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Angelica and her family decided to dine out one night and choose
to settle in mall due to convenience purposes. Due to limited
selection because of health issues her family, their choices were
narrowed down into two restaurants, namely YAKIMIX and LAMESA
Restaurant which are Filipino food restaurants.
There were some decisions to be made because it was already late
and everyone was hungry. They got to YAKIMIX first, but they were
caught in long line of customers. Since there was a long line in
the waiting list they decided to go to LAMESA Restaurant which was
eat all you can buffet restaurant. It seems that it was a good
choice for the whole family because there was a great selection of
food items and there were no lines. Since LAMESA restaurant is
also a well-known for its food and has been serving Filipino dishes
for almost 30 years the family expected so much Upon entering the
establishment around 7 pm the family saw that there were still a
lot of people eating. Since there was quiet a crowd the family
expected to see a lot of food, but to their dismay there were only
a few food left and yet the restaurant is still allowing new
customer to come in. The family waited for the crew to replenish
a food but when Angelica asked the crew to replenish the food he
just plainly said that there was no food. Angelica and her family
adjusted and simply stayed since they were already in the
restaurant. After this instance a lot of disappointed were
cluttered such as glasses of water which should be given at the
start of the service, were to provide despite her family’s several
request, the bathroom with no soap and dysfunctional air dryer and
melted ice in the halo-halo station. The family was very displeased
on the type of service that they had and they decided not to go
back in the said restaurant again.
Questions together with my answers:
1. Who defines the quality the restaurant or the customer?
➢ The quality of a restaurant is determined by its customers.
The impression and experience of the consumer affects whether
the restaurant meets their expectations and provides
excellent service and food.
2. What could the family have done to avoid the circumstances
such as this.?
➢ The family could have done some preliminary investigation by
reading reviews or soliciting advice from individuals who had
dined at the restaurant. This would have given them an
indication of the restaurant’s reputation, as well as whether
it corresponded to their preferences and expectations. They
may also have contacted ahead to check on food availability
and the present crowd situation.
3. What could the restaurant have done to better their services?
➢ The restaurant should have been more proactive in managing
their resources and ensuring that they have adequate food to
cater to the quantity of clients they allow in. They may have
put in place a system to check food levels and replenish them
as needed. Furthermore, they could have prioritized client
demands like as supplying glasses of water and keeping
cleanliness in the restroom and other parts of the restaurant.
4. If you were in the same situation how would you respond to
such situation?
➢ If I were in the same circumstance, I would first assess the
situation and decide whether it is worthwhile to stay or if
it is preferable to seek out another dining alternative. If
I wanted to stay, I would gently voice my unhappiness and
recommend areas for improvement to the restaurant staff. I
might also think about writing a review or providing feedback
online to share my experience with others.

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