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Cardiovascular System 101

A. Heart Size and Location

a. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ about the size of ___________________________

b. It is located in the ___________________________, which is the area in the center of

the chest, under the sternum

c. The heart acts as a _________________________________________, moving

deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood to the body

B. Layers of the Heart

a. The _______________________ is the _________________________ that surrounds

the heart.

b. The _______________________________ is the thin, protective outer layer of the

heart, composed of _________________________________.

c. The _______________________ is the thick, middle, ___________________________


i. The myocardium performs the powerful pumping action

(_____________________) of the heart

d. The _____________________________ is the thin, smooth inner lining

C. Chambers of the Heart

a. The heart is divided into _________________________________

i. right atrium
ii. left atrium
iii. right ventricle
iv. left ventricle

b. The _________________ (plural) are

the small top chambers of the heart.

c. An

__________________(singular) is one of the top chambers of the heart.

d. There is a right atrium and a left atrium.

i. The _________________________receives _____________________ blood

from the superior and inferior vena cava.

ii. The _______________________ receives ______________________ blood from

the lungs via the pulmonary veins.

e. The ___________________________ are the large lower chambers of the heart.

f. There is a right ventricle and a left ventricle.

i. The ___________________________________ receives blood from the

__________________________ via the __________________________.

ii. The _____________________________ receives blood from the

_______________________ via the ___________________________________.

iii. The ___________________________ is the largest, strongest chamber and is

considered the “___________________________” of the heart.

D. Valves
a. The heart contains _____________________________ which keeps the blood flowing in


b. __________________________________________: The pulmonary semilunar valve is

between the _______________________ and the pulmonary artery.

c. The ___________________________________ is between the left ventricle and the

d. ___________________________________valves are between an atrium and a ventricle.

i. The ______________________________ is between the right atrium and the

right ventricle.

ii. The ______________________________ is between the left atrium and the left

E. Types of Blood Vessels

a. __________________________ are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart.

b. __________________________are small veins.

c. __________________________ are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

d. __________________________ are small arteries

e. __________________________ are the

________________________blood vessels.

i. Capillaries connect __________________________,

and they are the exchange
site for oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and
other substances that travel
through the blood.

F. Major Blood Vessels

a. The ____________________________________ is one of the largest _____________ in

the body.
i. It carries __________________________________ from the upper half of the
body to the right atrium of the heart.

b. The ______________________________ is also one of the largest veins in the body.

i. It carries ____________________________________ from the lower half of the
body toward the right atrium of the heart.

c. _____________________________ is a medical term that refers to the _____________.

d. The ______________________________________ are arteries that carry deoxygenated

blood __________________ from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.

e. There are right and left pulmonary arteries.

f. The _________________________________ are veins that carry newly

______________________ blood from the lungs toward the left atrium of the heart.

g. The ______________________ is the __________________________ in the body.

h. The aorta carries oxygenated blood coming from the left ventricle of the heart to the

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