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1/ The meanings of tourism planning to develop tourism of a destination.

- Establish goals and policies to find solutions to achieve the goals.

- Tourism development is concurrent with the rational exploitation and
protection of natural and human resources for the present as well as in the
- Creating unity in the overall tourism development of a country, a region and
establish links between tourism and other economic sectors.
- Create a basis for decision-making on tourism development.
- Creating a synchronous coordination between tourism activities in the area:
the impact support between tourist destinations, types of tourism, tourism
- Optimizing and balancing the economic, natural environment and chemical
and social benefits that the industry tourism contributes to society, while
minimizing the harmful effects that tourism activites have can cause.
- Provide basic guidelines on the layout, type and scale of tourist attractions,
services and tourist infrastructure.

2/ The consequences of lack of tourism planning. Example.

- Physical impact:
Damaging or permanently altering historical and cultural resources or sites.
Damage the physical environment, cause traffic congestion, traffic problems
and environment.
- Human impact:
Reducing the use of attractions and services by the local population, making
people dissatisfied.
Loss of national identity.
Lack of education for tourism staff in skills and hospitality. Lack of
awareness about the benefits of tourism to the locality.
- Organizational impact:
Discrete approach to tourism development and marketing.
Lack of cooperation between businesses.
Lack of representation of tourism interests.
Lack of support from local authorities.
- Other effects:
Inadequate conditions and sources of tourist attraction.
Poor quality of facilities – techniques and services.
Does not guarantee the provision of information services.

 Exemple

3/ The goals of tourism planning.

- Economic goal: this goal is expressed through many variables such as: the growth
of national and regional GDP, the increase in per capita income, the number of
new jobs, the profits of enterprises, travel, the flexibility of travel devices.
- Environmental objectives: Protect the living environment of the population,
protect the values of the natural environment and the traditional cultural values of
the population, ensure the regeneration and improve the quality of resources,
- Social objectives: Diversify and improve the quality of tourism products, meet the
legitimate needs of tourists, attract the local community to participate in tourism
activities, contribute and protect the interests of community.
- Aid/development support objectives: provide information materials, basic strategic
orientations to support planning and promotion of tourism development from
central to local levels.
- Environmental objectives: tourism development must be a positive factor
contributing to the protection of the natural and human environment.
- Socio-cultural objectives: tourism development has a close relationship with the
preservation and promotion of national culture.

4/ The principles of tourism planning.

1. Principle of integrated efficiency: The goal of tourism development is to

bring about high socio-economic and environmental efficiency.
- Economic efficiency: saving investment capital.
- Social effect: create jobs, improve the quality of community life, raise
people’s awareness and improve tourism quality.
- Environmental efficiency must take into account the cost, cleaning
equipment protects the environment, protects biodiversity.
- Effective in terms of architecture and art: planning projects must be carefully
selected in terms of location, style, height, construction materials, and
architectural scale, taking into account the landscape, identity and cultural
space, chemical.
- Effective on national sovereignty, national defense, security, local and
national social order and safety.
2. Principles of conformity with national and local socio-economic
development strategies and planning, and sectorial development strategies.
3. Principles of protection, exploitation and development of tourism
environment resources, preservation and promotion of national cultural
4. Optimal principles in promoting the strengths of tourism development
5. Market principles
6. Priority principles
7. Perspective principles
8. Principles of expanded development
9. Principles of organizing the planning structure by area
10.Principle of multiple options
11.Principles of reserve response of the tourist territory system to unforeseen
12.Inheritance principles
13.Principles of calculating the geographical features of the tourist territory
14.Principles of publicity in the process of making and announcing the
implementation of the planning
15.Principles of ensuring feasibility

5/ Positive aspects of tourism planning

6/ Build a (small) tourism project

- Determine the project’s goals

- Analyze and evaluate resources (natural and human resources)
- Evaluate the project’s tourism development resources

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