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The Key Toward Success

In terms of economic progress, our country is not so highly productive. These might be the
reason why many children are begging money in the street so they can fill their empty stomach with
foods and picking up plastic bottles and cans to sell into the junkshop just to earn money instead of
going to school to learn. At their young age they work hard for just once they may experience the life of

Not all children have the same situation because there are still some parents who give
importance to the education of their child. They are the parents who work hard all day long- in the
construction, in the farm, in the streets driving vehicles and other heavy jobs- just to be able to send
their child to school. But sad to say, there were graduates before that can’t easily get employed or find a
job. Definitely they have acquired the best education but their skills were not totally developed. These
skills are essential for these are useful in our modernized way of living where high technologies exist.

Our government saw this problem and implemented the K-12 program during the Aquino
administration. These can really help students not just to excel in academics but also to develop their
skills and God-given talents. Students are given the chance to have a high standard quality of education
from kindergarten to Grade 12. It gives an opportunity to get employed here or abroad after they finish
the Senior High School or the Grade 12. It’s upon them to decide whether they will continue studying
college or work with their chosen course.

Just imagine if this will happen in the near future, there will be a chance that our economy will
be highly productive. If every child aims for this, no more beggars will risk their life just to earn money,
no more children will sleep at night with hungry stomach, and those children who strive hard in their
studies may acquire great opportunities.

We never stop learning while were still alive. Let’s not just think about money, let’s value
education; a precious pearl that we can’t afford to lose because what we have learn is essential for us to
survive in this world that is full of trials and challenges.
To be successful, being consistent is important because consistency is the jewel that is worth
wearing, it is the thread that is worth weaving, it is the anchor that is worth weighing and it is the battle
that is worth winning.

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