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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 9


1. Discuss how sex in humans is determined and inherited.

2. Determine the probability of having male or female gender.

3. Draw a Punnett square to explain how sex genes are inherited.

4. Solve problems related to sex-linked traits.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Math - Probability: Students will calculate the probability of having a male or

female gender based on the Punnett square.

2) English - Writing: Students will write a persuasive essay discussing the ethical
implications of sex-linked trait selection.

3) Social Studies - Gender Roles: Students will research and present on the
historical and cultural influences on gender roles.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a story about a famous scientist who made significant

discoveries related to genetics, such as Gregor Mendel.

Anecdote 2: Share a personal experience or observation about the differences

between males and females in terms of physical characteristics.

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Index cards, markers

1) Idea - Divide the class into pairs and give each pair an index card. Ask them to
write down as many physical characteristics that distinguish males from females as
they can think of in 5 minutes. Then, have them share their answers with another
pair and compare their lists.

2) Idea - Show a short video clip or image slideshow depicting various examples of
sex-linked traits, such as color blindness or hemophilia. Afterward, lead a class
discussion asking students to share their observations and thoughts on these traits.


Activity 1: Punnett Square Practice

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Punnett square worksheets, colored pencils

Significance: This activity will help students understand how sex genes are
inherited how they determine the probability of having male or female gender.


1) Distribute Punnett square worksheets to each student.

2) Explain the concept of dominant and recessive genes and how they relate to sex

3) Instruct students to complete the Punnett squares to determine the probability of

offspring having certain gender traits.

- Correctly completed Punnett square: 5 pts

-urate interpretation of results: 5 pts

Ass Questions:

1) What is the purpose of a Punnett square2) How does the presence of the Y
chromosome determine the sex of an individual?

3 If a couple has a son with color blindness, what can you infer about the parents'

Activity 2: Sex-Linked Problem Solving

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Problem-solving worksheets, calculators

Significance: This activity will allow students to apply their knowledge of sex-linked
traits to solve real-world problems.


1) Distribute problem-solving worksheets to each student.

2) Present a scenario involving sex-linked traits and ask students to solve the
problem using Punnett squares and probability calculations.

3) Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss their solutions and


- Correct solution and accurate calculations: 5 pts

- Clear explanation of the problem-solving process: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is a sex-linked trait?

2) Explain how sex-linked traits are inherited.

3) If a carrier mother and a normal father have a daughter, what is the probability
that she will be a carrier?


Teaching Strategy: Lecture

In this section, the teacher will provide a detailed explanation of how sex in humans
is determined and inherited. They will use visual aids, diagrams, and examples to
help students understand the concepts.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Research and Presentation

Students will research a specific sex-linked trait and its impact on individuals and
society. They will create a presentation that includes information on the genetic
basis, symptoms, prevalence, and ethical considerations related to the trait.

Task 2: Role-Playing

Students will participate in a role-playing activity where they act as genetic

counselors. They will analyze a family's genetic history and use Punnett squares to
determine the probability of passing on certain traits. They will then provide
recommendations and advice to the family based on their findings.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Assessment papers

Question 1: Explain the process of sex determination in humans.

Question 2: Calculate the probability of having a male or female gender based on a

given genetic cross.

Question 3: Solve a problem involving a sex-linked trait using Punnett squares and
probability calculations.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Instructional Materials: Research articles, case studies

Students will apply their knowledge of sex determination and inheritance to analyze
real-life case studies or research articles related to human genetics. They will identify
and discuss the implications, ethical considerations, and potential solutions or


Assignment 1: Essay Writing

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Students will write an essay discussing the role
of genetics in determining gender and the potential impact of sex-linked traits on
individuals and society. The essay should include scientific explanations, examples,
and personal reflections.

Assessment Question: "Discuss the influence of genetics on gender determination

and the consequences of sex-linked traits. Provide examples and discuss the ethical
implications of genetic interventions."

Assignment 2: Virtual Field Trip

Guiding Overview for the Teacher: Students will explore online resources, virtual
labs, or interactive simulations related to sex determination and inheritance. They will
complete a reflection activity where they summarize their findings, highlight key
concepts, and discuss any new insights or questions that arose during the virtual
field trip.

Assessment Question: "Describe your virtual field trip experience and discuss the
key concepts and insights you gained regarding sex determination and inheritance.
What questions or areas of further exploration do you have?"

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