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2004 IEEE Intemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DWT2004) April 2004 Hong


Overview of PJM Energy Market Design, Operation and Experience

Jianzhong Tong, IEEE Senior Member

PJM Interconnection. PA. USA

spin reserve market. We focus on the energy market only in
Abstract: This panel paper outlines the PJM energy this paper.
market design, operation and experience. The PJM The PJM Energy Market consists of two markets, a day-ahead
Energy Market consists of two markets, a day-ahead market and a real-time balancing market. The LMP is used to
market and a real-time balancing market. The LMP is calculate charges or credits for delivering PJM market
used to calculate charges or credits for delivering PJM services including the spot market energy, the transmission
market services including the spot market energy, the congestion, etc.
transmission congestion, etc. The fundamental features of
the PJM Energy Market are described. The design of 11. DAY-AHEAD
fundamental features ensure that the market is robust
and competitive, the market mechanisms promote The Day-ahead Market is a forward market in which hourly
liquidity in the markets and the market economic clearing prices are calculated for each hour of the next
incentives drive the convergence of the Day-ahead and operating day based on generation offers, demand bids, virtual
Real-time market prices. The LMP-based markets support supply offers, virtual demand bids and bilateral transaction
reliable grid operations through efficient price signals. schedules submitted into the Day-ahead Market. The Day-
ahead Energy Market is a voluntary bid-based market that is
1. INTRODUCTION cleared using a security-constrained unit commitment and
PJM has successfully implemented IS0 model in 1998 and economic dispatch.
RTO model in 200 1 . FERC granted PJM RTO status which
has satisfied all of the required characteristics and functions of The Day-ahead Market provides market participants with the
an RTO. PJM is a only fully functioning RTO in USA. PJM ability to purchase and sell energy at binding day-ahead
RTO has following major roles: prices. It also allows transmission customers to schedule
bilateral transactions at binding day-ahead congestion charges
Operates One of the Largest Electric Power System based on the differences in Locational Marginal Prices
in North America between the transaction source and sink locations. Load
0 Administers the Regional Wholesale Electric Market Serving Entities (LSEs) may submit hourly demand schedules,
0 Controls a Reliable Transmission System including any price sensitive demand, for the amount of
Provides Market Monitoring Coordinated with States demand that they wish to lock-in at day-ahead prices. Any
Provides for Comprehensive Regional Transmission generator that has entered into an installed capacity contract
Expansion Planning must submit an offer schedule into the day-ahead market even
0 Provides an Information Resource for Regulators if it is self-scheduled or unavailable due to outage. Other
generators have the option to offer into the day-ahead market
PJM currently coordinates a pooled generating capacity of or into the real-time market. Transmission customers may
more than 78,000 megawatts and operates a wholesale submit fixed, dispatchable or ‘up to’ congestion bid bilateral
electricity market with more than 200 market buyers, sellers transaction schedules into the day-ahead market and may
and traders of electricity. The PJM market covers all or parts specify whether they are willing to pay congestion charges or
of PA, NJ, MD, DE, OH, VA, WVA and the District of wish to be curtailed if congestion occurs in the Real-time
Columbia. With the April 1,2002, addition of PJM West, for Market. All spot purchases and sales in the day-ahead market
the first time nationally two separate control areas now are settled at the day-ahead prices.
operate under a single energy market, single security-
constrained economic dispatch and a single governance After the Day-ahead market bid period closes, PJM calculates
structure across multiple North American Electric Reliability the day-ahead schedule based on the bids, offers and
Councils. schedules submitted based on least-cost, security constrained
unit commitment and dispatch for each hour of the next
PJM operates the energy market which consists of two operating day. The day-ahead market clearing process
markets: a day-ahead market and a real-time balancing incorporates PJM reliability requirements and reserve
market; a capacity credit market; a FTR auction market, and obligations into the analysis. The resulting Day-ahead hourly
ancillary service markets including a regulation market, and a schedules and Day-ahead Locational Marginal Prices
represent binding financial commitments to the Market
Participants. Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) are settled
at the Day-ahead LMP values.

2004 IEEE Intemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

operating constraints are consistent between the Day-ahead

forward market and the real-time dispatch, the Locational
A. Market Design Objectives
Marginal Price signals are consistent between the Day-ahead
and Real-time markets as well. In addition to the powerflow
As stated previously, the PJM market design is based on the model consistency, the Day-ahead market also respects system
concept of Locational Marginal Pricing. A key feature of an reserve requirements and the generator physical operating
LMP model is that there is a fundamental consistency between limitations. This design feature ensures that the financial
the energy price and the price of delivery on the transmission schedules that result from the Day-ahead forward market are
system. In this model, the energy price difference between the consistent with the physical transmission capability. Therefore
injection point and the withdrawal point is equal to the the Day-ahead scheduling process ensures that the
transmission congestion cost. Therefore, a market participant transmission capability is not over-subscribed and ensures that
who injects (sells) energy at location A and withdraws the generation schedules are consistent with the generator’s
(purchases) at location B will pay exactly the same as a physical capabilities. The h d a m e n t a l consistency between
market participant who pays the transmission congestion the forward market and the real-time market ensures a robust
charge to deliver a bilateral contract from A to B. This market design that promotes economic efficiency and it ‘
consistency is a feature of both the PJM Day-ahead Market enables the market to avoid the gaming opportunities that have
and the PJM Real-time Market. plagued other market designs.
In addition to the LMP concept, the fundamental design The third market design objective involves more than just the
objectives of the PJM Day-ahead energy market are: 1) to fundamental structure of a two-settlement system. It also
provide a mechanism in which all participants have the requires that there is consistency between the market pricing
opportunity to lock in day-ahead financial schedules for mechanisms and that price convergence occurs between the
energy and transmission, 2) to coordinate the day-ahead markets over time.
financial schedules with system reliability requirements, 3) to
provide incentive for resources and demand to submit day- The incentives for generation are the fourth design objective.
ahead schedules and 4) to provide incentive for resources to Creating the incentive for resources to follow real-time
follow real-time dispatch instructions. dispatch instructions is fundamental to the voluntary bid-
based market design. Utilizing a voluntary market to support
The first market design objective is accomplished by reliable grid operations requires strong economic signals that
providing a variety of alternatives for participation in the Day- are consistent with real-time reliability requirements of the
ahead market. The participation options include the ability to grid for generation to follow real-time dispatch instructions.
self-schedule resources, the ability to submit bilateral
schedules and the ability to submit offers to sell or bids to buy B. PJM Day-ahead Market Results
from the Day-ahead spot market. This flexibility ensures that
all market participants have equal access to the Day-ahead The PJM Day-ahead Energy Market was implemented in June
market. Therefore, any barriers to trade in the Day-ahead 2000. Since the implementation, the convergence between
market are minimized so that the market will be as day-ahead prices and real-time prices has been narrowing [ 11.
competitive as possible. In order to further promote liquidity, In the year 2001, the average Day-ahead LMP was
the market design also includes the ability to submit purely $32.75/MWh and the average real-time Lh4P was $32.38.
financial positions in the form of virtual supply offers and
PJM Average Hourly System LMP
virtual demand bids. In this way, the Day-ahead market
for 2001
provides both the ability the hedge physical delivery and the 60
ability to enter financial positions into the market. All
positions that are cleared in the day-ahead market are
financially binding and will liquidate in the balancing market 40
if they are not covered by a real-time energy delivery. 30

The second market design objective is important to ensure that

the day-ahead schedules are physically feasible and are
consistent with reliable system operations. This feature is lo
significant because it requires that the powerflow model used
to analyze the Day-ahead market is consistent with the
powerflow model that is used in real-time system operations. 1- Real-time - - - Dav-ahead I
It also requires that the Day-ahead market is cleared
considering the same single contingency criteria and Fig. 1, Day-ahead vs. Real-time Hourly Average LMP
transmission equipment ratings that are used in real-time
operations. Since the underlying powerflow model and

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

Therefore the average day-ahead LMP value was 1.1 % higher Complete description of all external transactions
than the average real-time LMP value. The relationship Full set of offer data from generating resources
between the average Day-ahead LMP and the average real- Set of dispatchable transactions
time LMP varies by hour of the day. A plot of the PJM 0 List of binding transmission constraints
average hourly system LMP is shown in Figure 1 [ 11. 0 Economic dispatch instructions

The plot, Figure 1, illustrates the close relationship that has The PJM state estimator provides the initial point that is
developed between Day-ahead and Real-time prices. The required as input to the Locational Marginal Price calculation.
fundamental incentives mentioned previously drive this All PJM generation that is following PJM dispatch
convergence, but the convergence also occurred quickly instructions are eligible to set LMP values. In addition to
because of the flexibility provided by the virtual bidding rules. generation, external transactions that are designated as
The PJM Day-ahead design makes it easy to submit virtual dispatchable and are following PJM dispatch instructions are
supply offers and demand bids which promote liquidity and a eligible to set LMP values. Since the LMP model includes a
robust market. During the year 2001, the average hourly detailed model of adjacent external systems, loop flow effects
are implicitly included in the calculations. In the Real-time
amount of virtual supply offers cleared in the Day-ahead
energy market, PJM dispatchers meet the energy demand
market was 6547 MW [ 11. The on-peak hour average was
while respecting transmission security constraint using the
8094 MW and, at times, the cleared virtual supply offers
least-cost security constrained economic dispatch program, the
cleared were over 18,000 MW. The average hourly amount of Unit Dispatch System(UDS). The UDS is an ex-ante dispatch
virtual demand bids cleared in the Day-ahead market was that is based on the projected system conditions within the
5393 MW [ 11. The on-peak hour average was 6298 MW and, next five minutes. The LMP calculations are ex-post and are
at times, the cleared virtual supply offers cleared were over based on the actual generation response to the ex-ante
16,000 MW. These results demonstrate the high degree of dispatch that was sent five minute before. Since the LMP
liquidity in the Day-ahead and forward markets. calculation is based upon the actual operating conditions
existing in the PJM control area as described by the PJM state
estimator solution, the LMP values are calculated based on a
MARKET “dynamic” model of the PJM power grid.
B. The PJMLMP Model
The PJM Real-time Energy Market is based on actual Real-
time operating conditions. Real-time Locational Marginal
The PJM LMP calculation process consists of a variety of
Prices (LMPs) are calculated based on the actual system
programming modules that are executed as part of the Real-
operating conditions as described by the PJM state estimator
time sequence that executes every five minutes on the PJM
using the applicable generation offer data and dispatchable
Energy Management System (EMS). A functional diagram of
external transactions. Generators that are available but not
the PJM LMP model is shown in Figure 2. The main modules
selected in the Day-ahead scheduling may alter their bids for
of the PJM LMF model are:
use in the Real-time Energy Market Load Serving Entities will
pay Real-time LMPs for any demand that exceeds their Day-
State Estimator
ahead scheduled quantities (and will receive revenue for
0 LPA Preprocessor
demand deviations below their scheduled quantities).
Generators are paid Real-time LMPs for any generation that 0 Locational Price Algorithm (LPA)
exceeds their Day-ahead scheduled quantities (and will pay Unit Dispatch System (UDS)
for generation deviations below their scheduled quantities).
Locational Marginal Pricing
Transmission customers pay congestion charges based on Model
Real-time LMPs for bilateral transaction quantity deviations
from Day-ahead schedules. All spot purchases and sales in
the balancing market are settled at the Real-time LMPs.
A. Overview of Real-time LMP Calciilation
The LMPs are calculated for PJM load busses and generation
busses that are modeled in the PJM state estimator. LMPs are
also calculated for PJM interface busses with other control
areas and for other busses outside the PJM control area as PJM
required. In order to perform LMP calculations and to perform Input
the associated energy settlements and billing a complete set of
input data are required. This set of input data includes: Figure 1

Fig. 2 Functional Diagram of PJM LMP Model

Accurate model of the actual operating conditions that
exist on the PJM power grid

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

I ) PJM State Estimator AP min i - the lower MW bound for generator i

Ci - the calculated real-time offer for generator i
The PJM state estimator is run on a one minute cycle and can - the calculated real-time bid for load (transaction) j
provide the following inputs to the LMP module:
A L j - the change in power consumption for load j
AC powerflow solution with the network model (note: in practice the only dispatchable loads that
0 Actual generator and load MW output currently exit are external purchase transactions)
Tie line flows and actual MW flow on any constrained AL max j - the upper MW bound for load j
branches AL mini - the lower MW bound for load j
A i k , - the matrix of shift factors for generation bus i
2) LPA Preprocessor (with respect to the reference bus) on the binding
transmission constraints (k)
The LPA Preprocessor performs the screening function by D j k , - the matrix of shift factors for load bus j (with
analyzing the following to determine if a generator is respect to the reference bus) on the binding
following economic dispatch requests. , transmission constraints (k)

Generator state estimated MWh output The shift factor matrices referenced above represent a set of
0 Generator offer price curves shift factors based on the system topology described by the
Economic dispatch rates binding transmission constraint. For interface limits and
Desired MW level for each generator that was thermal limits wio contingency, the transmission system
specified by UDS configuration used to calculate the shift factors is based on the
current topology as described by the state estimator. Shift
3) Locational Price Algorithm factors for a transmission constraint are a measure of the
change in power flow on the constraint’s monitored element
The function of the Locational Price Algorithm (LPA) is to for a unit change in MW injection at a bus and a
determine the LMP values for each of the PJM nodes in the corresponding unit change in MW withdrawal at the reference
state estimator model and for interface busses to the PJM and bus.
PJM control areas on a five-minute basis.
The LMP values at each bus are by-products of the linear
4) Unit Dispatch System programming formulation that is listed below. The LMP
value at a particular location is essentially the sum of the
The UDS is a software tool that is designed to provide the marginal price of generation at the reference bus plus the
PJM dispatchers with the capability to manage changes in marginal congestion price at the location associated with the
load, generation, interchange, and transmission constraints various binding transmission constraints. The marginal prices
simultaneously on a near real time basis, by providing a associated with various constraints in the optimization
recommended dispatch solution. This solution looks at current problem are called shadow prices. The shadow price of a
system conditions, forecasted load, generation, and constraint can be explained as the incremental change in value
transactions to produce dispatch solutions for a user-selected of the objective function for a unit change in the limit (right
look-ahead time. This allows the operator to simultaneously hand side) of the constraint. Therefore, an equation for
manage multiple transmission constraints. computing
LMP values can be expressed in terms of these shadow
The formulation for the LMP calculation is as follows: prices.

The LMP equation can be written as follows:

LMPi = A - C A i k “SPk
subject to:
LMP; =the Locational Marginal Price at bus i
h = the marginal price of generation at the reference bus
Ajk = the shift factor for bus i on binding constraint k
SPk =the shadow price of constraint k
[ 11 “PJM 2001 State of the Market Report”, June 2002.
AP; - the change in power output for generator i [2] Andrew Ott, “Experience with PJM Market Operation, System Design
and Implementation”.
AP max I - the upper MW bound for generator i


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