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J,./Fit11cs~ TL·st J\dminis\ t\llinn I

-, S/\1 Klwh, lndi., Tt•sl

• Brockpl,rl Physkal Fitn0ss Test {Bl'l;T} 1

~ As..1n.1s Lifcsl\ k· Rc>l ..,kd DiSl'JSes

\..3,...,... Prohciency in Gan-H's/Sports Rerognis1.."d by lndi.:1n Olympic Associ.ltion (lOA)
3.1 Athletics
~Basketbilll r \

'-l:3,...,-F ootball
uA:-" Volleyball
3.5. Handball
3.6 Hockey
3.7 Badminton
4. Sports/Gaines for Children with Special Needs (CWSN)
• Unified Basketball
• Wheelchair Basketball
• Goalball
• Unified Badminton

tr r ·11w11 &c&z-
_ .. .... ...... '-- ..... 'I._. ....., ... '"'b'- .....,-u yt.'c:tJ~/LJclt,t:, 1-..:>-
A. Bod) 1\tass Index
A healthy weight is defined as the appropriate body weight in relation to height.
Body Composition refers primarily to the distribution of muscle and fat in the body. Body size such as height,
length and girths are grouped under this component. Body Mass Index (BMl) is a useful measure of overweight
,ind ob esity. It is calculated from height and weight by using the following formula-
Weight in kg Weight
Body Mass Index = - - - 1
Or - - - -
Height in (mf Height x Height
High body mass index score indicates high fat content in the body. According to National Institute of Health,
BM I rage between 19-25 is considered to be healthy body weight. If the BMI of a person ranges from 25-29 he/she
· considered to be over weight, but if the BMI range is more than 30, the person is considered to be suffering
obesi ty.

1tness Test Administration Premier Physical Educatio11 Practical-Xll S

Weight l ■ lff(I i1 • (! j1j1tll!I ■ )

•II rallh1\\fbl
Ill I It

lllt ,\IIU,rll IIJ I,, nl t•I Ir I ~ I rr I

< •I K'"\'
l 11 "'

t\: rm I w 11
, )

Pl I ti
ff I
Ob II~ C I I Ill
.., , 1,m m h1w· n I n
h1ulpmcnls Ht•q uirl.'d lo l\frasuri.: IJMI 11 1 nd d ,n ,rf
Clfl ,I \\ ,1IJ

l'w,·ed u re :

M~;1q11cn11•nf 11I Budy I c11gth Me,1 11rcrncn1 of B,1dy Weight

To me,1sure th(' height ,1rrnrately :

P.1rtiripc1nl h.1s to n•111ovf' ~h111•.,, bulky c l11lhi11~ .ind .111y 1,ud1 thing which may interferes Yi'
Thl'n p.irticip.:int is ,1.,kl'd lo sl.ind b,11 k <1g.iinsl lhe wall ,ind lor,k straighl ahead with head,~
buttock-;, ,.md hl'ds toud1ing llw wall.

s frsl Administration PrPmier Phy\ical Educat1nn Pracr

IJ. f<lumingo Bnlam·e Test /

/ Aim : Thie; le<.! .:um -. to .ic.<;t•,!. th< c;trength of IL ,~... l\ell md · mu i;.k .1 wdl .:i tJhl b.:ilin•t
lnfrastructurdEquipmenl Required: Non lipf1( n, <'Hn ur( ltC' ..i ht 1m mJ u top\\Jl h
Procedure :
• Partiap.:mt 1c; <1,;kf•d to c;tt1nd on the be-am HL he m,1\ hPld tht•
in<.tructur\ hand LI re~u1red to !'.lart
• \Vhile balanL,ng on the prefared leg, the free leg 1s ne,ul at tht'
knee .:ind the fool of th1'> kg held do<.c to the buttOl.k"-
• Ac; the parhc1pant releaw.., the h.:md of the instrudor .;t.irt the
-.tup\, atch and pau<,e the .-.topw.illh each brne the ,;ubJ\.""'C.t k~-. bal,mlt'
either b) tJllmg oft the b1cam or letting goe.-. uf the toot bt.·mg held
• Re--ume o, er, agam tmung until the, lo-.1c NI 'flLt. ( uunt the numL,t.•r
nf t.1Jlc; in 6(1 c..ccund., of b.11,mcmg
• If there are more th.:m 1 c; f..ill m the hr.t 10 .-.c-"ond the t1.:st 1s
Scoring : The total number of talls or Ill of balance in &O o;cu,nth nf b,11..inrlllp, 1-. rcLorded <. tht: .-.core

!!)•-Plate Tapping Tc.!st

/Aim : The aim of !hi'> tc-..;t 1, In mc-a<;uIT' pffd .1nd LOordmatmn ol limb rnnVL'llll'Ot
Infrastructure/Equipments Required : A table "1th .-1d1u'>t.ible hC'1ght, 2 yellow d1-;t., of 20 l'.'m di,1ml.'lcr, o
30 x 20 cm rectangte plate and .1 ,topwatch
Procedure :
• Adjust the height of the table ~o that the ..;ubJL~t can stand
comfortably in front of the disc!'.>. The two yellow disc.., are
then placed v.'ith their cent0rs 60 cm apart from each other.
The rectangle is placed a equidistant from both discs.
Participant is then asked to place his/her non-preferred hand
the rectangle and then moves his/her preferred h,md
and forth behveen the discs over the h,md in the middle
ickly as possible.
·on is repeated for 25 full cycles i.e., 50 taps.
_ _ _ _ _ _,..,.._...,...,,..,.-,rn,orrm;"'i'it7J,1o;1, •I lo 12, ti b imp111 l,tlll 111 h,1v1· •111 pVcr,111 P11 Y" '
h • ' 11-.idl'11•d l11r 1111•11· ph}'si, ,11 lw,dth ,111d 111111•,;<, pinftl•• :
I.Jl6d)•('o111po,1jifiou(HMl) . . . . J ,art uf thi9 test
, tnJIHI 1
' Det.iili,, o( this test h,wl' c1lready bel'n men tioncd '"
I I. SO l\lt.'i. Standing Sturt . t,un nf D ,.tudcr t
(, .'.I( eel' r,:i
l'urpo-.l' ; l'urpn,l' nl !hi., h•st j., to dl'!t•nninl' the runnin~ spl'f' d 'n, 1 I (rum 1•nt.h vf h en ind c
11.1 . . ('ifl ml'l. ,1pil f
Jlllpnt('nfs Rl'l}Ulrt•d: ,\ I lat ilnd tl1-.111 field with twP rna1ktr1~'l

I. , ,cl cl'> ;i c,t.JrHng Im"

In thi~ h•st two lines tlrt' m,1rkPd on llw floor SU mti-;, ttpurt Orw l1nl' , ., ll ,L
,,., tlw fini:-h lint'. ,ri m1rnrmm1 lmi.t
Tl ,~ tl'St ln\'ll Iw-.. running., .single .,print of ,o ml'lcr., wi' ti 1 m:1"1murr 1 r peel 1
' " n,,t tuuch tht· grcnrn,f 1
I' . · .· . . ·t (11,111d 'i t: <ln 1-.1
,ll llup,111t/studPnt ..,t.11 I lrnm a stat, st,111d1ni-; posi 1011 . I . Onu· Hu_• ,u.,,,.,1 I, r
not m . lwnt
. of the olhl'r Tlw front font must be bchi11tI th c st',rting ,nc. t
slJrtl'r givl' thl' mstrudtons ".sl't" then "go"
jl It is prl'fl'r,,ble lo ,1dm1111sll'r this ll•st of two pupils al" time. . th. l ! ~
. . I and the ,n~tanl t. & u, en <-Tc
Scormg : Thl' srorp is the ,,mount of tmw betwt>1.m thl' sl,trt«•r's 51~n.i • ., , rdcd in c.en-..1
I . · I1 1·11 ·
UH:- w. TtmL' take to cover ,om distance is expressl'd in scconu., s. Thi• score J'I H' 1 ••iu,
nl\lTCst 10th oJ .1 second

50 Yard Dash 600 Yard Run/Walk

III. 600 mts. Run/Walk
In this tec.t the st11dent is asked tu take a standing start. The running may be interspersed with walking~
object is to rover the distances in the shortest possible time.
Purpose : To determine lhe endurance of a student.
bjective : To cover the set distance as fast as possible.
ments Required : Flat and clean field with markings and a stopwatch.

schools, 600 m walk/nm is generally orgainsed on track. Subject has to run a distance of 600 tr.ts.

Te"t AdmmNrnt1on
Premier Ph\stca/ Educa11on Pracr

11 11 1
11' · l•w I lo1l 1·•• o1 •,L111d1111• ,l,11 I 1111111 (Ill' 1,l,11l111,, l11u- I Ii•· ,uh11•1I in,,y walk 11r 1u11 but h,• L ~.,
II II' I 1t•,t.1111,· Ill lh,• ·,1111111··.t ''111111' " • r1•• 1o C<•~l'r
Sw,inl'' II· 11 I I I
• 11 ,1 111111• l,1',1·11 '" 1011qdd,· th,- <11•,l,11111• l,l'lw .. 1•11 llw 1tJ1nm,ind "G,," Jl\U wlwn th • st <.l t
''"'···••·, tit,· 11 1 • I1 I ._. u ,_n
11, 11w 111111·,,11 ..,I 1t·11tlt 111 o1 ,,,., 111111 1lw 111111• l,1h•11 II/ 1111 • 1un f>lJIJ ml~. is fl'lord1:d minut,•s ,tOu.,
~ l'I 1•1111•,. 111

I\. Sit nncl tt,•nd, •n,., 1

1111 .. I,•,( I ', \\'I I •I '
11•,1•1 11>, 1u11111id 1,,.,1 ol fl1•,1bil1ly
'1 \
l'utp1111t•: 1lw. 1t 111 I1f 11 • I 11 · · ·
1 11111 ' ,11 · • 11,.,, 1-." •,1i;111f11 ,1111 t,·•,1 II/ nw,1-,111t• I 11• 01• x1b1lity of hip region including the lower
'·"" • , li,1tthl1t11g 11111"11 h• .. < ,l'111·1,11ly II 1•, 11,,11,J ll1,tl "wing 1,, tlw IJck of fll'xibility m this region there is a
fl\'lh-1 11-." 1t ' f
• • I IIIJIIIV I I', .11 .. ,1 ,•11l.111r,l1·d with l111nb,1f ,111d (()W(•J' b,1ck pain
i:quipnwnt .. lh•quin•d : Sit ,111cl 11·,11 Ii liox 01 ,1 m;i~ ,,.,h1fl I uJ,,, anJ J box may be in which zero mark can be
,,d,u-.lnl i'.1d, 111d1v1d11,1l ,11 m1d111g lo tlw1r .,,tl111g fl•JC'h l<'Vt!l lwcau:,c then• j,, a variation of lengths of
md1v1du,1l\ ,11111~ ,1nd lq~-.
l'rnce,lun• : Fir:-1 ol ,di, -.h111•-. ,ind <,ock!'! .,hould lw n•movPJ
flwn sit dmvn 1111 tlw 11<1111 with l1•g4 <,lrl'lt..lwd out -,1r,11ghl
,llW,\d. nw Milt's llf lht· h·1.•1 -.hould lw !..,·pl flat ,lgilJn',[ lht• box.
H1 lh llw "-nl'l'" sh1.1uld h1.• 101 l,.,,•d ,md pn•-.',t•cl fl,11 lo tlw flw,r
\n ,1s-.i.,l,tnl ll\,l} hold tlw knt'l''- down l',llm<, should be fanng
downw,ird~. I l,m1.b "-hould bl' on llw lop of each olhl'r or side
bv sitk Th1.' ind1vidu,1l, whow fl1.•xibil1ty is lo be ml'a'>ured trit•s
ll> ~''\l1.•nd his bnlh h.inds forward along llw mea<,urmg line on
the box ,ts far as he ran t'Xlt.:nd . I Its fmgl'rlips of both hands
should rcm..1in t?qunl and af the same level. He should not jerk
or bounce to reach al mmdmum distance. He should hold the full reach position for two seconds and the score
(dist,mce) should be recorded. Generally in such test warm up 1s not allowed, however, the best results can be
attained after suitable warm up. In case of sliding ruler or makeshift ruler the zero mark should be at the
fingertips. If it is not available or simple marking is there the zero mark should be 9 inches before the feet.
Scoring : The score is recorded lo the nearest centimeter or half mch as the distance reached by the fingertips of
both hands.

Norms of Sit and Reach Test

15-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 years
M w M w M w M I
w M I
w ' M , w
38 42 39 40 34 37 34 37 34 38 32 I 34
:W-38 38-42 34-39 37-40 33-37 36-40 29-34 34-37 28-34 33-36 25-32 31-34
29-33 34-37 30-33 33-36 28-32 32-35 24-28 30-33 24-27 30-32 20-24 27-30
24-28 29-33 25-29 28-32 23-27 27-31 18-23 25-29 116-23 25-29 15-17 23-26
24 29 25 28 23 27 18 25 I 16 25 15 23

le te:,t to judge the flexibility.

t1.•st to perform.
This test ii;; good for flexibility of joints of lower back and hamstrings but not related to the
ointc; of the body.

Premier Ph, firal Education Practical-XII 9

J he tsroc.1<port Ynys icat ritness Test (BPFT) is a physical fitness tesl mainly uc;ed lo assesc; various components
of physical f_!!pess of young people with disabilities.

~_T_h_e_Ti_e_st_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
In 1993 the U.S. Education Department conducted a research to study, design and develop a health-related
physical fitness test protocol particularly for youngsters (10-17 years of age) with disabilities Analysis of these
research lead to the creation of the Brockport Physical Fitness Test. The name is derived from the pro1ect being
centered at the State University of New York, College at Brockport.
Target Group : This test is specially designed for youngsters who are suffering from either of the following
disabilities :
(a) Mental retardation (b) Spinal cord injuries
( c) Cerebral palsy {d) Blindness
(e) Congenital anomalies (f) Amputations
Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) Items : There are total 27 lest items which include traditional fitness
tests and tests specifically modified to assess any particular component of physical fitness. Test items to assess
various components of fitness are :
J.. To Measure Muscular Strength and Endurance
Trunk Lift • Grip Strength • Bench Press

Isometric Push-up • Push-up • Seated Push-up

tness Test Administration Premier Physical Educa1io11 Practical-Xll 11

Test Items To ~leasure l\:luscular Strength and E nd "rance
,,I- Seated Dumbbell Pres.s Test
Thb d um bbel1 rress htness test is an upper body strength and endu rance le~ t m
· which the subject performs as ~
o,-e-rhead rre:--,es as Ff1s::.1ble using a o.81-.g dumbbell, while sitting on a chair.
Purpo::,e: To measure the maximum strength endurance of the shoulder and arm muscles.
Equipments Required: A 6.Skg dumbbell, a sturdy chair and a stopwatch.
,p +-lure :

's Premier Pliu,cal Education Pro l J

, \I tl'r ,111 ,1rpropriai-e
warm-up, the subject sits on a wheelchair/chair.
2 Tlw ~ubjt>LI then grasps lhc dumbbl'll with the dominant hand, holcting it close to the should~r From thi~ <;lartin~
po'-rlion, they cxt1c:nd the elbow and Ii.fl the weight straight up and above the shoulder, making sure thf' elbow 15
l ompletL'ly extended (arm sh·aighl).

J. rl1L' weight is then returned lo the starting position. The subj~ct continues this action at a steady pace until they
1.·.in no longer perform a correct repelilion or they complete 50 repetitions.
Scoring: 11,c maximum number (up to 50) of full repetitions successfully completed is recorded. The test 1s also
te rmin,1led if Lhe subject rests for more t·han 4 seconds.
2. Extended-Arm Hang Test
Purpose : This Lest is conducted to measure hand, arm, and shoulder strength and endurance of the participant
by Liming how long one can hang with sh·aight arms from a bar.
Equipments Required : Stopwatch, a horizontal overhead bar at an adequate height.
Procedure :
1. Subject has to grasp the overhead bar in such a manner that the palms are wrapped around the bar.
2. As the examiner indicates to start, the subject has to hang from an overhead bar with the arms straightened
for as long as possible (for up to 40 seconds).
3. While doing so the subject's feet should not touch the floor throughout the test.

a] time (maximum 40 seconds) the subject remains hanging from the bar in seconds is recorde
, d as the score.
Scoring: The total number of correctly completed pull-ups are recorde
4 Bench Press Test f ms as rnanY bench presse s as Poss
. 1
is a upper body strength and endurance test in which b'ecl per or
the su l
· a JS 9kg
usmg barbell. d nee of the ch e st and arm muscles ·
Purpose : This lest is conducted lo measure maximum strength en ura
Equipments Required : A bench and a 15.9kg barbell.
Procedure :
. th . feet flat on the floor.
1. The subjPcl begins by lying in a face up position on the ben ch with e1r . .
' lete succes sful lift 1s counted ir
2. The bar is grasped at shoulder distance apart with the arms flex~d.
A ~o;~ chest, to the arms fully extend
this starting position with the arms flexed with the weight re 5
hng 0
then return ed to the starting position.
h ubi'ect is unabl e to comp!
3. . d as
The subject repeats this action, without rest. The testing en s soon as t e s
a repetition, or when 50 (males) or 30 reps (females) are compl

·ng : The maximum numbe r (50 for males and 30 for females) of full
repeti tions succes sfully completed
cd as the score.

( Test Items To Measure Body Composition)

d measurements is a common method for determ ining body fat

compo sition . Calipe rs are USC•
cknes::, of the <;kin at a range of sites around the body.

Premier Ph}s1ca( £.du atton p,.,

Purpose: To lc;hmatr body fat level by the measurement of r,kmlold Lhicknes 5
· · ·
[qu1pmentc; Required: Skmlold cahpen,, tape mc,1sur1:,. marker r-
nc--n and recording ,;heel.

l'rocedure : 1
llw te ,ter pmche~ thl· skin t11 r.i1se a double layer o t !;k 1·n and !hf·· underlyin g adipo:,e hc;sue, but. not the mu-,de.
2 The cal1~r 11, thm appht.>d I an 1..uc•• 1ow an d a I ng ht angles to the pinch and a reading m m1lhmeters (mm) 1~
takl7l two sec, ,nd-. later.
3 The mean ol· t\\o measurements shou Id bc Iaken. If the two measurements differ greatly, a third should then be
dnne, then the median VJlue taken

Results: For best results it is always better to use the sum of several sites to calculate the body fat. Following table.

Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor

Normal Male 60-80 81-90 91-110 111-150 150+
Female 70-90 91-100 I 101-120 121-150 150---
Athletic Male 40-60 61-80 81-100 101-130 130-
Female 50-70 71-85 86-110 111-130 130- I

2. Hod) Mass lndrx (BMI)

The Boch Ma~., Index LS a c;tatJstical messurement which wmpJres a per:-on's weight and height It 1s the most
1J ~ u d tool to 1dcnhf) the ,.,eight problems. Actually, 1t doe!, not mea-;ure the percentage of bod) fat but it
tu) tool to ec.tunale a healthy body weight based on how tall a person 1s.
a lo mca<;ure and e\aluatc \\'ith the help of BMI, a person come, to kno\'~ whether he is
m ,, ,,;ht mcme1ght or m the categories of obes1l). BMI can be dehm;d 8::, the peri:;on's
Jed b, th .quarc of hie; h 1ght.' ltc; \ aluc IS measured m k~ m B~11 can b€ determined b~

th nJ htn , ab1hb~ of md1\ 1JuJl 1c. b :it.:d upnn the rel t10n h,r

•ht lli..e ~rclID5i nd Jl\ldtn;; b ...1 re h ,~ht 111'

tt, l'.: ! ~ rniu'

R:ict \\~1
1. BacK-Saver Sit and Reach Test
~ urpose: This test is conducted to measure the flexibility of the left ,md nght leg!'l separately.
Equipment Required : A sit and reach box.
1. Participant has to sit on the floor with one leg out strdight
and the other leg with the knee bent and it.s foot fl,1t on the
The outstretched foot should tom:h U1e measurement box with
hands placed on top of each other and palms facing duwn.
The participant then tries to bend forward along the
easuring line as far as possible.
our chances are given to each participant and distance
overed by them in every attempt is recorded.
g: The maximum distance reached by the tip of the fingers
all four attempts is considered to be the final score of the
• abaorma1 or exceu\ve accumulatiofl of tat "
11.-ottmlM)orlUIOl\fOtnumbl!rGlcbfCmlt6 tl•t1
~ diaeues, canm, etc.
habits. )Ilea physical activity, cwereatlng '11' ta1dftl
...... udd. aedentary lifestyle, etc. are aome of

__ . Manaaement of Obesity
U. Diabt'Cc.~
.l) -'-''"'" ....: ,,, ',~ll"'' . , ·; ...·n ll'c.' '!"'J ',:1.'.l~ n the b('dY t.1ils
t-°.J •.-.,--...~ .....'\' .-~ ... ' n ·~t- "1.' · , .1 '-.'!.'l1.'Ih.' ,lut .:-.,n, ens the sug.1r
... ~ ·c.· ..., ~ ·.,,' 1."'1.'~' ':,~, -._~.._. t, ::,.._'(rt.'ti.._,., P ill"'t;. .• n b,
-c..'-~,. · ~' .... ,'"'"~·>'-~ "-"" ~11.. ..... \,~'"'
' - ' ' ~,' i'lt ~~'lt..' :, ('l'"'i ~t:t.'.in1, resulting

: -'~;,', • . • - ..., 1.'\<.' '-'•.: ... ,,.'St.' , h~~h ,, t'\t:>nn;a)h• artc(ts the
• J

i~.2..-:-:.i·:t ~,.-:, :•.t--t--

r.-tif--" ·~:..:} , , ,._,, 1.'\.1.'\?'S~, ~ J1);St "dght h.lss .m tn(re.1sed
.lf':'-t.'~·tt> .1:-<.'~,,-:-::1.' .._,· ..111.' ... ,.1:" s, .nF'i<-"lf'lS (''. diabetes Oven,·e1ght

Premier Phuical Education Pracrical-I

obe~ily, ~edenl.1ry \ifestyk, ks:-, phy::,ir,11 ad1v1ty, grnl'tiral or lwn d11y l,1ct,ir lift; om~ of the mi'lln u of
,, Jt-ole of Yo~a in Prenntion and l\lana~emcnl of niahctrs
The follov, ing yo~ic t',ero..,es Ill\? helpful in controlling and mon:igmg diabetes.
1. Bhujangasana : Bhujangas.1nc1 is l)nl' t1f the best yoga po':le!> for beginnert. a.., it is a s1mpl1: bad: w rd
\ bt'nding asana' The word bhujangasana i:- ,1 combination uf the word 'bhujanga (the Silnsknt \I.( rd fur
snake) and 'asana' meaning poo;lurl'. Bhujangasana is the.' !>lretchmg yoga exercise of the front torr,o and
the spine. Bhujangasan,1 is the final t,lage when tlw cobra 1.., 1\;,1dy to attack its prey by r:usmg 1t hood
hence the name is cobra pose. Thi::, a..;ana ha.., nu:nerou~ hcalrh Y, n,•f1ts ranges from head to feeL
(i) Lie down on the stom.id1 hy kc.'eping your legs togelht!r
Make a gap of 1-2 feet hl'tween the legs if ~omebod) has
(ii) Put your palms hl'"ides vour shoulder and the head
should rest on the groun'd .
(iii) With inhaling raise your head up to your navel reg;on
and tl") to see the roof.
(iv) :"1ain~ain the position till IO to 60 seconds with ,teadily
inhaling and exhaling.
(v) Come to the original position slowly with deer
(vi) Repeat the process for 3 to 5 ttnw~.

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