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Worksheet: How to Allocate & Manage Resources in P.E.


1. What tool might you use to manage time as a PE teacher?

a) A storage closet
b) A family helper
c) A well-organized calendar
d) A personal assistant
2. What does it mean to allocate resources in a PE program?
a) To put someone else in charge of your resources
b) To purchase the most expensive equipment
c) To use resources wisely and equitably
d) To maintain a good calendar
3. Who can be of good help to you in maintaining your space and PE equipment as a PE
a) The assistant principal
b) The principal
c) The school custodian
d) The guidance counselor
4. Having meaningful _____ students will help you form strong relationships that are
conducive to their fitness.
a) interactions with
b) facilities for
c) exercise sessions with
d) test scores of
5. Which of the following might you pay attention to in order to ensure equitable resource
management in PE?
a) Your relationship with the school secretary
b) How well maintained your equipment is
c) The role of race and culture in your lessons
d) The way you manage your weekly and daily calendars

Answer Key:
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C

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