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Name : Kristina grace tivia timbu gare

Cllass : XII MIA1


Lanslide or often called ground movement is ageological

event that occurs due to the movementof rock or soil masses of
various types types such as the fall of rocks or large lumps of soil.
In general , landslide are caused by two factors , namely driving
factors and triggreng factor. Push factors are factors that affect the
condition of the material itself while trigger factors are factors that
cause the material to move .

( order of cause and effect ) Although the primary cause of

this eventh is gravity acting on a steep slope, other factors are also
at play , incaluding erosion, slopes of rock and soil weakened
through saturation caused by heavy rains, and volacanoes creating
large deposits of dust . deserted , heavy rain and stream of dust.
Therefore the consequences caused by rain and volcanoes will be
very extrsordinary if there is a landslide wich endanger the comunity
because the government must be ready to help the community.

There are many things that can be done to prevent landslides , such
as not making ponds or rice fields on stop of slopes , not building
houses under cliffs , not cutting trees around slopes, not cutting cliffs
perpendicularly , and not building buildings around rive

Nama : Theresia afila sina

Cllass : XII MIA 1


Tsunami or etymologically means “ big waves in the

harbour”,are large waves of water caused by disturbances on the
seabed , such as earthquakes. This disturbance forms waves that
spread in all directions with 600-900 km/hour. Initially the waves
have a small amplitude ( generally 30-60 cm) so that they are not
felt on the open sea, but increase in amplitude as they approach the

( Order of cause and Efect) on reaching the coast, tsunamis

sometimes strike land in the form of a giant wall of water
( especially in large tsunamis), but a more common forms is a
sudden rise in the water level. The rise in the water level. The rise
in te water level. The rise in the water level can reach 15-30 meters
, cause flooding with currents of up to 90 km/h ,extending several
kilometers from the coasth , and causing extensive damage and
loss of life .

The most common cause of tsunamis is undawarter

earthqukes ,especially thoses that occur in the subduction zone
with a magnitude of 7.0 or more on the momenth magnitude
scale . other causes are landslides, volacanic eruptions,and the fall
of large objects such as meteors into the water.

Name :Maria Serlinda Dhaji

Cllass :XII MIA 1


Metamorphosis is a process of a caterpillar to become a new

animal (perfect stage),in this case is a butterfly.The process
happens quite simple but takes quite long time.First,starting from
an egg laid by a butterfly on a leaf (usually leaf of orange tree or
other tree),this leaf is aimed to be the food for de caterpillars until
it reaches adulthood when the time comes to become
pupa/cocoon and in some the day it will become a new butterfly.

The egg that laid by a butterfly will hatch in 3-5 days.Then it

becomes larva.The larva will walk to the edge of the leaf of host
plant and start eating it.Most of the larva eat ist empty egg shell as
a first food.The outer skin of the larva does not stretch following
its growth,but it become very tight when larva will change its
skin.Larva change its skin (molting) for about 4-6 times during its

When the larva reach the maximum growth,larva willstop

eating,walking to seek the nearest shelter,clinging themselves to a
branch or a leaf with woven yarn.The larva have entered the phase
of pre-pupa and for last time releasing the skin to form a pupa
(cocoon). Pupa usually hard,smooth and in a form of a structure
without any limb.Commonly pupa is green,brown or the color
according to the surroundings ( camouflage).

The forming of a butterfly in the pupa usually takes 7-20 days

depending on the species.

Once it is out of the pupa,the butterfly will crawl to the top

so that the wings that still week,crumpled and slightly wet wet can
hang down and inflate normally.Immediately after the wings are
dry,inflate and strong,the wings will open and close several times
and the butterfly will attempt to fly.

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