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English Workshop

Apprentice: Luisa Soto

English workshop

Lea con atención el texto “Supply and Demand”, que se encuentra en el objeto de
de la Actividad de Proyecto 4, y conteste:

1. Match the Word with the corresponding meaning:

a. Supply
b. Demand
c. High price
d. Mass market
e. Life cycle
C Expensive
B Desire to buy any product
D All people
E The lifetime of goods and services
A Disposition to offer products
2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to determine the

In my opinion it is the price, size of the product, its packaging, the life cycle of the product

English workshop

3. Write F for false or T for true

a. Production cost depends on Technology
V (X)
b. As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from the companies.
F (X)
c. One of the four Ps of marketing mix is Package
F (X)
d. Price is the amount a customer pays for the product
V (X)
e. Planning is to transform and develop marketing objectives to marketing strategies
V (X)

English workshop

4. Answer the following questions

A. What is Benchmarking?
It is the process of comparing your own performance with that of the competition, looking
for weaknesses and improvements to be made, in order to take advantage of this analysis and
modify what is necessary, achieving an improvement in the product.
B. What is the process of Benchmarking?
seeks to know the environment, the history of companies similar to ours, that is, the
competition, in order to know the level of performance we have.
C. Number the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking:
have the necessary and truthful information
It is not guessing, it is analyzing the information acquired with respect to competitiveness,
income, quality, etc., with this we seek to discover our own shortcomings.

English workshop

5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the Reading, and make a Glossary: Organize
the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of each Word.
1. Analysis: detailed examination to know the characteristics or qualities of the analysis
2. App: computer software designed to perform a group of functions
3. Calendar: Time division system by days, weeks, months and years
4. Competence: Ability to develop something
5. Business: Profit or benefit obtained in a commercial activity
6. Demand: request for something
7. Distribution: They are carried out from when the product has been prepared by the
manufacturer until it has been purchased.
8. Device: also known as pocket computer or handheld
9. Evaluative Comparison: is the process of comparing your performance with that of the
10. Objective: That is based on facts and logic.
11. Offer: Action of offering a product for sale
12. Lifecycle: It is the evolution of the sales of an item during the time it remains on the
13. Marketing: Set of techniques and studies that aim to improve the commercialization of
a product.
14. Strategy: Strategy is a general plan to achieve one or more general objectives
15. Platform: system that serves as the basis for operating certain hardware modules
16. Price: Amount of money that allows the acquisition or use of a good or service.
17. Product: Thing produced naturally or artificially, or the result of a job or operation.
18. Promotion: Advertising campaign that is made of a certain product or service
19. Sales: Delivering a service for a cost
20. Segment: Piece or cut or separated part of a thing.

English workshop

6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity.
Competitive evaluation allows companies to know their shortcomings through analysis and
comparison with companies similar to them, so they can modify their weaknesses and
become stronger, in addition to strengthening the perception of the product before the
customer and becoming more palatable. increase demand for it.
it all starts knowing the competition from its history to the values they handle, such as sales
level, human talent, quality, and other efforts, having this exact and reliable information
allows an exact analysis of the company itself, it is not a matter of guessing but to carry out
a serious investigation, which allows the analysis and comparison to be effective, in order to
discover the gaps in the market of the company itself.
In conclusion knowing the competition we give ourselves the opportunity to know ourselves.

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