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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: DEMONIA Producers Name: EL, ZUZU, SCARLET, MIKA, TABS Contact
Number: 999

Location / Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures

Green screen Damaging equipment Liability charge Padded bags Property insurance
room Being careful Lit room, procorsion
Poole college

Green screen Fire Danger to crew and Fire extinguisher Following fire measures
equipment, postpone
Other groups Running through our Asking to let us finish Politeness
Green screen production time
Asthma attack Crew member out of Limiting smoke machine use Having an inhaler
Green screen action
Lockdown Stop production entirely Out of our control Following safety measures place by
Green screen for the day college
Allergic reaction Postpone production Epi pen Having an epi pen, no food in Green
Green screen screen room
Light falling Pain and damage on Secure equipment via proper Safety measures taught by teachers
Green screen equipment means
Water spillage Slipping, electricity Wiping up spills No drinks in Green screen room
Green screen hazard, damaging
Footage lost Lost of progress Backing up files to cloud Memory stick
Green screen
Equipment fail Delay in production Double check equipment is Backup equipment
Green screen (battery dying) suitable to film
Missing crew Delay In production Adapt and overcome Replacement crew
Green screen
Going over budget Spending funds over our Plan ahead Stay withing budget
Green screen target amount
Location unavailable Delay in production Plan B Find other potential locations
Green screen

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