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Taller de comprensión de lectura


N° Ficha:

Presentado a:

Centro de Gestión Agroempresarial del Oriente

Tecnólogo en Gestión de Mercados
Read carefully the text "Supply and Demand", found in the learning object of Project Activity 4,
and answer:

1. Match the word with the corresponding meaning:

A. Supply
B. Demand
C. High price
D. Mass market
E. Life cycle
(C) Costly
(B) Desire to buy any product
(D All persons
(E) The useful life of goods and services
(A) Willingness to offer products
2. According to the text, mention the things that people take into account to determine

 The price.
 Number of potential customers.

3. Type F for false or T for true

A. The cost of production depends on the technology
V (x)
B. The higher the expectations, the lower the offer of the companies.
V (X)
C. One of the four P's of the marketing mix is the package
V (x)
D. Price is the amount a customer pays for the product.
V (x)
E. Planning is transforming and developing marketing objectives into marketing strategies.
V (x)
4. Answer the following questions
A. What is Benchmarking?
it is the procthat of collecting information in terms of the reference with the work
products of the competition, to buy them with those of my own company.
B. What is the Benchmarking process?

 Planning.
 Collection of information.
 Analysis.
 Action Plan
 Follow-up of the plan.
C. Number the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking:
Price, advertising and financial status.
5. Write down the vocabulary (20 words) of the reading and make a Glossary: Organize
the words in alphabetical order and write the meaning of each word.
1. Arduous: That it is very difficult or requires a lot of effort.
2. Appearance. A set of characteristics or circumstances with which a person or a
thing appears or is presented to the eye or understanding.
3. Increase. Get more .
4. Annual. What happens, is done or repeated every year.
5. Life cycle: The human life cycle refers to the process of growth and development
that people go through from birth to death.
6. Elected. Take one or more things among others.
7. Competence. Dispute between people, animals or things that aspire to the same
goal or superiority in something.
8. Calendar. System of division of time by days, weeks, months and years, mainly
based on astronomical criteria or according to the development of some activity.
9. Customer. A person who uses the services of a professional or a company,
especially the one who does so regularly.
10. Happy. That he feels joy.
11. Devices. A part or assembly of parts or elements prepared to perform a particular
function and which are usually part of a more complex assembly.
12. Packaging:it is everything necessary in the process of conditioning the products to
protect them, and / or group them temporarily thinking about their handling,
transport and storage. Protection of the products: during the transport and
storage of the package.
13. Scenario. Place where an action or event takesplace.
14. Freshen. Make a thing fresh or fresher.
15. High price. it is a price that is above its break-even point.
16. Increase. Make something greater in quantity, size, intensity, importance, etc.
17. Jewelry. Object of adornment or use, made of some noble metal and sometimes
decorated with pearls or precious stones.
18. Market. Theoretical place where the supply and demand of products and services
are found and prices are determined.
19. Supermarkets. Establishment where food and other products are sold that is
served by the same client paying the amount at departure.
20. Objective. an end that you want to achieve and to which an action is directed.

6. Write a ten-line text that summarizes the topic of the activity.

We talk about supply and demand, which supply is the amount of good or service that the
seller puts on sale and demand is the amount of a good that people want to acquire, these
vary according to the price if the price increases the demand decreases and the supply
The marketing mix are variables available to the marketing manager to meet the proposed
objectives, it must be done with a marketing plan to achieve customer service.
In conclusion, both supply and demand are marketing variables used to provide
information about the economic conditions of the customer and the company.

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