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2nd Floor, IHC Corporate Offe, Indndtrtal lara,

Gnntnr Dtdtrtft, Andhra lradedh - 522503.

P Pravin Kumar, IAS

Chief Executive Officer

Ftle No: #DocumentNumber# Dt: #ApprovedDate#

Sub: Altenatton of land – SlSR Nellore – Kavalt Dtvtdton – Bogole

Mandal – Jnvvaladtnne vtllage – Setttng np of lnmp Honde for
potable water dnpply to Ftdhtng Harbonr at Jnvvaladtnne vtllage –
Afd.0.02 fentd/100 dqnare yardd, Sy.No.537/2-3 – In favonr of the Al
Martttme Board – Feadtbtltty report refetved – Advanfe loddeddton –
Orderd – Iddned – Authorising the Executive Engineer,
APMIDCL, Machilipatnam to takeover the land - Reg.

Ref: lrofeedtngd of the Colleftor & Dtdtrtft Magtdtrate, SlSR Nellore

Dtdtrtft Ftle No. COLNR-ESEE0ALN(ALN)47/2023-Land E3.

Wtth referenfe to the lrofeedtngd of the Colleftor & Dtdtrtft

Magtdtrate, SlSR Nellore Dtdtrtft read above, I am anthortztng the Exefnttve

Engtneer, AlMIDCL, Mafhtltpatnam to taaeover the land Af.0.02fentd/100 dqnare

yardd tn Sy.No.537/2-3 of Jnvvaladtnne Vtllage of Bogole Mandal on behalf of

Chtef Exefnttve Offer, Al Martttme Board for detttng np the pnmp honde for

portable water dnpply to Jnvvaladtnee Ftdhtng Harbonr.


Chtef Exefnttve Offer

The Collector & District Magistrate,
SPSR Nellore District.
Copy to the Tahsildar, Bogole for information and necessary action.

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