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Carrot is one of the vegetables that are loved by many people. The reason is, behind the crispness
and delicacy, there are many health benefits of carrots that you can get, from maintaining eye health
to reducing the risk of cancer.

Carrot are included in the tuber group. Generally in Indonesia we know carrots with orange color,
even though there are also carrots that are yellow, purple, white, to black.

Carrot can be processed in many ways, for example eaten raw, boiled, steamed, baked, made into
juice, to be used as a mixture of ingredients to make snacks, such as pudding. The juice of carrot
juice can also be used as a natural dye for healthier noodles and bread.

Carrot Nutrition Content

You can get the benefits of carrots from the nutritional content in them. In every 100 grams of
carrots, there are 40 calories and a variety of the following nutrients:

9.5 grams of carbohydrates

2.8–3 grams of fiber

4.8 grams of sugar

0.9 grams of protein

320 milligrams of potassium

70 milligrams sodium

30 milligrams of calcium

35 milligrams of phosphorus

20 micrograms of folate

835 micrograms of vitamin A

13 micrograms of vitamin K
In addition, carrot also contain many phytochemical compounds that are beneficial to the body, such
as beta-carotene, anthocyanins, polyphenols, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin. Carrot also contain
choline, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

Various Benefits of Carrot for Health

Thanks to its abundant nutritional content, there are various health benefits of carrot that you can
get, namely:

1.Carrot is a good for eye health the most widely know carrot . carrot is a good for our health in the
dark carrot cotain high vitamin A , Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for preveting terophthaimia . in
addition , these vegetables can also prevent the body from deficient kn vitamin A . the content of
beta carotene and lutein in carrot is antioxidant that can help prevent eye damage caused by free

2.Carrot a good source of vitamin A , lutein , antioksidants, and zeaxanthin in carrots is good for
maintaning eye health . consuming these foods regulary is said to reduce thr risk of developing eye
disease such as night blindnese , mancular degebaration, and carrots

3.Carrot can reduce the risk of cancer because carrot is a very good source of antioxidants foe thr
health of body , such as carotene , phenolic acids , vutamin A , Vitamin C , anthocyanins. The content
is able to fight the effects of excess free radicals in the body , so ut can inhibit anda prevent the
formatil of cancer cells.

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