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English Part 2 comprehensive view

Comprehensive views in English composition refer to a well-rounded and

thorough approach to presenting your ideas and arguments. It involves
considering multiple perspectives, addressing counterarguments, and
providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.
Here are a few tips for incorporating comprehensive views into your English
1. Research: Conduct thorough research on your topic to gain a
comprehensive understanding of different viewpoints, arguments, and
evidence. Explore various sources, such as books, scholarly articles,
reputable websites, and interviews, to gather a wide range of
2. Consider Multiple Perspectives: When presenting your ideas, make an
effort to consider different viewpoints and perspectives on the topic.
Acknowledge and address counterarguments, and provide evidence or
reasoning to support your own stance. This demonstrates that you have
considered all sides of the issue and strengthens your argument.
3. Use Evidence: Support your claims and arguments with relevant
evidence. This could include data, statistics, research findings, expert
opinions, or real-life examples. By incorporating credible evidence, you
provide a comprehensive and well-supported view of the topic.

By incorporating comprehensive views into your English composition, you

enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of your writing. It shows that you
have thoroughly researched and considered various perspectives,
strengthening your argument and providing a more comprehensive
understanding of the topic for your readers.

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