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Dear reader

I thank you for considering my request to attend the spring semester of spring semester 2022 at JAMK
University in Finland.

My name is Sumea Arifi, I am in second year Nursing Student of Heimerer College, Kosovo in Prishtina. I
am writing this motivation letter for student exchange programme in JAMK University in Finland
provided by ERASMUS+. I want to participate in an internacional exchange for various reasons. I am sure
it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my future career. Moreover, I consider this
programme as a great opportunity to get in touch with the Finnish culture and educational system.
Being a nursing student, I am very cursious about different approaches to this subject at the foreign

I have chosen to apply for JAMK University, because i really like its module system of study and its a part
of my Bachelor programme. I specially appreciate the freedom in making the study plan and the wide
range of offered modules.

Studying Nursing, I came to understand how life works and how much, we humans have an impact on
others lifes. Being a nurse is not just interviewing patients and treating them but being there for them in
their worst and best moments, when they feel they are alone in this world. Being there holding their
hand, asking about their day is something that everyone needs particulary patients. All that we need is
understanding and having empathy for eachothers. However, the ambitions wivh i have just exposed to
you would not be realized without a solid knowledge and a strong experience.

I would like to use my stay in Jyväskylä for further developing my skills. The possibilities that JAMK
University gives me, further expand those at my home unifersity and the courses this university
combines match perfectly my academic expectations.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,

Sumea Arifi

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