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LEVEL 2 LESSON 25 (Review)


快/快要 + verb/verb phrase : about to happen

快 + adj : almost + adj

快要下雨了,你回家吧 (kuàiyào xiàyǔ le, nǐ huíjiā ba) = It is about to rain, you should go home.

奶奶的病快好了,我们很开心 (nǎinai de bìng kuài hǎo le, wǒmen hěn kāixīn) = Grandma's sickness is
almost better, we are very happy.


一样 ,不一样/ 我也一样

一样的工作,不一样的态度 (yíyàng de gōngzuò, bù yíyàng de tàidu) = Same work, different attitude

你不喜欢和陌生人说话吗?我也一样 (nǐ bù xǐhuān hé mòshēngrén shuōhuà ma? wǒ yě yíyàng) = You

don't like talking to strangers? Me too.

a + 和/跟.b...一样

一样 + adj /adv/v

我今天的心情和昨天不一样 (wǒ jīntiān de xīnqíng hé zuótiān bù yíyàng) = How I feel today is different
than yesterday.

今天我的心情和昨天一样愉快 (jīntiān wǒ de xīnqíng hé zuótiān yíyàng yúkuài)= Today my feelings are

as happy as yesterday.


还是 and 或者

你庆祝圣诞节还是中国新年? (nǐ qìngzhù shèngdànjié háishì zhōngguó xīnnián) = Do you celebrate

Chrismas or Chinese New Year?

我们打电话或者 Skype 联系. (wǒmen dǎdiànhuà huòzhě Skype liánxì) = We contact each other by phone
or Skype


从他们认识到结婚,一共八年 (cóng tāmen rènshì dào jiéhūn, yígòng bānián) = It takes 8 years from
meeting each other to getting married for them.

从北方搬家到南方,弟弟有点不适应天气和饮食 (cóng běifāng bānjiā dào nánfāng, dìdi yǒudiǎn bù

shìyìng tiānqì hé yǐnshí) = Moving from north to the south younger brother is not used to weather and food

对话 A: 快要春节了,你打算和朋友一起还是自己庆祝?

(kuàiyào chūnjié le, nǐ dǎsuàn hé péngyǒu yìqǐ háishì zìjǐ qìngzhù)

It's almost Spring Festival, you planning to celebrate with friends or by yourself?


(wǒ hé péngyǒu yìqǐ jùcān, hěn jiǎndān)

My friend and I will have a meal together, very simple.


(zài zhōngguó dàjiā zěnme qìngzhù chūnjié)

In China how do people celebrate Spring Festival?


(wǒ xiǎo de shíhòu zǒngshì qīngqi péngyǒu zài yìqǐ chīfàn, yóuxì háiyǒu biānpào)

When I was a kid often we ate with relative and friend, played game, also set firecracker


(xiànzài chūnjié hé nǐ xiǎo de shíhòu chūnjié yíyàng rènao ma)

Is Spring Festival as festive now as it was when you were a kid?

B: 不大一样了。现在人们喜欢春节时旅游,或者在家休息

(búdà yíyàngle, xiànzài rémen xǐhuān chūnjié shí lǚyóu, huòzhě zài jiā xiūxī)

Not so much. Now people like to travel during Spring Festival, or rest at home

A: 你从中国来美国一样庆祝春节吗?

(nǐ cóng zhōngguó lái měiguó yíyàng qìngzhù chūnjié ma)

Are you celebrating Spring Festival the same way coming from China to the US?
B: 是啊,从二零零七年到现在,每年庆祝,但是很简单。

(shì ā, cóng èrlínglíngqī nián dào xiànzài, měinián qìngzhù, dànshì hěn jiǎndān)

Yes, from 2007 to now, I celebrate every year, but very simply.

A: 春节有什么特别的食物吗?

(chūnjíe yǒu shénme tèbié de shíwù ma)

In Spring Festival you have what special food?

B: 中国从南到北不一样,我们家吃饺子或者年糕。

(zhōngguó cóng nán dào běi bù yíyàng, wǒmen jiā chī jǎozi huòzhě niángāo)

In China from south to north it is different, our family eats dumplings or rice cake

A: 有什么特别的意思吗?

(yǒu shénme tèbié de yìsi ma)

Is there a special meaning?

B: 饺子是团圆,年糕是一年比一年更好。

(jiǎozi shì tuányuán, niángāo shì yīnián bǐ yīnián gèng hǎo)

Dumpling means to reunite and rice cake means getting better year after year.

A: 真有意思,你会做饺子还是年糕?

(zhēn yǒu yìsi, nǐ huì zuò jiǎozi háishì niángāo)

Very interesting, can you make dumpling or rice cake?

B: 哈哈,明天晚上来我家吃饭吧。

(hāhā, míngtiān wǎnshàng lái wǒ jiā chīfàn ba)

Haha, tomorrow night come to my home eat.


态度 (tàidu) = attitude
心情 (xīnqíng) = feeling
愉快 (yúkuài) = happy
一共 (yìgòng) = all together
联系 (liánxì) = to contact
春节 (chūjié) = Spring Festival; Chinese New Year
简单 (jiǎndān) = Simple
庆祝 (qìngzhù) = celebrate
食物 (shíwù) = food
特别 (tèbié) = special
团圆 (tuányuán) = to have a reunion
年糕 (niángāo) = rice cake
饺子 (jiǎozi) = dumpling
陌生人 (mòshēngrén) = stranger
适应 (shìyìng) = to adapt; get used to

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