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Narrator (N): In a world filled with endless possibilities, there is a place where dreams take flight, where

knowledge transforms into power, and where individuals become extraordinary. Welcome to
Daanbantayan National High School, a beacon of educational excellence and innovation.

[Visuals of the school campus, classrooms, students engaged in various activities]

N: At Daanbantayan National High School, we believe in nurturing the potential within each student,
empowering them to become the architects of their own futures. Our commitment to academic
excellence, holistic development, and creating a vibrant learning environment sets us apart.

[Visuals of students participating in academic activities, such as experiments, research, and


N: Here at Daanbantanyan National High School we have a variety of strands to offer for the incoming
Senior High School Students. But I’ll be highlighting the ABM strand for now since this video is for the
aspiring business students who loves to pursue business related courses in their tertiary level.

N: At [School Name], we understand the importance of equipping our students with the knowledge and
skills to thrive in the dynamic world of business and finance. Our ABM strand provides a solid foundation
for aspiring entrepreneurs, accountants, economists, and business leaders.

[Visuals of students studying accounting, finance, business concepts, and economics]

N: Step into our classrooms, and you'll witness a vibrant exchange of ideas, as our passionate educators
guide students through a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses subjects such as accounting,
business ethics, finance, economics, and entrepreneurship.

[Visuals of students actively participating in classroom discussions and group activities]

N: Our ABM students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that enable them to
make sound financial decisions, understand economic trends, and navigate the complexities of the
business world.

[Visuals of students analyzing financial data, working on business plans, and making presentations]

N: But education at [School Name] extends far beyond textbooks and classrooms. We believe in
practical application and experiential learning. Our ABM students have the opportunity to engage in
internships, business simulations, and real-world projects, gaining hands-on experience that prepares
them for success.

[Visuals of students participating in internships, conducting market research, and presenting their

N: Collaboration and teamwork are at the core of our ABM strand. Through group projects, case studies,
and business competitions, our students develop strong communication, leadership, and interpersonal
skills, setting them apart in the competitive business landscape.

[Visuals of students working in teams, presenting their business ideas, and receiving awards]
N: If you have a passion for business, a hunger for knowledge, and a drive to make a difference, join us
at [School Name] and unlock your potential in the ABM strand. Together, let's pave the way for a future
filled with endless possibilities.

[Closing Music]

Note: The visuals described in the script can be matched with appropriate footage of students in the
ABM strand, engaging in various business-related activities and showcasing their skills and teamwork.

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