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Q1: How to search for a variable name under all the files in the workspace??

a ctrl + shift + C

The correct Answer is: None

c ctrl + shift + F

The correct Answer is: None

e ctrl + F

f ctrl + V

Q2: Which event occurs when the user clicks on an HTML element??

a onmouseover

b None

c onclick

d None

e onchange

f onmouseclick

Q3: Which of the following provides content type of the uploaded file in PHP??

a None

b $_FILES['file']['name']

c None

d $_FILES['file']['size']

e $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']

f $_FILES['file']['type']

Q4: Which data type is used to store a sequence of characters in Python??

a None

b Integer

c Float

d Boolean

e String

f None

Q5: Which of the following provides the error code associated with this file upload??

a $_FILES['file']['errors']

b $_FILES['errors']

c $_FILES['file']['error']

d $_FILES->file->errors

e $_FILES['error']

f $_FILES->file->error

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