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- Cab Sánchez Zaira Naomi (220300316)

-María Florencia Avellaneda Del Rio
Actividad: Glosario
1) Delantal -Apron
 I wear the apron to cook
 The apron is important for hygiene

2) Licuadora -Blender
 We use the blender to make sauces
 The blender is important in the kitchen

3) Abrebotellas- Bottle opener

 The bottle opener is important for opening
 It's a necessary tool in bars and restaurants
4) Cuenco-Bowl
 Bowls are used to mix inputs
 Bowls are used for everything in the kitchen
5) Cuchillo de mantequilla- Butter Knife
 The butter knife is useful for serving diners
 It is necessary to have it to serve the butter

6) Cuchillo de carnicero- Butcher Knife

 The butcher knife is used for the meat area
 They are used to cut meat
7) Colador- Strainer
 They are used to filter liquids
 It is also necessary in baking to be able to sift
8) Sacacorchos- Corkscrew
 It is used to uncork wines
9) Taza- Cup
 Used to measure quantities
 Used to serve beverages
10) Cubertería- Cutlery
 are essential for table service
 They are used to cut and eat food
11) tabla de cortar- Cutting board
 Used to cut food There are several types of

12) Freidora- Air Fryer

 A deep fryer is an appliance used in the
kitchen to fry food.

13) Escurridor de platos- Dish drainer

 A dish drainer, colander, or dish dryer is a
kitchen shelf designed to drain dishes,
glasses, cutlery, and other utensils once

14) Rebanador de huevo- Egg Slicer

 The egg cutter is a high-quality kitchen utensil,
designed to make the task of slicing eggs easier

15) Embudo- Funnel

 Its main function is to transfer liquids from one
container to another
16) Triturador de ajo- Garlic Crusher
 It is used to quickly crush and chop several
cloves at once to obtain a fresh garlic pulp in a
matter of seconds.

17) Rallador-Grater
 It is a kitchen utensil used to shred solid foods by
scrubbing, such as fruits, vegetables, stale bread,
cheese, etc

18) Frasco- Jar

 It is a kitchen utensil used to store dry supplies

19) Jarra- Pitcher

 jugs are used to measure supplies
 jugs are used to serve drinks
20) Exprimidor- Juicer

 to be able to extract the juice from the citrus

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