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Subject: HEALTH

Grade Level: Grade 5



Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Study the human reproductive system and how it can be affected by
sexually transmitted diseases.

2) Language Arts - Read and analyze a health-related article or story that discusses
the importance of safe sex practices.

3) Social Studies - Explore the history of sexually transmitted diseases and how they
have impacted different societies throughout time.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markersAnecdote 1

Anecdote 2: Discuss a real-life scenario where a person made responsible choices

to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Role-play scenarios, props

1) Idea: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different sexually
transmitted disease. Have them create short skits that demonstrate the symptoms
and consequences of the disease.

2) Idea: Conduct a class debate on the topic of safe sex practices. Divide the class
into teams and have them argue for or against the use of protection.


Activity 1: Creating a Brochure

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Art supplies, computer, printer

Significance: Students will create a brochure that educates others about different
forms of sexually transmitted diseases and how to prevent them.


1) In groups, research and gather information about different sexually transmitted


2) Design a brochure that includes information about symptoms, transmission, and

prevention methods for each disease.

3) Present the brochures to the class.


- Information Accuracy and Completeness: 5 pts

- Creativity and Visual Appeal: 5 pts

- Presentation Skills: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are three common symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases?

2) How can sexually transmitted diseases be transmitted from one person to


3) Explain two methods that can be used to prevent the spread of sexually
transmitted diseases.

Activity 2: Case Studies

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Case study scenarios, pen and paper

Significance: Students will analyze different case studies related to sexually

transmitted diseases and discuss possible solutions.


1) Individually or in small groups, read and analyze the provided case study

2) Identify the sexually transmitted disease involved and describe the symptoms.

3) Discuss possible preventive measures and treatment options for each case.


- Analysis and Understanding of the Case: 5 pts

- Identification of Symptoms and Disease: 5 pts

- Proposed Preventive Measures and Treatment Options: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe a case study scenario where a person contracted a sexually transmitted

disease due to unprotected sexual activity.

2) What are three preventive measures that could have been taken to avoid the
transmission of sexually transmitted diseases in the case study scenarios?

3) Explain the importance of early detection and treatment of sexually transmitted



Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

During the lecture, the teacher will explain the different forms of sexually transmitted
diseases, their symptoms, modes of transmission, and prevention methods. The
students will actively participate by asking questions and sharing their thoughts.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Conducting a Survey

Materials: Survey forms, pen and paper

Students will create a survey about sexually transmitted diseases and administer it to
their classmates or family members. They will analyze the data and present their
findings to the class.

Task 2: Designing a Public Service Announcement

Materials: Art supplies, computer, projector

Students will work individually or in groups to create a visually appealing and

informative public service announcement about sexually transmitted diseases. They
will present their PSAs to the class.

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment questions, pen and paper

Question 1: Explain the difference between bacterial and viral sexually transmitted

Question 2: List three ways to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted


Question 3: Describe the long-term effects of untreated sexually transmitted



Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Project guidelines, research materials

Students will choose a specific sexually transmitted disease and conduct an in-depth
research project. They will present their findings to the class and propose preventive
measures and treatment options for the chosen disease.


1) Assignment Overview: Write a reflective essay discussing the importance of safe

sex practices in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. (Direct

2) Assignment Overview: Create a poster that promotes safe sex practices and
educates others about sexually transmitted diseases. (Visual Aids)

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