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Approach: Constructivism
Distribute the pieces of paper to the class. Ask them to manipulate it to show physical change
Folding Cutting
Crumpling Tearing
What art works have you done?


Approaches: Inquiry-based & Collaborative
Watch the video clip. Then, briefly answer the questions.
Did the paper change its color when burned?
Did the egg change its color when fried?
Did the color of potato change when starch on it is mixed with iodine?
Were there bubbles formed?
Is heat also present in chemical change?
In chemical change can a substance be brought back to its original form?

Read each situation. Then, give the best answer to each question.
1. Aling Corazon wants to cook the cassava for merienda but the LPG runs out of gas. She saw
some dried firewood outside her house. What do you think must she do to cook the cassava?
2. Mang Carding’s family likes to eat tilapia for lunch. He has a lot of charcoal in a sack kept in
their backyard. What would Mang Carding do with the charcoal so that it can be used in cooking
the tilapia?
3. Cruz’s brothers own a bakery. They wanted to sell hot pandesal in the morning so they hire
bakers. In the afternoon, the bakers prepare the dough. Late in the afternoon, the dough are
baked into bread until evening. What would the bakers do so that the bread will remain hot until
it is sold early in the morning?

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