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Atoms, Molecules and Ions

• Chapter 2

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The Atom
Atom is the basic unit of an element that can
enter into chemical combination.

Subatomic particles:
- Nucleus: neutrons + protons
- Electrons

atomic radius ~ 100 pm = 1 x 10-10 m

nuclear radius ~ 5 x 10-3 pm = 5 x 10-15 m

If the atom is an Olympic stadium,

then the nucleus is a tennis ball!!!
London Olympic Stadium 7
Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)
1. Elements are composed of extremely small particles
called atoms.
2. All atoms of a given element are identical, having the
same size, mass and chemical properties. The atoms of
one element are different from the atoms of all other
3. Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one
element. In any compound, the ratio of the numbers of
atoms of any two of the elements present is either an
integer or a simple fraction.
4. A chemical reaction involves only the separation,
combination, or rearrangement of atoms; it does not
result in their creation or destruction.
Modern Atomic Theory (Quantum
Atomic Theory)
◦Electrons exist in certain energy levels around the nucleus. Each energy
level is denoted by “n”. These energy levels are called principal quantum
numbers. The principal quantum number determines the average
distance, or energy, of the orbitals from the nucleus. Energy increases as
you move away from the nucleus. Because the attraction power of the
electrons of the protons decreases, accordingly the movement and
energy of the electrons increases.

◦Electrons revolve both around themselves and around the nucleus. The
rotational motion of the electron around its axis is called spin motion, and
the rotational motion around the nucleus is called orbital motion.
Geometric regions around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to
be found during their rotation are called orbitals.

◦There are n² orbitals at any fundamental energy level.

◦In each fundamental energy level, there can be 2 times the number of
orbitals of electrons. Accordingly, the maximum number of electrons in a
fundamental energy level is 2n². 11
Modern Atomic Theory (Quantum Atomic Theory)
Energy levels and wave functions are expressed in quantum numbers.

◦In the Bohr model of the atom, the orbital description is used for the
location of the electron, whereas in quantum mechanics, the orbital
description is used instead.

◦Orbital is the wave function of the electron determined by its quantum


◦Orbital is a mathematical function and it is not possible to calculate the

exact location of the electron from this function. However, the probability
of finding the electron in a particular space region can be calculated.

◦By finding the wave functions for hydrogen-like atoms and ions with
mathematical methods, Schrödinger obtained multiple functions for each

◦These functions are characterized by the quantum numbers n, l and ml.

Multiple wave functions characterized by n, l, and ml mean that a single
electron in the same system can exist in multiple energy levels. 12
Protons and neutrons
 Tightly bound together to form the central portion of an
atom called the nucleus
 mass of neutron ~ mass of proton = 1.67 x 10-24 g
 proton (p) is positively charged (+1)
 neutron (n) is neutral (charge = 0)

 Located outside the nucleus
 Move rapidly throughout a relatively large volume of space
surrounding the nucleus
 electron (e) is negatively charged (-1)

mass p ≈ mass n ≈ 1840 x mass e-

Alkaline Earth Metal
Alkali Metal

Noble Gas
The Modern Periodic Table

Atomic numbers



Periodic table; a chart in which elements having similar chemical and physical
properties are grouped together.
Elements in the Human Body

Atomic Number, Mass Number, and Isotopes
Atomic number (Z) = number of protons in nucleus
Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons
= atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons
Mass Number A
Element Symbol
Atomic Number

Isotopes are atoms of the same element (X) with same number
of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

1 2 3
1H 1H (D) 1H (T) Isotopes of Hydrogen

235 238
92 U 92 U Isotopes of Uranium 17
Elemental symbols:
Based on the name of the element and consist of one
capital letter or a capital letter followed by a lowercase
As seen in the periodic table:

As seen as the symbol for single isotopes:

16 15 20 22
8O 8O 10Ne 10Ne
Atomic and Mass Numbers Application
Based on the information given below, what is the atomic
number of fluorine?

Answer - The atomic number of fluorine is 9

 In the periodic table, the atomic number is written as a
whole number above the symbol F
 In the written description, fluorine is said to have 9
protons (the atomic number is the number of protons)
 In the symbol, the number 9 is written in the atomic
number or Z (lower left) position 19
Atomic and Mass Numbers Application
Based on the information given below, what is the mass number of

Answer - The mass number of fluorine is 19

 In the written description, fluorine is said to have 9 protons and
10 neutrons (the mass number is the sum of the numbers of
protons and neutrons)
 In the symbol, the number 19 in written in the mass number or
A (upper left) position
 Note - The periodic table does not show the mass number for
an individual atom
It lists an average mass number for a collection of atoms
The Isotopes of Hydrogen

Hydrogen Deuterium (D) Tritium (T)

Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3
H-1 H-2 H-3

p=1 p=1 p=1

n=0 n=1 n=2

 Isotopes of the same element have similar chemistries, forming same types
of compounds and displaying similar reactivities. 21
Isotopes and Ways to Represent Isotopes
Represented by the following symbol: A E or A X
• Z is the atomic number
• A is the mass number
• E or X is the elemental symbol

Example - 35 Cl

• This symbol represents an isotope of chlorine that contains

17 protons in the nucleus
Represented by the elemental name, which is followed by the
mass number
• Example - Chlorine-35 is an isotope of chlorine 22
• Which of the following is the isotope symbol for an atom with
46 protons, 46 electrons, and 56 neutrons?

46 Ba
56 Ne
56 No
3. 102

4. 46 Pd

Use the periodic table to answer the questions about these isotopes:

a) What are the mass number, atomic number, and isotope symbol
for an atom that contains 7 protons and 8 neutrons?

The mass number, A, equals the sum of the number of protons and
the number of neutrons
A = 7 + 8 = 15
The atomic number, Z, equals the number of protons
According to the periodic table, the element with an atomic number of
7 is nitrogen, with the symbol N
The isotope symbol is
7 N
Example Continued…
b) How many neutrons are contained in an atom of nickel-60?

According to the periodic table, nickel has the symbol Ni, and
an atomic number, Z, of 28
The mass number, 60, is equal to the sum of number of protons
and the number of neutrons
– The number of protons is equal to the atomic number, 28
– Therefore, the number of neutrons is 60 – 28 = 32
The atom contains 32 neutrons
Example Continued…

c) How many protons and how many neutrons are contained in

an atom with a mass number of 26 and the symbol Mg?

According to the periodic table, the element with the symbol Mg

is magnesium, which has an atomic number of 12
Therefore, the atom contains 12 protons
Since A, the number of protons plus neutrons is equal to 26, the
number of neutrons is 26 – 12, or 14
The atom contains 14 neutrons

Give the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each of

the following species:




(d) carbon-14
Example Solution:
Strategy Recall that the superscript denotes the mass number
(A) and the subscript denotes the atomic number (Z).

Mass number is always greater than atomic number. (The only

exception is H, where the mass number is equal to the atomic

In a case where no subscript is shown, as in parts (c) and (d),

the atomic number can be deduced from the element symbol or

To determine the number of electrons, remember that because

atoms are electrically neutral, the number of electrons is equal
to the number of protons.
Example Solution:
(a) The atomic number is 11, so there are 11 protons.
The mass number is 20, so the number of neutrons is
20 − 11 = 9. The number of electrons is the same as the
number of protons; that is, 11.

(b) The atomic number is the same as that in (a), or 11.

The mass number is 22, so the number of neutrons is
22 − 11 = 11. The number of electrons is 11. Note that the
species in (a) and (b) are chemically similar isotopes of sodium.
Example Solution:

(c) The atomic number of O (oxygen) is 8, so there are

8 protons. The mass number is 17, so there are 17 − 8 = 9
neutrons. There are 8 electrons.

(d) Carbon-14 can also be represented as 14C. The atomic

number of carbon is 6, so there are 14 − 6 = 8 neutrons.
The number of electrons is 6.
Exercise questions
Give the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each of the
following isotopes:
Ans: 92, 143, 92
a) U-235

b) 238U Ans: 92, 146, 92

c) Cobalt-60 Ans: 27, 33, 27

d) 6 C Ans: 6, 7, 6

A molecule is an aggregate of two or more atoms in a
definite arrangement held together by chemical forces.

H2 H2O NH3 CH4

Monoatomic gases exist in nature as single atoms.

These are the six noble gases in Group 8A of the
periodic table;
He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn
A diatomic molecule contains only two atoms:

H2, N2, O2, Br2, HCl, CO

And the halogens. diatomic elements

A polyatomic molecule contains more than two atoms:

The vast majority of molecules contain more than two
O3, H2O, NH3, CH4

An ion is an atom, or group of atoms, that has a net
positive or negative charge.
cation – ion with a positive charge
If a neutral atom loses one or more electrons
it becomes a cation.

11 protons 11 protons
Na 11 electrons Na+ 10 electrons

anion – ion with a negative charge

If a neutral atom gains one or more electrons
it becomes an anion.
17 protons 17 protons
Cl 17 electrons Cl- 18 electrons
Sodium chloride (NaCl), ordinary table salt, is called an
ionic compound because it is formed from cations and

An atom can lose or gain more than one electron.

A monatomic ion contains only one atom:
Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, O2-, Al3+, N3-

A polyatomic ion contains more than one atom:

OH-, CN-, NH4+, NO3-


Determine the number of protons and electrons for the

following ions: (a) Se2– and (b) Cr3+.

Common Ions Shown on the Periodic Table

Relative Masses
• Numbers that are given beneath the symbol and name
for each element in the periodic table
• Provide simple means of comparing the masses of

Atomic Mass Unit (u; amu)
• Used to express the relative masses of atoms
• 1 u = 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom
 One carbon-12 atom has a relative mass of 12 u
 Atom with a mass equal to 1/12 the mass of a
carbon-12 atom would have a relative mass of 1 u
 Atom with a mass equal to twice the mass of a
carbon-12 atom would have a relative mass of 24 u

Micro World Macro World
(atoms & molecules) (grams, tons etc.,)
Atomic mass is the mass of the atom in atomic
mass units (amu).
One ‘amu’ is defined as a mass exactly equal to
one-twelfth the mass of one carbon-12 atom.

By definition:
1 atom 12C “weighs” 12 amu
On this scale
1H = 1.008 amu
16O 40
= 16.00 amu
The average atomic mass is the weighted
average of all naturally occurring isotopes of an

Average atomic mass (63.55)

Isotopes and Atomic Weights - Example

A specific example is shown below for the element boron

that consists of 19.78% boron-10 with a mass of 10.01 u
and 80.22% boron-11 with a mass of 11.01 u

Atomic weight =
19.78% 10.01 u  + 80.22% 11.01 u 
198.0 u + 883.2 u
= =10.81 u

This calculated value matches the value given in the

periodic table

Example 2.5
Isotope and Atomic Weight Relationships
Calculate the atomic weight of chlorine, given that the naturally
occurring element consists of 75.53% chlorine-35 (mass = 34.97 u)
and 24.47% chlorine-37 (mass = 36.97 u)

atomic weight =
 % chlorine-35 mass chlorine-35  +  % chlorine-37  mass chlorine-37 

 75.53 34.97 u  +  24.47  36.97 u 
2641.28 u + 904.66 u 3545.94 u
= = = 35.4594 u
100 100
= 35.46 u  rounded value 

This result is slightly different from the periodic table atomic weight value of
35.45 because of slight errors introduced in rounding the isotope masses to
four significant figures
Exercise Question:
Boron has two main isotopes: 10B and 11B. Their atomic
masses are 10.013 amu and 11.009 amu, respectively.
Natural abundance of 10B is 19.90%. What is the
average atomic mass of Boron? Ans: 10.81 amu

Exercise Question:
Neon has two major isotopes, Neon-20 and Neon-22.
What is the atomic mass of 22Ne isotope if the atomic
mass and percent abundance of 20Ne are 19.992 amu
and 90%, respectively? Ans: 21.991 amu

Molecular Weight
Relative mass of a molecule expressed in atomic mass units
 Calculated by adding together the atomic weights of the
atoms in the molecule
Example - The formula for a molecule of water is H2O
 This means one molecule of water contains two atoms of
hydrogen, H, and one atom of oxygen, O
 Molecular weight of water is then the sum of two atomic
weights of H and one atomic weight of O

MW = 2  atomic weight of H  + 1 atomic weight of O 

MW = 2 1.01 u  + 116.00 u  = 18.02 u

Molecular Weight Practice

The clear liquid is carbon disulfide, CS2

– It is composed of carbon (left) and sulfur (right)
– What is the molecular weight for carbon disulfide?

Answer: MW = 1 atomic weight of C  + 2  atomic weight of S

12.01 u + 2  32.07 u  = 76.15 u
Example 2.4
Atomic Weights and Molecular Weights
Use atomic weights from the periodic table to determine the
molecular weight of urea, CH4N2O, the chemical form in which much
nitrogenous body waste is excreted in the urine.

According to the formula given, a urea molecule contains one carbon

atom, C, four hydrogen atoms, H, two nitrogen atoms, N, and one
oxygen atom, O.
The molecular weight is calculated as follows:

MW = 1 atomic weight of C  + 4  atomic weight of H 

+ 2  atomic weight of N  + 1 atomic weight of O 

MW = 112.01 u  + 4 1.008 u  + 2 14.01 u  + 116.00 u   60.062 u

Rounded to four significant figures, the correct answer is 60.06 u


What is the molecular weight of SO3?

Ans: 80.07 amu
1. 48.07 amu
2. 48.07 g
3. 80.07 amu
4. 80.07 g

Avogadro’s Number and the Mole Concept
• Avogadro’s number - Number of atoms or molecules in a
specific sample of an element or compound
Mole (mol): Number of particles contained in a sample of an
element or compound with a mass in grams equal to the
atomic or molecular weight, respectively
• 1 mol = 6.022×1023
Example - 1 mol S atoms = 6.02×1023 S atoms = 32.1 g S
• Following factors can be generated for use in factor-
unit calculations:
– 1 mol S atoms = 6.02×1023 particles S atoms
– 6.02×1023 S atoms = 32.1 g S
– 1 mol S atoms = 32.1 g S 51
Avagadro’s Number & Molar Mass
SI unit:
The Mole (mol): A unit to count numbers of particles.

Dozen = 12 Pair = 2
The mole (mol) is the amount of a substance that
contains as many elementary entities as there
are atoms in exactly 12.00 grams of 12C.
1 mol = NA = 6.0221415 x 1023
Avogadro’s number (NA) 52
Molar mass is the mass of 1 mole of shoes in grams
1 mole 12C atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms = 12.00 g
1 12C atom = 12.00 amu

1 mole 12C atoms = 12.00 g 12C

1 mole lithium atoms = 6.941 g of Li

For any element

atomic mass (amu) = molar mass (grams)
One Mole of:

C: 12.01 g S: 32.07 g

Hg: 200.6 g

Cu: 63.54 g Fe: 55.85 g

1 12C atom 12.00 g 1.66 x 10-24 g
x 23 12
12.00 amu 6.022 x 10 C atoms 1 amu

1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 g or 1 g = 6.022 x 1023 amu

M = molar mass in g/mol

NA = Avogadro’s number 55
Calculate the molecular
masses (in amu) of the
following compounds:

(a) sulfur dioxide (SO2), a gas

that is responsible for acid

(b) caffeine (C8H10N4O2), a

stimulant present in tea,
coffee, and cola beverages
Example Solution:
Strategy How do atomic masses of different elements combine
to give the molecular mass of a compound?

Solution To calculate molecular mass, we need to sum all the

atomic masses in the molecule. For each element, we multiply
the atomic mass of the element by the number of atoms of that
element in the molecule. We find atomic masses in the periodic
table (inside front cover).

(a)There are two O atoms and one S atom in SO2, so that

molecular mass of SO2 = 32.07 amu + 2(16.00 amu)

= 64.07 amu
Example Solution:
(b) There are eight C atoms, ten H atoms, four N atoms, and
two O atoms in caffeine, so the molecular mass of
C8H10N4O2 is given by

8(12.01 amu) + 10(1.008 amu) + 4(14.01 amu) + 2(16.00 amu)

= 194.20 amu
Exercise Questions:
Lithium–sulfur batteries are new generation lithium-ion cells with
higher energy density and reduced cost. In these batteries, Li2S
is slowy converted to S8 while the battery is charging.
a) What is the molecular mass of S8 and Li2S in amu?
b) What is the molar mass of S8 and Li2S in g/mol?
Ans: a) 256.5 amu, 45.95 amu, b) 256.5 g/mol, 45.95 g/mol

Mole Calculation
Calculate the number of moles of Ca contained in a 15.84 g
sample of Ca.

1 mole Ca
15.84 g Ca × = 0.3952 moles Ca
40.08 g Ca

Notice that the g Ca units in the denominator of the factor

cancel the g Ca units in the given quantity, leaving the correct
units of mole Ca for the answer

Zinc (Zn) is a silvery metal

that is used in making brass
(with copper) and in plating
iron to prevent corrosion.

How many grams of Zn are

in 0.356 mole of Zn?

Example Solution

We are trying to solve for grams of zinc.

What conversion factor do we need to convert between moles

and grams?

Arrange the appropriate conversion factor so that moles cancel

and the unit grams are obtained for your answer.
Example Solution
The conversion factor needed to convert between moles and
grams is the molar mass. In the periodic table (see inside front
cover) we see the molar mass of Zn is 65.39 g. This can be
expressed as

1 mol Zn = 65.39 g Zn

From this equality, we can write two conversion factors

The conversion factor on the right is the correct one.

Example Solution
Moles will cancel, leaving unit of grams for the answer. The
number of grams of Zn is

Thus, there are 23.3 g of Zn in 0.356 mole of Zn.

Check Does a mass of 23.3 g for 0.356 mole of Zn seem

reasonable? What is the mass of 1 mole of Zn?
Exercise Questions:
The inert industrial gas Argon is produced from air (atmosphere).
The atmosphere has a total mass of about 5.15×1021 g and its 1.3% (by
mass) is argon. What is the number of moles of argon available in the Earth’s
Ans: 1.68x1018 mol

Exercise Questions 2:
Yttrium (Y) is a transition metal which has several advanced engineering
applications. For example, high energy laser light produced from yttrium-
aluminum garnets (YAG) is used to cut metal parts in industry.
Calculate the total mass, in grams, of 2.53x1024 yttrium atoms.
Ans: 373.66 g
Summary of conversions:

The Mole Concept Applied to Compounds
One mole of any compound is a sample of the compound with a
mass in grams equal to the molecular weight of the compound

1 mol CO2 molecules = 6.02 ×1023 CO2 molecules = 44.0 g CO2

 Following relationships can be used to generate factors for

use in factor-unit calculations:

• 1 mol CO2 molecules = 6.02 ×1023 CO2 molecules

• 6.02 ×1023 CO2 molecules = 44.0 g CO2

• 1 mol CO2 molecules = 44.0 g CO2

Percent Composition of Compounds
The percent by mass of each element in a compound.
Percent composition of an element in a compound =
n x molar mass of element
x 100%
molar mass of compound
n is the number of moles of the element in 1 mole
of the compound
2 x (12.01 g)
For C2H6O : %C = x 100% = 52.14%
46.07 g
6 x (1.008 g)
%H = x 100% = 13.13%
46.07 g
1 x (16.00 g)
%O = x 100% = 34.73%
46.07 g
52.14% + 13.13% + 34.73% = 100.0%
Percentage Composition:

Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is a

colorless, syrupy liquid used in
detergents, fertilizers,
toothpastes, and in carbonated
beverages for a “tangy” flavor.

Calculate the percent

composition by mass of H, P, H3PO4
and O in this compound.
Example Solution
Recall the procedure for calculating a percentage.

Assume that we have 1 mole of H3PO4.

The percent by mass of each element (H, P, and O) is given by

the combined molar mass of the atoms of the element in 1 mole
of H3PO4 divided by the molar mass of H3PO4, then multiplied
by 100 percent.
Example Solution
Solution The molar mass of H3PO4 is 97.99 g. The percent by
mass of each of the elements in H3PO4 is calculated as follows:

Check Do the percentages add to 100 percent? The sum of

the percentages is (3.086% + 31.61% + 65.31%) = 100.01%.
The small discrepancy from 100 percent is due to the way we
rounded off.
Mole Calculation for compounds (part 1)

a) How many moles of O atoms are contained in 11.57 g of CO2?

2 moles O atoms
11.57 g CO 2 × = 0.5258 moles O atoms
44.01 g CO 2

Note that the factor used was obtained from two of the six
quantities given on the previous slide
Mole Calculation for compounds (part 2)

b) How many CO2 molecules are needed to contain 50.00 g of C?

6.022×1023 CO 2 molecules
50.00 g C ×
12.01 g C
=2.507×1024 CO 2 molecules

Note that the factor used was obtained from two of the six
quantities given on a previous slide
Mole Calculation for compounds (part 3)
c) What is the mass percentage of C in CO2?

Mass percentage is calculated using the following equation:

mass of C
%C= ×100
mass of CO 2

If a sample consisting of 1 mole of CO2 is used, the mole-based

relationships given earlier show that 1 mole CO2 = 44.01 g CO2 =
12.01 g C + 32.00 g O

Thus, the mass of C in a specific mass of CO2 is known and the

problem is solved as follows:

12.01 g C
%C= ×100 = 27.29%
44.01 g CO 2
Mole Calculation for compounds (part 4)
d) What is the mass percentage of oxygen in CO2?

Mass percentage is calculated using the following equation:

mass of O
%O= ×100
mass of CO 2

Once again, a sample consisting of 1 mole of CO2 is used to take

advantage of the mole-based relationships given earlier where:

1 mole CO2 = 44.01g CO2 = 12.01 g C + 32.00g O

Mole Calculation for compounds (part 4 continued)
Thus, the mass of O in a specific mass of CO2 is known and the
problem is solved as follows:

32.00 g O
%O= ×100 = 72.71%
44.01 g CO 2

Notice that the % C + % O = 27.29% + 72.71% = 100%, which

should be the case because C and O are the only elements
present in CO2
Methane (CH4) is the
principal component of
natural gas.

How many moles of CH4

are present in 6.07 g of
Example Solution:
We are given grams of CH4 and asked to solve for moles of

What conversion factor do we need to convert between grams

and moles?

Arrange the appropriate conversion factor so that grams cancel

and the unit moles are obtained for your answer.
Example Solution:
The conversion factor needed to convert between grams and
moles is the molar mass. First we need to calculate the molar
mass of CH4, following the procedure in Example 3.5:

molar mass of CH4 = 12.01 g + 4(1.008 g)

= 16.04 g
1 mol CH4 = 16.04 g CH4

the conversion factor we need should have grams in the

denominator so that the unit g will cancel, leaving the unit mol
in the numerator:
Example Solution:
We now write

Thus, there is 0.378 mole of CH4 in 6.07 g of CH4.

Should 6.07 g of CH4 equal less than 1 mole of CH4?

What is the mass of 1 mole of CH4?

Example 2.11
Mass Percentage Calculations

Ammonia (NH3) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) are

commonly used agricultural fertilizers.
Which one of the two contains the higher mass percentage of
nitrogen (N)?

In each case, the mass percentage of N is given by

part mass of N
%N= ×100 = ×100
total mass of compound
Example Solution:
We will use 1 mol of each compound as a sample because the
mass in grams of 1 mol of compound and the mass in grams of
N in the 1 mol of compound are readily determined
• One mol of NH3 weighs 17.0 g and contains 1 mol of N
atoms, which weighs 14.0 g

14.0 g
%N= × 100 = 82.4%
17.0 g

• Similarly, 1 mol of NH4NO3 weighs 80.0 g and contains 2 mol

of N atoms, which weigh 28.0 g

28.0 g
%N= × 100 = 35.0%
80.0 g
Mole Calculations: Steps

Exercise Question
How many molecules of Cl2 are present in a 54 g sample?
1. 1.3×10–24 23
Ans: 4.6×10

2. 9.0×10–23
3. 4.6×1023
4. 3.3×1025

Exercise Question
How many moles of carbon dioxide (CO2) are in a 175 g sample?
1. 0.160 moles Ans: 3.98 moles

2. 0.251 moles
3. 3.98 moles
4. 6.25 moles


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