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I. Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. define the Mean of the Ungrouped data;

b. solve the Mean of the Ungrouped data; and
c. appreciate the importance of Mean in everyday life.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Mean of Ungrouped Data

References: Global Mathematics 7

Pages 399 - 400

Materials: ---------------------------

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation
a. daily routine

a.1 opening prayer

a.2 checking of attendance

b. review/motivation

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!

Before we start with our discussion, I would The learners will join the quiz online.
like to request everyone to please click
another browser and type in the address bar
the, type the given code on
the screen and type your name or nickname to
join in the discussion.

How are you feeling today? (A Quizizz poll The learners will choose an answer in the
will be flashed on the screen.) given poll (Happy, Sad, Confused, Sick)

Since you are all feeling good, would you like Yes, ma’am!
to listen to my story?

Great! Now, this is how the story goes…

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom of

Pandemia, there lived a beautiful Princess
named Quarantina. She’s very beautiful and
kind so that all the princes in different
kingdoms love to be with her.
On one summer day, the different animals of
the Kingdom Pandemia got really sick. No
one can identify the cause of the disease.
Many animals have died and yet the there is
no cure for it.

The king became restless and Princess

Quarantina was very sad about her father’s
condition. With the things that are happening
in their Kingdom, Princess Quarantina
became desperate and announced to everyone
that whoever discovers the cure for this
disease will be her husband.

In this regard, the different kingdoms sent

their representatives in Kingdom Pandemia
then Princess Quarantina told them that they
need to formulate 3 medicines that will cure
the animals. The prince with the highest
average of saved animals will be her husband.

Their experiments began and they

administered the medicines to the animals
with the following data:

Based on the given data above, who is the

prince with the highest average of saved

But before that, do you know how to get the Yes, Ma’am!
Prince Med 1 Med 2 Med 3
How to
Astra get the
87 average?
90 76 Add all the given scores per prince then
Pfizer 101 203 173 divide it by the number of scores.
Sputnik 99 78 98
That is correct!
Sinovac 106Now, solve
98 for the
80 average of (The students will choose their answers on the
each prince. 121
Johnsons 193 123 Quizizz multiple choice.)
Very good! All of your answers are correct! It’s Prince Pfizer ma’am!
Now, who is the prince with the highest

Excellent! Did you know what happened What happened ma’am?

next? They lived happily ever after.

B. Presentation
Did you know that in Statistics, we have No, ma’am.
another term for the word average?

Would you like to know? Yes ma’am!

The equivalent term of the word average is Mean is the sum of all scores divided by the
MEAN. Now, since they are equivalent, what number of scores.
do you think is the definition of mean?

Very good! It is formally defined as the sum of

data divided by the number of data.

Now, let’s discuss the mean of ungrouped data.

Why do you think it is called ungrouped data? The data are not grouped nor arranged.

Excellent! We express the mean as x and it

was read as x bar.

The formula used in determining the mean is:


n = total number of observations
∑ 𝑥= sum of all the observations

Are you familiar with this symbol (Ʃ)?

Yes ma’am!
What is the representation of this symbol?
Summation ma’am.
And summation refers to…
Sum of all the given data.
Very good! Let’s have example number 1.

Example 1:

Solve for the mean of the following data:

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

What is the sum of these data?

The sum is 35.
Correct! What is the mean if the sum is 35?
The mean is 5.
What have you noticed with the mean?
It’s in the center of the highest and the lowest
Do you think the highest and the lowest scores
have something to do with the mean?
Yes ma’am!
How do you think so?
Ma’am it is related because we have the very
high score which is 9 and a very low score
which is 1 and this will affect the average or
the mean.
Very good! Do you have any questions? None ma’am.

Example 2:

Suppose we have six scores:

12, 10, 18, 16, 20, and 14

What is the mean or the average of the scores?

∑ 𝑥 = 12 + 10 + 18 + 16 + 20 + 14
The sum is 90 and the mean is 15.

Very good! The mean or the average score of

the students is 15.

Example 3:

There are 13 basketball players and their

coach would like to determine the age group
of the players by getting their average age. If
their age are as follows:

15, 16, 15, 14, 13, 15, 12, 16, 14, 13, 12, 16,
and 13 respectively, what is the age group of
the players?

16+13= 184

That is correct. It means that the mean The mean is 184 ÷ 13 = 14.15 or 14
represents the age group of the players and
their average age is 14 years old.

Example 4:

Annie wants to buy an apple but she has

limited budget for it. She went to the market
and asked 6 apple vendors if how much an
apple cost. The following are the prices of an
apple respectively; 10, 15, 13, 12, 17, and 18.

What is the average price of an apple? Find

the mean of the data above and interpret the 10+15+13+12+17+18=85
85÷6 = 14.17

The mean or the average price of an apple is

14.17 pesos.
Example 5:

The following are the heights (in cm) of 9

volleyball players in Grade 7A. Determine the
mean of the given set of data.

156, 149, 150, 160, 157, 158, 160, 165, 159 156+149+150+160+157+158+160+165+

1259÷8 = 157
The mean or the average height of the
volleyball players is 157cm.

Nicely done! Do you have any questions? None ma’am.

C. Application

Try to answer the following in 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, I will call someone to discuss
how did you arrive with your answer.

(Quizizz Application – open ended question)

1. Compute the mean of the following


4,2,7,15,22,11,0,13, and 5 4+2+7+15+22+11+0+13+5=79

2. Suppose a basketball team has 9
players and heights (in cm) are as

181, 205, 189, 185, 190, 191, 201, and 204 181+205+189+185+190+191+201+204=
what is the mean? 1746

1746÷9 = 194

Okay the 2 minutes is over. Now, let me call Anna: To get the mean of the given scores,
Anna to discuss number 1. we need to add all the scores which are
4,2,7,15,22,11,0,13, and 5 and this is equal to
79. To get the mean, we divide the sum by the
number of scores which is 9, so we get 8.78.
The average score is 8.78 or 9.

Very good Anna! Now, let me call Ronnie to Ronnie: To get the average height of the 9
discuss number 2. players I added the given data and I got the
sum of 1746. I divided the sum by 9 the
result is
194. Therefore, the average height of the 9
players is 194.
Very well said Ronnie!

D. Generalization

So, what do we do when we get the total

observations then we divide it by the number We are getting the average ma’am!
of observations?
And what is the synonym of the term
It’s the mean, ma’am.
average? What is the definition of the mean?
It’s the sum of all data divided by the number
of data.
Very good! Why do you think the mean is
important? It is important in getting the average of the

Excellent! It is also used in summarizing all the

given data in a single number.
IV. Evaluation

Quiz Bee 2022

Mechanics: The learners will be grouped into 6 having 4 members each group. Each item will be
timed depending on the difficulty of the question. Round off your answers to the nearest

Quizizz Application

Easy Round: (Mean or Bluff)

(15 seconds)

1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, has the mean of 4. (MEAN)

2. 0, 5, 4, 8, 6, 7 has the mean of 6. (BLUFF)
3. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 has the mean of 30. (MEAN)
4. 14, 5, 6, 7, 4 has the mean of 7.20. (MEAN)
5. 3, 7, 12, 13, 16 has the mean of 10. (BLUFF)

Average Round: Get the mean of the following:

(30 seconds)

1. Scores of 5 students in a Math Quiz.

11, 10, 12, 13, 10


2. Prices of gasoline in 6 different stations.

89, 90, 91, 95, 100


3. Weights of 6 students in kilograms

40, 38, 35, 41, 39, 37

(38.33 kg)

Difficult Round: Solve for the mean and interpret the result.

(60 seconds)

1. There are 8 students who took an exam in Mathematics, what is the mean score of the
students if their scores are: 35, 40, 36, 41, 28, 37, 39, and 34?

Ans. 36.25
Interpretation: Therefore, the average scores of the students who took the math exam is

“Working in a group is like getting the average; it doesn’t matter if you’re the highest or the
lowest, what matters is you work together to blend with each other. The higher will carry the
lower and the lower will cope with the higher to represent the group to a single number called
the mean.”


July 06, 2022

V. Assignment

Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data

Answer the following correctly.

1. How will you define the median of an ungrouped data?

2. Discuss the process of getting the median of an ungrouped data in your own words.
3. What is the median of the following data: 10, 12, 15, 13, 14, 10, 11?

Global Mathematics 7
Pages 400 – 401

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