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Demand-Led Approaches

 This is the key to success in tourism according

to demand-led approaches is akin to kotlers
marketing approaches.
 A practical way to do this is to identify what
the tourist market segments want and to
match these wants with the available tourist
attractions in the destinations.
Bureaucratic/ Government-led
 Bureautical approach- is puts the Government at the center of
planning and development.
 It is the primary and multi tasking actor government may use
various types of policy instruments to promote tourism-
advocacy ,money, actions and laws.

 2 types of bureaucratic approaches

 Central planning Approaches- is where the national level agencies

carry out all functions related to tourism planning and development.
 Developed Planning Approach- is where the local government units
assumes control of tourism planning and development for their
respective jurisdictions.
Middle path approach(Bhutan Model)

 -Where Strict controls of are imposed on the

types and volume of tourism to maximize
revenue but minimize the adverse effect of
tourism religion, culture, and environment.
 In Kingdom of bhutan tourist are required to
spend a high minimum amount of money per
day of visit which eliminates the entry of the
budget of tourist.
Environmental Approach
 Environmental approach works best when the place being considered for
tourism development is endowed with natural attractions of outstanding
beauty, remote beyond the reach of commercial electric and water services
or protected by the laws such as protected areas snd ancestral domains of
indigenous peoples.

 Carrying Capacity-is the one of the most important concepts in

environmental planning.
 -Defines as the Maximum number of people that may visit a tourist
destinations at the same time.
 Limits of acceptable Change- is another usefull concepts in tourism
 The LAC approaches attempts to delimit the conditions that are deemed
ideal for an area and sets up management strategies to achieve the
Ecotourism Approach

 It is the suitable form of tourism for places

describe above .It is defined by the DOT
(2002) as a form of sustainable tourism
within the natural and cultural heritage area
where community participation, protection
and management of natural resources .
 Ecotourism Emphasizes the environmental
and cultural dimensions of sustainability.

 Emphasize the role of stakeholders in the

tourism planning process.
 It is concerned with directing benefit and
control of resources toward the community
and other vulnerable groups.
Participatory/ Stakeholder approach

 Stakeholders refers to groups of people or

entities or individual within the place who
have interest in tourism because they will
affected by a decision to a developed or not
developed tourism.
 It is an approach in which relevant
stakeholder has a say in the deliberation and
decision making process.
Community – Based Tourism

-Tourism that is owned and/or managed by communities and intended to

deliver wider community benefit. The core Idea of CBT is allowing a
community to have a control over a tourism enterprise.

-CBT is an example of transactive planning approach which is based on

social learning theory and transactive (interpersonal) interaction.
Pro-Poor Approach

Defined as ‘Tourism that generates net benefits for the poor. In this
approach the needs of the poor are prioritized externally oriented
growth imperatives.
Fair Trade Tourism

The fair trade movement is a “a response to the failure of conventional

trade to deliver sustainable livelihoods and development opportunities to
the people in the poorest countries of the world.

Fair Trade Tourism adheres to the basic principles of fair trade which
includes paying fair wages and working conditions.fair purchasing and
operations equitable distributions of benefits and repect for human
rights,culture, and the environment.
Sustainable Tourism Approach

Defined by the world commission on environment and development

‘Development that meets the needs of the present without comprimising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable tourism was derived from the parent of paradigm of

sustainable Development ,is defined as tourism that takes full accounts of
its current and future economic and social ,environmental and host

1. Economic Viability –The long term viability competitiveness of tourism destinations and

2. 2. Local Prosperity- The maximization of economic contribution of tourism particularly the

proportion of spending retained locally

3. Employment quality- the level of pay ,working conditions and availability of work and
opportunities to all without discrimination.

4. Social Equity- the widespread and fair distribution of economic and social benefit s and
opportunities available to the poor.

5. Visitor fulfillment – the provision of safe satisfying and fulfilling experiences to visitors,available to
all without discrimination.

6. Local Control-The Engagement and empowerment of local communities as indicated by social

structures and access to resources,amenities, and life support system and the absence of social
degradation or exploitation.
7.Community well being –the enhancement of quality of life in local communities as
indicated by social structures and access to resources amenities and and life support
systems .

8.Cultural richness- the respect for enhancement of the historic heritage authentic
culture and traditions and distinctiveness of host communities.

9.Physical integrity- the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of landscape

and avoiding the physical and visual degradation of the environment.

10. Biological diversity- the support for the conversation of natural areas habitats and
wildlife and minimizing damage to them.

11.Resource Efficiency- the minimization of use of scare and non renewable resources.

12.Environmental Purity- the minimization of all forms of pollution and waste

generation by tourism enterprises and visitor.
Principles and Strategies of
Sustainable Tourism

1.Holistic- a holistic approach takes into account all impacts and relationships within the
tourism sector itself. And consider tourism may affect public policies

2 Multi stakeholder engagement- Tourism development must ensure buy-in from the
community by providing opportunity to every sector to have a voice in the decision
making process from planning to operational stage.

3. Long term perspective- Tourism must be develop with full consideration of the
resources that are required to keep projects viable long run.

4. Address both global and local impacts- These two level of impacts affect each other
5. Sustainable consumptions- must also involve modifying tourist consumption behaviors
to ensure the viability of the planet.
Developing the Approach
1. Polluter pays principle- who cause negative impacts on the environment
must shoulder the cost of mitigating or adapting to the damage caused by
their actions.

2. Precautionary principle- there should be a careful assessment of its impacts.

3. Life cycle perspective- Tourism development must consider impacts over the
entire life cycle of the tourist attraction.

4. Considering functional alternatives – Choose the option that can provide the
best return for the investment and the least damage to the environment and

5. Respects limits- Tourism resources are finite.

Ensuring ongoing progress

1. Adapt changes- Must put in place risk management strategies to handle shocks
and crises.

2. Monitor with the use of indicators- Indicators provide evidence of changes over

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