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I’m here in front of you today, not only as a student but as a mother. These
are the two roles that are both challenging yet rewarding, and I’m here to
share with you my journey filled with love, laughter, sleepless night, and
endless string of first words and first steps.

Motherhood is a full-time job. It is a role that requires patience, love, and

understanding. I wake-up in the middle of the night to comfort my crying
child. I also make sure she is fed, clean, and happy. The first time my
daughter said the word ‘mama’ I felt the pride I felt when she learned
something new and the worry that kept me up every night when she’s not
feeling well. It’s a 24/7 job that only mothers can fulfill, no day off and no

Being a mother and a student is very hard to balance; you must have
dedication and discipline. Somedays I feel overwhelmed, and somedays I
feel like I’m collapsing from exhaustion. But seeing my daughter smile it’s
re-energize me and gain more strength from exhaustion. I also see the
reason why I do all this.

Being a mother as a student has taught me valuable lesson. It’s taught me

about time management, about prioritizing tasks, and about the importance
of self-care. It’s shown me that I’m stronger than I ever thought possible.
It’s shown me that I can do anything I set my mind to.

So, to all student mothers out there I say this it’s taught, but it’s worth it. We
are shaping the future, not just through our studies but through our children
as well. We are stronger, we are capable, and we can do all this.

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