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RCT eee ec Ce ee ayant easy ed Reuniting the Kingdom At the end of the Old Kingdom, in about 2181 BC, Egypt fel into eivl war, or war ‘between two grotps in the same place ‘At aboat the same time, a long drought set in. Farmland dried up and crops failed. Famines, or food shortages, plagued the wwar-tom country. No longer united by ‘one king, Egyptian nobles fought one anothe: for power. A scribe named Neferti described these troubled times: ‘GOne can cross the water [Nile] on foot.... The land is in sickness. ...One will take up weapons of warfare .. | son as an enemy, a brother asa foe. 99° ‘Egypt reunited in about 2040 B.C. That ‘year marks the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, a time of stability and growth that lasted until about 1736 B.C. ‘The rule ot Dynasty 12is considered. the high point ofthis perod. The dynasty started in about 1991 B.C, when a vizier named Amenemhet (AH+muhn-em+het) from Lower Egypt became king. Heand | those who ruled after him conquered all of northern Nubia. They set up a chain of forts to protect the region. Along their northeastern border, the Egyptians built the Walls ofthe Prince, a series of forts, | to protect the Nile Delta. ‘The rulers of Dynasty 12 undertook massive building projects. To help secure water for food crops, they built more irriga- tion canals. To honor the dead, they built ‘temples and pyramids. They also built an ‘elaborate temple now known as Labyrinth that was said to have had 3,000 rooms con- nected by a maze of hallways, Analyze Maps ha map shows the borders of ny ding the Old the Middle Kingdom. © Human-Enviranment Interactions How may ‘The Middle Kingdom was also a time of advances in art and literature. Egyptian artists revived the wall-painting style of the (Old Kingdom and began crafting the finest jewelry ever made in Egypt. Writers of the time produced Egypt's earliest literature. ‘Middle Kingdom literature included not only religious writings but also writings about everyday life. For example, Middle Kingdom writers provided guidelines for living in society. ‘Ssummanze ‘What achievements were made during the Middle Kingdom? Chapter 4 = 151 Trade ‘Trade with other regions increased dur- ing the Middle Kingdom. Caravans and ships carried goods between Egypt and ‘parts of southwestern Asia, eastern Africa, ‘and the castern Mediterranean region. Egypt had plenty of resources of its ‘own to trade, especially grains. It also ‘was rich in valuable minerals and semi~ precious stones. However, Egypt lacked some important resources, such as wood for building and copper for metalworking, ‘Caravans brought silver from Syria and copper and turquoise from the Sinai Peninsula, Ships sailing from what is now Lebanon brought cedar and pinewood. Gold, ebony, ivory, and incense came to Egypt through trade with southern Nubia ‘Whether by land or by sea, trade could be difficult and dangerous. Caravans Mmm pee eee Petree ie ‘moved slowly along desert routes, travel- ing only about 10 miles a day. Overland traders often faced robbers and sandstorms (on their long journeys. Trade by sea was faster, but pirates were a danger. Sea trad- cers also had to brave strong winds and rough waves during the winter months. Although difficult and risky, trade ‘brought much wealth to those who could overcome its dangers, Even in ancient times, a trader needed to do a cost-benafit ‘analysis to decide whether to carry out trade. In this kind of study, a person tries to determine whether the economic benefit ‘of doing something makes it worth the risk. Ssummanize Why did Egypt rade with other regions? “The Phoenicians of suthwestere Pes A Time of invasion After Dynasty 12, Egypt faced attacks from invaders, At firs, Egypt remained united, but the government was weak. As ‘many as 70 kings ruled during Dynasty 13 ‘Also at this time, large groups of people from southwestern Asia crossed into Egypt by way of the Sinai Peninsula. Over time, these people settled in the area around the northeastern Nile Deka. The Egyptians called the people the Hyksos (HIKesohs), ‘meaning “rulers of foreign lands,” The Hyksos brought about the end of the Middle Kingdom and tore Egypt apart. ‘The Hyksos had superior military tech- nology. They fought from horse-drawn chariots, wore body armor, and used @ stronger kind of bow. Without armor, the Egyptian foot soldiers were no match for the Hyksos. In about 1640 B.C, the Hyksos conquered Lower Egypt. Hyksos kings ruled Lower Egypt for about 100 years and established Dynasty 15, Egyptian rulers remained in power only in Upper Egypt. ‘The time of the Hyksot brought important cultural exchanges in Egypt. Besides superior weapons, the Hyksos introduced horses, upright looms, and new ‘musical instruments—the lyre and the lute, The wateron the fr eft part of th mop ic “tho Meditarancon Sea. Flin nt the Meditaraneon isthe winding Mile River. tong ago the ancient Egyptians used both “wate: and ond routes to rade with ater peoples. © Win do you think Egyptin waders sed both water and ld routes? > inhi Eatin ps ‘an enor, posi the Wyss, stacks rom 1 borae-drwy war cht, In tum, the Hyksos learned hieroglyphs and began to worship Egyptian gods, Under the Fiyksos, Egypt changed in other important ways. The Hyksos greatly expanded trade routes as far as Crete, now a Greek island, {In the mid-1500s 8.c., Egyptian rulers {n the south declared war on the Hyksos kings. The Egyptians regained power and. ‘dkove the Iyksos into southwestern Asia. SSuMMARIZE How were the Hykos able to conquer Lower Egypt? How did Egypt change during and 2, Use the term eit wat to describe life in ‘ancient Egypt before the Middle Kingdom. ‘8. What area did the ancient Egyptians ‘conquer during the Middle Kingdom? 4. What other rogions did Egypt tra during the Middle Kingdom? CRITICAL THINKING 5. EB Make It Relevant in what ways might (EEE What do you think the Egyptians ‘might have learned from the Hyksos thet Tater would have helped them drive the Hyksos out of Egypt? 154 © Unit2 In 2040 8.¢,, strong leaders reunited Egypt, beginning the Middle Kingdom. Dynasty 12 kings, who ruled for much of the ‘Middle Kingdom, oversaw the expansion of land and trade as well as the construction of many building projects. During the Middle Kingdom. artists and writers produced Egypt's finest jewelry and earliest Iterature In timo, Egypt fell to the Hyksos, ending the Middle Kingdom. filake a Table Make a table that compares the achievements of the nt Egyptian dynesties that you have Tearned ebout in thialoaaon. Use Hbrary ‘or Internet resources to learn more about ‘tem. 3. snmanoe (Ona separate shoot of paper, copy and complete the graphic organizer below. [om Summary FIRE vcrnat oa on pase sies wet Be annem nae Ee re gee Paar eo eae ae at Goa Porisces mctucer mane Cee Eeiae cans eine agai aa ee eeeas asi meena ST ess siacnec eee e Peete eas saree oe ESR cacasad oar wr vise seni Bay noes re souinaaiionependng pesos xt (| 9 COM cromdumware cane ecegemnze \\ ota tyr Hater abo rsure ory tapi teens) Rec tow "were builtin her likeness. Some ofthe pieces in these temples fara pharsone, pee aint a ee Boe ne eae Sa alee le ete Ee earara atte eee eas ae ores Rn ee Cece LC Lal sy Distinguish Importance of Information D WHY iT MATTERS You cannot always remember every- ‘thing you read. However, there are ways to determine what you really need to know {from your reading, Leeming how to dis- tinguish important information from less important information will help you orga- nize your studying. D WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ‘One way to analyze the importance of information is to identify relevant from irrelevant information. Relevant informa- tion is directly related to the subject you are reading. relevant information is unrelated to the subject. ‘You also need to be able to tell essential {information from incidental information. Essential information is needed to under- stand a subject fully. tneidental information does not affect your knowledge of a subject. Finally, you need to know the differ- ‘ence between verifiable and unverifiable ‘information. Verifiable information can be Proved while unverifiable information cannot be proved. ‘To determine the importance of informa ‘ion, ask yourself the questions shown in the flow chart below. If you can answer yes to any or all these questions, then you know to remember the information. meine ‘Question 2 ‘QUESTION 3 lathe information Can tbe tray imporant to sure thatthe me sunject rarer? Infonti us? PR PP RP Soa o35592 156 © Unit 2 D This panto etched tablet(ahove) shows Egypt ficial under the command {Sere ig 9 © Tre sentence “Sensvosret was away > PRACTICE THE SKILL ee important time inthe life of Senvwosret I, com leo seevant pera! hacer thecone Anemone taibe pa.” SRM eine irevan es vin “ information i the most important for «© Which of the following sentences fon reneman contzins the most essential piece of Senwosret was away from home information? con duty inthe Egyptisn army. He ‘A "A messenger had come to share tran a brave solder never sowing With Senwosret news fom home: fear orreteating, He was also very his father had been killed.” handsome. One day, while prepar- B “He was a brave solder, never lng fora longjourney, he was sum- showing feat or retreating.” rmaned. A messenger had come to share with Senwosret news frm D APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED home his father had been killed. BIB Use information in encyclopedias or Senwosret wa filed with griefand | other sources to determine what igor rushed home o lam the land that __|-_-mation about Senvoset inthe passage ‘was rightfully his. 4s verifiable or unverifiable. Chopter 4» 157 cee ne Lote) Sse Egyptian Children kh anciont Egypt, chidran were considered to be pits ofthe gods. In Egyptian art. children ‘are usually shown with their parents 0” playing ‘games. Archaeologists digging in Egypt have found the remains of ty animals carved out of Ivory or wood, toy beats, cay dell, Spinning tops, ad babs made of leather skins filed with ‘ry papyrus stalks o rags. Egyptians of all ages loved board games. Zenet, played on 8 30-squere board. was the most popular, Egyptian children so enjoyed wrasting,leaptog, tug ot wer, and a game simierto bockey ‘Make It Relevant How were ancient Egyption games end toys similar to and diferent ram those of todey? Kings of the Great House ‘The New Kingdom began in 1552 8.¢. with the rule of Dynasty 18. During this time, Egyptian kings took the tile of pharaoh (FAIR-oh), meaning “great house.” In earlier times, the word referred to the king’s magnificent palace. Now it referred to the kings themselves. The power ofthe pharaohs was based in large part on gold. ‘The Egyptians believed that the flesh of their gods was mace of gold. Egypt's frst fulhtime army began dur- ing the New Kingdom. Under Dynasty 18, Egypt sent troops as far north as the Euphrates River. Egypt also conquered parts of Nubia, a land rich in gold. The pharaohs placed part of Nubia—also called Kush—under the rule of an Egyptian official ‘Queen Hatshepsut (hatsttEP*soot) was cone of the few women to rule Egypt as pharaoh. Under her sign, o time of rule, Hatshepsut sent armies into Nubia and southwestern Asia. She demanded that the conquered lands pay tribute to Egypt in exchange for protection. She also sent a trading expedition south across the Red Sea. Itretumed with animal skins, rmyrth (MUR) trees, ebony, and gold. Hatshepsut's stepson, Thutmose IT, followed her as pharaoh. Under hs rule, the Egyptian Empire reached its greatest size. By 1450 .C,, Egypt controlled lands from the fourth cataract in Nubia all the way north to the Euphrates River in southwestern Asia The early years of the New Kingdom were a time of splendor. The Egyptians of this period built huge temples to the gods, larger than any before them. The temple of Amon-Ra at Kamak was the largest in all Egypt. Ssummanize How did the pharaohs of the New Kingdom change Foye Chapter 4 © 159 Eu CR mere ei Seni Poems Seen cree ey ret TSG ‘servant of thy the other en cen ern) ceed Tien PSone ee ee rn i teens eee eee ee Nar lige Me was eked with treasure Epes s eet ee eT rr mses the Great, RUS ona eit en Sire Rees ara Sich Ree Ree ete rene ase Cece Seen eens 121 oT Seen Fearn nnn) Pee eN eee? Fess abe CeO eS Reo eel ea m7 erences ee Peoria ie nu eat reer Rot Pere een oe th Seren Crane en ck ao on arr Od Kingdom Mile Kingdom Sears ere ener mares THE OLD KINGDOM mare ay Spi eee Fete teen et PERO CCnm Rn ee Preece eee RT tea ear een eae By dai Pht crater ne ESvorantnetaet teen nen Riinccestcromennceteearietre Risener amenene te Classen nest inline iene uMeeTo eG Me PrreuTe caret ne Prevent here Re stucco eens tere ene reste cet een Cor meat eae eRe Ere errr Eesearenmene en eet eettt? Ponce Sine areert Tenner SRC on SS Sansa POE Sener erent reset Erneta ees oe Oy Deen Cones oot lived in et eet Rests ees Petrone fone See ea reer) poeta Pree ees Een Serene en THE MIDDLE KINGDOM. Tena ae Crees ‘Overtime, Egypt's rulers stopped building pyramids, which became too Egyptian Art and Architecture BEE cxpenave to construct. Pharohs tee +| G75 ) families, and wealthy nobles were buried Most ofthe monumental achi- M2 instead in tombs ct into rock walls. tecture that remains from ancient "En? Major temples, such as those at Luxor Egypt such a pyramids, temples, and Karak, took a numberof centuries and goverment buildings, was built {| sopauild, Some temple complexes even of stone. However, the main material t ¢ |, included a sacred lake, Most Egyptian for other buildings was mud brick temples followed a similar design. A The bricks were made by filling rect | | ong amare with stat ot apis angular molds with mud and leaving << &A\\ Jed up to the temple gate, which opened them in the sun to dey into a courtyard. In tur, the courtyard ‘Most people lived in small houses Jed toa large hall that represented the that were two or three stories high. “swamp of creation.” The hall was lined The firs loor might be a shop or with stone columns crafted to look like business, while the upper floors p¥ | papyrus reeds, lotus plants, or palm provided living spaces. Some houses _ | trees. Am altar stood at the very rear of ‘were built around open courtyards 5 Nw idom the temple. ‘where people cooked, played, and edcine Most Egyptian art was very formal. relaxed. Most houses also had special In sculptures and paintings, pharaohs areas for worshipping a favored god. and other important people were In the summer, people often slept on the often shown conducting religious ceremo- roof to stay cool. nies or alongside gods. Jessr racr bThee vo giants naw athe Calas of Meare, ae al tat reins ‘af the Tong of Aono I that oe stood at Lowe po rie tod its ligiussintcance The ancient Egyptians loved music. Many tomb paintings and other artworks show scenes of people dancing and playing instruments such as lutes and harps. Literature was also important, Scribes continued to record popular stories on papyrus scrolls. The Tale of the Shipeorecked Sailor tals the adventures of a sailor who {s lost inthe Red Sea, rescued, and then returned to Egypt. EEX nraw conciusions “Why do you think that most Egyptian buildings were made of mud bricks? roa } What achievements did the encient Egyptians make during the New J} __Kingiom? | 2. Use the words pharaoh and refgn in 4 paragraph explaining the role of cAICAL THINKING 4. GB Whatdo you think led Akhenaton to try to make changes in Egyptian raigion? '5. Why do you think that Akhanaton's changes to religion falied to last? Make a Table Make a table that describes the geography, government, ‘economy, religion, and society of Egypt's Now Kingdom. In your table, write at least ‘one statement for each category. include tite for your tabe, 7. © ‘SUMMARIZE Grant thet pn py nd Sco een re et [Sica “Tutankhamen ruled Egypt fr only nine years and cied atthe age of 18. The “boy king” was buried ina soid-gpld coffin and his tomb was filled with gold and jewelry. The tomb of Tutankhamen lay hidden in Egypt's Valley of the Kings for more than 3,30 years. In November 1922, Howard Carter, an expert inthe study of ancient Egypt, discovered it. Today the golden coffin still contains the youtny pharwut’s remains, hidden froin view inside two outer coffins. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo displays many of Tutankhamen's treasures to show Egypt's great wealth during the height of its civilization. > Tnktaman’s golden mask ‘This highly decorated jewelry chest was found. {in Tutankhamen’s tomb. 164 © Unit2 i ELUNY Analyze Artifacts |) © What do the objects on these pages tell you atout the economy of Egypt during Tutanthamen's rule? © Wy do you think it was important to hide the locaticn of Tutankhamen’s tomb? © Why might Egyptians have ploced pictures of ‘enemies on the sole ofthe pharaohs sandals? Visit PRIMARY SOURCES at wool comes The crook and flail were royal staffs, or rods carifed as symbols ofthe pharaohs and oF (Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld arr Enypt ere united Reading Social Studies ‘When you summarize, you tell e shortened version of wat you have red, Summarize Complete this graphic organizer to show that you can summa: rize how geography affected the Egyptian civilization. A copy of this graphic organizer appears on page 46 of the Homework and. Practice Book. Early Egyptian Civilization Aiea Egypt political structure was affected X California Writing Prompts _ Witew Narrative lnagine that you ae o tour ‘Write an Expository Paragraph Write an (guide at the Greet Pyramid, Write a narrative expository paragraph that describes the Nile Se1pt fr what you wil tell tourists. Tell when, Valeyin 0 &¢. Describe tha area's gengrap. wy, and how the Great Pyramid was built climate, and serdements. 166 © Unit 2 Use one ofthe terms in ‘the box tocomplete each ‘sentence. 1. The Egyptians kept records on 2A__isa ‘wiangular piece of rich land formed from soil ‘deposted at the mouth of some rivers, 3, A__canbe found in a place where the Nile River runs between desert cls. 4. A___i atime of ue. 5. A__is @ wer between two groups in the same place. Use the Time Line ~ Use the summary time line above 10 ‘answer these questions, 6. When were Upper and Lower Egypt united? 7. What happened in 1552 8.6.7 a STIL ‘Look again atthe maps on pages 140 ‘and 141 and answer this question. 8. Which map should you use i you wantto compare the sizes ofthe United States and Afica? Explain your anawer, Lire ‘Auswer these questions. 8. What wes Enyptian hierogh phic writing mostly used for at fist? 10, During the Middle Kingdom, wha other ‘regions di Egypt trade with? 111. What was often shown in anciant Egyptian paintings and sculptures? ‘White the lettor ofthe best choice. 12 Into what body of water dovs the Nile River empty? ‘A the Red Sea B the Tigris River the Indian Ocean D the Mediterranean Sea 13, Why is Hatshepsut important in Egypt's history? 'A Sha oversaw the building ofthe Great Pyramid. She was the goddess of farming She was one of only afew women pharaohs. D She was the frst non-Egyptian to rule Egypt. porn a 14. Why are the pyramids an example of link herween religion and society in ancient Eayot? What were the costs and benefits ‘of long-distance trede in ancient Chapter 4» 167 \) Study Skills ‘An anticipation guide can help you anticipate, or predict, what you will learn as you read. Look at the lesson and section tiles. These ae clues that tell what you will read about. Proview the the subject of. Read the lesson to find out whether your predictions were correct. Lesson |: The Land Called Nubia Reading Check | __ Prediction Correct hat he Wie Rear [Rb wtb abe be | He Brat Bete ie Ler ke ete tnd mie | Nie Loner Et pene to | st It as ih lt that hoon aaNet | tetg cone rope od tert Reading Check | Prediction Correct? Make an anticipation guide for each lesson in this chapter, using, the above guide as a model. Before you read this chapter, add to the anticipation guide the Reading Check questions for each lesson. Then make a prediction about the answer to each question, As you read each lesson, go back and see if your predictions were correct f FF aorta History Sociol Scene bes Standards, Grade 6 ‘2 Seder aay he geographic, pion amon gna ad saci status ftir Cheatin ef acoptamia Ene ad Kah.

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