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[HUMSS_DIASS / Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences]

[Effects of Applied Social Sciences]

Effects of Applied Social Sciences

At the end of the topic the students should be able to:

1. Explain the effects of applied social sciences on social awareness. Self-
awareness, and self-knowledge;
2. Explain the effects of applied social sciences on attitude and value
3. Explain the effects of applied social sciences on behavioral change;
4. Explain the effects of applied social sciences on structural change.
“Take a few minutes to reflect on your personal experience with any service
of social science practitioners and any function of applied social sciences.
How has counseling, social work, communication channel, or any of the
functions in society affected your personal life? Or how has it influenced your
life as a student?”
Applied social science comes with a wide range of practitioner skills in areas
such as advocacy, counseling and case management, and the knowledge and
experience to be able to work with individuals, groups, and communities to
improve their wellbeing and social functioning.
With the applied social sciences processes, standards in social service
delivery are observed. A set of core values is considered in the delivery of
human and social services. Services are given with quality. Social justice is

Social Awareness, Self-awareness, and Self-knowledge

Social awareness, self-awareness, and self-knowledge are very essential for

quality participation and functioning in society for they incorporate one’s
appreciation of both the inner-ecology and the social ecology.
Social awareness is important for managing own response to change, and it
forms an essential part of interpersonal intelligence.
Social awareness is an important step toward self-understanding and self-
mastery and it forms an essential part of intrapersonal and emotional

Course Module
Attitude and Value Change

Tension emanating from technological, social, and economic change bring

about attitude and value change. With all changes happening especially in the
climate change context, social and cultural values that may not be in support
of survival need to give way to those that are life nurturing. Two frameworks
for climate change resiliency suggested ask either for mitigation strategies or
adaptation strategies to ensure human survival and prosperity.

Behavioral Change

Behavior is acquired or developed slowly and once it’s part of your life, you
will learn the difficulty of behavioral change. It is hard to break old habits or
adopt new ones. Making a permanent change in behavior is never a simple
process, and it requires a substantial commitment of time, effort and
Self-change can be hard and so is changing others. Individual behavior and
collective behavior all need to change if the behavior in question is not
positive. Applied social sciences bring in a wealth of approaches, techniques,
and tools to facilitate change on the individual level and on the group level.
Behavioral change has been rightly associated with the role of the applied
social process. There is more discourse on power and corruption, conflict
management and peace building process, and risk assessment behavior.

Structural Change

Structural change refers to the radical shift in the way reality is organized
and does not necessarily include the substantive change. Structural change,
in economic terms, is the transformation of policy, legal, social, cultural,
economic, and or physical aspects of an environment that impede equity for
In many countries, women are not allowed to old public office and they were
made to look incompetent using a social structure, for example that
prevented them to go further in education or have exposure to public service.
In the recent past, the family structure did not just describe the biological
and marital relationship that bonded people together but it included the
aspects of living together under the same root of very close proximity.
Evidently, personal and family relations, gender, overseas migration of
Filipino workers domestic violence, single parenting, community life,
criminality, and substance abuse are not only changing in structure; they are
also becoming more common and normal.
[HUMSS_DIASS / Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences]
[Effects of Applied Social Sciences]

Behavioral Change – can refer to any transformation or modification of
human behavior. It may also refer to: Behavior change (public health), a
broad range of activities and approaches which focus on the individual,
community, and environmental influences on behavior.
Self-awareness- is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize
oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals
Self-knowledge- is a component of the self or, more accurately, the self-
concept. It is the knowledge of oneself and one's properties and the desire to
seek such knowledge that guide the development of the self-concept. Self-
knowledge informs us of our mental representations of ourselves, which
contain attributes that we uniquely pair with ourselves, and theories on
whether these attributes are stable or dynamic.
Structural Change – is an economic condition that occurs when an industry
or market changes how it functions or operates. A structural change will shift
the parameters of an entity, which can be represented by
significant changes in time series data.
Social awareness - gives you the ability to understand and respond to the
needs of others. Improve your social skills and gain the respect of others as
you apply the ideas on this page. Understanding other people's feelings is
central to emotional intelligence. Get it wrong and you'll be seen as uncaring
and insensitive.

Dela Cruz, A. et al. (2017), Disciplines and ideas in Social Sciences (Padayon)
Series) Rex Book Store, Inc.
Mendoza, D.J. et al., (2016), Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences,
Phoenix Publishing House.
Sampa, E.M. (2017) Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science, Rex
Bookstore, Inc. First Edtion.
Tatel, C.P. (2017) Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences, Rex Book
Store, Inc. First Edition.

Course Module

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