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Marketing Vocabulary

1. unique selling point (n.) A factor that differentiates a product from its competitors.
(e.g. lowest cost, highest quality or the first of its kind)

2. target market (n.) A particular group of consumers at which a product or service

is aimed.

3. data points (n.) An identifiable element or reference in a group of facts, numbers

or statistics.

TV commercial

Positive effect

Big data:大数据

Portable and cheap

Produce V.

Big market

Develop the US market,it has a lot of potentials。

Spend more time on 【marketing research】something\Need more time to do


By doing that,we can get insights about the consumers' preference。


4. trend (n.) A general direction in which something is developing or changing

5. compile (v.) To produce something (especially a list, report, or book) by

assembling information collected from other sources

6. action item (n.) A documented event, task, activity, or action that needs to take
place usually in a discussion group or meeting
7. innovative (adj.) Featuring new methods, advanced and original

8. buy-in (v.), (n.) (v.) to agree with; to accept an idea as worthwhile.(n.) something
you agree with or is worthwhile ora situation in which a person or group buys enough
shares in a company to get control of it

9. added benefit (n.) Something that makes a product more appealing to customers

10. throw ideas into the mix (idiom) To add input to something that is already part
of an ongoing topic, discussion or situation

11. free-for-all (n.) A disorganized or unrestricted situation or event in which

everyone may take part, especially a fight, discussion, or trading market

12. to think outside the box (v.) A metaphor meaning to think differently,
unconventionally, or from a new perspective

13. counteract (v.) To act against (something) in order to reduce its force or
neutralize it

14. standout product (n.) A product that is superior to others

15. wrap it up (v.) To bring to a conclusion or summarize

16. hybrid (n.) A thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture

17. do the heavy lifting (v.) To do the most difficult work

18. touch upon (v.) To deal briefly with (a subject) in written or spoken discussion

19. ground rules (n.) Basic rules about what should be done in a particular situation
or event

20. follow up (v.) To take further action on an issue or situation that has previously
been discussed

21. hitting your head against a wall (idiom) To waste one's time in a hopeless cause
or action

22. let an idea rest on a shelf (idiom) To put an idea away or aside for a while
hoping to revisit it later

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