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Your aunt, a homemaker, has been taking care of her family’s needs all these years.
Recently, on reaching her sixtieth birthday, she became eligible for the EZ-Link Passion
Card which offers concessions for senior citizens like discounted fares on public transport
and courses run by the Community Clubs. As she is your favourite aunt, you would like to
encourage her to stay physically, mentally and socially active.

You came across a poster offering courses to senior citizens at a discount. On reading the
courses offered, you feel that it would benefit your aunt to take up one of the courses.

Write a letter to your aunt to:

● recommend a suitable course and highlight its details;

● explain why you think the course is suitable for her;
● explain the course content she will learn; and
● suggest other ways she could keep herself physically, mentally and socially active.

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone that will convince your
aunt to sign up for the recommended course.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Informal Letter
138A Toa Payoh Lorong 1A
Singapore 311138

1 November 2021

Dear Aunt May,

Yours truly

Your school is celebrating its 60 th Anniversary celebrations in the later part of this year. The
school would like to seek students’ opinions on how to celebrate this occasion. As the Head
of the Student Council, you came across a webpage with some suggested ways for
celebration. Write a proposal to your principal to offer your ideas for this event.

In your proposal, you should:

 propose a date and explain why the date is picked

 suggest any two activities that the students might enjoy and explain why
 explain how these two activities will be meaningful and memorable for the school

Write your proposal in clear, accurate English and in a formal, polite tone to convince your
principal that the event will leave behind lasting memories for the school.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Proposal Letter (Internal)

1 November 2021
Mrs Anba Saroja
Whitley Secondary School

Dear Mrs Anba,

Proposal for 60th Anniversary Celebration Programme

Yours sincerely
Muhammad Syafiq
Head of Student Council
Whitley Secondary School
Your school has always encouraged the students to participate in self-initiated Values in
Action (VIA) projects. The school believes that such projects help students show care and
develop a strong sense of empathy towards the larger society locally.

Your class has seen an advertisement by a local volunteer organisation, TheKINDLocal,

Singapore, and is keen to offer its help.

Write a letter to the Project Manager, stating clearly:

 which of the three projects your class would like to embark on

 when and how many days of help your class is able to offer
 how your class plans to organise and carry out the service project
 how participating in this project will benefit both your class and the community
 one follow up activity that your class will carry out in school to encourage more
students to offer their time and services to society at large

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone, to convince the Project
Manager that the service offered is beneficial and should be considered for implementation.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Formal Letter (External)

Emilie Ang Jie Hun
Class Chairperson, 4-Empathy
Whitley Secondary School
30 Bishan Street 24
Singapore 579747

1 November 2021
Project Manager
205 Hougang Street 21
Singapore 530205

Dear Sir/Mdm
Offer for Class to Volunteer for VIA Project

Yours sincerely
Emilie Ang Jie Hun
Class Chairperson, 4-Empathy
Whitley Secondary School

You are a graduating cohort student and you have completed your O Level Examinations.
Therefore, the school would like to gather feedback from the students before deciding to
hold a Prom Night. The Prom Night Committee has designed a poster.

As the chairperson of your class, you are entrusted with the task of recommending a hotel
for the Prom Night to your Form Teacher on behalf of your classmates.

Write your email stating clearly:

 which of the two hotels you would like the Prom Night to be held in
 the rationale for the day and time of the Prom Night
 why your class has chosen this hotel than the other
 why you think that there is a need for a Prom Night.

Write the email in clear, accurate English and in a convincing tone, to recommend the hotel
to your Form Teacher.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Proposal E-mail (Internal)


Date: 1 November 2021

Subject: Proposal for Venue for Prom Night 2021

Dear Mr Ng

Yours faithfully
Hong Xi
Class Chairman, 4-Empathy
Your class is planning to embark on an overseas community outreach project. This will be
the first time you and your classmates will be going overseas for such a purpose. You have
come across two voluntary projects from the Internet.

Write a speech to your fellow classmates, your teachers and Principal stating

 which of the two projects you would like to work on

 why did you choose that project
 how the class can organise and carry out the work
 why you think that the help the class is offering will be useful for the beneficiaries.

Write your script in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone, and convince your
audience that this would be the most meaningful overseas community outreach project for
the class.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

A Meaningful Community Outreach Project for All

Prepared by: Jayla Tan Xi Xi
You have received a letter from your Uncle Roger, who lives in England. He wants to give
you a present for doing so well for your end-of-year examinations. He has asked you to
choose one of the items shown on the web page sent to you, all of which would be useful in
your studies next year.

 thank him for his offer

 state clearly which gift you have chosen
 say how you will make use of it
 explain why it is the most useful of the three items for next year

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a warm, friendly tone, showing appreciation
of your uncle’s kindness and his interest in your studies.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Informal Letter (Overseas)

28 Raffles Boulevard
York, United Kingdom

1 November 2021

Dear Uncle Roger,

Yours truly

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