiтати(ся)
determine v встановлювати, обумовлювати
address v Звертатися
behave v Поводитись
to shake потиснути один одному руки
to be in відповідати за...
charge of
to deal with мати справу з...

Read and translate the text: Greeting and Introduction.

Прочитайте і перекладіть текст: Привітання і знайомство.

In business, people have to deal with all kinds of people. You can use I English when talking
to different people who don’t speak your language: clients, suppliers, visitors, foreign partners or
members of public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers.
The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. This
relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, it's not appropriate
to say "Hi, how are you?" when you meet the Director of a large company or to say: "Good
morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you" when being introduced to a person you'll be working
closely with in the same team.
When people first meet someone, they usually have a short conversation, exchanging names
and business cards. There are general rules for introductions: men are introduced to women, young
people to older ones, old colleagues (friends) to newcomers. You should always land when people
are being introduced. If you are introduced to someone, use his name immediately - it will help you
to remember it. /If you want to address to someone whose name you don't remember, you may say
just "Excuse me" and ask to repeat his name. When people meet m business, there is often "small
talk" before the business discussion begins. Small talk is important in many business situations,
such as a meeting start, during a coffee break at a meeting, before and after a job interview, or in the
hall./ Talking easily with people can leave a longer impression than exchanging business cards.
Before a meeting you should prepare a small talk in English about your company, professional
field, projects and future plans. Be able to talk about your country and town, entertainment and
cultural centers of interest. Don't be an FBI agent and avoid all personal questions unless you know
the person well.
Remember also that your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people more
about you than the words you use. People form an impression of you from the way you speak and
behave - not just from the way you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas
of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere - and of what sounds rude or unfriendly. Good manners in
your culture may be considered bad manners in another culture.

Answer the questions - Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. Have you ever met overseas visitors? Is it easy to have a conversation? Why/Why
2. What do you say when you greet a visitor (English-speaking)?
3. What impression do you try to produce on the people you deal with in business?
4. How can you make your visitor feel comfortable?
5. When a person is introduced, why is extra information about that person often

Способом привернення уваги може бути ввічливе звертання. Для

того, щоб розпочати невеличку бесіду, можна використати наступні

Вибачте, чи ви не знаєте...? Excuse me, do you know...?  

Excuse me, could  you tell me... 
Будьте добрі... Please...
Будьте люб’язні... Would you..., (please)?  
Would you mind..., (please)?
Чи не будете ви такі люб’язні сказати...? Would you be good (kind)
enough to tell me..., (please)?  
Would you be so good (kind)
as to tell me.
Ви не можете (сказати)...?   Can /Could you tell me...

Не можете ви (сказати)...?   (please)?
Не могли б ви (сказати)...?  

Рольова гра „Where Are You


Група поділяється на дві команди, які шикуються одна напроти одної. Члени кожної
команди загадують будь-яку країну. Учні по черзі ставлять один одному запитання про мову
та національність (але не про країну) та називають відповідну країну. Наприклад:
P ^.What is your language?
P 2: French.
P x: You are from France.
P 2: What is your nationality?
Pi: 1 am Italian.
P 2: You are from Italy.
Учні ланцюжком ставлять один одному запитання, складені за зразком, що подаються
в діалозі, відповідають на них, використовуючи надану інформацію.

Make up dialogues - Складання діалогів

А. Ask your partner:

— where he/she is from;
— what language he/she learns at school;
— what he/she likes doing.
Make up a dialogue.
В. Ask your partner:
— what his/her nationality is;
— where he/she lives;
— what language he/she wants to learn.

Рольова гра „Where Do You Come From?”

П’ять учнів отримують картки з інформацією про людину, роль якої вони будуть
грати. Решта має розпитати цих п’ятьох учнів про їхні імена, національність, країни, де вони
живуть, хобі та коротко розповісти про це наприкінці уроку.

1) Етап підготовки до гри.

Т: We have five guests from different countries today. Your task is to ask them
questions about their names, nationalities, languages they speak and study, countries
they live and their hobbies. At the end of our lesson you will tell about one of our fiveguests.

2) Етап проведення гри.

Т: Read the information and use it in your answers.

A. Name: Gregory
Nationality: French
Country: France
Language to learn: Spanish
Hobby: playing tennis
B. Name: Bill
Nationality: Scottish
Country: England
Language to learn: German
Hobby: computer

C. Name: Margaret
Nationality: English
Country: Scotland
Language to learn: Italian
Hobby: dancing

D. Name: Olena
Nationality: Ukrainian
Country: Ukraine
Language to learn: English
Hobby: painting

E. Name: Sandra
Nationality: Italian
Country: Italy
Language to learn: English
Hobby: cooking


Підтема: Business Etiquette – Діловий етикет

„Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it” --
Henry David Thoreau.

„I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice,

and then going away and doing the exact opposite” -- G. K. Chesterton.

Warming-up activity. „Student’s Promise.”

Read and translate the text Business Etiquette – Прочитайте та

перекладіть текст.
Let’s remember this proverb “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”
To get success in any sphere of business you have to follow some rules of behavior and
good manners. Let’s remember some rules, when meeting new business partners. The first few
seconds of a first meeting are the most important, so it’s necessary to create the right impression.
Remember what rules have you to follow.
- Dress appropriately, it’s better to be conservative.
- Check your appearance just before you meet.
- Greet your partners in a warm and friendly manner.
- Introduce everyone who is present, or have them introduce themselves.
- Speak clearly, especially when giving important information.
- Remember that foreign names are often difficult to catch.
- Show interest in the other person by making eye contact when they are speaking.
- Try to relax. Taking slow deep breath can help.
Make it and keep it! Not only does focused eye contact display confidence on your part, it also
helps you understand what the other person is really saying verbally.
When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language
of the first. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Looking someone in the eyes as you meet and talk with
him/her also shows you are paying attention. Listening is the most important human relations skill,
and good eye contact plays a large part in conveying our interest in others. Smiles are an important
facial expression. They show interest, excitement, empathy, concern; they create a positive
environment. Smiles can, however, be overused. Often, men smile when they are pleased; women
smile to please. You know which is the most powerful! To gain and increase respect, first establish
your presence in a room, then smile. It is far more professional than to enter a room giggling or "all

Запам’ятайте фрази, що виражають радість при зустрічі.

Радий вас
Glad/Happy to see you!
Як я радий вас (I'm) so glad/happy/pleased to
бачити ! see you!
Я надзвичайно (I'm) delighted/so glad/so
радий вас бачити! happy to see you!
Я радий, що бачу (I'm) so (very) glad/happy/
вас! pleased to see you!
Я так радий, що... I'm so glad/happy/pleased...
(Я надзвичайно I'm so very glad/happy/
Радий, що)...! pleased...

Business Etiquette Quiz - Вікторина з ділового етикету.

Question: 1) You, a business consultant, are walking along with your client, the President of
Acme, and two of his employees, when you meet a business acquaintance of yours. Obviously it
falls to you to introduce the four of them to each other. Whose name should you say first?
A. The person standing on your immediate right.
B. The person you’ve known the longest.
C. The President of Acme.
D. Your business acquaintance.

Question: 2) I have become a client of yours and we have a meeting scheduled so you can
show me what your company can do for me. When you’re speaking to me, you should refer to me
A. Ms. Ward
B. Susan Ward
C. Susan

Question: 3) You have invited a client to a business lunch and upon arrival, a maitre d’ is
waiting to escort you to your table. You should:
A. Let your guest follow behind the maitre d’ first.
B. Walk ahead of your guest behind the maitre d’.
C. Ask your guest if he or she would like to go first.
D. Forge ahead yourself and lead the entire group.

Question: 4) You’re having a meal with a client in a restaurant. The waiter places a basket of
bread on the table. You should:
A. Take a piece of bread and then offer the basket to the client.
B. Take a piece of bread and place it on the client’s plate.
C. Pass the basket of bread to the client first. Well of course "C. Pass the basket of bread to
the client first" is the right answer.
D. Ignore the basket of bread; eating bread before a meal is bad manner

Question: 5) You encounter someone you’ve met before, but you can’t remember his or her
name. You should:
A. Turn around and leave and hope he or she didn’t see you.
B. Walk up to him or her and say, “Hi, what’s-your-name!”
C. Walk up to him or her, use a generic greeting such as “Good morning” and just ignore the
whole name issue.
D. Walk up to him or her, use a generic greeting and admit that you don’t remember the
You got it.

Question: 6. You have invited a business colleague to lunch. Who pays for the meal?
A. You because you invited your colleague to lunch.
B. Your business colleague because she accepted the invitation.
C. Whichever one of you the waiter places the bill in front of pays.
D. You both pay half.

Question: 7. You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a call. You should:
A. Make sure your cell phone is charged up and turned on.
B. Set your cell phone ring volume to high to ensure you hear any calls.
C. Turn your cell phone off.
D. Tell your client you’re expecting a call.

Question: 8. At a business function that has a buffet, you choose to eat a mushroom
appetizer served on a toothpick. What should you do with the toothpick when you’re done?
A. Put it back on the serving platter.
B. Put it in your napkin.
C. Surreptitiously toss it on the floor.
D. Keep it in the corner of your mouth.

Question: 9. When you receive someone else’s business card you should:
A. Immediately stuff it into your pocket.
B. Immediately pass them your business card.
C. Look at the card but say nothing about it.
D. Look at the card and acknowledge it.

Question: 10. When you are conversing with someone, you should stand:
A. Ten feet away from them.
B. Six feet away from them.
C. Three feet away from them.
D. One and a half feet away from them.


Підтема: Business Etiquette Tips - Поради щодо ділового етикету

„Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were
to success when they gave up” - Thomas A. Edison.

Warming-up activity. „Student’s Promise”

Read and Translate the text
Business Etiquette Tips

When to Shake Hands and When Not to

Shake Hands in Business Situations
Keep in mind, the purpose of etiquette is
to create an environment that allows everyone to
feel comfortable. The following information provides some business etiquette tips for meeting
environments. A handshake is more than just a greeting. It is also a message about your personality
and confidence level. In business, a handshake is an important tool in making the right first
While the art of handshaking does vary within cultures, in the United States the “rules” are
pretty universal. Begin with introduction of yourself. Before extending your hand, introduce
yourself. Extending your hand should be part of an introduction, not a replacement for using your
voice. Extending your hand without a voice greeting may make you appear nervous or overly
Interrupting - Ввічлива форма уточнення
May I have a word? – Чи можу я дещо сказати
If I may, I think... – Якщо дозволите, я думаю...
Excuse me for interrupting. – Вибачте за те, що я вас перервав
May I come in here? – Чи дозволите ввійти?
Giving Opinions – Висловлювання власної думки
I (really) feel that... – Я дійсно відчуваю, що ...
In my opinion... – На мою думку ...
If you ask me,... I tend to think that... – Якщо ви запитаєте мою думку ...
Asking for Opinions – Уточнення думки опонента.
Do you (really) think that... – Чи насправді ви вважаєте
How do you feel about...? – Що ви думаєте про це...?
Commenting on Other Opinions – Коментування точки зору вашого співрозмовника.
I never thought about it that way before. – Я раніше так не вважав
Good point! – Хороша думка!
I see what you mean. – Я розумію, що ви маєте на увазі.
Agreeing with Other Opinions – Згода з думкою співрозмовника.
Exactly! – Вірно!
That's (exactly) the way I feel. – Саме так я вважаю.
I have to agree with (name of participant). – Я повинен згодитися з ... .
Disagreeing with Other Opinions – Висловлення незгоди.
Up to a point I agree with you, but...- До якоїсь міри я згоден з вами, але…

Advising and Suggesting – Поради та пропозиції

We should... - Ми повинні
Why don't you.... - Чому ви не
How/What about...- Яка ваша думка щодо ...
I suggest/recommend that... – Я вам пропонував /рекомендував....
Clarifying– Уточнення.
Have I made that clear? – Чи все для вас зрозуміло?
I'd just like to repeat that... – Я тільки хотіла б повторити, що...

Requesting Information – Запит інформації

I'd like you to... – Я б хотіла ...

Would you mind... I wonder if you could... – Чи не заперечуєте…

Прощання - Leave-taking
Найбільш вживаними, нейтральними в стилістичному відношенні є наступні
Good bye now.
До побачення.
Good bye for now.
See you soon.
До зустрічі!
Till we meet again.
До скороїзустрічі! See you soon.
До зустрічі в офісі. See you at the office.
See you
До зустрічі в неділю
on Sunday
До завтра! See you tomorrow.
До понеділка! See you on Monday.
До вечера! See you tonight.
До різдвяних свят! Good bye till Christmas, etc.
See you in summer.
До літа! Good bye till we meet again in
До побачення. До зустрічі в офісі. Bye for now. See you at the Office
Прощай! Good bye!
Побажання в прощаннях:

Всього Good bye! All the best!

Всього доброго! Goodbye!
Будь здоров! Good bye! Take care. God bless you!
Щасливо! Удачі! Goodluck!

Офіційні форми прощання:

Дозвольте I'm afraid it's time saying goodbye.


Дозвольте May I thank you and say goodbye?


Дозвольте I wish to thank you and say goodbye.


Reproduce these dialogues – Відтворіть діалоги

Conversation (informal) – Неформальна розмова.

Kate: Hello. My name’s Kate

Julie: Hi Kate, I’m Julie.
Kate: Nice to meet you, Julie.
Julie: Nice to meet you, too.
Kate: This is my friend, Sue.
Julie: Yes, I know. We’ve already met. How are you, Sue?
Sue: Fine, thanks. And you?
Julie: Great, thanks.
Kate: We must go now. Speak to you later, Julie.
Julie: OK. See you both later.

Conversation (formal) – Ділова бесіда

Kate: Good morning. I don’t think we’ve met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kate
Julie: How do you do. My name is Julie Bates.
Kate: How do you do, Ms Bates. Allow me to introduce my colleague, Sue Halen.
Julie: Well, actually, we’ve already met. Hello Ms Halen. How are you?
Sue: Very well, thank you. It’s very nice to see you again.
Julie: And you.
Kate: Well, we must be on our way. It has been a pleasure meeting you Ms Bates. I hope to
see you again soon.
Julie: Likewise. I look forward to seeing you both again.

Writing task - Письмове завдання

You want to study at Merion House Center in the UK. – Ви хочете
вступити на навчання в Merion House Center у Великій Британії.

Заповніть анкету, вказуючи наступні дані.


1. Surname or family name

(Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS and put Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.)
2. Christian names or first names
3. Profession or occupation
(If you are still a student, please state your probable future profession, even if you are not
yet firmly decided. 'Student' alone is not enough.)
4. Date and year of birth
5. Nationality 6. Own first language
7. Full permanent address in your own country
8. Present knowledge of English ___
9. Other languages
10. Classes you would like to attend.


Підтема: Good Manners - Good Business – Хороші манери в бізнесі

„Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of

enthusiasm” - Winston Churchill.

Warming-up activity. ”Student’s Promise.”

Аудіювання - Listening Comprehension

Good Manners - Good Business

Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes ever more international, it
is easy to get it wrong. There may be a single European market but it does not mean that managers
behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark.
In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. A firm, strong handshake
usually shows that a person makes decisions, takes risks, and above all, takes charge. In France
good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone
present. This can be a demanding task and, in a crowded room, may require gymnastic ability if the
farthest hand is to be reached. Handshaking is popular in Germany, Belgium and Italy. But
Northern Europeans, such as the British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical
demonstrations of friendliness.
The normal distance between speakers also varies from one culture to another. Latin
Americans, for example, usually stand relatively close while talking – at an arms length. People
from other countries stand farther apart. In the USA people always keep the distance – their
personal space.
Gestures are considered to be such physical movements that have specific meaning in
communication. Some gestures are known to people throughout the world, others are not. Be
careful. A gesture in your country may have another meaning in the other part of the world. A well
– known gesture for “OK” in America has the meaning “money” in Japan, and “I’ll kill you” in
In Europe the most common challenge is not the content of the food, but the way you
behave as you eat. Some things are just not done. In France it is not good manners to raise tricky
questions of business over the main course.
Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact, in
Italy the biggest fear, as course after course appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on
business. If you have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally ends, and
offer to pay. There is the general rule – the person, who invites, pays. If a woman invites a male
colleague, she should pay. There is the general rule – the person, who invites pays. If a woman
invites a male colleague, she should pay. The man usually offers to pay his half or the whole bill.
The host may reject, but the guest’s offer will be considered polite. Remember, a business lunch
and a romantic dinner isn’t the same.
These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems of doing business. But the
more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less likely you can get into
difficulties. It is worth the effort. It might be rather hard to explain that the reason you lost the
contract was not the product or the price, but the fact that you offended your partners in a light –
hearted comment during your business lunch. Good manners are admired. They can also make or
break the deal.

Перевірка розуміння тексту - Checking understanding of the text

Could you tell me how do business people usually greet each other?
What common rules should people follow at the meeting?
What can you say about good manners in business?
What other things are typical for doing business in different countries?
Possible student’s replies:
In many European countries handshaking is common way of greeting.
Good manners play an important role in business.

Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). – Виберіть і вкажіть
правильні та неправильні твердження:

1. In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you meet.
2. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.
3. In France people prefer talking about business during meals.
4. It is not polite to insist on paying for meal if you are in Italy.
5. In Germany usually they call their partners by first names.
6. Make sure you know what the titles of the German people you meet are.
7. It’ s a good idea to give a gift to a business partner in the USA.
8. A humorous remark always goes down well all over the world.

Вікторина - Quiz “Check your knowledge of international etiquette”

Answer the questions of the quiz – Дайте відповіді на запитання
1. The usual way of greeting people in China is:
a. shaking hands;
b. touching his/her dress;
c. bowing.
2. If you’re invited to a meal in Brazil, you should arrive:
a. shortly before the stated time;
b. some time after the stated time;
c. at the state time.
3. In Russia what do people do before going on important journey?
a. kiss your hat;
b. sit in silence for a short tie;
c. throw a coin into water.
4. What do you have to do before you enter a mosque?
a. put on white clothes;
b. take off your shoes;
c. put on a hat.
5. Which is banned in Singapore?
a. alcohol;
b. chewing gum;
c. tobacco.
6. Which should you never offer a Moslem (a Hindu) to eat?
a. beef;
b. pork;
c. chicken.
7. Which flowers should you never take to a dinner party in Poland?
a. carnations;
b. chrysanthemums;
c. tulips.

Lesson 7
Підтема: Secretaries – Секретарі
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more
important than any other one thing" - Abraham Lincoln

Warming-up activity. ”Student’s Promise”

Read and translate the text consulting the list of words and be ready to
share your opinions – Прочитайте та перекладіть текст, використовуючи
подані слова та вирази

New words:

Executive [ig’zekjutiv] керівник,

Executive committee виконавчий комітет
To suit [sju:t] влаштовувати
Suitable підходящий
To qualify [‘kwolifai] кваліфікувати
Qualified кваліфікований
To recognize визнавати
Recognized впізнавати
Recognition визнаний, визнання
Officer службовець,
посадова особа
To be concerned with smth бути пов’язаним з
Enquiry запит
To handle мати справу
To handle the matter займатися даним
Sphere сфера (діяльності)
To come in to the of smb потрапляти в сферу
діяльності будь-кого
Message звістка
To receive (take) a message отримати звістку
To entertain розважати
Entertainment розвага
Customer клієнт, покупець
To supply постачати
Supplier постачальник
Associate партнер
To arrange влаштовувати,
Arrangement угода, договір
Travel arrangement домовленість про
To congratulate вітати
Congratulation вітання,
A letter of congratulation вітальна листівка
Condolence співчуття
To invite запрошувати
Invitation запрошення
To reply відповідати
Reply відповідь
In reply to smth у відповідь на будь-що


There are two types of secretaries: company secretaries and private secretaries of executives.
Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States, is required, under the law, to
have a company secretary.
In the case of private companies the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this
But in the case of public companies the company secretary must be a properly qualified
person, a member of a recognized institute or association. He or she may be one of the directors of
the company. But if the company has only one director, the director cannot also be the secretary.
The company secretary is the chief administrative officer of the company. He or she is
normally responsible for the company, to comply with company law.
The correspondence of the company secretary is particularly concerned with shareholders’
meetings, board meetings and various forms that must be sent outside. The company secretary may
also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms, although the accounts department
often handles these matters. Administrative questions come, info the sphere of the company
secretary, under instructions of the board of directors.

As to private secretaries of executives they are practically personal assistants of executives.
A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the instruction
of her boss.
A secretary also helps in organization of meetings and conferences, entertainments of
visiting customers, suppliers and other associates of the firm. She also deals with all the
correspondence of her boss.
Secretaries write letters on making appointments or travel arrangements, letters of
introduction, congratulation or condolence, invitations and replies to invitations.
Secretaries’ use various office equipment: like microcomputers, fax machines, photocopying
machines and others.

Write down the questions for these answers: - Поставте запитання до

даних речень:

1 ____________________________
1 There are two types of them:
____________________________ company secretaries and private
____________________________ secretaries.

2 ____________________________
2 The company secretary is the chief
____________________________ administrator of the company.

3 ____________________________
3 His or her correspondence is mostly
____________________________ concerned with board meeting,
____________________________ shareholders’ meetings and so on.
4 ____________________________
4 He or she administers under
____________________________ instructions of the board of
____________________________ directors.


Підтема: How to socialize at work – Процес соціалізації на робочому


”If you have some respect for people as they are, you can be more effective
in helping them to become better than they are” - John W. Gardner.

Warming-up activity.”Student’s Promise”

Read and translate the text – Прочитайте та перекладіть текст

How to socialize at work

 Plan your career ahead and it helps you to have some control over your life.
 Use the experience from each job you hold for the next job in your career.
 The amount of money you earn will increase faster because you will not have
to start at the bottom with each new job. Your growing experience and skills will be worth
more money to your new employer. “A successful business needs strong competition.
(Alfred Sloan)
 “Without a clear goal, you may be running a well-managed bankruptcy.”
(L. Carol “Alice in Wonderland”)
 Constantly learn and grow, make progress and move persistently towards
your goal.
Think positive about work. One of the best parts of working is that you get to know lots of
people; another one is that you accomplish a great deal and do something useful for others.
As we have already mentioned the process of adapting and socializing is very important
when you start working. Do you remember about 25%?
To get success in your new position you have to be friendly, adoptable. Remember 75% of
your success is ability, and 25% is adaptability.
I ask you to listen to the advices how to socialize at work and express your
ideas about them. Express your ideas and share your minds – Послухайте
поради щодо соціалізації на робочому місці та висловіть свою думку:
- Don’t make comments about someone’s physical appearance.
- Don’t tell “dirty” jokes that might offend someone.
- Don’t make assumptions about man’s or woman’s duties, for example, assuming that
women are to get you coffee.
- Don’t touch anyone – either man or woman – such as putting your arm around him/her,
touching a hand or arm, giving a pat on the back, shoulder.
- When you meet someone, don’t stand too close.
Keep your physical distance. A minimum is two feet. Don’t forget that the shortest distance
between two people is a smile.
- Don’t use terms of endearment (“Honey/Dear/Sweet”) to anybody.
Use the person’s first or last name. So, you see it is not only what we communicate is
important, but also how we communicate. It also depends on our personal qualities and our
relationship with others. Now you see good relationship with your colleagues, and business partners
are very important.
Exercises – Вправи
A Translate the following sentences into English using the construction
there is/there are: - Перекладіть наступні речення, використовуючи
1 Існує два типи секретарів ___________________________
2 Є декілька видів постачальників _____________________
3 В цій країні працює декілька заводів General Electric ____
4 На столі лежать декілька вітальних листівок ________
5 В США 50 штатів __________________
В Complete the following sentences from the text: - Доповніть речення:

1 There are two types of secretaries ……………………………

2 Every company, boot in Great Britain and the United States
3 In the case of private companies …………………………….
4 But in case of public companies ……………………………
5 But if the company has only one director ……………………
6 The company secretary is the chief …………………………
7 The correspondence of the company secretary is particularly concerned with…
8 The company secretary may also deal with enquiries ………

C Complete the sentences with the following words: letters, law, matters,
forms, instructions, personal, assistants, office, equipment. – Доповніть речення
наступними словами.

1. The company secretary is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company
2. He is particularly concerned with various ……………………………………………. That
must be sent outside.
3. Although the accounts department often handles these …….
4. Administrative questions come into the sphere of the company secretary, under
……………………… of the board of directors.
5. As to private secretaries of executives they are practically ……………………… of
6. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the
…………………………….. of her boss.
7. Secretaries write …………… on making appointments or travel arrangements, of
introduction, congratulation or condolence, invitations and replies to invitations.
8. Secretaries use various …………………………, like microcomputers, fax machines,
photocopying machines and others.
Тема: Greeting and Introduction – Знайомство і представлення
Мета: розвиток навичок письма, діалогічного мовлення, засвоєння мовних структур
та лексичних одиниць за темою.
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань, Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності:
Професія 4115 Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).

Хід роботи
І. . Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim - Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
T: Today you are going to write practical laboratory work №1. Try to be active, creative and
I am sure you will do it well.
Instruction - Ознайомлення учнів з етапами лабораторно-практичної роботи.
ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
1. Make up a few dialogues, using these expressions.
- Hello! How are you?
- Everything's o.k. Thanks
Welcoming people/Greetings
Good morning /Good afternoon /Good evening/
Welcome to (Kyiv).
Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you.
How do you do, Mr... ?
Make yourself at home.
I'm (Peter Walsh). Call me (Pete).  I’m Mark Walsh.]
I'm from (Canada/Toronto). [ I'm Mr. Walsh. ]
This is ...He/she is my Personal Assistant.! [Call me Mark. ]
Let me introduce you to Mr...
Meeting someone
How was your trip? Did you have a good flight / trip?
Have you been here before? Is this your first visit to (Ukraine)?
How long are you staying in (Kyiv)? Asking and giving information
Where are you from?
What do you do?
Whom do you work for?
How long have you been at the firm, organization,
How long have you worked for J company, enterprise? enterprise?
Which department do you work in?
When was your company established?
Where is the office located? - Our office is in the center (suburbs,
outskirts, western part) of Kyiv.

2. Arrange the words into three groups according to the given topics:
I hope I didn't hurt you
Don't get cross with me
I beg your pardon
I wish you happiness, health, success
Have a nice time(holiday)!
Could you help me? ->
Could you do me a favour? -> ^
Many happy returns (of the day)! ->
Could you tell me, please? ->

3. Find responses to the greetings:

1. How are you?
2. How are you doing?
3. How are you getting on?
4. How is it going?
5. How's life?
6. How do you do?
7. Are you o.k.?
a) Not too bad.
b) Good.
c) Yes, thank you.
d) Fine, thanks.
e) Can't complain, and you?
f) t) So-so.
g) Very well, thank you
4. Which of these expressions is leave-taking?
a) Remember me
b) Give my love to... How is it going?
c) How's life?
d) How do you do?
e) Hope to see you again
f) Good-buy for the time being
g) Bye to all
h) Farewell

ІІІ. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Make up a presentation on this topic.

Тема: Greeting and Introduction – Знайомство і представлення
Мета: розвиток навичок читання, перекладу та засвоєння мовних структур і
лексичних одиниць за темою.
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань. Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності:
Професія 4115 Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).
Хід роботи
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim - Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
T: Today you are going to write practical laboratory work №2. Try to be active, creative and
I am sure you will do it well.
Instruction - Ознайомлення учнів з етапами виконання ЛПР.
ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
Exercise 1. You will work with the text ( p.29). Read the text and translate it.
Exercise 2. Read this article again and choose one of these titles for it
When in Rome… Problems that business people face
Travelling abroad Doing business in Europe
Good manners – Good business.
Exercise 3. Decide if these statements are true or false, according to the writer:
1. In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you meet.
2. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.
3. In France people prefer talking about business during meals.
4. It is not polite to insist on paying for a meal if you are in Italy.
5. Visitors to Germany never get taken out for meals.
6. German business people don’t like to be called by their surnames.
7. Make sure you know the titles of the German people you meet are.
8. Italian professionals are usually addressed by their titles.
Exercise 4. Discuss these questions:
1 Which of the ideas in the article do you disagree with?
2 What would you tell a foreign visitor about “good manners” in your country?

3 How much do you think international business is improved by knowing about
foreign people’s customs?
Exercise 5. Translate the words and phrases. International business, Greece, Denmark,
handshaking, business meeting, Italy, Belgium, friendliness, tricky questions, to eat in silence,
entertaining, discussion, hotel room, don’t worry, nothing personal, colleagues, offensive, disagree,
to get into difficulties
ІІІ. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
Make up a presentation on this topic.

Тема 2. Business Communication – Ділове спілкування


Підтема: Telephone Instructions – Ведення телефонної розмови

Our main topic is to speak about Business Communication. But first we are going to review
some telephone instructions.
Most of the important characteristics of telephone conversation are of course exactly the
same as those of conversation which takes place face to face. There are, however, a number of
differences which result from the medium of communication and restrictions which it imposes.
Telephone conversation has a tendency to become rather more explicit than ordinary conversation.
Also we`ll be considering some aspects of effective using of communicative skills in
business, about making business calls. I suppose it`s really interesting for you because it deals with
your future occupation. Let`s remember about secretary`s duties:
-She works at a computer most of the time, where she writes letters and reports.
-She answers phone calls, takes messages and sends faxes.
-She makes a lot of phone calls, especially to retailers.
-She does a lot of general paper work ( filing reports ,writing memos, answering letters)
-She arranges meetings for her boss and other managers of the company;
-She sells the factory furniture.
-She checks the goods when they come off the assembly line.
-She controls the financial situation of the company;

Reading with good pronunciation the poem ‘’A Child`s Wish’’ by Edith Segal:

I want to live I want to flight

For what is right-
And not to die! Against disease,
I want to laugh Against despair,
And not to cry! Against stark hunger
I want to feel everywhere.
The summer sun, I want to live,
I want to sing I want to mate,
When life is fun. No atom bomb
I want to fly Annihilate.
Into the blue, My shinning world.
I want to swim I want to laugh,
As fishes do! And not to cry!
I want to stretch out
New Lexics: Words and Phrases
- telephone ( e. g. May I use your telephone? e.g. He is speaking over the telephone now.)
- to telephone (to phone)smb; to ring smb. up; to call smb.
- call(e.g.There is call for you-Вам звонять. I`ll answer the call-Я підійду до телефону;
e.g.Where can I make a call?-Звідки Я можу позвонити?)
- receiver-телефонна трубка; to take up the receiver;
- dial-диск набору ; to dial –набирати номер ; e.g.I have dialed the number twice but there
is no reply;
- dialling tone- продовженний гудок;
- to listen for dialling tone-чекати гудка;
- the line is free-номер не занят;
- engaged tone-частие гудки;
- coin –box telephone-телефон автомат;
- switchboard-комутатор;
- Telephone Directory (Book)-телефонний довідник;
- digit-цифра;
- caller-особа яка звонить;
- to hold on –не класти трубку;
- fire department-пожежа;
- police-поліція;
ambulance-швидка допомога;
- telephone repair service-бюро ремонту телефону;

Presentation the New material:

1. When you make a call:

- First check the code(if any) and number;
- Lift the receiver and listen for dialing tone;
- Dial carefully and allow the dial to return freely;
- Then wait for another tone:
Ringing tone the number is being called .
The line is free.
- Engaged tone try again a few minutes later;
- At the end of the call , replace the receiver securely.

2. When you answer the telephone :

- Always give your name or the name of the office or your telephone number;
- If you hear a series of rapid pips, the call is coming from a coin-box telephone. Wait until
the pips stop and then give your name or telephone number.
International Subscriber Dialling

1. You can dial for yourself calls to most places in Europe and North America:
- First dial the code of the country or the code for the place concentrated and then the
subscriber`s number.
- If you wish to know the code for a place which is not shown in the Telephone Directory,
ask the exchange operator;

Using a Telephone Directory

1. Using a telephone directory is a simple procedure for those who live in a small towns.
Because in larger cities the use of a large directory is somewhat more difficult, knowing the
organization of a city directory may prove helpful. The following information may be obtained on
the front page of most alphabetical directories:
1. Number of the fire department, police or ambulance;
2. Business office of the telephone company;
3. Telephone repair service;
4. Assistance, for help, in making a call;
5. Information, to obtain numbers not in the directory;

Check on:
Comprehension check.
Give short answers to these questions:

1. Have you got a telephone in your room?
2. Is the telephone an important means of communication nowadays?
3. Are telephone numbers difficult to remember?
4. Have all your friends’ telephones?
5. Does it take you long to book a longdistance call?
6. What should you do if you want to make a call from your phone?
7 What do you say when you answer the telephone?
8. What information can be obtained from a telephone directory?

Give the closest Ukrainian equivalents for these word combinations and sentences:

1. Check the code and number;

2. ringing tone;
3. engaged tone;
4. Wait for the switchboard operator to say;
5. This will save you time;
6. International Subscriber Dialling;
7. The call may fail;
8. Say what kind of call you want to book;


Підтема: TELEPHONE PHRASES – Знайомство з фразами телефонної


Warming-up activity:

Reading the poem:

‘’Different Languages’’ by Edith Segal

I met a little girl

Who came from another land
I couldn`t speak her language,
But I took her by the land.

We danced together
And had such fun!
Dancing is a language
You can speak with anyone.

Vocabulary work:

A caller
A responder
An operator

Numbers: Equipment:
are a/city code A phone
country code ← Telephoning → A receiver/a handset
international code A touch pad
extension number ↓ A switchboard
work number
home number Actions:
to telephone (to phone, to call, to ring a call)
to receive (to get ,to have) a call
to dial the number
to pick up a receiver
to hand up
to answer a call
to take /to leave a message
to connect
to call back

English phrases used during telephone conversation in a professional


*1. Hello, Could I speak to Mr. John Smith, please?

*2. Who’s calling, please?
*3. One moment, please, I’ll put you through.
*4. I’ll put Mr. Smith on.
*5. I’ll transfer you.
*6. I am afraid the line’s busy. Would you like to hold?
*7. No. I’ll call back later.
*8. Could you tell me who is responsible for?
*9. Could I speak with someone who deals with….?
*10. Could I take your number?
*11. Can I leave a message?
*12. Ok. I’ll let him know.
*13. I’ll ask him to call you back.
*14. I’ll pass on the message.
*15. How can I help you?
*16. I got your message. I’m returning your call.
*17. Is now a convenient time to talk?
*18. I am a little busy right now.
*19. Would you like me to call you back?
*20. When is a good time to call?
*21. Could you send me an email to confirm that?
*22. I am not sure I understand. What do you mean by that?
*23. It’s bad line. Could you, please, speak up?
*24. Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please?
*25. Sorry, could you say that again?
*26. I didn’t catch your last name.
*27. How do you spell that?
*28. Just to check that I am clear on this.
*29. Just to make sure I understand it correctly.
*30. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
*31. Thanks for calling. I’ll speak to you later.
*32. Thanks you very much for your help.
*33. You’re welcome.

Oral Practice:
Read the dialogues. Practise them in pairs. Make up similar ones.
1. A: Hello!
B: May I speak to Mr. Stock, please?
A: Speaking.
B: Good morning, Mr. Stock. This is Surikov calling.
A: Good morning Mr. Surikov.

2. A: Hello.
B: Could I speak to Mr. Ivanov?
A: Who’s calling, please?
B: This is Brown from the Foreign Office.
A: Thank you. I’m putting you through.
I: Ivanov speaking.

3. A: Five-seven-three; one-nine-oh-four.
B: Good evening. Can I speak to Mr. Jones, please?
A: Sorry. Mr. Jones is on the other line. Will you wait, please?
B: All right.
A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. I`m putting Mr. Jones on the line.
B: Thank you.
4. A: Hello.
B: Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with Mr. Ivanov?
A: I`ll see if he is in .(A minute later.) I`m afraid Mr. Ivanov is out at the moment.
B: Could you take a message?
A: Yes, of course.

5. A: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Parsons?

B: Mr. Who?
A: Parsons: P-a-r-s-o-n-s.
B: Oh, I see. Mr. Parsons. I thought at first you said Marshall. Could you give me your name
, please?
A: Yes, Stogov. S- for sugar, T-for Tommy, O-for orange, G-for George, O-for orange, V-
for Victor.
B: Thank you, Mr. Stogov. Trying to connect you.

The Most Common Words Used When Spelling Names on the Phone


Find equivalents in these dialogues for the following sentences:

1. Говорить Суріков;
2. Ви би не могли з`єднати мене з паном Соколовим.
3. Номер занятий.
4. Пан Джоунз розмовляє по іншому телефону.
5. Вибачте,що я заставив Вас чекати.
6. Пана Іванова зараз нема.
7. Почекайте хвилинку, будь ласка.
8. Ви помилилися номером.
9. Ви мене добре чуєте?
10. З`єдную.

Fill in the missing remarks:

1. A:May I speak with Mr. Bell?

A: Could I leave a message for him?
2. A: Is this 347-51-66?
B: …………
A: This is Buchnev from the USA Embassy.
3. A: Mr. Smith & Son Ltd. Good morning.
A: Sorry. The line is busy.

4. A: Sorry. Mr. Foot is on the other line. Will you hold on, please?

5. A: ……………
B: I’ll call back later.

6. A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now I’m putting you through
B: …………..

7. A: Is there any message?

B: …………..

8. A: ………..
B: Hold on, please. I’ll see if he is in.

9. A: Sorry. Mr. Bradley is not available. Would you like to leave a message?

10. A: You’ve got the wrong number.

B: …………
A: That’s all right.

11. A: I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name.

Will you spell it, please.
B: …………

12. A: ……….
B: This is 520-4824. But there is no one by the name of Scott here.

13. A: I want to place a call at London.

O: …………
A: 274-20-18.
O: Is it a credit card call?
A: ………….

14. A: Sorry. There is no reply at his number.

B: ………..
Spell the names on the phone:

Oрлов, Джонсонс, Соколов, Мейсон, Шевченко, Зеленский, Іванов.


Підтема: ``Golden Rule for making calls`` – Основні вимоги до ведення

телефонної розмови

Warming-up activity:

``Facts for Little Folks``

Tea is prepared from the leaf of a tree;
Honey is gathered and made by the bee.
Butter is made from the milk of the cow;
Pork is the flesh of the pig or the sow.
The juice of the apple makes cider so fine,
The juice of the grape makes red and white wine.

Oil is obtained from fish and from flax.

Paper is made from straw and from rags.
Worsted is made from wool soft and warm;
Silk is prepared and spun by a worm.

Presenting vocabulary:
- Speaking-слухаю;
- wall set telephone –настінний телефон;
- desk set telephone –настільний телефон;
- hand-phone- переносний телефон;
- stationary telephone- стаціонарний телефон;
- mobile telephone;
- on the telephone- по телефону;
- at the phone- у телефона;
- to speak (to talk)to someone on (over) the telephone;
- to phone someone- подзвонити кому-небудь;
to lift the receiver
to lift the phone
to take up the tube
to take up (off)the receiver } зняти слухавку;
to take the phone
to pick up the receiver
to reach for the phone
to replace the receiver
to hang up the phone
to put the phone into its cradle }покласти (повісити)слухавку;
to put the phone back
to put down the telephone

Golden rules for making call:

- plan the call thoroughly
- have all necessary information in hand
- be patient if there is no answer
- Be polite
- Be efficient –you are representing your company or organization;
- Use short sentences- time is money
- Speak clearly
- Make sure the other person understands you and allow him to finish his speech
- Take notes during a call
- Use humour with caution
- Finish with a positive phrase;
- Call if you are unprepared
- Lose control if someone aggressive
- Waste time
- Pretend to understand
- Interrupt
- Rely on your memory for important details
- Put the handset down too quickly. It can seem rude
- Leave your mobile phone switched on in the theatre (museum, gallery,etc.)


 The line is engaged (busy)

 There’s no answer.
 We were cut off.
 It’s very noisy here.
 Can you speak up?
 Could you speak more slowly, please?
 Shall I repeat that?
 I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. Could you repeat that, please?
 Could you spell that (your name, surname), please?
 It’s bad line. Can you hear me?
 I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong number. Try again.


It’s important to pronounce each number carefully:

Two three, double one, five six five four.
In America they would probably say:
Two three one one five six five four. Try saying these numbers:
oh four one four, six eight three one

9882 6776
nine double eight two, six double seven six
nine eignt eight two, six seven seven six.
And the receptionist must also make sure she has all the details correct.
Here are some phrases you can use to check details.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

Could you just repeat the number please?

Could I have your number again please?

Would you mind repeating that?

Match questions (1-6) with possible answers (a-f).

1. Can I speak to Oleg, please?
2. Can I help you?
3. Could you phone later?
4. Could you spell your name, please?
5. Would you like to leave a message?
6. Is it a good time to talk about this?

a) Yes, tell Miss Hutch that Tom will arrive at 5.30a.m.

b) That’s OK. I’ll call again later today.
c) Actually, I`m in a meeting now. Can I call you back?
d) This is Ms Kit. I`m calling to check that you`ve received my resume.
e) I`m afraid he`s still at lunch.
f) Yes, G-L-O-R-A-N.

LESSON 4. Topical Telephone Conversations

Підтема: Appointments – Призначення зустрічі

Warming-up activity:

``Grammar in Rhymes``
A noun is the name of anything
As School, Garden or King

Adjectives tell the king of Noun

As Great, Small, Pretty, White or Brown.

Instead of nouns the pronoun is,

As mine yours, ours and his.

Verbs tell of something being done-

To Read, Count, Laugh, Carry or Run.
How things are done the adverbs tell
As Slowly, Quickly, lII or Well.

Conjunctions join the words together,

As men and women, wind and weather.

The preposition stands before

A noun as in or through a door.

The interjection shows surprise,

As-Oh! How pretty! Ah! How wise!

Three little words you often see

Are articles- a, an, and the.

The whole are called Parts of Speech

Which reading, writing, speaking, teaches.

Pay attention to telephone phrases:

- Who’s calling, please?- Хто дзвонить?

- I’m putting you through-З’єдную;
- The line is engaged –Номер занятий;
- Can you hold on?-Ви зможете зачекати?
- Sorry, to have kept you waiting- Вибачте, що Я заставив Вас чекати;
- I’m putting Mr. Jones on the line- передаю трубку……..;
- I’ll see, if he is in- Я зараз подивлюся ,у себе чи Він;
- Mr. Jones is out at the moment -…….зараз нема.
- Could you take a message? Ви не змогли б передати
- Could I leave a message }- йому мою просьбу;
- Hold on a moment , please-почекайте хвилинку ,будь ласка;
- Mr. Roberts is not available –Роберта нема;
- Is there any message?- щось передати йому?
- I’ll call back later- Я подзвоню ще раз пізніше.
Read these dialogues and pay attention to telephone phrases:

1. Making an Appointment:
Secretary: Two-four-nine; double eight-double two.
Mr. Ivanov: I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Jeffries. This is Mr. Ivanov
Secretary: Oh, yes, Mr. Ivanov. Good morning. I’ll get his schedule. Are you there?
Mr. Ivanov: Yes.
Secretary: When would you like to come, Mr. Ivanov?
Mr. Ivanov: Tomorrow, if possible.
Secretary: I’m afraid he’s tied up tomorrow. Is it urgent If it is, perhaps we could fit you in
Mr. Ivanov: No, it isn’t that urgent. Is the day after tomorrow possible?
Secretary: What time would you like to come?
Mr. Ivanov: As late as possible in the afternoon.
Secretary: I’m sorry, that afternoon’s full too. How is Friday afternoon at five?
Mr. Ivanov: Yes, that’s perfect, thank you. Good –bye.

2. Making an Appointment with a Secretary:

Mr.Petrov: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ward, please?
Mr. Ward: Speaking. Who is it , please?
Mr. Petrov: Good morning, Mr. Ward. This is Petrov. Mr. Gromov`s assistant. Mr. Gromov
had to fly to Chicago on urgent business last night. He could not see you personally and so he asked
me to get in touch with you instead and settle the matter you discussed.
Mr. Ward: Sure, Mr. Petrov. I`ll tell you what. Could you come over to my office, say ,
about 4 o’clock?
Mr. Petrov: Yes, that’s fine for me, Mr. Ward. I’ll be there.
Mr. Ward: O. K., I’ll be expecting you. And I can give you a ride afterwards.
3. Appointment with a Doctor:
Mr. Nikolaev: Is that Dr. Morton’s office?
Secretary: Yes, sir.
Mr. Nikolaev: This is Nikolaev speaking. Could I have an appointment with the doctor in
the middle of next week, please?
Secretary: Just a minute, sir: I’ll check his schedule. Will Wednesday be all right?
Mr. Nikolaev: Yes, it`s fine. What time , please?
Secretary: Wednesday, at 6 p. m.
Mr. Nikolaev: Thank you. Good-bye.
Secretary: Thank you, sir. Good-bye.

4. Being Unable to Keep an Appointment:

Mr. Stunns: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Ivanov`s secretary, please?

Secretary: Good morning. This is Mt. Ivanov`s secretary.
Mr. Stunns: This is Stunns, of the Ministry of Transportation. I would like to know
whether Mr. Ivanov has received an invitation to our Annual Meeting?
Secretary: Yes,Mr. Stunns, we have received your invitation, thank you.
Mr. Stunns: Is Mr. Ivanov coming?
Secretary: No, Mr. Stunns, he is not. I am sorry but Mr. Ivanov left town and he won`t
be back until next week. Haven`t you received our letter informing you that
he is not attending the Meeting?
Mr. Stunns: No, not yet.
Secretary: We sent it to the Department yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Stunns: It’s a pity that Mr. Ivanov is not able to be present at our Annual Meeting.
Give him my best regards when he returns, please.
Secretary: Thank you, I will. Good-bye.
Mr. Stunns: Good-bye.

Reproduce these dialogues as close to the text as possible.

1) Practise spelling different names over the phone.
2) What would you say on the phone in reply to these remarks?
1. This is Mr. Slow speaking. I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Gorelov.
2. I’m afraid I’ll be tied up tomorrow. Could you suggest an alternative date?
3. There’s something I’d like to talk to you about. When can we meet?
4. I’m afraid we cannot fit you in to-day but we could recommend you another doctor.
5. This is Mr. Frat’s secretary. I’m calling to confirm your appointment with Mr. Fray for
tomorrow, at 10 a.m.
6. I’m calling to let you know that Mr. Bell will not be able to keep the appointment.
He is away from London and won’t be back until after Wednesday. We are sorry about this.

3) In what situations would you say the following?

1. Sorry, we cannot fit you in today.
2. Let me consult my schedule.
3. Could you give me alternative date?
4. I’m afraid Mr. Petrov will not be able to keep the appointment.
5. Could I make an appointment with the doctor?
6. I can give you a lift afterwards.
7. We’ve made an appointment for Wednesday tentatively.
8. I’m calling to confirm your appointment with my colleagues.
9. We’re looking forward to seeing you next Sunday.
10. I’d like to report the fault of my phone.
11. The line is completely dead.
4) a) Make an appointment by phone:
1. with your counterpart; 2.with a doctor; 3.with an engineer from the T. service;
4. with a friend of yours; 5.with Mr. Brody, Sales Manager of a big company;

b) Confirm the appointment by phone.

c) Phone Mr. Slow and tell him that you are unable to keep the
appointment and give your reason.

LESSON 5. Topical Telephone Conversations

Підтема: Reservations – Замовлення

Warming-up activity:

Read and translate the poem with good pronunciation:

``Bed in Summer`` by Robert l. Stevenson.

In winter I get up at night,

And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see

The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people’s feet
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you ,

When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to pay,
To have to go to bed by day?

Additional Words and Expressions on the Subject:

- Hold the line! - Не вішайте слухавку.

- to look up the number in the directory - шукати номер телефону в телефонній книзі;
- to ring off - давати відбій;
- to be connected with the number - з’єднатися з…..
- wrong number - неправильний номер;
- Information Bureau - довідкове бюро;
- Sorry to have troubled you -вибачте за турбування;
- There is no one by the name of Smith here - Тут нема нікого за прізвищем……
- You’ve got the wrong number - Ви помилилися номером.
- Could you speak up, please - Не змогли б Ви говорити голосніше.
- Are you there? - Ви мене чуєте?
- What number are you calling from? -З якого номера Ви дзвоните?
- I can’t get through - Я не можу додзвонитися.
- Go ahead, please - Говоріть, будь ласка.

Read the dialogues and reproduce them paying attention to telephone


1. Booking a Long- Distance Call:

Operator: Hello.
Mr. Kozlov: Good afternoon. This is Kozlov, my room number is 523 . I want to make a
long-distance call, please.
Operator: Where to, sir?
Mr. Kozlov: TO Washington, to Mosexportfilm. I wish to speak to Mr. Karelin.
Operator: Do you know the number, please?
Mr. Kozlov: No, I’m afraid I don’t. Can you find it out for me?
Operator: Yes, sir. I’ll get it from the directory and call you back.
Mr. Kozlov: Thank you.
Operator: Mr. Kozlov, your Washington number is 357-3452.
Would you like me to get it for you?
Mr. Kozlov: That would be most kind of you.
Operator: Do you want to make it person-to-person?
Mr. Kozlov: Yes, I’d like to.
Operator: I`m sorry, the number is busy. Would you like me to keep trying?
Mr. Kozlov: Yes, please. Try it again as soon as possible.
Operator: Yes, sir. I’m afraid there’s a half-hour delay on Washington.
Mr. Kozlov: O.K. I’ll be in my room for a short while, but from two o`clock on I`ll be in the
Operator: Yes, sir. I’ll see that you are paged in the restaurant if the call has not come
through by two .
Mr. Kozlov: Thank you.

2. A Hotel Reservation.

Receptionist: Reception desk. Tavistock Hotel. Good morning.

Mr. Serov: Good morning. This is Intourist. We’d like to make a reservation for Mr. Kozlov.
Receptionist: Could you spell the name, please?
Mr. Serov: Yes, certainly. K-o-z-l-o-v.
Receptionist: Thank you. What accommodation do you require?
Mr. Serov: A single room, with private bathroom, for three nights from the 7th of October.
Receptionist: Would you hold on a moment, please, I’ll see whether we have the
accommodation available.
Mr. Serov: Thank you.
Receptionist: Yes, I can reserve a single room with bath, from the 7 th of October, for three
nights. It’s an inside room on the fifth floor.
Mr. Serov: Would you ,please, see that it`s quiet room?
Receptionist: We will try.
Mr. Serov: Thank you. What will the charge be?
Receptionist: £10.50 daily, plus 12% service charge, inclusive of breakfast. Would you
please confirm this reservation in writing?
Mr. Serov: Tes, I`ll write you today.
Receptionist: Thank you. Good bye.
Mr. Serov: Good-bye.

3. A Restaurant Reservation

Manager: Hello. Savoy Restaurant.

Mr. Dedov: Good afternoon. This is Dedov from Techmachimport here. We would like to
make arrangements with you for a small dinner party for tomorrow night.
Manager: Very good, sir. How many people do you expect?
Mr. Dedov: We’ll have 20 persons.
Manager: Then I think the Rose Room would be the most appropriate. I suggest one long
table, nine on each side, with one at each end. That would leave plenty of space for a little bar to be
set up for your drinks.
Mr. Dedov: That sounds fine. I like the idea of the little bar.
Manager: What would you like to order for dinner?
Mr. Dedov: Well, I was thinking of, say, a four-course affair with wines and champagne.
Manager: Then I`d suggest hors-d`oeuvres or turtle soup, sole or omelette, beef fillet or roast
duckling. And for dessert ice pudding.
Mr. Dedov: Good. It suits my taste admirably.
Manager: And what about the wines?
Mr. Dedov: If we are having soup, I think we’ll take a dry sherry. For the main coirse a red
wine definitely and then finish up with champagne. That`s all. Anyway I think that would be
roughly what I have in mind.
Manager: Good. What time do you wish to begin?
Mr. Dedov: 7 for 7.30.
Manager: Thank you very much, Mr. Dedov. Good bye.
Mr. Dedov: Good bye.

4. Booking A Plane Reservation

Clerk: BEA. Good morning.

Mr. Bardin: Good morning. My name is Bardin. I’d like to book a seat on the plane to Rome
for Monday, the tenth.
Clerk: Yes, sir. Do you want to travel economy class or first class?
Mr. Bardin: I’d like first class.
Clerk: I’ll check the time-table for you. Will you hold on, please? There is a flight leaving
Heathrow at 11.55 on Monday and arriving in Rome at 13.30. It flies non-stop.
Mr. Bardin: That suits me. What time do I have to get to the airport?
Clerk: You’ll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 10.20 at the latest. The coach
leaves for the airport at 10.30. but if you are going to the airport on your own you must be there
before 11.30 and you can pick up your ticket at the airport booking-office.
Mr. Bardin: Thank you. Good-bye.
Clerk: Good-bye.
1. BEA: British European Airways;
2. Economy class: second class;
3. Heathrow: the biggest airport in London;
4. West London Air Terminal: central passenger station that serves as a junction with other
5. Booking Theatre Seats
Clerk: Hello. National Theatre.
Mr. Lazarev: Hello. I’d like to know what’s playing to-night?
Clerk: ``Long Day’s Journey into Night`` by O’Neil starring Laurence Olivier.
Mr. Lazarev: I want to reserve two stalls, please.
Clerk: Sorry, sir. All stalls are sold out. Would the dress-circle do?
Mr. Lazarev: Are the seats good?
Clerk: First row (Row A), seats 16 and 17, that’ll be right in the middle to the left of the
central aisle.
Mr. Lazarev: How far to the left?
Clerk: The second and third seats, sir.
Mr. Lazarev: All right. I guess that will do. My name is Lazarev. I’ll call for them some time
around seven.
Clerk: Very good, sir. We’ll keep your booking till seven then. Good-bye.
Mr. Lazarev: Thank you. Bye.

Say something in reply to the following remarks and questions:

1. Would you like to make a long - distance call, please?

2. Can you find phone number for me?
3. Do you want to make a person-to-person call?
4. I’m afraid there will be some delay.
5. Could you spell the name, please?
6. Do I have to confirm my reservation in writing?
7. I would like to make arrangements with you for a birthday party (with the manager of a
8. We would like to invite you for our Christmas dinner.
9. Why doesn’t this flight suit you?
10. Sorry, I can’t give you a definite answer.

In what situations would you say the following?

1. Cannot get in touch with him.
2. The use of a large telephone directory is somewhat difficult.
3. I’m sorry you don’t have single rooms with private bathroom available.
4. I would ask you to see that the apartment is a quiet one.
5. Do you have accommodation with a less service charge?
6. We would like to make arrangements with the restaurant manager for a small party.
7. A flight leaving Heathrow at 11.55 on Monday does not suit me.
8. We would prefer to have our seats in the middle of the fifth row.
9. They’ve changed the cast and we are returning the tickets to the booking office.
10. At last we have come to the airport. Thank you for the lift.

Reserve by phone:
1. Two rooms at the hotel for your colleagues who are coming to New York on Friday;
2. A passage on board the ship bound for London;
3. Two seats on the train to Paris; you want to travel first class;
4. A table at the restaurant; arrange with the manager what you will have for dinner; you
will be entertaining your friends;
5. A long-distance call to Madrid; you want to make it personal; ask the operator about the
charge rates;
6. A seat on the plane to Moscow after you inquire about flights and make sure that the take-
off time is convenient to you;
7. Two seats at Covent Garden for a Sunday matinee.

LESSON 6. Topical Telephone Conversations

Підтема: Inquiries. Congratulations – Запит інформації. Привітання.

Warming-up activity:
One Thing At A Time
Work while you work,
Play while you play.
That is the way
To be happy and gay.
All that you do
Do with your might,
Things done by halves
Are never done right.
One thing at a time,
And that done well,
Is a very good rule
As many can tell.

Presenting Vocabulary:

1. inquiry - наведення довідок; (inquiry office - довідкове бюро)

2.promotion - сприяння; заохочення;
3. To be in - бути на місці;
4. To be out - вийти;
5. to accept smb`s proposal - приймати пропозицію кого-небудь;
6. To travel by air - летіти на літаку;
7. as far as I know - наскільки мені відомо…….
8. To be in(on)time - встигнути;
9. Available - наявний, який є у розпорядженні;
10. As a rule…. - Як правило;
11. Open return ticket - квиток „туди і назад” з відкритою датою на зворотній рейс;
12. To pay in cash - платити готівкою;
13. How much (is it)? - Скільки це коштує;
14. Have a good trip - Щасливої дороги.

Read the dialogues and reproduce them paying attention to telephone

1. Flight Information.

Operator: Good morning. British European Airways.

Mr. Sokolov: Good morning. Could you please connect me with someone who can tell me
what time the afternoon plane from Moscow will be arriving?
Operator: You want Flight Information. I’ll try and put you through. I’m sorry. Flight
Information is engaged at the moment. Will you hold on or call back?
Mr. Sokolov: I’ll hold on, thanks.
Operator: I’m putting you through to Flight Information now.
Clerk: Flight Information. Can I help you?
Mr. Sokolov: Could you please tell me if there is any delay on the flight from Moscow this
Clerk: Yes, it`s due in at 16.35, that`s an approximate delay of twenty minutes.
Mr. Sokolov: Thank you. Good bye.
2. Inquiring about Books.
Secretary: Consular Department.
Mr. Corn: This is Corn speaking. I`m calling you to inquire about some books , please.
Secretary: Yes, what kinds of books are you interested in, Mr. Corn?
Mr. Corn: You see, I`m working on the problem of American- Soviet relations prior to
World War ||.
Secretary: Mr. Corn, this is the Consular Department and we, as a rule, do not deal with such
questions. Here, in the city we have a branch office of our book company „Mezhdunarodnaya
Kniga.” You may approach them, if you wish.
Mr. Corn: What is their phone number, please?
Secretary: It is seven-seven-four; two-five-nine-three.
Mr. Corn: Thank you. Good bye.
Secretary: Good bye.

3. Renting a House.

Mr. Frolov: Good morning. Is this Mr. Applebee?

Mr. Applebee: Yes, I’m Applebee.
Mr. Frolov: I’m Frolov and I’m calling about the house you advertised to rent for the
summer months.
Mr. Applebee: How many are you in your family, Mr. Frolov?
Mr. Frolov: Four: my wife, two children and myself. your house sounds like the sort of place
we need for three months-June, July and August.
Mr. Applebee: Yes, of course, we have all the conveniences and plenty of rooms to
accommodate all of you.
Mr. Frolov: How many closets and dressers do you have?
Mr. Applebee: A lot.
Mr. Frolov: My wife and I would like to see your house, Mr. Applebee, but I don`t have a
car right now. Can we get to you easily some other way? We are on West 86th Street.
Mr. Applebee: Yes, of course. Take the 86th Street subway station, and in fifteen minutes
you will be here. You have our address, don’t you?
Mr.Frolov: Yes, I do.
Mr. Applebee: How soon would you like to come?
Mr. Frolov: Is this Saturday at three o’clock all right?
Mr. Applebee: Fine. I’ll expect you.
Mr. Frolov: Thank you, Mr. Applebee. Good-bye.
Mr. Applebee: Good-bye.

4. Congratulations on a Promotion.

Mr. James: Two-four-five; seven-double three-six.

Mr. Serov: Good morning. Could I have a word with Mr. James, please?
Mr. James: Speaking.
Mr. Serov: Boris Serov here, Arthur.
Mr. James: Oh, hello, Boris.
Mr. Serov: I’m calling to offer you my heartiest congratulations on your promotion.
Mr. James: Thank you ever so much.
Mr. Serov: I guess you have other fish to fry and we won’t be having as many official
contacts now, but I do hope that our productive cooperation will continue.
Mr. James: I hope so, too. It has always been a great pleasure for me to have worked with
the people from your country.

Mr. Serov: Thank you. That’s splendid then. Please accept my best wishes for your future
career. Good-bye, Arthur.
Mr. James: Good-bye, Boris.

1. To have other fish to fry-мати інші більш важливіші справи;

5. Happy Birthday.

Mr. Clay: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Orlov?

Mr. Orlov: Speaking. Good afternoon.
Mr. Clay: Good afternoon, Mike. This is John Clay speaking.
Mr. Orlov: How are you, John?
Mr. Clay: Fine, thanks. I called to wish you a happy birthday.
Mr. Orlov: Thank you very much, John. It’s so kind of you to remember my birthday.
Incidentally could you come over to my place to-night? I’m having a few people over.
Mr. Clay: Thanks, Mike, but I’m afraid I must be leaving for Glasgow to-day. I’ll give you a
ring when I come back.
Mr. Orlov: Good. So I hope to see you before long. Good-bye.
Mr. Clay: Good-bye.

6. Congratulation on a Marriage.

Mr. Candlin: Three-four-one; seven-one-double eight.

Mr. Azarov: Hello, Philip, Azarov here.
Mr. Candlin: Oh, Victor, good morning.
Mr. Azarov: I was delighted to hear of your marriage, Philip. Please accept my most sincere
and hearty cong ratulations. I wish I could have been at your wedding but I have only just come
from London.
Mr. Candlin: Thank you very much. I was so sorry you couldn’t come.
Mr. Azarov: It’s really good that you decided to get married at last and I do wish you and
Mary the very best of luck and many years in which to enjoy it.
Mr. Candlin: Thank you for your kind wishes.
Mr. Azarov: Good-bye.
Mr. Candlin: Bye.

7. Congratulations on Birth of Son.

Mr. Petrov: Good afternoon, Jack.

Mr. Hailey: Good afternoon, Nick.
Mr.Petrov: Congratulations on the arrival of your son. My wife and I were delighted to hear
the good news and especially to know that Jenny and your son are both well.
Mr. Hailey: Thank you very much, Nick. You can’t imagine how happy I am.
Mr. Petrov: You are sure to make a wonderful father, but don’t get too excited about it.
Mr. Hailey: I can’t help it. I’m brimming over with joy and happiness. You know how it
feels to become a father.
Mr. Petrov: Congratulations again and please give them to Jenny when you see her, from
both of us. Good-bye.
Mr. Hailey: Thanks, Nick. Bye.
1. I`m brimming over with joy and happiness- Я переповнений радістю і щастям;

Practice the spelling of the following names by phone:

Mr. Smith, Miss McKennan, Mrs. Sonnenfeld, Mr. Kutuzov, Mr.Surikov,
What would you say in reply to these remarks and questions?
1. There will be a delay on your long-distance call to Paris. Will you wait?
2. Where can we get in touch with you, sir?
3. I’m happy to offer you my hearty congratulations on your promotion.
4. You can’t imagine how happy I am. My wife has borne me a son.
5. I’ve heard you are looking for a nice summer cottage. What sort of place do you need?
6. We have an apartment with all the conveniences.
7. I’m so sorry you couldn’t come to our wedding.
8. Many happy returns of the day, Nick.
9. Flight Information. Can I help you?
10. What kind of books are you interested in?
11. Accept my best wishes for your future career.

In what situations would you say the following?

1. Could you put me through to somebody who can tell me the take-off time of the plane to
2. I hope that our productive cooperation will continue.
3. Please accept my best wishes.
4. I’ll go to the airport on my own.
5. It’s so considerate of you to send me your congratulations.
6. Where can I pick up the ticket?
7. I am sure you’ll make a wonderful father.
8. „Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga” is concerned with a wide range of records, books, stamps and
other goods.
9. I would like to rent an apartment for a year.
10. When is Flight 903 due to get to Washington?
11. I’m afraid your charge for the summer cottage is too high.
Make inquiries by phone:

1. about the take-off time of the plane to London;

2. about the goods the company is importing;
3. about the accommodation at the hotel;
4. about books dealing with modern British and American fiction, available at the shop;

Convey congratulations by phone:

1. to your colleague who has been promoted;

2. to your counterpart who has got married;
3. to your American friend who has become a father;
4. to your African colleagues on their National Holiday;

LESSON 7. Topical Telephone Conversations.

Підтема: Exchange of Opinions – Обмін думками

Warming-up activity:

The Pansies

When, in my little garden plot,

In spring I planted such a lot
Of pansy roots, all in a row,
They steadily began to grow.

They looked so charming, growing there,

That I could only stand and stare,
And wish that they would always stay
With me, and never fade away.

Yet, all too soon, the warm days pass,

Crisp autumn leaves lie on the grass,
And as my pansies droop and die-
``Our sisters come next year,`` they sigh.
``Dear little flowers- goodbye, goodbye!``


1. extension number- додатковий номер;

2. answer-phone – автовідповідач;
3. to spell - називати за літерами;
4. to offer - пропонувати;
5. to connect - з`єднати;
6. to confirm - підтверджувати;
7. to cut off - роз`єднати;
8. to call back - передзвонити;
9. to arrive - прибувати;
10. to depart - відправлятися;
11. to inform smb. - інформувати кого-небудь;
12. to find out - дізнатися;
13. If it isn’t too much trouble - Якщо це Вас не обтяжить;
14. Remember me to (give my regards to)…..- Передайте від мене привіт ……;

Grammar Review.

Discussing the differences between verbs:

1. to speak - розмовляти, говорити;
to speak English - говорити англійською мовою;
to speak to (with) smb. about smth. – розмовляти з ким-небудь про що-небудь; не
розшифровує, а узагальнює зміст; говорити якою мовою, де, коли, як, про що.
e. g. I can speak English but cannot speak Japanese.
e.g. She is much spoken about.
68 talk - розмовляти, балакати;
to talk business(music)-говорити про бізнес (музику);
e.g. My daughter learns to talk.
e.g. You must talk with your parents. tell - сказати, розказувати, наказувати;

to tell smb. smth. - сказати кому-небудь що-небудь;
to tell smb. to do smth. - сказати кому-небудь зробити що-небудь;
to tell stories - розказувати історії;
e.g. Tell us about this town.
e.g. We were told about this person.
Вживається лише з непрямою мовою. Завжди потребує визначення співбесідника. say - сказати;

to say smth., to say smth to smb., to say that….- сказати, що…
Частіше вживається для передачі прямої та непрямої мови. Якщо вказується співрозмовник,
то після дієслова треба ставити частку to.
e.g. Bacon said: „Knowledge is power”.
e.g. The lecturer said to us, that…

Read these dialogues and reproduce them as close to the text as possible.

1. Discussing Business.

Mr. Ross: Could I speak to Mr.Frolov, please?

Mr. Frolov: Speaking.
Mr. Ross: Good morning, Mr. Frolov. This is Ross. I work with the U.N. n the Development
Mr. Frolov: That’s is my field, too.
Mr. Ross: That`s why I am calling you, Mr. Frolov.
Mr. Frolov: Is there anything I can do for you?
Mr. Ross: I read your articles on technical assistance and find them excellent.
Mr. Frolov: They may seem a little obsolete, I am afraid .I wrote them some years ago.
Mr. Ross: Well, the figures may be obsolete, but the general approach and the method of
research are up-to-date. What is most interesting is the analysis of the economy you gave in your
last article.
Mr. Frolov: That is the article on the economic development of some East African countries,
isn`t it? Are you an economist?
Mr. Ross?
Mr. Ross: Yes, I am. My field is the influence of the U.N. technical assistance upon the
economic development of East African countries.
Mr. Frolov: That is a very interesting but little known field. In what way
Mr. Ross, do you think, I can help you?
Mr. Ross: Mr. Frolov, you are a specialist on the economic situation in Eastern Africa.
Could you recommend me any literature on the subject?
Mr. Frolov: Certainly, I can send you the bibliography on the problem.
Mr. Ross: Will you send it to my U.N. address, please?
Mr. Frolov: I will. Good-bye, Mr. Ross.
Mr. Ross: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

1. the Development Programme - Програма розвитку (економіки);
2. the U.N. technical assistance - технічна допомога, надана ООН;
2. Discussing Arrangements.

Mr. Brenn: Could I speak to Mr. Shilov, please?

Secretary: Who’s calling, please?
Mr. Brenn: This is Tom Brenn of the Conference Department, United Nations.
Secretary: Wait a second, Mr. Brenn. Here is Mr. Shilov.
Mr. Shilov: Hello, Mr. Brenn. Has the Conference finished its work? I’m sorry I had to
leave due to an urgent matter here in the Mission.
Mr.Brenn: That’s all right, Mr. Shilov. The Conference has adjourned till next Tuesday. The
Chairman has asked you and me to prepare a draft resolution.
Mr. Shilov: Has anyone else been included in the draft resolution group?
MR. Brenn: Only two of us, and a secretary.
Mr. Shilov: I must say Mr. Ovenov is an excellent chairman. I like the way he conducted the
proceedings. He gave everyone a chance to speak and kept the discussion to the point.
Mr. Brenn: It’s a pity you left. At the end he gave a very good summary of the first day’s
work of the Conference.
Mr.Shilov: I hope that all the participants of the Conference will make an effective
contribution to the subject under consideration. See you tomorrow then.
Mr. Brenn: Yes, 10 o’clock in the morning, at the Conference Hall. Good-bye, Mr. Shilov.
Mr. Shilov: Good-bye, Mr. Brenn.
Mr.Reid: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Petrov, please?
Secretary: Who`s calling, please?
Mr. Reid: This is Reid of the Foreign Office.
Secretary: Which Petrov would you like to talk to, Mr. Reid? We have two Petrovs here –
councillor Arcady Petrov and attache’ Leonid Petrov.
Mr. Reid: Councillor Petrov, please.
Secretary: Mr. Petrov is on the phone.
Mr. Petrov: Hello, Mr. Reid. I am glad you called me.
Mr. Reid: How are you, Mr. Petrov? I hope you are not too busy with the preparations for
this forthcoming conference of ours?
Mr. Petrov: I am fine , thank you. I have an appointment with you, you remember, to discuss
the draft resolution of the conference.
Mr. Reid: Of course, I do. It is this Friday, at 3 p. m. Did the Chairman of the Committee
send you the draft?
Mr. Petrov: Yes, he did, and his personal letter, too. He’s insisting on discussing the draft
resolution by a narrow circle of diplomats first. I don’t know what he means mentioning „a narrow
circle of diplomats”.
Mr.Reid: Our delegation also received his personal letter, and, as a matter of fact, it
surprised us a little. I wish he would tell us more explicitly what this „narrow circle of diplomats”
will be dealing with.
Mr. Petrov: You don’t mind, Mr. Reid, if we discuss this problem along with the other
questions this Friday, do you?
Mr. Reid: No, I don’t. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Good-bye.
Mr. Petrov: Good-bye, Mr. Reid.

3. Going on Business Abroad.

Mr. Jones: Hello, Mr. Sedov. What have you been up to since I saw you last?

Mr. Sedov: Not much, I am afraid, Mr. Jones. Just the usual routine work here in the
Department of Technical Assistance. And how are you?
Mr. Jones: I`m fine, thank you. I’ve heard from Sergeev that you are going to leave for
Hungary soon. Is that right?
Mr. Sedov: Yes, it is. A group of engineers and technical advisers from the Department is
supposed to visit that country.
Mr. Jones: On any particular mission?
Mr. Sedov: Yes, the Hungarians invited us to help them with the construction of modern
Mr. Jones: Then they may be in need of the great cranes and bulldozers our firm is
Mr. Sedov:Most probably . You should get in touch with the Assistant Director of the
Department, and ask him for information and advice, Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones: What’s his name?
Mr. Sedov: Mr. Souram of India.
Mr. Jones: Do you have your telephone number?
Mr. Sedov: Jot it down-377-01-09.
Mr. Jones: Thank you. When are you leaving for Hungary?
Mr. Sedov: Next Monday. You’d better get in touch with
Mr. Souram as soon as possible.

4. Talking of Studies.

Fred: Hello, Yuri. This is Fred.

Yuri: Hello, Freddy, how are you?
Fred: Not very well, I’m afraid.
Yuri: What’s the matter? Somebody’s ill?
Fred: No, everybody’s fine. But I’m giving up. I certainly can’t learn English.
Yuri: Why are you upset? I think you’re making wonderful progress.
Fred: No, I’m not. I try and try but still cannot speak it well.
Yuri: Well, learning any language takes a lot of effort and time . But don`t give up. What if I
help you? I have a very good textbook only recently brought from London.
Fred: Thank you, Yuri. I`m sure your help will improve things.
Yuri: See you on Monday, Freddy. Good-bye.
Fred: Thanks again, Yuri. Good-bye.

5. Talking of Sports.

Mr. Serov: Mr. Budd? Good afternoon. This is Serov speaking.

Mr. Budd: Hello, Mr. Serov. Nice to hear you. How’s everything?
Mr. Serov: Fine, thank you. You know, this Friday our Dynamo team is playing against your
Red Sox.
Mr. Budd: Are they really? That’s great! They are my favorite teams and I don’t know who
to root for.
Mr. Serov: I have two tickets. Would you like to watch the match?
Mr. Budd: Sure thing. This is the only chance, and I would not miss it. And what’s your
favorite sport?
Mr. Serov: It’s hard to say. I like soccer all right, but I think I like tennis better.
Mr. Budd: Do you play much tennis?
Mr. Serov: Yes, quite a bit. How about a game sometime?
Mr. Budd: No, thanks. I am strictly a spectator.
Mr. Serov: So I’m sending you the tickets for the match and hope to see you on Tuesday.
Mr. Budd: Thank you, Mr. Serov. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Good-bye.
Mr. Serov: Good-bye.

|Discuss over the phone with a friend of yours:

1. the film you have seen;
2. the book you have read;
3. the holiday you had in summer;
4. the invitation to a wedding party you have received;
5. your favorite sport;
6. the party you have been to;

Fill in the missing remarks in these snatches of telephone conversation:

1. A: Is that Harry?
B: ………..
2. A: I’ve been ringing you for ten minutes and can`t get through.
What is the matter?
B: …………
3. A: We wondered if you and your wife could come to our party.
4. A: When is this do at your Institute?
5. A: Mrs.Shirly, from the ad I found out that you are going to let
your cottage for the summer. Could you give me some
information about it?
6. A: How many are you in your family?
B: …………..
7. A: I would like to see your house? When should I come?
B: …………..
8. A: Hello, Joan, how are you?
A: Oh, not so bad, you know.

Make up telephone conversations considering these assignments:

1. Your colleague has come back from Italy where he spent his vacation. Phone him
and have a talk about:
a) the places he has been to;
b) the hotels he has put up at;
c) the facilities he has been offered;
d) the hotel charges;
e) the people he has met.

2. You are going to rent a cottage at the seaside for a period of three summer months.
In the advertisement section of a local paper you found a cottage which suits you. In a
talk with the landlady find out:
a) how far is the cottage from the beach;
b) which is the best;
way to get there;
c) what conveniences are available in the house;
d) what is the rent;
e) when can you come to see the cottage.
3. You have a telephone call from your counterpart in London. After discussing
business he says that his son is applying for a job. Ask him about the prospects of his son’s
new job, its advantages and disadvantages and what his son feels about it.

Fill in the blanks with one of the following verbs say, speak, talk and tell:

1. Can you…….. us how to get to the central library?

2. The boys are…… about football.
3. …….the students of your group the lecture is postponed to another day.
4. Try not …….Ukrainian at your English classes.
5. She ……the water was too cool to swim.
6. He …..for fifteen minutes at the meeting on Sunday.
7. Why are you …..during the lecture?
8. Her mother always……to her, ``Don`t be late for dinner``.

Тема: Telephone conversations – Телефонні розмови
Хід роботи
Read the following telephone numbers.
How to read the telephone numbers?
517-5890- five-one-seven-five-eight-nine-o
223-7866- double two-three-seven-eight-double six;

1)071 9746531 2)0674450178

3)38044 576 8966 4)38056 2999601
What is your (your friend`s, your parents`) phone number? Practice reading numbers
in pairs.

Read and translate the text.

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the box.
position notes to spell speakers miss
quick money long-distance calls receive

Business Calls
If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English, making a business call
can be a worrying experience. If you have to call to someone you already know, you may actually
enjoy making the call-but remember that (1) _ are expensive. You have to make a first-time
business call to a prospective client-it isn’t easy in English! Making a phone call to a stranger can
be quite stressful, especially if he speaks English better than you.
Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in
a foreign language by making (2) _ in advance. And during the call they make notes while they’re
talking to help them to remember what was said. Although it’s (3)_ and convenient to phone
someone to give them information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in
writing to help you remember what was said. It’s essential to make notes and often when an
agreement is reached on the phone, one of the (4) _ will send a fax or e-mail to confirm the main
points that were made. As it’s easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it’s a good idea
to repeat the important information (especially numbers, dates and names) slowly and carefully. If
someone doesn’t seem to understand you, choose simpler words or rephrase your sentence. Let
other people finish what they want to say. You may (5) _ something important. You’ll also show a
lack of respect.
Always identify yourself and your (6) _ in the company and make sure you know the name
of the person you’re talking to. If necessary, ask him (7) _ it out to you and try to use his/her name
during the call.
If possible, don’t phone during the other person’s lunch hour or just before they’re about to
stop work for the day. It’s important to sound interested, helpful and alert when answering the
phone. You may have to make or (8)_ calls to or from regular customers and prospective clients, so
a good telephone manner not only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make (9)_ .
Speak in a friendly voice and smile.
Work in groups. Discuss.
1. What do you enjoy about using the phone?
2. What do you dislike about making phone calls?
3. What is difficult about making a first-time call to a stranger?
4. What can you do to make such calls easier?
5. What can you do to establish a relationship with a stranger more quickly?
Тема: Computers – Комп’ютери
Хід роботи

Read the text and translate it.

The word computer comes from a Latin word which means to count. A computer is really a
very special counting machine. It can do arithmetic problems faster than any erson. It can find the
answer to a very difficult problem in a few seconds.
Many people call a computer an electronic brain. It was given that name by some journalist
after the first electronic computer was building in 1946. But this journalist was not quite right. The
computer is like the human brain but there is one very important difference. In some ways the
computer is even better. But not in something that is of great importance. That something is the fact
that the machine is controlled by man. Though it can do many hings, the so-called electronic brain
must be programmed by a human brain. A man tells the machine what to do, when to do it, and how
it is done.
A program is a number of instructions given to the computer for this or that calculation or a
number of calculations. With the help of a program the computer can solve a given problem.
Information for the computer’s memory is also programmed. but today the word memory is not
used so often. The computer does not really remember. Information is stored in it and the
computer’s memory is called the store of information.
An operator types the information or questions or both. Her typing sends impulses down a
telephone line. At the same time, it cuts the information or question on to a paper tape which is put
into the computer. When the answer is received at once, the method is known as real time
processing. So real time is a method of processing information so fast that there is practically no
interval between question and answer.
There are different kinds of computers. Some can do only one job. There are special-purpose
computers. Each specific problem requires a specific computer. One kind of computer can help us
build a spaceship; an other kind can help us navigate it. A special-purpose computer is build for this
purpose alone and cannot do anything else.
But there are some computers that can do many different jobs. They are called the general-
purpose computers. There are the big „brains” that solve the most difficult problems of science. We
used to think of a computer as a large machine that took up a whole room. But today computers are
becoming smaller and smaller. Though there small devices are called microcomputers or
minicomputers, they are still true computers.
The most important parts of a general- purpose computer are as follows: 1) memory, where
information is kept; 2) an arithmetic unit for performing calculations; 3) a control unit for the
correct order of operations; 4) input devices; 5) output devices for displaying the results of
calculations. The input and output devices are called peripherals.
There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. Sometimes weight is
particularly important. A modern plane carries many heavy electronic apparatus. If it is possible to
make any of them smaller, it can carry a bigger weight. But weight is not the only factor. The
smaller the computer, the faster in can work. The signals go to and for at a very high but almost
constant speed.
Some of the first computer cost millions of dollars, but people quickly learned that
it was cheaper to let a million dollar computer make the necessary calculations than to
have a hundred clerks trying to do the same by hand.
The computer does not make a mistake if there are no defects in it. But the results are only
as good as the information with which it is programmed.
The computers became popular. As their popularity grew the number of factories producing
them also grew.
Answer the following questions:

1. What does the word computer mean?

2. When was the first computer built?
3. What can the computer do better than any person?
4. What method of processing information do you know?
5. What kinds of computers do you know?
6. What are the most important parts of a general-purpose computer?
7. When does the computer make mistakes?
8 What is the Internet?
9. What is the most popular Internet service?
10. What country are most of the Internet host computers in?

Say whether the following statements are true according to the text; if not,
correct them:

1. The word computer means to count.

2. It takes a computer more time than a man to make a calculation.
3. The computer is not controlled by man.
4. The computer needs a program to solve a problem.
5. Real time is a slow method of processing information.
6. The results of a computer’s work depend on the program.


1. A computer is a kind of…….

a) a counting machine; c) a table game;
b) a typewriter; d) a TV set.

2. Computer could be used to……

a) play games; c) cook meals;
b) solve difficult problems; d) save money.

3. The text tells us about special-purpose computers and…….

a) all-purpose computers; c) general-purpose computers;
b) calculators; d) ordinary computers.

4. There are ……most important parts in a general-purpose computer.

a) very many; c) two;
b) five; d) ten.

5. The smaller the computer, the……it can work.

a) more effectively; c) better;
b) slower; d) faster.

6. Output devices serve for displaying the……….

a) nice picture; c) results of calculations;
b) diagrams; d) words.

7. Some of the first computers cost……

a) hundreds of dollars; c) thousands of pounds;
b) millions of dollars; d) thousands of roubles.

8. It is cheaper to let the expensive computer do the job than to……..

a) have a hundred clerks; c) buy another computer;
b) do the job oneself; d) waste your time and efforts.

9. Computers can fulfil the tasks much….than any number of people using the
traditional methods.
a) cleverer; c) faster;
b) better; d) worse.

10. Computers became very……

a) large; c) expensive;
b) small; d) popular.

Тема 3: Business correspondence – Ділове листування
Підтема: Types of writing – Стилі листів

Warming-up activity
Read and choose three types of writing that you find the most useful for
your writing priorities.
Прочитайте і оберіть серед трьох варіантів письмової діяльності
найбільш важливі для вас.

Personal and Study Writing

Professional Writing
Social writing (Personal)

diaries Making notes form filling CVs

recipes while letter of; reports
shopping list studying -request reviews
reminders making notes -complaint contracts
letters to from lectures -apology memos
family/friends summaries -application
notes(instructions) reports
phone messages essays

Get some information and name the types and styles of letters mentioned
in the text.
Прочитайте інформацію про назву, стилі листування та структуру
Letters are pieces of writing usually written to a person or a group of people for specific
purpose. There are various types of letters and your choice depends on your reasons for writing. The
most common reasons are: requesting or giving information, giving or asking for an opinion,
applying for a position, etc.

Any letter consists of:

2 an INTRODUCTION stating the
reason(s) for writing
3 a BODY developing the topic of
the letter where each new point is written
in a new paragraph
4 a CONCLUSION summarizing
the topic and including some closing

There are three styles of letter depending on the person you addressed to:
 INFORMAL LETTERS are written to the members of the family or people
you know well.
 SEMI-FORMAL LETTERS are written to people you do not know well and
to whom you want to show politeness and respect.
 FORMALL LETTERS are written to people you not know or people in
Put the parts of the letter in a proper order.
Виконайте вправу, поставте літери з кожної частини біля відповідної
opening remarks and presenting the reasons for writing
writer’s (full) NAME
summarizing the topic and closing remarks
Paragraph 2, 3, etc. Topic development

1 2 3 4 5

Підтема: Introducing with structure and Parts of a Letter and addressing
an envelope – Ознайомлення зі структурою листа та оформлення конверта.

Warming-up activity

Work in small groups and discuss the questions

Прочитайте і обговоріть питання в групах:
Do you think its better write letters or speak on the phone with your friends? Why?
Why our grandparents used to write letters?
Have you ever write letters?

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file

An envelope конверт
Receiver’s address адреса одержувача
Return address адреса відправника
Sender’s name ім’я відправника
Postage/stamp марка
Capital letter великими буквами
Punctuation пунктуація
Post code (ZIP code) поштовий індекс
Postal abbreviations поштові скорочення
Digit цифра

Get some information

Отримайте інформацію

Read and discuss the letter

Прочитайте і обговоріть даний приклад ділового листа

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на питання:
1. Who has sending the letter?
2. Who is receiving it?
3. What is opening phrase?
4. What is the date?
5. What is the closing phrase?

Lesson 3
Підтема: Letters and forms – Оформлення листа

Warming-up activity
Work in small groups and discuss the proverbs.
Запишіть дані прислів’я та обговоріть їх у малих групах.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart \nʌθɪŋ z ɪmˈpɒsəbl̩ tu ə ˈwɪlɪŋ hɑːt\

Було б бажання, а можливість знайдеться (Якщо дуже захотіти, можна в космос

What’s done cannot be undone \wɒts dʌn ˈkanət bi ʌnˈdʌn\

Зроблене не переробиш
Many men, many minds \ˈmeni men, ˈmeni maɪndz\

Скільки людей, скільки думок.

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file

Opening Phrases вступні фрази

Dear Madam шановна пані
Dear Sir Шановний добродію
Dear Mister Malforn Шановний пане Малфорн
Dear Sir Шановні панове
We have received your letter of… Ми отримали Вашого листа
We thank you for your letter of… Дякуємо за лист від…
We have the pleasure to inform you Ми раді повідомити вас
In reply to your letter of У відповідь на ваш лист від…
To inform you Повідомляємо вас
We apologize for the delay in Просимо пробачення за затримку
answering your letter з відповіддю на ваш лист
Linking Phrases Зв'язуючі фрази
There is no doubt that Безперечно
It is necessary to note Необхідно відзначити, що…
Considering the above said Беручи до уваги сказане
In connection with your request У зв’язку з вашим проханням
As regards your request Щодо вашого прохання
In case of delay У випадку затримки
Closing Phrases Заключні фрази
We are looking forward to receiving Чекаємо вашої згоди/
your consent/approval/confirmation схвалення/підтвердження
Your prompt execution of our order Будемо вдячні за швидке
would be appreciated виконання нашого замовлення
We wish to maintain cooperation Сподіваємося підтримувати
with you співробітництво
Your early reply will be appreciated Будемо вам вдячні за швидку відповідь
Your faithfully З повагою
Your sincerely З повагою

Write into copybook and translate.

Запишіть дану таблицю в зошит, перекладіть.

Return The return (or sender's) address is usually in the top right corner
address or or in the middle of the sheet, often printed typographically. The heading
heading contains the name of organization or firm, sending the letter, its address
(number of house, street, city, state /province, oblast, county/, ZIP Code
and country), telephone, fax, e-mail. A comma separates the city from
the state or country.
Example: DO NOT indicate your name here.
Date The date is usually below or above the return address. Dates are
not abbreviated in business letters. A comma separates the month and
day from the year. In international correspondence dates can be
confusing if only numbers are used.
British form: day/month/year American form:
9 January, 2003 or 9th January,2003 January 9,
Receiver's The receiver's address is on the left side of the sheet and contains
Address the addressee's title (Mr., Ms., Dr., Mrs.), first name, last name, job
title, company name, street address, city, state (province, oblast,
county), ZIP Code, country. Example: Mr. Bill Rubin
Vice President of Operations 24 Dexter
Garnet Company
Reference In many business letters or e-mails, there is a subject or a
or Subject reference that tells the reader what the focus of the letter is. A common
reference represents the initials of the person who wrote the letter and
those of the typist who typed it.
Example: Our Ref: MRE/JNK (the initials of the author of the
letter/the initials of the typist) Subject: Invitation

Translate into English

Перекладіть з української на англійську дані речення.
1. Ми отримали вашого листа від 13 вересня 2002.
2. Я надсилаю вам лист із проханням надіслати каталог вашої продукції.
3. Дякуємо вам за лист від 1 березня.

Lesson 4
Підтема: Writing letters – Написання листів

Warming-up activity

Read and translate into Ukrainian
Прочитайте і перекладіть на українську мову:
Write and learn new worlds
Dear friend, Loving yours
Darling girl, Fondly and warmly
Dearest love, Reliably yours
Hi! Bye!

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file

inquiry n fin'kwairi] запит

order n замовлення
request v [ri'kwest] запитувати, просити
confirm v [кэпТзгт] підтверджувати
claim n вимога, претензія
complaint n [kam'pleint] скарга
further adv далі, потім
reply v відповідати
concise adj [kan'sais] стислий,короткий
courteous adj [ck3:tias] вічливий, чемний
heading/ letterhead n заголовок
greeting / salutation n вітання
opening phrases фрази для початку листа
binding phrases фрази, що зв'язують текст
closing phrases фрази, що використовуються в кінці
signature n ['signitja] підпис
reference n посилання, виноска
enclosure n вкладення

enclose v вкладати
by warrant за дорученням
fold v складати, згинати
indented line [ai'dentid lain] червоний рядок
look forward v чекати
respond v відповідати
at your convenience у будь-який зручний для вас час
hesitate v ['heziteit] вагатися
submit v представляти, подавати
in advance [in od'va.ns] заздалегідь
offer v пропонувати
delivery n [di'livsri] доставка, вручення

Read the letter and translate

Прочитайте та перекладіть даний лист
1635 Magnolia Avenue
Dallas, Texas
October 10, 1998

Mr. John Hamilton

1447 Houston Street
Dallas, Texas
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
I have just learned from Mr. Jones, one of your salesmen, that you wish to employ a reliable
boy to help with deliveries and to do odd jobs about the store after school hours and on Saturdays. I
should like very much to have you consider me for this work.
I am fourteen years old and am now in the ninth grade. For three summers I have been with
the Gray Drug Company as delivery boy and general helper. I should like to have you ask Mr. H.W.
Gray, the president of this company, about my qualifications. His telephone number is 3-8142.
Also, I refer you to Principal H.G. White of Lowell High School, where I am now a student,
and to Principal W.B. Lake of Roosevelt Junior High School, the school from which I was
transferred last January.

It would please me much to be permitted to talk with you at your convenience. My
telephone number is 4-3657.
Yours very truly,
Harold Roberts

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на запитання до даного листа:

1) Who is sending the letter?

2) Who is receiving it?
3) What is the opening phrase?
4) What is the requirement?
5) What is the closing phrase?

Lesson 5
Підтема: Types of business Letters – Види ділових листів

Warming-up activity
Read and discus
Прочитайте та обговоріть дані вислови
“Adventure is the life of commerce, but caution is the life of banking.”
“He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing.”
Exchange is no robbery.
It is all ill bargains, where no man wins.
Remember, there is no bargain.
Trade follows the flag.
There are tricks in every trade.
Two of a trade will never agree.

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file
acknowledgement …… …………… підтвердження
adjustment настанова, погодження
application заява, прохання
appreciation подяка, оцінка
claim вимога, претензія
collection грошовий збір, інкасо, збірник
congratulation привітання, поздоровлення
inquiry запит
introduction рекомендаційний лист
order замовлення
recommendation лист-рекомендація

Sales реалізація, продаж.

Read the text and note some information.

Прочитайте текс та занотуйте потрібну інформацію.
Common types of business letters.
There are business letters appropriate to all phases of business; therefore it would be almost
impossible to classify all types of the business letter. Only the commonly used types can be
discussed in a brief work such as this. The following are types of business letters in general use:
acknowledgement, adjustment, application, appreciation, claim, collection, congratulation, inquiry,
introduction, and order, and recommendation, sales.
The letter of application should conform to all requirements of a good business letter, and in
form it should be correct in every detail. No one should do less than his very best in writing a letter
of application, for it is in reality a sales letter in which the writer is trying to sell his services. The
application letter usually consists of three or four paragraphs.
Answer the questions
Дайте відповіді на питання:
1) What types of business letter do you know?
2) What is the application letter?
3) How many paragraphs does the letter consist?
Grammar exercise. Underline the correct word. Виконайте граматичне
завдання, оберіть правильний варіант відповіді.
1. I'm really angry about /with them for not letting us know sooner.
2. I've spoken to Robert and I'm reasonably happy with/for all the arrangements.
3. I'm really happy with/for Maggie, she deserved to get promoted.
4. I'm a bit annoyed about/with all this confusion with the wrong invoices.
5. I'm a bit annoyed about /with them for sending the wrong invoices.
6. I'm sorry about/for what happened yesterday.
7. I'm sorry about/for arriving so late — I got delayed in traffic.
8. I feel very sorry about/for Frances. She didn't deserve to be treated like that.
Lesson 6
Підтема: Types of business Letters- order – Лист-замовлення

Warming-up activity
Tongue twister
Прочитайте скоромовки

That’s the men who sat on my hat in the tram.

Good, better, the best;
Never let it rest
Till your good is better
And you’re better best.
I feel I need a deep sleep.
Write and learn new worlds
Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file
Currency – валюта;
Draft – чек, вексель;
Freight – фрахт;
Margin – поле сторінки, край;
Transportation charges – транспортні витрати.
Read and translate the text
Прочитайте і перекладіть


The letter ordering goods should be made so clear that it could not possibly be
misunderstood/ It should be exact and complete in every detail as to quantity, quality, size, number,
catalogue page and number, shape, style, color, price of each, or other item (use sample of paper,
cloth) helping toward exact identification. If the buyer is to pay transportation charges, he should
specify how the order is to be shipped – mail, express, or freight – unless he leaves this matter to the
one who ships. Give complete instructions for shipping. Printed order blanks may be used, but in
any case few words should be written in addition to those giving the items and exact instructions
relative to the order. Write each item on a separate line beginning at the paragraph margin. If
payment is enclosed, state the exact amount and the form in which it is sent – stamps, currency,
check, draft, or money order. An enclosure should be clipped to the letter, and in the lower left-hand
corner should be written Enclosure.

Read and discus the order

Перегляньте приклад написання листа-замовлення

Madison High School

Wakefield, New York
January 10, 1998

The McCormick-Mothers Company

1601 East Douglas Avenue
Wichita, Kansas

Please send me the following books and the tests and other materials that accompany
them by express at once:

20 copies Streamline English Departures $ 60

20 copies Streamline English Connections $ 180
20 copies Streamline English Destinations $ 200
20 copies Review for Mastery $ 100

I am enclosing my check for $ 640 640

Yours very truly,

H. Jackson

Answer the questions.

Дайте відповіді на питання:
1) Who is sending the letter?
2) Who is receiving it?
3) What is the opening phrase?
4) What is the requirement?
5) What is the closing phrase?

Read and discus the order

Перегляньте приклад написання листа-замовлення

Lesson 7
Підтема: Types of business Letters:Inquiry&Reply – Лист-запит і
відповідь до нього

Warming-up activity
Work in small groups and discuss the proverbs
Прочитайте та обговоріть дані приказки
No news is a good news /nəʊ njuːz ɪz ə ɡʊd njuːz /

Відсутність новини – також новина.

Words hurt more than swords ˈ/wɜːdz hɜːt mɔː ðən sɔːdz /

Слова ранять більше, ніж мечі.

First come first served /fɜːst kʌm fɜːst sɜːvd /

Хто перший прийшов, той перший отримав.

A bird in hand is worth two in bush /ə bɜːd ɪn hænd z wɜːθ tuː ɪn bʊʃ /

Синиця в руках краща від журавля в небі.

Haste makes waste /heɪst meɪks weɪst/

Поспіх приносить збитки.

No pains no gains /nəʊ peɪnz nəʊ ɡeɪnz/

Без праці не отримаєш нічого (Без труда – нема плода. Нема болю, нема здобутків).
To call a spade a spade /tə kɔːl ə speɪd ə speɪd/

Називати речі своїми іменами (Називати лопату лопатою).

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику:

World file
Business ethics – ділова етика;
Profit – прибуток;
Recipient – одержувач;
Inquiry – запит;
Reply - відповідь.
Read and translate the text
Прочитайте і перекладіть:


The letter of inquiry should make absolutely clear the information wanted. It should leave no
possibility of the recipient’s having to write to ask for explanation or extension of any of its parts. It
should be as brief as is in keeping with courtesy and clarity. If it relates to matters of no interest to
the recipient, a stamped addressed envelope should be enclosed for reply.
One who receives an inquiry should reply promptly unless it is a type of inquiry out of
keeping with business ethics. Even when the matters of inquiry are of no interest to the recipient, he
should give the information as courteously and as fully as if it meant material profit to him. He
should give not only complete information for every detail of the inquiry but also should give any
additional information which the writer feels would make clearer the information desired. In short,
the writer should write just the king of reply he should wish were he the inquirer.

Folding a Letter
When a reader opens a business letter, the first thing he or she must see is the letterhead and
the date; the second is the body of the letter, and finally, the signature.
Fold a letter into three equal parts, like this:
1. Imagine where to divide the letter into three equal parts.
2. Fold the bottom of the letter to the top line.
3. Fold the top third of the letter over.

Read and translate the letters.

Прочитайте листи і перекладіть:

Oakland, Colorado
July 8, 1998
Mr. Fred Warner, Druggist
Almond, Colorado
Dear Mr. Warner:
Mr. J.H. Webb has applied for work as salesman in my drugstore. He has referred me to
you as one for whom he has done similar work. Please give me some general information as to
have fitness for this work. I shall be grateful to you for this help.

Sincerely yours,

L.W. Stevens
Answer to the letter above:

Almond, Colorado
July 9, 1998
Mr. L.W. Stevens
Oakland, Colorado
Dear Mr. Stevens:
Mr. J.H. Webb worked for me two years and I found him thoroughly dependable and
efficient all the time. You may be sure that he will give you excellent service. It was very difficult
for me to find one to replace him when he removed to your city. I shall appreciate any
consideration you show him.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Warner

Lesson 8
Підтема: Fax – Факсиміле (факс)

Warming-up activity
Write and learn new worlds
Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file
facsimile факсіміле
design план,проект
means засіб
socket гніздо, паз
charge ціна
to measure міряти
to vary міняти(ся), змінювати(ся)
evidence доказ, свідчення
to transfer передавати
chain store однотипні магазини однієї фірми
to circulate поширювати, передавати
receiver одержувач
memo пам'ятна записка
branch відділення, філія
damaged пошкоджений
consignment вантаж, партія товарів
supplier постачальник
urgent терміновий
to replace заміняти
delivery доставка, поставка
airfreight вантаж
item кожний окремий предмет (у списку)

Read and translate the text
Прочитайте і перекладіть:
The word "fax" comes from the word "facsimile". A fax machine will send a duplicate of
the message, document, design or photo that in fed into it.
Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few
years. There are various models of fax mil chine which connect to a telephone socket and which
work on 11 systems similar to the telephone system.
Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary according to the time of day
and where the fax is being sent. The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and
documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can he relayed from one source-to
hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a
memo or report to its branches.

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на питання:
1. Where does the word "fax" come from?
2. What can a fax machine do?
3. What are the advantages of fax?

Lesson 9
Підтема: Fax – Факсиміле (факс)

Warming-up activity
Read the following sentences. Decide whether they are beginnings or
endings. Then decidewhether they are neutral or informal
Прочитайте дані речення, визначте: це початкові чи кінцеві фрази,
стиль діловий чи приватний
1 The computer network will be shut down for maintenance Beg/End Neut/Inf at 5pm on
2 Oh, yes – I’ll be back late tonight. Can you do the shopping Beg/End Neut/Inf and buy
something nice for dinner? Thx.
3 I look forward to receiving your advice on this matter. Beg/End Neut/Inf
4 What a surprise – how nice to hear from you! Beg/End Neut/Inf
5 Bye for now. See you soon. Beg/End Neut/Inf
6 I hope that everything is okay, but do not hesitate to contact Beg/End Neut/Inf me if you
need any clarification.
7 Please find attached my report, as promised in Friday’s meeting. Beg/End Neut/Inf
8 I’m so happy for you! Write again soon and tell me how it’s going. Beg/End Neut/Inf
9 We are writing to advise you about some changes in our price list. Beg/End Neut/Inf
10 If you’d like any more details, just let me know. I’m away Beg/End Neut/Inf all next
week but Andrea is dealing with this in my absence.
11 Just a quick note to say I really enjoyed last night. Beg/End Neut/Inf
12 Simon and I have been talking about your holiday plans for next Beg/End Neut/Inf
August. It looks like we won’t be able to join you. I’m really sorry.

Read and discuss the following faxes

Прочитайте і перекладіть дані листи-факс

1. This fax is from Lynk & Co, who received a damaged consignment and was told by
their supplier, Mr Causio, to return it.

P. Lynk & Co. Ltd

(Head office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL. I Telephone: 021-327
5385 Cables: MENFINCH Birmingham Telex: 556241
Fax transmission
Message for: D Causio From: K. Pane
Address: Satex S.p.A., Via di Pietra Papa, Date: 24 January 20
Fax number: (06) 394 8629

Dear Mr. Causio,

This is an urgent request for a consignment to replace the damaged
delivery which we received, and about which you have already been informed.
Please airfreight the following items: Quantity
PN40 60
AG20 75
L28 100

The damaged consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement.

Yours sincerely,

K. Pane

Chief Buyer

2. This fax is an example of an informal message from a sales representative, who needs
something to be done urgently by his Head Office. Notice that the fax is kept brief and clear.


Canal Street, Manchester M12 4KQ

Fax transmission
From: Nick Manson

To: Sue Bresson

Sue —
I've been in Bournemouth now since yesterday, and our clients seem to be most enthusiastic
about our new range of notepaper. Can you send some more samples and about twenty more
catalogues? Please send them Datapost, and then I'll definitely get them tomorrow.

Also, just to let you know I'll be in Norwich on Thursday 18 th and Friday 19th and back at
the office on the Monday.

Thanks, and see you next week.

Complete the dialogue.

Використовуючи текст „FAX” з попереднього уроку, складіть діалог:

A: Where does the word "fax" come from?

B: ....................................................................................
A What can a fax machine do?
B: ....................................................................................
A: When did this means of communication develop?
B: …………………………………………………….

A: How does it function?

B: ……………………………………………………….
A: And how are charges measured?
B: ………………………………………………………..
A: What are the advantages of fax?
B: ……………………………………………………….

Lesson 10
Підтема: Golden Rules for Writing Letters – Золоті правила для
написання листів

Warming-up activity
Read and translate into Ukrainian
Прочитайте і перекладіть на українську мову
A business letter:
My secretary, being a lady, cannot type what I think of you. I, being a gentleman, cannot
think it. You, being neither, will understand what I mean.

Read and translate the text

Прочитайте і перекладіть
Golden Rules for Writing Letters
l. Give your letter a heading if it makes it easier for the reader to understand your purpose in
2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write or dictate a letter, because if
you do not do this the sentences are likely to go on and on and on until you can think of a good way
to finish. In other words you should always plan ahead.
3. Use short sentences and paragraphs (not more than eight to ten lines).
4. Put each separate idea in separate paragraph. Number each of the paragraphs if it helps
the reader to understand better. Leave a line space between each paragraph.
5. Use short, precise words that everyone can understand and say exactly what you mean.
Do not break words at the end of a line.
Short forms are not used in business letters.
7. May produce a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Your letters should be correct.
8. It is polite to answer the letter that day when you have received it.
9. Think about your reader. Your reader:
 must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be dear;
 must be given all the necessary information: your letters should be complete;

 is probably a busy person with no time to waste: your letters should be
 Must be written in a sincere, polite tone: your letters should be courteous.

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на питання:
1) How many golden rulers for writing letter do you know?
2) Do you use them?
3) How reader takes main information?

Read and translate the text

Прочитайте і перекладіть

Seven Steps in Planning a Business Letters:

 1. Write down your aim: Why are you writing this letter;
 2. Assemble all the relevant information and documents;
 3. Arrange the points in order of importance. Make rough notes;
 4. Write an outline and check it through, considering these questions:
- have you left any importance points out?
- have you included anything that is not relevant?
 5. Write a firs draft, leaving space for additions and changes.
 6. Revise your firs draft by considering these questions:
- Does it cover all the essential points?
- Is it correct, relevant and complete?
- Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?
- Does it look attractive?
- Is it clear, concise and courteous?
- Will it give the right impression?
 7. Write type or dictate your final version.

Lesson 11
Підтема: Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Життєпис

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file

Skills - уміння
Curriculum Vitae - життєпис
Employment – зайнятість, досвід роботи.
Computer literacy – комп’ютерна грамотність.

Read and translate the text

Прочитайте і перекладіть:

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Maria Ivanova Address: vui. Kyivska, dim 55, kv. 134 Ternopil
Telephone: Home: (0352) 22-45-81

Education & Training

December 1991 - April 1994

Kyiv State Linguistic University, Department of English
Linguistic Researcher; PhD diploma was obtained in April 1994.
September 1981 - June 1986
Kyiv State Linguistic University, Departmen of German
Higher education diploma: teacher of English and German.
April 1997

Computer training course in Xylos (Microsoft Authorised Training Centre in
1986 - 1994 Position:
Tutor of English. Responsibilities:
Practical English and Grammar to third year students, Teaching.
August 1994 up to present position: English Lecturer
English language teaching at the Department of English Lexicology of the Kyiv
State Linguistic University.
Skills Good typing skills, strong organizational skills, ability to
work under pressure, customer-oriented, good time management.

Computer literacy Word Perfect, MS Word for Windows,

Lotus Ami-Pro 3.1., Lotus 1-2-3, e-mail.

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на питання:
1) What is the sender’s name?
2) Does she have any education and training?
3) How many paragraphs does the letter consist?

Read and translate the text
Прочитайте і перекладіть

Lesson 12
Підтема: Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Життєпис

Select the phrasal verb that best completes the sentence:

Підберіть відповідні фразеологізми до речень:
1. A fax from Jim ............................this morning.
(a) come in (b) came in (c) comes in
2. The false accounting....................... for nearly two years.
(a) went on (b) go on (c) goes on
3. We're.............................. a couple of deals right now.
(a) worked on (b) working on (c) works on
4. Computers will have more power than regular game machines until next winter,
when new systems............................... Nintendo, Sega and Sony.
(a) came from (b) coming from (c) come from
5. There are discussions........................with Enron about the use of the money.
(a) coming from (b) going on (c) working on

Complete the CV with the suitable expressions.

Заповніть дані життєпису

Complete the CV with the suitable expressions:

a - multithreaded programming, b - duties, c - experience, d - name, e - education, f - skills,
g - address, h - final software building for testing/ customer, I – phones,
j – Driving license, k - Kharkov lyceum “Professional”, l - Adobe Photoshop, The GIMP,
m - professional knowledge, n — May 2007 - August 2009, o - middle Delphi-developer.
(1)… (2)…
(4)… General knowledge of software development
• Object-oriented programming
.NET Framework, Java 2 SE, Android SDK, WinAPI
• Database design and development » Client-
server applications
• (5)...
• Design patterns

• Team management
Programming languages, tools and technologies
• C#, Java 2 (Eclipse), Delphi
• WinForms, Mono, Android SDK, Swing, AWT, VCL
• Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome
• Jira, Rally, Mantis, TrackStudio
• (6)…
• Wise InstallMaster, Inno Setup

(7)… (8)…
"Altron". Kharkiv. Ukraine.
Position: (9)...
• Development and support of existing software (code
analysis, bugfix ing, revision of software parts);
• GUI development for COM-server controlling;
• SDK development for server side application;
• Install system development for final deployment.
• April 2010-present
MetraTech Corp. Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Position: Advanced .NET-developer (Scrum master).
(11) …
interface designing and development for WCF-service;
• Scrum team management;
• Unit tests development (TDD)

(12)… 'Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

• Computer science faculty;
• September 2004 - July 2009; .
• Specialty - computer systems analytic.
Computer department;
September 2002 – July 2004.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, ( upper – intermediate);
(15) …

Read and discuss this resume

Прочитайте і проаналізуйте дане резюме

 Strengths and weaknesses of this resume format

The professional resume is mandatory for certain kinds of positions; your choice is
whether to send this type or go all the way and send academic curriculum vitae resume.
But be aware that professional resumes are reviewed under a microscope; every deficiency
stands out. Adding a portfolio that shows your experience-based work skills may compensate for
missing chunks of formal requirements. Just make sure that any unsolicited samples you send are
high quality and need no explanation.

 Who should (and shouldn't) use this resume format

Professionals in medicine, science, and law should use this format. Also use it when
common sense of convention makes it the logical choice, as when you’re applying for a leadership
civil service appointment in government. For most nonprofessionals, especially managers, the
professional format is tedious.

Lesson 13
Підтема: Resume – Резюме
Warming-up activity
Read and translate
Прочитайте та перекладіть:

Read and discuss

Прочитайте та перекладіть:
 The reverse chronological resume format includes employment history
beginning with the most recent and then going backwards. Reverse chronological resumes
show dates, as well as employers and educational institutions (college, vocational-technical
schools, and career-oriented programs and courses). This resume format accents a steady
work history with a clear pattern of upward or lateral mobility.
 When you create a reverse chronological resume, remember to.
 Focus on areas of specific relevance to your target position.
 List all pertinent places you’ve worked, including for each the name of the
employer and the city in which you worked, the years you were there, your title, your
responsibilities, and your measurable achievements.
 To handle problems such as unrelated experience, you can group unrelated
jobs in a second work history section under a heading of Other Experience or Previous
Functional Resume Format: Focusing on Skills and Experience
 8 of 12 in Series: The Essentials of Preparing a Resume
 The functional resume format focuses on portable skills or functional areas
and ignores chronological order. The functional resume style omits dates, employers, and
job titles in its purest form. It is oriented toward what the job seeker can do for the employer
instead of narrating history.

 Because employers don’t like it when you leave out the particulars,
contemporary functional resumes list (but downplay) employers, job titles, and sometimes
even dates by briefly listing them at the bottom of the resume.
 Choose areas of expertise acquired during the course of your career, including
education and unpaid activities. These areas become skill and functional headings, which
vary by the target position or career field. Note any achievements below each heading. A
few examples of headings are: Management, Sales, Budget Control, Cost Cutting, Project
Implementation, and Turnaround Successes.
 List the headings in the order of importance and follow each heading with a
series of short statements of your skills. Turn your statements into power hitters with
measurable achievements.
Read example of resume
Перегляньте приклад резюме

Lesson 14
Підтема: Email – Електронний лист
Warming-up activity
Work in pairs
Take turns asking and answering the questions
Дайте відповіді на питання:
1. Do you often send emails?
2. Is sending emails your primary way of written communication?
3. If you send emails, who are they usually for? What are they about?

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file
Online - неавтономний, підключений до мережі.
A website – веб-сайт, Інтернет сторінка.
A data – дані, відомості, інформація.
A device – пристрій, механізм, прийом.
Read the text and note some information.
Прочитайте текст та занотуйте потрібну інформацію

Answer the questions

Дайте відповіді на питання:

1) What is the theme of this email letter?
2) Who is the sender?
3) What is the ending phrase?

Lesson 15
Підтема: Email – Електроннй лист
Warming-up activity
Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions
Дайте відповіді на питання:
1. Do you agree with the claim that email will become the principal way of
communication among people?
2. Can you think of any disadvantages of emails?
Write and learn new worlds
Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику:

World file
Password – пароль, кодове слово.
Dot – крапка, символ.
Username – ім’я користувача.
Domain – власник корпорації.
The @ symbol – символ @ («ет», «собачка»).

Get to know what’s in an email address

Дізнайся, як правильно оформляти електронну адресу

The @ symbol
Type of organization
Username Country code

Write your email address and your password.

Translate the text from English to Ukrainian and answer the questions.
Перекладіть текст з англійської мови на українську та дайте
відповіді на запитання.

A computer is a machine which manipulates data according to a list of instructions which
makes it an ideal example of a data processing system. Computers take numerous physical forms.
The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th century (around 1940 —
1941), although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed prior.
Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several
hundred modern personal computers. Modern computers are based on comparatively tiny integrated
circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space.
Today, simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wrist watch and be powered from
a watch battery. Personal computers in various forms are icons of the information age and are what
most people think of as “a computer”. However, the most common form of computer in use today is
by far the embedded computer. Embedded computers are small,simple devices that are often used to
control other devices for example, they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to
industrial robots, digital cameras, and even children’s toys.
The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers
extremely versatile and distinguishes them from calculators. The Church turing thesis is a
mathematical statement of this versatility: Any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in
principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore,
computers with capability and complexity ranging from that of a personal digital assistant to a
supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks given enough time and storage
capacity. It is difficult to define any one device as the earliest computer. The very definition of a
computer has changed and it is therefore impossible to identify the first computer. Many devices
once called “computers” would no longer qualify as such by today’s standards.
Originally, the term “computer” referred to a person who performed numerical calculations
(a human computer), often with the aid of a mechanical calculating device. Examples of early
mechanical computing devices included the abacus, the slide rule and arguably the astrolabe and the
Antikythera mechanism (which dates from about 150–100 BC). The end of the Middle Ages saw a
re-invigoration of European mathematics and engineering, and Wilhelm Schickard’s 1623 device
was the first of a number of mechanical calculators constructed by European engineers.
However, none of those devices fit the modern definition of a computer because they could
not be programmed. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard made an improvement to the textile loom that
used a series of punched paper cards as a template to allow his loom to weave intricate patterns
automatically. The resulting Jacquard loom was an important step in the development of computers
because the use of punched cards to define woven patterns can be viewed as an early, albeit limited,
form of programmability.
In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable
mechanical computer that he called “The Analytical Engine”. Due to limited finance, and an
inability to resist tinkering with the design, Babbage never actually built his Analytical Engine.
Large-scale automated data processing of punched cards was performed for the U. S. Census
in 1890 by tabulating machines designed by Herman Hollerith and manufactured by the Computing
Tabulating Recording Corporation, which later became IBM. By the end of the 19th century a
number of technologies that would later prove useful in the realization of practical computers had
begun to appear: the punched card, Boolean algebra, the vacuum tube (thermionic valve) and the
teleprinter. During the first half of the 20th century, many scientific computing needs were met by
increasingly sophisticated analog computers, which used a direct mechanical or electrical model of
the problem as a basis for computation. However, these were not programmable and generally
lacked the versatility and accuracy of modern digital computers.

Make 5 questions for this text.

Поставте 5 запитань до тексту.

Translate from Ukrainian to English

Перекладіть з української мови на англійську:

1. Менеджери обговорюють умови контракту з самого ранку.

2. Ми купуємо обладнання у цієї фірми вже два роки і дуже задоволені нашим
3. Нещодавно ми почали співробітництво з фірмою “Блек енд Ко”. Ми ніколи не мали
справи з цією фірмою раніше, але багато про неї чули.
4. Ми вирішили розмістити замовлення на поставку десяти комп’ютерів.
5. Ми зацікавились цією моделлю комп’ютера, оскільки вона відповідає нашим
вимогам, і ціну ми вважаємо досить прийнятною.

Lesson 16
Підтема: Email language – Ділова кореспонденція в електронному
Warming-up activity
Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions
Дайте відповіді на запитання:
1) What do you know about IT tecnology?
2) How often do you serf into Internet?
2) Write and learn new worlds
A/C, a/c, acc. (account current) – поточний рахунок;
Adds (addressed) – адресовано;
Adse (addressee) – адресат, одержувач;
Ad (advertisement) – рекламне оголошення;
a.m. (ante meridiem) – до полудня;
app. (appendix) – додаток;
Attn. (attention) – увазі (кого-небудь);
B/E, B.E., b.e. (bill of exchange) – перекладний вексель, витрата;
B/L, b/l, B.L., b.l. (bill of loading) – коносамент;
cc., ce (copies) – вказівка на адресатів копій листа;
CEO (chief executive officer) – виконавчий директор;
Cf (confer) – порівняєте;
Co. (company) – компанія;
Contr. (contract) – контракт;
Corp. (corporation) – корпорація;
Cur 1. (currency) – валюта;
Cur 2. (current) – поточний;
CV (curriculum vitae) – коротка біографія;
Dd 1. (dated) – датований;
Dd 2. (delivered) – доставлю;
Dep., dept. (department) – відділ, міністерств;
Doc. (document) – документи;
Doz., dz. (dozen) – дюжина;

Eaon (except as otherwise noted) – якщо не зазначено інакше;
e.g. (exempli gratia) – наприклад;
enc., encl. (enclosed, enclosure) – вкладений, прикладений, вкладення, додаток;
exc., excl. (except, excluding, exception, exclusion) – крім, виняток;
expn (expiration) – закінчення (терміну);
fig. (figure) – цифра, малюнок, схема;
FY (fiscal year) – фінансовий рік;
h.a. (hoc anno) – в поточному році;
hf. (half) – половина;
H.Q., HQ, h.q. (headquaters) – головне керування (компанії, організації);
Id. (idem) – той же;
i.e. (id est) – тобто;
inc., incl. (including) – включаючи;
inc.(incorporated) – зареєстрований як юридична особа (корпорація);
info (information) – інформація;
inv. (invoice) – рахунок-фактура;
IOU (I owe you) – боргова розписка;
L/C, l.c., l/c. (letter of credit) – акредитив;
LLC (limited liability company) – компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю;
Ltd., ltd. (limited) – з обмеженою відповідальністю;
LOC (letter of commitment) – гарантійний лист;
Mdse (merchandise) – товари; Memo (memorandum) – записка;
M.O.(1- mail order), (2- money order) – поштовий переказ, грошовий переказ;
M.T. (metric ton) – метрична тонна;
MV (merchant (motor) vessel) – торгове (моторне) судно;
N/A (not applicable) – не застосовано (напр.., пункт в анкеті);
N.B., NB (nota bene) – важливе зауваження;
NC, N.C., n/c (no charge) – безкоштовно;
o/l (our letter) – (посилання) наш лист;
PA (power of attorney) – доручення;
p.a. (per annum) – в рік;
par. (paragraph) – абзац, параграф, пункт;
Plc, PLC (public limited company) – відкрита акціонерна компанія з обмеженою
PO (post office) – поштове відділення;

pp. (pages) – сторінки;
pp, p.p. (per pro) – від імені і за дорученням;
qv (quod vide) – дивися (там-то);
R&d (research and development) – науково-дослідницькі і досвідчено-конструкторські
роботи (НДДКР);
Ret (receipt) – розписка, квитанція;
Rept (report) – звіт;
Re (regarding) – відносно;
Ref (reference) – посилання;
RМS (root-mean-square) – середньоквадратичний;
Shipt (shipment) – відвантаження, відправлення;
Sig. (signature) – підпис;
tn. (ton) – тонна;
urgt (urgent) – терміновий;
v, vs (versus) – проти;
VAT (value-added tax) – НСД;
V.I.P., VIP (very important person) – особливо важливе обличчя;
v.s. (vide supra) – див. вище;
v.v. (vice versa) – навпаки;
w/o (without) – без; & (and) – і (союз); @ - комерційне at; # (number) – номер.

Match the letters with their definitions.

З’єднайте лініями абревіатури і відповідні їм значення:
NB the same
i.e. compare
e.g. against
p.a. important note
q.v. that is
cf. regarding
v.s. this year
p.m. for example
v.v. for and on behalf of
re reference
vs. see above
h.a. after noon
id. with the terms reversed
pp for each year
ref. conversely

Lesson 17
Підтема: Email – Електронний лист
Warming-up activity
Read and say what provided with these possibilities
Вислови власну думку з даного твердження
Today you can text, email and chat online on Messenger and things like that. I’m still in
touch with some friends who I met on holiday last year even though they live mile away.
Write and learn new worlds
Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику

World file

Mailbox - поштова скринька.

Telex – телекс.
Screen - монітор, екран.
Modem – модем.
Access - доступ.

Read and translate the text

Прочитайте і перекладіть


Electronic mail is a means of sending and receiving messages - internally, nationally, or
Subscribers to e-mail need a terminal, such as personal computer, a telephone line, and a
modem, which is a device for converting signals to text. Messages appear on the receiver's
computer screen. E-mail users can also have access to a mailbox, which they can call from
anywhere in the world and retrieve messages. They receive a mailbox number and a password for
confidentially. Messages can be printed out and kept for reference.
In comparison with telex, e-mail is relatively low in cost, and does not require a trained
operator. It is also fast, relatively reliable, and messages can be sent or picked up anywhere in the
world, and stored in the mailbox until they are retrieved.

This can be particularly advantageous for users who are communicating across international
time zones.
Answer the questions.
Дайте відповіді на питання:

1. What do subscribers to email need?

2. What is modem?
3. Why do email users need a mailbox?

Email Determiners Pair work Practice Student

Працюючи в парах, підберіть правильні слова, щозаписані в дужках:
Choose one of the determiners below and read out examples, starting with the most
difficult, until your partner guesses which one (a/ the/ some/ any/ my/ your/ his/ our/ -)
should be in the gaps. They can only guess once per example and you get one point for
each one they get wrong. If you run out of examples before they guess the determiner,
make up your own examples or give hints.
I’m writing to request ______ copy of your latest catalogue.
This is just _________ quick/ short note to say…
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for _______ while.
If you need _______ further information about this matter, please feel free to contact me.
If you need ______ further details, please feel free to contact me at ______ time.
I am available for interview at ______ time.
We apologize for ______ inconvenience that this may have caused.
Give _______ regards to John.
Send _________ love to Steve.
It will be ____________ pleasure to attend.
I’ll ask _______ boss about this and get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you for bringing this to ______ attention.
I’m writing to you about our meeting ________ week after next.
Is ________ meeting going ahead as planned?
It was great nice to meet you at _________ conference last week.
Can you get back to me about that by ________ end of ________ week?
Please see _______ attachment for further details.
______ attached document explains…
Here is ______ document that you asked for.
_____ First/ second/ last thing that you asked about was…
Here’s ______ info that you asked for:
How are ________ things?
I am interested in the course you advertised in the Mail _________ last month
I’m writing to you about our meeting the week after _______ next
See you on _______ Monday
Thank you in ________ advance
The bulkier documents will arrive by ________ snail mail soon.
We’ll send you the original documents by ________ courier.
Well, I must get back to __________ work

Lesson 18
Підтема: Formal & Informal style in Emailing – Ділове і особисте
листування електронною поштою

Write and learn new worlds

Запишіть і вивчіть нову лексику.
Популярні скорочення в чаті:
· 2moro – Tomorrow (завтра)
· 2nite – Tonight (сьогодні ввечері)
· BRB - Be Right Back (повернуся за мить)
· BTW - By The Way (між іншим)
· B4N - Bye For Now (прощавай)
· BCNU - Be Seeing You (побачимось)
· BFF - Best Friends Forever (найкращі друзі назавжди)
· CYA - Cover Your Ass -or- See Ya (прикривати вашу задницю або побачимось)
· CUL – See You Later (побачимось пізніше)
· DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read (не вір усьому, що читаєш)
· DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Sh** (невже я схожий на того, кому не байдуже)
· FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation (страх, невпевненість, дезінформація)
· FWIW - For What It's Worth (заради всього...)
· GR8 – Great (чудово)
· ILY - I Love You (я кохаю тебе)
· IMHO - In My Humble Opinion (на мою скромну думку)
· IRL - In Real Life (в реальному житті)
· ISO - In Search Of (в пошуку...)
· J/K - Just Kidding (просто жартую)
· L8R – Later (пізніше)
· LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off (сміюся від душі)
· LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Love (сміюся голосно або багато кохання)
· LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister (люблю тебе як сестру)
· MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You (знімаю перед тобою шапку)
· NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard (не на моєму задньому дворі)
· NP - No Problem -or- Nosy Parents (без проблем або батьки, які пхають всюди свого

· NUB - New person to a site or game (новачок на сайті чи у грі)
· OIC - Oh, I See (а, розумію)
· OMG - Oh My God (о, Господи)
· OT - Off Topic (не в тему)
· POV - Point Of View (точка зору)
· RBTL - Read Between The Lines (читай між рядками)
· ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (качаюсь по підлозі від
· RT - Real Time (в реальному часі)
· THX or TX or THKS – Thanks (дякую)
· SH - Sh** Happens (трапляється і лайно)
· SITD - Still In The Dark (все ще без поняття)
· SOL - Sh** Out of Luck (невдача)
· STBY - Sucks To Be You (не хотілося б бути на твоєму місці)
· SWAK - Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss (запечатано (надіслано з) поцілунком)
· TFH - Thread From Hell (зв'язок, допис з пекла)
· RTM or RTFM - Read The Manual -or- Read The F***ing Manual (читай інструкцію
або читай довбану інструкцію)
· TLC - Tender Loving Care (з ніжною любов'ю і турботою)
· TMI - Too Much Information (забагато інформації)
· TTYL - Talk To You Later -or- Type To You Later (поговоримо пізніше або надрукую
тобі пізніше)
· TYVM - Thank You Very Much (дякую дуже)
· VBG - Very Big Grin (велика гримасна посмішка)
· WEG - Wicked Evil Grin (зла диявольська гримасна посмішка)
· WTF - What The F*** (якого дідька)
· WYWH - Wish You Were Here (шкода, що тебе немає поряд)
· XOXO - Hugs and Kisses (обнімаю і цілую)

Get some information on emailing and discuss it in groups
Прочитайте даний текс і перекладіть


One area of difference between traditional letters and emails is in greetings. In a letter, it is
normal to start like 'Dear Mr Black,’ in an email, it is also acceptable to begin in this way - but it is
also very common to write only the person’s name.
The same applies to the ending of an email. In more formal email messages you should
better use the same kind of ending like in a letter. However, in informal messages it is more
common to use an informal ending. Here is a summary of some of the ways people begin and end
their messages.
Although emails seem to be short messages and are considered to be easy to write, before
you send your email go through the following checklist:
 keep your messages short
 do not use abbreviations unless you are certain people will understand them
 use capital letters only for special emphasis
 do not underline
 put a complete line space between paragraphs
 check the attachments
 make sure your spelling and grammar are correct
 make sure you are sending your email to the right person.
Some people use emotions or smiley icons in their messages to friends. They show emotions
or attitudes of the writer.

Translate into English

Перекладіть з української на англійську дані речення:

1. Повідомлення має бути коротким.

2. Неофіційні електронні листи завжди пишуться розмовною мовою.
3. Найхарактернішою ознакою неофіційних електронних повідомлень є неформальні

Тема: Business correspondence – Ділові листи

Мета: розвиток навичок письма, засвоєння мовних структур та лексичних одиниць

за темою, вдосконалення умінь складати ділові папери.
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань. Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності 4115:
Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).
Хід роботи
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim - Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
T: Today you are going to write practical laboratory work №5. Try to be active, creative and
I am sure you will do it well.
Instruction - Ознайомлення учнів з етапами лабораторно-практичної роботи.
ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
1. Discuss the differences in layout and language between informal and
informal letters.
(Indentation, the use of contracted verb forms, the use of phrasal verbs and idiomatic
language, etc.). Fill in the chart with the following expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms and slang,
contracted verb forms like we've, I'm, etc., short sentences, polite phrases, fewer passive verb
1. I am sorry to inform you that…
2. I am very grateful for...
3. Why don't we...
4. I will not be able to attend the...
5. Give my regards to...
6. I look forward, to hearing from you...
7. Let me know as soon as...
8. Dear Tom,
9. Dear Ms Smithers,
10. Best wishes,
11. Yours faithfully,
12. I'm really sorry I...

13. Unfortunately, we will have to postpone...
14. We had a little bit of lurk...
15. Our computers are used for a variety...
16. I use my pencil sharpener for...

Formal letter Informal letter

2. Complete the table of synonyms with the words in the box

A purchase to give to send to owe to obtain

Correspondence big to thank wrong to inform
To improve to show our idea

Formal style informal style

_________ letters
to indicate ___________
_________ to get better
to be grateful ____________
incorrect ____________
to supply ____________
_________ to tell
Substantial ____________
to be obliged ____________
to forward ____________
__________ a buy
__________ to get
the company's proposal ____________

3. Write the letter use the sample.

Business Letter Layout

Sender's address:
No. of building, St.
City. state, post/zip code
Your ref:
Our ref:
Addressee's name
Job title
Company name and address
For the attention of
Salutation: (Dear Mr/Ms Hill)
Body of the letter:
1. Opening
2. Main part
3. closing
For/p.p. Sender's name


ІІІ. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Make up a presentation on this topic.

Тема: Business correspondence – Ділові листи

Мета: розвиток навичок письма, засвоєння мовних структур та лексичних одиниць

за темою, вдосконалення умінь складати ділові папери.
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань. Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності 4115:
Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).
Хід роботи
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim - Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
T: Today you are going to write practical laboratory work №6. Try to be active, creative and
I am sure you will do it well.
Instruction - Ознайомлення учнів з етапами лабораторно-практичної роботи.
ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
1. What types of business letters do the following abstracts belong to?
1. I am, today, sending you some of our brochures in a separate package. With these, I have
included details of our pocket portable telephone, which you may be interested in.
2. Further to our telephone discussion on Thursday, i am delighted to tell you that we are
now able to reduce the price of our computers by 10%.
3. Unfortunately, we have not received the filing cabinets which were a part of the
order. We would be grateful if you could deliver these as soon as possible or refund our
4. We would like to book 25 places on Sun Express holiday No. 5210, departing 14th July.
5. Payment on the above order is now overdue. We would be grateful if you could send us
your check without delay.
6. Our company is considering leasing 12 automobiles rather than buying them outright.
Because it is important for us to present a favorable (and prosperous) image to our clients, we are
interested in luxury cars only.

2. Choose the phrase which best completes each sentence

1. If a letter begins with the receiver’s name, e.g. Dear Mr Ross, it will close with … .
a) Yours faithfully b) Yours sincerely c) Yours truly.
2. The abbreviation c.c. stands for … .
a) correct carbons b) carbon copy c) clear copy.
3. If you were writing a letter to Mr Peter Smith, you would open it with … .
a) Dear Mr Smith b) Dear Mr Peter Smith c) Dear Peter Smith
4. The head of the company in the UK is known as … .
a) The President b) The Chairman c) The Director
5. In the USA, it is correct to open a letter with the salutation … .
a) Gentlemen b) Dear Sirs c) Dear Gentlemen
6. The abbreviation enc. or encl. stands for … .
a) there are enclosures to the letter
b) the sender of the letter looks forward to further correspondence
c) enclosure will be sent in the next letter.
7. If you were writing to a knight whose name was Sir Roger Dumont, you would
open the letter … .
a) Dear Sir Dumont
b) Dear Knight Dupont
c) Dear Roger Dumont.
8. In the UK, the abbreviated date 2.6.95 on a letter means … .
a) 6th February 95 b) 2nd June 95.
9. If a secretary signs her name on a letter and her signature is followed by p.p, e.g.
p.p Daniel Harris, it means … .
a) she is signing on behalf of Daniel Harris
b) one copy of the letter is sent to Daniel Harris
c) her name is Daniel Harris.
10. A Managing Director in the UK is known as a … in the USA.
a) Chief Executive b) President c) Manager.
11. The term PLC after a company’s name stands for … .
a) Public Limited Corporation
b) Public Limited Company
c) Public Legal Community.
12. The Abbreviation for the term ‘limited liability’ in the UK is ...
a) LL b) Itd c) Ltd.
13. If you did not know whether a female correspondent was married or not, it would

be correct to use the term … .
a) Ms b) Miss c) Madam.
14. The abbreviation in addressing a doctor would be … .
a) Doc Spock b) Doct Spock c) Dr Spock.
15. The abbreviation Co stands for … .
a) corporation b) company c) cooperation.
16. Which order of the following addresses is correct?
a) D.Fregoni b) The Chief Accountant D.Fregoni.
The Chief Accountant Fregoni S.p.A.
Fregoni S.p.A. Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 254 Milano 20133
Milano 20133
17. What is the best way of writing a date in business letters?
a) 11.01.99 b) 11th January 99 c) 11 Jan 99.

3. Complete the application letter with appropriate words. Consult the

Functional Language section
Dear Sirs,
With to your advertisement in the "Guardian" I _________ to your
company for the ________ of the purchasing assistant.
I am currently ____________ in the purchasing department of Well & Goode Ltd, where
my ____________ are to cover purchasing of all stationery for the firm.
If____________ for the interview, I can come on any day at your __________.

C. V. _____________

Yours ____________

John P. Star

ІІІ. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Make up a presentation on this topic.

Тема: Business correspondence – Ділові листи

Мета: розвиток навичок письма, засвоєння мовних структур та лексичних одиниць

за темою, вдосконалення умінь складати ділові папери.
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань. Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності 4115:
Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).
Хід роботи
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim - Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
T: Today you are going to write practical laboratory work №6. Try to be active, creative and
I am sure you will do it well.
Instruction - Ознайомлення учнів з етапами лабораторно-практичної роботи.
ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.
1. Read the following four emails (A–D) and write the correct letter(s) next
to the explanatory sentences (1–7).
Which email(s)…
1 is a request for a list of completed aims? ________
2 is about a meeting for company shareholders? ________
3 is about a meeting for sharing ideas? ________
4 are about staff development? ________
5 is sent to more than one person? ________
6 have an attachment? ________
7 mentions booking accommodation? ________
To All Delta International Centre Owners
From Uwe Timm Managing Director
Subject AGM
Dear colleagues,
I trust you are all well. Please fi nd herewith a brief note for your diaries. I detail below the
latest information about this
year’s Delta International Annual General Meeting.

Date and Time: 12th November 10.00 to 16.00
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Prague
We have negotiated special rates for Delta International delegates, including family
members. Please make all bookings
through my PA Barbara Koenig, who can provide further information. As in previous years,
I would advise making an early
reservation to ensure accommodation.
I will send an agenda and details of the social programme nearer the time. I look forward to
seeing you and your families
again in the near future.
With best regards.
Yours sincerely,
Uwe Timm
Subject Software Training
Dear Jenny,
It was good to speak the other day. I think we covered a lot of ground in a short time.
As discussed, I and one of our engineers will lead the training day for your designers using
our new publishing software.
I’ll send copies of the software next week with some initial tasks for the designers to
try out before the day. I look forward to seeing you on the 15th July.
Best wishes,
From Uwe Timm <>
Subject Appraisal meeting
Attachment Appraisal document
Hello Jenny,
I fi nally got round to writing to you. Sorry for the long delay. I have really been snowed
under over the last few days.
Anyway, better late than never! OK, down to business.

Can you send me a summary of objectives you have achieved over the last year for our
meeting next week, plus anyareas you’ve identified for your own training needs? I’ve attached a
copy of the appraisal document for your perusal.
See you on Thursday.
Cheers for now,
To Uwe Timm
Subject Brainstorming meeting
Attachment Competitors’ websites
Hi Uwe,
I’m looking forward to our meeting next week. I’m pleased that we’ve set aside time to
discuss the website.
Please fi nd attached a list of the features of some of our competitors. I thought it would be a
good starting point for our
brainstorming meeting.
All the best.
2. Read the emails again and decide which is the most formal and the most
3. Now complete the table with the underlined words and phrases from the
emails in 1.
Formal Informal

ІІІ. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Make up a presentation on this topic.

Тема 4: LANGUAGE STAMPS – Мовні штампи
Підтема: Introduction – Знайомство

Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

Warming-up activity.
T: As you know thе acquaintance is your business card, it is that is why important to know
some rules. Introductions are usually made by your boss or the boss’ assistant or secretary in the
formal business pattern.

При знайомстві людей не хвилюйтеся про технічні помилки, просто

пам'ятайте, що:
 A man is always presented to a woman, not a woman to a man.
 The honored one’s name is said first, the name of the person being presented
 „May I present?” or „May I introduce?” or „I have the honour to present”.
They are all correct, but they’re a bit stiff for modern usage. A plain and simple, „Mrs.
Hamment, Mr. Crown” is enough — or, if you like, „Mrs. Hamment, this is Mr. Crown”.
And you needn’t go on to give each a biography.
 Present the young to the old, the lesser to the greater.
 When you are introduced you stand, whether being introduced to a man or to a

 Please note: it is never correct to call anyone in business like „pal”, „bud”,
„baby”, „Honey” or „darling”. Pet names are considered cheap.

Don’t say: Do say:

How are you? How do you do? (formal)
Hello. (informal)
 Only after this routine you can say „Pleased to meet you”, „Nice to meet you”.


Види привітань англійською мовою

Перш за все, варто запам'ятати привітання англійською мовою, що відповідають

певному часу доби. А саме:

- Good morning – Доброго ранку.

- Good afternoon – Добрий день.

- Good evening – Добрий вечір.

- Good night – Спокійної ночі (як побажання при розставанні).

Таке раніше досить поширене вітання англійською мовою, як How do you do? Зараз
має досить формальне значення і вживається рідко, як правило, людьми старшого віку.
Зазвичай обмін цим виразом відбувається при рукостисканні та першому знайомстві людей.
Для неофіційного стилю підійдуть такі вирази:

- Pleased to meet you / Nice to meet you.

Вони обидва перекладаються як приємно познайомитися, їх говорять, після того, як

привіталися. До речі, найбільш поширеним привітанням англійською мовою є Hello!. Молоді
люди або давні друзі можуть сказати і Hi!. Значення першого відповідає слову добрий день, а
другого – привіт. Привітавшись, ми запитуємо, як справи у людини чи як вона поживає. У
цьому вам допоможуть вирази:

- How are you? / How are things? / How are you doing? / How are you getting on? / How is
it going?

А ось і відповіді на них:

- Very well, thank you / Fine, thanks (спасибі, добре).

- Yeah, fine / Yeah, not so bad (добре, непогано).

Привітання англійською мовою передбачає і знання слів, вживаних, коли люди

прощаються один з одним. Якщо ситуація передбачає офіційний стиль спілкування,
підійдуть два вирази:

- It was nice to meet you / Nice to have met you. – Було приємно познайомитися. Було
приємно вас зустріти, з вами поспілкуватися.

Якщо ж ви розмовляєте з друзями або давно знайомими людьми, кращим варіантом

буде одна з наступних фраз:

- Good bye / Bye / See you / See you soon / See you later. – До побачення, побачимося.

Vocabulary exercises. Making the dialogues.

1. After reading material that is given above, find the corresponding

Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night
Nice to meet you
How are you?
How are things?
How are you doing?
How are you getting on?
How is it going?
It was nice to meet you
Nice to have met you

2. Read and translate expressions given below and try to memorize them.
By all means.
1. Greetings:
How do you do?
Good morning!( Morning!)
Good afternoon!
Good evening!( Evening!)
I am glad to meet you!
Let me introduce myself. My name is….
I am glad!
Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
2. Apology:
I beg your pardon./ Pardon me.
I am sorry/ I am so sorry/ awfully sorry!
Excuse me!
I hope, you don’t mind.
Ten thousand pardons.
Sorry to trouble you.
I shall not trouble you any longer.
Excuse my changing the subject.
3. Thanks:
Thank you (very much, so much).
Many thanks/ thanks so much/thanks a lot.
Thank you for your help.
You are welcome.
Don’t mention it.
4. Possible answers:
Oh, don’t worry.
It doesn’t matter.
It’s all right.
Not at all.
That is not an excuse.
Your excuses are rather flat.
Oh, that’s all right.

3. Read the dialogue given below and make your own dialogue using
words and expressions of “Thanks, Greetings, Apology and forms of address”.
- A: Hi, John! How are you? How is life?
- B: Hi, Henry! I am fine, thanks, and you?
- A: Not bad, thanks.
- A: I know, you had a business trip to Ukraine, so, how was your trip?
- B: Oh, it was good, but I was lack of time and couldn’t see much of the
country. But, thanks for asking, I enjoyed it really much!
- B: What about your work? Is everything o.k.?
- A: Can’t complain, everything goes well. I am planning my trip to Europe.
- B: Oh, great, then, I wish you good-luck and hope to see you again soon!
- A: Many thanks! Wish you all the best too!
Підтема: Registration of various orders – Оформлення різних

Warming-up activity.
Today we speak about ordering, nowadays when people have a lot to know about
traveling to various orders in advance to save time on.
Main part
A plane Літак

Return ticket білет в обидва кінця

To depart Відправлятись

Open return ticket білет з відкритою датою від'їзду

To travel by air летіти на літаку

Economy class економічний клас

A through train прямий потяг

I'd like to reserve a seat on a train to... я хотів би замовити білет до ...

How much is the first, second, third class скільки коштує білет 1-3 класу.

What is the purpose of your trip? яка мета поїздки?

Touring туристична

A business trip службове відрядження

Where is the booking office? де білетні каси?

Where is a cloak? де камера схову?

What platform does the train for ... leave з якої платформи відходить потяг до ...?
From platform ... track ... з платформи ... путь ...

Complete the dialogue.

1. Доповнити діалог:
How long are they staying?
A. Are there any seats available?
B. When will the tickets come?
C. When do they plan to leave?
D. What are the options?
E. Are there any British Airways flights about that time?
Susan. Grand Tour Agency. Susan Sharp speaking.
Hans. Hello, Susan. This is Hans Bradly. I need to send two of our sales managers to Rome
next week.________________________________________
Susan. OK.______________________________________________________
Hans. Monday October 14th.
Susan. And if you want to book a return flight I must ask you: _____________
Hans. Four days. They would like to come back on the night of the 17th ______
Susan. Let me have a look. There is a flight at 8.50 p.m. with British Airlines
Susan. Fortunately, there are. I've just called it up on the screen . Shall I reserve you two right
Hans. Yes, please. And make it Business Class, OK?______________________
Susan. In three or four days. I'll send them to you as soon as they arrive.

Read the letter for reservation the place in hotel.

Dear sirs,I here by reserve one single room from (date of arrival) 2 Oct. 2002 to 5 Oct. 2002
(date of departure). I would like an inside room with bathroom on the sixth floor. The price must be
between $ 50 and $ 60 (price per bed and night, inclusive of breakfast, service and VAT). If a room
in the requested price bracket should not be available, I agree to be placed into the next one up /
down. Special requests: the room must be faced the yard and be quiet I won't be disturbed by street
noises. Bill will be paid not in advance but on the day I arrive. I will be arriving by plane Moscow -
Berlin on the 1st of Oct.Registered card: 
Read and translate the text.
Kinds of hotels.

All hotels in England are devided into some types:

1. Luxe - the most expensive hotels for millioners.
2. Charming Town Houses are very expensive hotels.
3. Boarding Houses or Bed and Breakfast (so called B and B)
4. Inns are village hotels
5. Youth Hostels, Youth Holiday Centers, Country Guest Houses are very cheap hotels for
To the payment for hotels VAT is always added VAT - Value.
Added Tax that is 17,5% and the price of breakfast. There are two variants of breakfast:
continental breakfast and English breakfast. 

Підтема: In the hotel – У готелі


Warming-up activity.
T: How important are the following hotel facilities and features to you? Can you think
of any others:
 an en-suite bathroom;
 wireless Internet access;
 comfortable beds;
 air conditioning;
 room service;
 a health centre ;
 warm and friendly;
 staff cable/satellite TV.

Main part

A single room - кімната на одного
A double room - кімната на двох
An outside room - кімната з вікнами на вулицю
An inside room - кімната з вікнами на подвір'я
The suite - номер-люкс
To take a room - зняти кімнату, номер
The charge includes - вартість включає
Receptionist - адміністратор
To book accommodation - замовляти кімнату у готелі
To disturb - турбувати
To pay in advance - платити наперед
To fill in the form - заповнити бланк
To register at the hotel - зареєструватись у готелі
To make signature - ставити свій підпис
To prepare a bill for payment - приготувати рахунок
To leave the hotel - виписатись з готелю

Have you a vacant room? - у вас є вільна кімната?
I have a reservation here - я забронював у вас номер.
Please, will you show me - будь ласка, покажіть мені
How much is the room with board (without board) - скільки коштує кімната з пансіоном
(без пансіону)
Is service included - чи входить обслуговування в вартість номера?
Fill in the registration form legibly (in block letters) - заповнити форму реєстрації
May I ask you to have - чи можу я попросити Вас - this cleaned - здати це в чистку
- thes things washed - здати ці речі для прання - this suit pressed - попрасувати цей
- this ironed - попрасувати це.

What are the following people responsible for in a hotel? Match the job
titles with the responsibilities:

1. receptionist a. cleaning and tidying bedrooms

2. chambermaid b. cooking meals in the restaurant
3. porter c. helping guests at the hotel entrance and with their
4. chef d. running the hotel
5. waiter/waitress e. serving meals in the restaurant
6. general manager f. welcoming and helping guests l

In an hour or so the coach brings the group to the hotel. It's the Sherlock Holmes Hotel in the
very heart of London, near Oxford Street. The participants get out of the coach, pick up their
suitcases and go inside. Mr. Hill comes up to the Receptionist.
David: Good morning. There is a reservation for a group from Russia.
Receptionist: Good morning, sir. In whose name was the reservation made?
David: It is International Management Group. Mr Lvov and nine more people.
Receptionist: Just a moment, sir... Yes, here it is. Four singles and three twin rooms. Is that
David: Absolutely.
Receptionist: Are they all staying for seven nights?
David: Yes, that's right.
Receptionist: Will you ask the guests to fill in these forms, please?
David: Andrew, can the participants fill in the forms in English?
Andrew: Almost all of them speak English and there is no problem. As for the others I'll
naturally help them.
Andrew returns all the forms filled in to the receptionist and gets the electronic keys to the
rooms with the room number and the name of the guest written on the key. Andrew distributes the
keys and turns to the receptionist again.
Andrew: May I have the Rooming List, please. It will be easier for me to deal with my people,
especially if they have some problems. Sometimes such things occur.
Receptionist: Here is the List for you, sir.
Andrew: Thank you. Receptionist: You are welcome. Enjoy your stay here.
David: Andrew, will you ask everybody to be here downstairs in an hour, or at twelve o'clock.
We shall have lunch at the restaurant. Then let's all meet in the conference room for introductions and
some announcements.
Post-reading activities
Underline the answers true to the text:
• When does the group
come from the Heathrow airport
to the hotel? In an hour.
In two hours.
In three hours
or so.

• Where is Sherlock
Holmes located? In the centre of London.
Near London.
Near Gatwick
• Who speaks with the
Receptionist about the
reservation? It's Andrew Lvov.
It's David.
It's the Group Leader.
• In whose name was the
reservation made? In the name of
In Mr. Lvov's name.
In the name of IMD.
• Were there any
problems with checking in? Yes, there were some.
No, there were not.
• Who helps the
participants to fill in the forms? David does.
Andrew does.
The Receptionist does.
• What list does the
Receptionist give Andrew? The list of participants.
The list of rooms.
The rooming list.
• When does David offer
to meet in the conference room? In ten minutes.
After lunch After dinner


Підтема: In the town – У місті

Warming-up activity.

1. Remember the following conversational formulas.

Attracting attention
Excuse me
Pardon me
Can I help you?

Asking the way

Excuse me. How can I get to……..?
I’m sorry, I don’t know.
I’m a stranger here myself.
Thank you anyway.
Go through the ……….into ……….Street.
Turn left past the Town Hall.
That’s the biggest/smallest building on the left.
You’ll see post office in front of you.
You can’t miss it.
Where is the entrance?
Is it far from here?
Just a few minutes on foot.
Can/Could you direct me to …?
Can/Could you tell me the way to …?
How can I get to …?
Does this street go/lead to …?
Is it long way to …?
Am I on the right way to …?
Is this the right way to …?
Where is the nearest …?
Which is the shortest way to …?

Thanks and replies to thanks

Thanks a lot
Thank you very much
Don’t mention it
Not at all
That’s all right
You are welcome
My pleasure
It’s all part of the job / in the line of duty

Go straight on.
Turn right / turn left.
Turn right at the traffic lights.
Turn left at the roundabout.
Take the second turning on the right.
First on the right.
It’s the second street on the left.
Go down the street. / Go up the street.
10 minutes by car/on foot.
5 minutes walk.
It’s no distance at all.
Go / Walk along Khreschatic street.
Go straight ahead.
Go down / up.
Go to the end of the street.
Take the first / second turning on the right.
Turn left at the crossing / traffic lights
Cross the street / bridge
Use the pedestrian / zebra / crossing
Take the first / second road on your right / left
Walk two blocks
Take number 24 bus / tram to …
The nearest bus / tram stop is …
Go 2 stops.
Get off at the next stop / at the last stop.
Change for/to number 5 bus.
(Keep) straight on two blocks and then turn to the right
Is it long way from here?
Only about ten minutes walk.
Should I take a bus?
What bus should I take?
Could you tell me where to get off?
It’s on the right / left
Follow the road

Cross the street.
You’d better take a taxi.
2. Look at the map of the town. Give directions:

3. Read and translate the texts


London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom, with a population of about
6-7 million. It is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Historical and
geographical circumstances have made London one of the world's most important commercial and
cultural centres, while its range of historical connections and its buildings attract millions of tourists
from overseas each year.

London is a focus of civilization and political wisdom - exercised with unique democratic
effect in the historical record of the House of Commons - truly exemplary in the western world. It is
the capital where a respect for all ideas has been transformed into a genuine rite unanimously
obeyed and respected, and where coexistence is a social imperative born of civic customs of rank
and vigorous ancestors.

The gradual growth of the city helps to explain the fact that London does not have just one
centre, it has a number of centres, each with a distinct character: the financial and business centre
called the City (spelt with the capital C), the shopping and entertainment centre in West End, the
government centre in Westminster.

London is the city of great variety, ranging from the narrow medieval street-patterns of the
City to the spacious neo-classical squares of Belgravia. Two enduring architectural influences have
been Sir Christopher Wren (rebuilder of St. Paul's Cathedral after the Great Fire of 1666), the spires
of whose 29 surviving City churches still contribute an imaginative element to the City skyline, and
John Nash, who under the patronage of the Prince Regent, later George IV, at the beginning of the
19th century laid out a large part of London (including Regent's Park, Regent Street and the Mall) in
one of the grandest examples of town planning.

The most famous older buildings in London include Buckingham Palace (the Sovereign's
residence in London), the Houses of Parliament (an outstanding example of nineteenth-century

Gothic Revival architecture), St. Paul's Cathedral (the second largest church in Europe),
Westminster Abbey (where Sovereigns are crowned), and the Tower of London.

The length and breadth of Greater London extends over an area of 700 square miles. The
whole of London is full of buildings of incalculable artistic areas - the City, Piccadilly, Hyde Park
Corner to the banks of the Thames - providing an unforgettable and impressive image.


Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in the Ukraine. More than three
million people live there. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. It is the political, economic,
industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kyiv. They make different
products. In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces.
Thousands of students study at Kyiv-Mohila academy, at Kyiv University, many institutes and
colleges. Kyiv is a large transport centre. Kyiv metro is very beautiful. Kyiv is situated on the banks
of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine.
Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, president and government are located in Kyiv. Ambassadors of many
countries live in the capital of Ukraine too. We are proud that our capital is one of the best and
oldest cities in the world. Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide
and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses on Khreschatyk. There are many big green
trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there
are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or
sit on the benches. In the evening many people walk in Khreschatyk. There you can see many bright
lights. People like the main street of Kyiv because it is nice and green.

4. Discuss the following points:

1. What do we call short narrow streets that join larger ones together?
2. What are vehicles?
3. What do we call hours when the city transport system carries the greatest
amount of passengers?
4. Where should one cross the street?
5. What are the things the pedestrians must remember to be safe and sound?
6. On which side do vehicles drive in England?
7. What do we call the underground railways in Kyiv, London, New York?
8. What means of transport do you prefer?
9. Have you ever used the underground in London or other cities abroad?

5. Translate into English and compose the dialogues:

1. Запитайте водія, чим ви можете йому допомогти.
2. Запитайте водія, чи він має при собі карту місцевості.
3. Скажіть йому, що він спочатку повинен їхати прямо, а потім повернути
4. Скажіть водієві, що йому потрібно переїхати через міст.
5. Поясніть йому, що він знаходиться на вулиці з одностороннім рухом і не
має права зробити розворот.

6. Read and translate the dialogues:

Dialogue 1
Passenger (P): Where is the nearest bus-stop, please? Can I walk there?
Militiaman (M): Certainly. It’s not very far from here. You should cross the square. Use
zebra crossing.
P: I am looking for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. What bus should I take?
M: You may take bus from here.
P: Where should I get off?
M: This bus goes to Kreschatic street. The Ministry is not far from it.
P: Thank you very much.
M: Not at all.
Dialogue 2
Passer-by (P): Excuse me. Could you help me?
Militiaman (M): Sure. What’s the problem?
P: Could you tell me the way to the Ukrainian Museum? Can I walk there?
Is it too far?
M: It’s about twenty minutes walk. But you may take a bus.
P: Where is it?
M: Go straight ahead to the crossroads. Then turn right and you’ll see the bus stop.
P: Thanks a lot.
M: You are welcome.
7. Read the jokes and retell them.

No time for sightseeing

A farmer, who went to a large city to see the sights, engaged a room at a hotel and asked the
clerk about the hours for meals.
- We have breakfast from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3 and supper from 6 to 8, -
explained the clerk.
- Look here, - inquires the farmer in surprise, but at what time am I going to
see the town?
Not for pedestrians
- But, - protested the attendant, - your advertisement states that the hotel is only
five minutes from the station. It took me nearly an hour to reach here.
- Ah, - said the hotel keeper, - you’ve been


Підтема: Passport control – Паспортний контроль


Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

Warming-up activity.

Visitor Visa Interview

For visitor visa interview arrive at the US embassy or consulate where your appointment for a visa is
scheduled. Persons with incomplete applications will not be admitted. Persons with special needs who require
assistance, please contact the consulate at least 48 hours prior to the interview to arrange admittance for an assistant .

Arrive at the consulate

When you arrive at the consulate for visa interview,
you may need to stand in a queue outside the consulate.
Only visa applicants may enter the consulate. Before
entering the consulate, you may need to show your original
passport, appointment letter, and Visa application fee
receipt to the security staff.

Please note that electronic equipment, cell phones, bags,

sprays, perfumes, liquids, backpacks, bottles, food, sealed
envelopes, sealed packages, and dangerous items are not
allowed inside the consulate. There is no facility at the
consulate to store prohibited items. If you bring prohibited
items with you, you will have to dispose of them before
entry. Water and bathrooms are available inside the

Security check at consulate

As soon as you enter the consulate, you will go
through a security check, which may include a full body
metal detector scan.

Fingerprint verification for visitor visa
After the security check you will be given a token
for your visa interview. You have then proceed towards
fingerprint verification process. Once again, an officer will
take your fingerprints to verify the fingerprints taken at the
OFC center. Fingerprinting requirements can change over
time and across consulates. Follow instructions given to
you by the staff at the desk.

Waiting area
Soon after fingerprinting, you will be directed to be
seated in the waiting lounge area. You must sit quietly and
wait for your turn to be called for the interview. Keep your
documents ready. When your name is announced, you will
be asked to proceed to a particular window number. Walk
towards the window, greet the interviewer with a smile,
and follow the instructions given to you by the interviewer.

Visitor visa interview

The interviewer will be behind a glass window, and
you will be able to speak through a microphone on the
glass window. You will be able to hear the interviewer
through a speaker, which is also on the glass window. A
slot below the window will let you exchange documents
with the interviewer.

The interviewer may ask questions and verify your

documents. Answer truthfully and confidently. Answer
only the questions you are asked. Do not provide more
information than you are asked, and do not present any
documents that you are not asked to. The primary goal of
the interview is to verify all information presented in the
application and to make sure that you qualify for the
desired visa.

If your visa is denied

If your visa is denied or put on hold, you will be
informed accordingly. You will be able to pick up your
passport soon after the interview. .


Departure Terminal - a part of the airport where passengers must check-in to board
their flight.

Trolley - a handcart used for pushing luggage and heavy items.

Security check - checks by airport security for dangerous items.

Check-in counte - a counter where passengers report themselves before departure.

Excess baggage - luggage that weighs more than the airlines recommended limit.

Hand luggage - luggage that can be carried onboard the airline.

Conveyor belt - a moving belt that is used to transport luggage.

Departure lounge - a room with seats where passengers wait to board their flights.

Duty free - goods that are exempt from tax.

Passengers - a person who travels in a vehicle (planes, trains, cars, boat etc.)

Cabin crew - a team of men and woman who man the airplane.

Runway - the paved surface used by airlines to take off or land.

Complete the crossword, and then click on "Check" to check your

answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a
number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1 2







9 1


Across: Down:
1. a part of the airport where 1. a room with seats where
passengers must check-in to board their passengers wait to board their
flight. flights.
4. a person who travels in a vehicle 2. a handcart used for pushing
(planes, trains, cars, boat etc.) luggage and heavy items.
5. goods that are exempt from tax. 3. luggage that can be carried
7. luggage that weighs more than onboard the airline.
the airlines recommended limit. 6. checks by airport security for
8. a team of men and woman who dangerous items.
man the airplane. 9. the paved surface used by
10. a counter where passengers airlines to take off or land.
report themselves before departure.
11. a moving belt that is used to
transport luggage.

Travel agent: Can I help you?
B: I want to fly to London next
week. I’d like to make reservations
for a roundtrip ticket.
T. A.: What day are you
planning to leave for London?
В.: On the 12th of March.
T. A.: There are three flights to
London on that day - at 10 am, at
8.30 and 9 pm. Do you have any
preference about the time of the day?
В.: I’d rather leave at 9 pm I
want to get to London early in the
T. A.: I can make a reservation
for a TWA flight. Are you going to
travel 1st-class or economy?
В.: I prefer economy. How
much will it be?
T.A.: 440 dollars.
В.: Are meals and refreshments
served on the flight?
Т. A.: Yes, they are.
B.: What’s the flying time?
T. A: Six hours.
B.: What’s the London airport
we’ll arrive at?
T. A.: Heathrow Airport. How
many days are you planning to stay in
В.: Seven days.
T. A: When would you like to
fly home from London?
B.: March 22nd.
T. A.: All right. Your name
and address?
В.: Boris Brown, 64-42 99th
Street, Rego-Parte, New York 11374.
T. A.: And your telephone
В.:             (718) 439-7286      .
Підтема: The customs – Митний контроль.


Warming-up activity.
- Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Buying ticket. At the check-in-
desk. At the customs

- Sharing ideas about what to do at the customs, at the hotel and

how you understand the words travel, journey or trip?

Travel подорож

abroad за кордон

tour тур
booking-office білетна
departure від’їзд

flight політ

suitcase валіза

custom митниця

Which way to custom ? як пройти до митниці?

Where do they examine thе де перевіряють багаж?

Shall I submit for inspection ….? чи повинен я показати ….?

Declaration form декларація

Conversation Going through Customs
Customs officer: Would you like to put your luggage on here?... Thank you. Where have
you just come from?

Traveller: From Madrid.

C.O: Madrid. Are you resident in Spain, or do you live in the UK?

T: I live in Spain.

C.O: Can I see your passport, please?... Thank you. How long are you coming to the UK

T: For a week.

C.O: On holiday? Or business?

T: Yes, on business.

C.O: Is this all your luggage?

T: This is all, yes.

C.O: Nobody else is travelling with you?

T: No, I’m travelling alone.

C.O: OK then. What type of goods have you got, cigarettes, cigars?

T: I’ve got just 200 cigarettes.

C.O: Nothing else at all in the tobacco line?

T: No.

C.O: Any drink at all? Spirits? Liqueurs? Wine?

T: Just this bottle of whisky.

C.O: Was that bought in the duty-free shop, or...?

T: Yes, at Madrid airport.

C.O: I see. Are you bringing any gifts for anybody in the UK?

T: Well, the whisky is a present, but that’s all.

C.O: I see. No other small items – watches, jewellery?

T: No, it’s just personal things.

C.O: OK. Right, sir. Would you let me have a look in there?... Is the calculator going back
to Spain with you?

T: Yes it is. It’s mine.

C.O: Do you have a camera at all?

T: No, not with me.

C.O: OK, sir. Thank you very much.

2. Questions to conversation

1.   Where has the traveller come from?

2.   Why has he come to the UK?

3.   How many cigarettes has he got?

4.   What drink has he got?

5.   Has he got any jewellery?

6.   Is he going to give the calculator to another person?

Imagine that you’re going abroad. Fill out the declaration.
 Keep for the duration of your stay in
Ukraine or abroad.
 Not renewable in case of loss.
 Persons giving false information in the Customs
 Declaration or to Customs officers shall render themselves liable under the
laws of Ukraine.


Full name ___________________________________________________

Citizenship __________________________________________________
Arriving from ________________________________________________
Country of destination _________________________________________
Purpose of visit (business, tourism, private etc.)
My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for customs inspection consists of
__________ pieces
With me in my luggage I have:
I. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition
II. Narcotics and appliances for the use thereof
III. Antiques and objects of art (painting, drawing, icons, sculptures etc.)
Currency other than Ukraine roubles (bank notes, exchequers bills, coins), payment
vouchers (cheques, bills, letters of credit, etc.) in securities (shares, bonds, etc) in foreign
currencies, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, metals of platinum group) in any form or
condition, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds,
sapphires and pearls), jewelry and other articles made of precious metals and precious stones, and
scrap thereof, as well as property papers:


Підтема: English for everyday communication – Англійська мова для

повсякденного спілкування.


Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

Warming-up activity.
Today you are going to write practical exercise. Try to be active, creative and I am sure you
will do it well.

Translate into English:

1. Вибачте, будь ласка, де мені пересісти на автобус №49? 2. Ти взяв квиток? 3. Цей
автобус довезе вас прямо до музею. 4. Я їду до станції метро „Дарниця". 5. Ми виходимо на
наступній зупинці. 6. Автобус був переповнений, і ми не змогли ввійти. 7. Подивись, чи у
тебе є дрібні гроші? 9. Мені здається, що ми сіли не на той автобус. 10. Якщо ви поїдете туди
на метро, то будете на місці за 5 хвилин.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you often take a bus I Trolley-bus / taxi I the metro I tram? 2. How do you go to your
plant / office / institute? 3. Is there much traffic in your town? 4. How can you get from your home
to the nearest railway station? 5. How long does it take you to get there? 6. What are the things the
pedestrians must remember to be safe and sound? 7. In what countries does one keep to the left
when driving? 8. Which is the busiest street in your town / city? 9. What’s kind of vehicles do you
see there? 10. What's the bus fare in your town?

Fill in the blanks with road or way:

1. It's the only short... to the square. 2. Where does this ... lead? 3.1 know the it's a good
fast one. 4. It's long ... from here. 5. The car skidded on the wet.... 6. Which is the right... to the
station? 7. Follow this .... 8. Shall I see you part of the ...? 9. Go right to the end of the ... and turn to
the left. 10. You've mistaken the .... 11. The boy lost his ... coming down the mountain. 12. Is this
the ... to the post-office?
Translate into English:

 Де Ваш паспорт?
 Ось він. Я їду до Лондона.
 Як довго Ви збираєтеся там пробути?
 Моя віза на три місяці, але я їду тижнів на два.


 Чи мені показувати Вам усі речі?

 Ні, відкрийте, будь ласка, цю валізу.
 Тут лише мої особисті речі та одяг.
 У Вас є речі, які підлягають обкладанню митом?
 Не думаю. Я везу лише подарунки та речі, які були в ужитку.
Oral. You will work with the text.
Read the text
Luggage and customs
After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group goes to the Luggage Reclaim point.
They find the monitor showing their Flight Number and see their suitcases and bags on the belt. But
one of the participants of the group does not see his suitcase and asks Andrew Lvov, the Group
Leader, for help. Andrew comes up to an official:
Andrew: Excuse me, one of our suitcases is missing. Where can it be?
Official: What's your flight number, sir?
Andrew: It's SU 241 from Moscow.
Official: Some luggage is over there. I hope you'll find yours there. There wasn't enough
space on the belt. We had to remove some and put it on the floor.
Andrew: Thank you.
Andrew and the gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to the place shown by the
official and see the suitcase. The gentleman picks up the suitcase, puts it on the trolley and joins the
group. So all the participants have collected their luggage.
Now they are moving to the Customs point. By the way, it is not necessary to fill in any
declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the green walls of the passage. They
all have nothing to declare and pass through this corridor. They see a few Customs officials
standing behind the rack. The officials say nothing to them and they safely pass.
Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something to
declare and probably they have to fill in some forms and pay customs duty. Usually every country
has a list of the things liable to duty " in addition to the duty free allowance".
In a second or two our group gets out into the hall of the airport and sees the crowd of
people meeting passengers who have just arrived.

Underline the sentences true to the text:

a. The group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then goes to leclaim

their luggage.
b. The group reclaims the luggage and then undergoes formalities at

a. Some participants had difficulties at Immigration.

b. Some participants had difficulties at the Luggage reclaim point.
c. One participant had a difficulty in finding his suitcase.

a. The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an Immigration officer.

b. The difficulty was eliminated with the help of a Customs officer.
c. The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an official responsible for

a. All the participants of the group have a few things to declare for Customs.
b. All the participants have nothing to declare.
c. A few participants have something to declare.

a. They all pass through the led wall corridor.

b. They all pass through the green wall corridor.
c. Most of them pass through the red wall corridor.

a. Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor.

b. All the passengers pass through the green wall corridor.
c. The text does not speak about this detail.
d. All the countries have the same list of things liable to duty.
e. Every country has a different list of things liable to duty.
f. All the countries have similar lists of things liable to duty.

Match English and Ukrainian equivalents:

Luggage Reclaim митний контроль

Immigration point видача багажу
Customs одержати багаж
"Nothing to declare" Багажна лєнта-
things liable to duty паспортний контроль
customs duty чиновник
belt служащий (офіційне
to leclaim luggage „не маю предметів, які
підлягають декларуванню”
to collect luggage Предмети, за які
потрібно заплатити мито
an officer митний збір
an official отримати багаж

Тема: In the hotel – У готелі
Мета: розвиток навичок письма, засвоєння мовних структур та лексичних одиниць
за темою, вдосконалення умінь складати ділові папери, зокрема оформляти різноманітні
Обладнання: Підручники (Англійська мова для ділового спілкування, ксерокопії
завдань. Ділова англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для учнів спеціальності 4115:
Секретар керівника (організації, підприємства, установи).
Хід роботи
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети лабораторно-практичної роботи.
Today you are going to write practical laboratory work. Try to be active, creative and I am sure you
will do it well.
Instruction 2. Ознайомлення учнів з етапами лабораторно-практичної роботи.

ІІ. Основна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Practice 1 To complete the dialogue. Доповнити діалог:

C: We'd like to take a room overlooking the sea.

R: _______________

C: A double one with a shower, if possible.

R: _______________

C: Does it overlook the sea?

R: _______________

C: All right. Does the price include breakfast?

  R: _______________

C: Here you are. I'll take the room for five days.
Is there a lift in the hotel?
   R: _______________

II Oral. You will work with the text.

Read the text and translate
At the Hotel
Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists much more then in the past. While
traveling they almost always stay at hotels. It's advisable to reserve rooms in advance by letter,

telephone or telegram. Other wise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms.
On arrival at the hotel we go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm our reservation. The
clerk will then give us a registration form to fill in and sign.
After all formalities are over we are given the key to our room. The guests are supposed to
leave their keys at the desk when going out. The keys are hung on a special key - rack... In the
lobby you will usually find a newspaper stall (news stand) and stalls where cigarettes, sweets and
souvenirs are sold f First class hotels supply their guests with stationary free of charge. Most hotels
have snack bars and restaurants .In large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. The desk
-clerk is a source of information .He will give you all the information you need: when the football
match begins, when trains depart. He will also order your railway tickets. All the hotels run a
special service for their guests. There are barber and hairdresser's shops in all hotels. You will find
rooms with or without a bath, single rooms, double rooms and suites.
Guests are required warning the clerk in advance when leaving.

III. Fill the form:

You want to enter International Language Institute in Britain. Fill in the application form.
1. Family name(s)_______________________________________________________________
2. First name(s)_________________________________________________________________
3. Nationality___________________________________________________________________
4. Male / Female_________________________________________________________________
5. Date of birth _________________________________________________________________
6. Profession ___________________________________________________________________
7. Passport number_______________________________________________________________
8. Address_______________________________________________________________________
9. Telephone number_____________________________________________________________
10. Approximate level of English___________________________________________________

You have booked accommodation for yourself and a friend in a hotel. Fill in the information
on the reservation card.
I wish to reserve a room for__________________ persons for____________nights.
ARRIVAL day__________ month______________________year_________________
DEPARTURE day____________month_____________________year_____________
Special food___________________________________________________________
View of sea___________________________________________________________
Car park space_________________________________________________________
Room only (Ј 20.00)____________________________________________________
I understand that any accommodation booked will be released at 16.00 hrs.
Sender's Name_________________________________________________________
Date_______________________ Signature___________________________________

IV. Заключна частина лабораторно-практичної роботи.

Homework. Переказати текст.

Список використаної літератури:

1. Борова Т.А. Бізнес-курс англійської мови. – Харків: Підручники і

посібники, 1999.
2. Давиденко Л.М., Гриненко І.В. Письмові завдання з англійської мови. –
Тернопіль: Підручники і посібники, 2001.
3. Мясоєдова С.В. 266 англійських тем. – Харків: МОСТ-Торнадо, 2000.
4. Науменко Л.П. Бізнес-курс англійської мови. /Навч. Посібник. – К.:
АСК, 2004.
5. Кудрявцева О. Е. Підручник англійської мови для ділового спілкування.
– М.: Аверс, 1991.


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