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Lớp học phần: 232_ENTH1511_38

Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Đỗ Thị Bích Đào

HÀ NỘI, 2024

TT Họ và tên Nhiệm vụ Nhóm tự Đánh giá của

xếp loại giảng viên

1 Lê Thị Thu Huyền - Nhóm trưởng.

- Nghiên cứu, chỉnh sửa nội
dung , phân chia nhiệm vụ,
làm powerpoint .
- Thuyết trình mục tác động
và biện pháp
2 Vũ Đức Hoài - Nghiên cứu đề tài thảo luận
, làm powerpoint
- Thuyết trình mục tác động
và biện pháp
3 Hoàng Thị Huế - Thư ký họp lần 2 , nghiên
cứu đề tài thảo luận
- Thuyết trình mục nguyên
4 Đinh Thị Thu Hương - Nghiên cứu đề tài thảo luận
, làm bản word .
- Thuyết tình mục giới thiệu
đề tài , định nghĩa , kết luận
5 Phạm Ngọc Khuê - Thư ký họp lần 1 , nghiên
cứu đề tài thảo luận
- Thuyết trình mục nguyên
6 Trần Tuấn Kiệt - Nghiên cứu đề tài thảo luận
, làm bản word
- Thuyết trình mục tác động
và biện pháp

The world today is facing one of the biggest and most dangerous challenges - climate change. This
issue is not confined to just one country or region but is global.

Climate change refers to long-term alterations in the Earth's climate, encompassing shifts in
temperature, precipitation patterns, and various climatic elements. It is primarily driven by human
activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, which release
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gasses, including carbon dioxide and methane, trap
heat and lead to a warming effect commonly known as the greenhouse effect.


The manifestations of climate change are wide-ranging and pose unprecedented challenges to our
environment, societies, and economies.

 One prominent indicator is the global rise in average temperatures. Over the past century,
our planet has experienced a discernible warming trend, leading to more frequent and severe
heat waves, altered precipitation patterns, and disruptions in ecosystems.
 The melting of polar ice caps and glaciers stands as a stark testimony to the warming
climate. This has resulted in rising sea levels, posing a threat to low-lying coastal areas and
island nations. The delicate balance of ecosystems is being disrupted, leading to the
extinction of certain species and the migration of others in search of suitable habitats.
 Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires, are becoming more
prevalent and intense. These events not only jeopardize lives and property but also strain our
emergency response systems and resources.

The process of industrialization has contributed a lot to economic development and improved
people's lives, but it also brought many negative impacts to the environment. Here are some of the
main impacts of industrialization on the environment:

1. Air pollution: Including pollutants such as CO2, SO2, NOx, dust, and volatile organic
substances, causing air pollution and affecting human health and community health.

2. Water pollution: Factories and factories discharge wastewater containing toxic chemicals and
waste from the production process.

3. Land loss and urbanization: The process of industrialization is often accompanied by land
invasion to build factories, enterprises, and infrastructure.

4. Climate change: The increase in large amounts of greenhouse gases contributes to global
climate change.

5. Loss of biodiversity: The change and expansion of industrial zones can lead to loss of
biodiversity, destroying the natural environment of many animal and plant species.

6. Waste and recycling: Industrial production processes generate large amounts of solids, many
of which are toxic.

Vehicles, especially cars powered by internal combustion engines, have contributed significantly to
climate change. Below are some important impacts that vehicles have caused:

1. Greenhouse gasses: Vehicles mainly use fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel, which
produce greenhouse gasses when burned.

2. Air pollution: Internal combustion engine vehicles often produce toxic gases such as carbon
monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine dust particles.

3. Expansion of transportation infrastructure: especially roads and bridges, often requires the
destruction of the natural environment and changes to the landscape.

4. Energy and resource consumption: This massive consumption not only contributes to the
depletion of natural resources but also increases pressure on the environment.

Deforestation, a form of logging and land expansion for agricultural or settlement purposes, is
causing many negative impacts on climate change. Here are some key impacts:

1. Emitting large amounts of carbon: When forests are cleared, the carbon stored in trees and soil
is lost, mainly through burning and decomposition.

2. Increase the ability to emit greenhouse gasses: The process of deforestation not only reduces
the ability to absorb carbon but also increases the emission of other greenhouse gasses, such as
methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).

3. Loss of biodiversity: Deforestation leads to the rapid loss of plants and animals that live in
forest environments.

4. Changing soil structure: When forests are cut down, the soil becomes susceptible to falling and
dehydration, causing drought and landslides.

Energy is an essential part of human life, required for various activities from daily living to
production. Although energy production activities contribute to economic development, they also
contribute to climate change. Energy is produced in many different forms, specifically:

• Hydropower: Energy is generated by blocking river flows, utilizing the force of water to turn
turbines for electricity production. This is the most common method of electricity generation
worldwide. However, constructing numerous hydropower plants can impact the local ecosystem,
leading to the loss of extensive forest areas and affecting water flow.

• Thermal Power Plants: These plants primarily use fossil fuels as their heat source. Burning these
fuels releases significant amounts of harmful emissions and pollutants into the environment.
Currently, thermal power plants in many countries are being used less frequently.

• Nuclear Power: Many countries opt for nuclear technology for electricity production due to its
capacity to generate large amounts of energy. However, nuclear power carries inherent risks during
disasters or accidents. Radiation leaks can significantly affect the environment, human health, and
quality of life.

• Solar and Wind Power: Currently, the trend globally is towards using clean energy. Countries are
actively developing solar and wind power systems. Nevertheless, the construction of these systems
can inadvertently destroy large forested areas. Moreover, future disposal solutions for solar panel
waste are essential; otherwise, they could lead to severe environmental consequences.

Based on the information above, we can see that energy production to serve life is essential.
Regardless of any form of energy production, it inevitably has negative impacts on the environment,
contributing to global climate change.

In addition to that many natural changes also contribute to global climate change, such as:

• When volcanoes erupt, they emit substantial amounts of ash into the atmosphere. This ash not
only pollutes the environment but also releases harmful gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, that have
detrimental effects on the atmosphere's composition and function.

• As the Earth's temperature rises, vast ice sheets and glaciers begin to melt. This melting process
leads to the release of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which
are trapped within the ice. As these gasses are released, they further exacerbate the greenhouse
effect, contributing to additional warming of the Earth's surface.

• Other changes, such as variations in solar activity, shifts in Earth's orbit, geological processes,
and alterations in ocean currents, result in complex weather patterns. These changes also represent
forms of climate change.

Impacts of energy production and goods production on the environment

Energy production and goods production are two important economic activities that contribute
significantly to the economies of nations. However, these activities also have negative impacts on
the environment.

Energy production is the process of using energy sources to create electricity, heat, and other forms
of energy.

Goods production is the process of using resources such as raw materials, energy, and labor to create

Goods production and energy production activities cause negative impacts on the environment such

· Air pollution: Goods production and energy production activities often use fossil fuels,
chemicals, etc. to operate machinery and equipment. These substances can be emitted into the air,
causing air pollution.

· Water pollution: Goods production and energy production activities can also cause water
pollution. Wastewater from manufacturing plants, industrial parks, etc. may contain pollutants such
as heavy metals, hazardous chemicals, etc. These substances can pollute water sources, affecting
human health and organisms.

· Land pollution: Goods production and energy production activities can also cause land
pollution. Solid waste from manufacturing plants, industrial parks, etc. may contain pollutants such
as heavy metals, hazardous chemicals, etc. These substances can accumulate in the soil, causing soil
pollution, and affecting crops and organisms.

· Loss of biodiversity: Goods production and energy production activities can lead to
biodiversity loss. The exploitation of natural resources to produce goods can lead to the loss of
habitat for animals and plants. The use of chemicals in goods production can also harm animals and

· Climate change: Greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and goods production
activities are one of the main causes of climate change. Greenhouse gases raise the Earth's
temperature, leading to extreme weather events, sea level rise, etc.


Forests are extremely important to this earth. Forests not only provide raw materials such as wood
and firewood for several manufacturing industries, but they also play a role in maintaining and
protecting the environment, such as regulating climate, limiting erosion and sedimentation,
protecting coastlines, regulating water sources, and limiting floods. Although the environmental
benefits brought by forests are very significant, sustainable management of forest resources is still
important. are challenges. Deforestation to exploit for other purposes (agriculture, industry,
livestock, production,...) is a painful problem and is happening very alarmingly.

Deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change. When forests are cut down, carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere will increase, increasing the greenhouse effect and
causing global warming.

Specifically, deforestation has the following impacts on climate change:

• Reduce the ability of forests to absorb CO2: Forests are one of the "green lungs" of the Earth,
helping to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. When forests are cut down, the amount of CO2
absorbed will decrease, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

• Increase CO2 emissions into the atmosphere: The process of burning forests for logging, farming,
or slash-and-burn agriculture will release large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

• Reduces soil erosion prevention: Forests can help prevent soil erosion by holding soil together and
creating vegetation. When forests are cut down, soil erosion will occur more strongly, increasing the
amount of dust and rock flowing into rivers and streams, polluting water sources, and reducing the
ocean's ability to absorb CO2.

• Reduce climate regulation: Forests can help regulate climate by absorbing heat and releasing water
vapor. When forests are cut down, the Earth's ability to regulate climate will decrease, causing the
Earth to warm faster.

Some studies have shown that deforestation is the cause of about 10-15% of CO2 emissions that
cause the greenhouse effect. According to estimates by the International Energy Agency (IEA), if
deforestation continues at the current rate, CO2 emissions from deforestation could increase by 20%
by 2050.

Therefore, protecting and developing forests is one of the important solutions to cope with climate

Some measures to prevent deforestation:

1. Law and Forest Management:

• Implement and promote the development and enforcement of strict forest laws to prevent illegal

• Build an effective forest management system with the participation of local communities.

• Establish and implement measures to prosecute violators.

2. Community management:

• Increase the participation of local communities in forest management to ensure that they benefit
from forest protection.

• Stimulate sustainable economic activities, such as perennial crop farming and ecotourism.

3. Control and Monitoring:

• Use modern technology, such as global positioning system (GPS), satellite images, and blockchain
technology to track deforestation activities.

• Strengthen inspection and supervision by educational and environmental protection organizations.

4. Encourage Sustainable Use:

• Promote and support sustainable deforestation methods, such as forest care, mixed forest
management, and perennial tree farming.

• Create stimulating conditions for businesses and people to carry out sustainable use activities.

5. International Cooperation:

• Strengthen international cooperation to monitor and prevent illegal transfers of timber and forest

• Call for support and cooperation between countries in managing and protecting global forests.

6. Education and Awareness:

• Increase education about the importance of forests and the negative effects of deforestation on the

• Create propaganda campaigns to promote community and social awareness about the issue of

Only when these measures are implemented in a coordinated and decisive manner can we hope to
halt and reverse global deforestation.

Energy production activities

Energy production activities are one of the main causes of climate change. According to the
International Energy Agency (IEA), energy production activities account for about 73% of global
greenhouse gas emissions.

Specifically, energy production activities have the following impacts on climate change:

· Fossil energy use: Fossil energy, such as coal, oil, and gas, is the main source of energy for
many manufacturing activities. When fossil fuels are burned, they release greenhouse gasses,
including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These greenhouse gases
trap heat in the atmosphere, causing global warming.

· Exploitation of natural resources: Unsustainable exploitation of resources such as wood, oil,

and minerals not only leads to loss of biodiversity but also increases greenhouse gas emissions
during transportation and Processing

· Waste and pollution treatment: The production process is often accompanied by the generation
of large amounts of waste and pollution, from solid waste to chemical waste. These substances not
only affect the local environment but can also harm the air and water.

To minimize the impact of energy production activities on climate change, the following measures
should be taken:

· Increase the use of renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources such as solar energy,
wind energy, hydroelectric energy,... do not emit greenhouse gasses. Therefore, increasing the use of
renewable energy sources will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

· Efficient energy use: Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by using energy more
efficiently. This can be done through improving the design, operation, and maintenance of energy-
using equipment.

· Replace fossil fuels with cleaner fuels: Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are fuel sources
that cause environmental pollution and climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to replace fossil
fuels with cleaner fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), biogas,...

These measures need to be implemented in a coordinated and effective manner to minimize the
impact of climate change.

Goods production activities

The production of goods has a significant impact on climate change. In the manufacturing process,
inefficient energy use often leads to greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2 and methane,
released into the environment. Both the processing and transportation of goods contribute to the
greenhouse effect. The extraction of natural resources, such as forests and minerals, not only affects
local environments but also alters soil structures, contributing to biodiversity loss.

Confronting this challenge, industries need to transition towards cleaner and more environmentally
friendly production processes. Utilizing renewable energy sources, optimizing supply chains, and
adopting sustainable production methods are crucial steps to mitigate the negative impact of
production activities on climate change. Addressing these issues is essential for fostering a more
sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to the production of goods.

To mitigate the impacts of manufacturing on climate change, several key solutions can be

1. Utilize Renewable Energy: Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or
hydropower helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the environment.

2. Optimize Supply Chains: Improving efficiency in transportation and supply chain management
reduces CO2 emissions from the transportation of goods.

3. Adopt Sustainable Production Processes: Implementing environmentally friendly and efficient

production methods, such as using recycled materials, reducing waste, and minimizing water
consumption, contributes to sustainability.

4. Manage Forests and Biodiversity: Sustainable forest management and resource conservation help
reduce biodiversity loss and protect ecosystems.

5. Prioritize Local Products: Minimize transportation distances by prioritizing local products,

thereby reducing CO2 emissions associated with transportation.

By combining these measures, businesses can lessen their impact on climate change and move
towards more environmentally sustainable production practices.

Many natural changes also contribute to global climate change such as:

• Volcanic eruptions produce large amounts of ash and dust, polluting the environment and
generating toxic gases

and harmful effects on the atmosphere.

• The earth is warming, causing melting; Melting ice generates more greenhouse gasses such as C02,
methane... again the part that causes global warming.

• Other changes such as Changes in solar activity, changes in earth's orbit, activities of

Geological layers, and changes in ocean currents... make coastal weather complicated, and also

is a form of climate change

1. Volcanic Activity and Dust Emissions:

- Enhance monitoring and prediction of volcanic activity for effective preventive measures.

- Develop technologies to reduce dust emissions from volcanic activities and implement measures
to limit environmental pollution.

2. Climate Change and Global Warming:

- Invest in renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

- Protect and restore forests to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

- Encourage the use of advanced technologies to minimize emissions in production and


3. Other Natural Changes:

- Research and monitor changes in solar activity, Earth's orbit, and other natural factors to better
understand their impacts.

- Foster international collaboration to address climate change and promote sustainability in natural
resource management.

In summary, a combination of educational efforts, research, and technological solutions is crucial to

minimizing the impacts of natural changes and building a sustainable living environment.


Climate change is not just a problem for tomorrow; it is happening right before our eyes. Global
cooperation and immediate action are the keys to addressing this challenge. By changing our
lifestyles, investing in clean technologies, and supporting each other, we can create a sustainable


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